Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

Supporting Texts:

John 9:39-41
Acts 26:18
Ephesians 1:17-18
Matthew 15:14
Revelation 3:17-18
Isaiah 42:7

Spiritual blindness is a condition where an individual cannot perceive spiritual truths or the reality of God’s kingdom, even though these truths are presented clearly. It affects both unbelievers and sometimes believers when they are not fully aligned with God’s will or revelation. The Bible makes it clear that the enemy of our souls seeks to blind our hearts and minds, preventing us from seeing the truth of the gospel and experiencing the fullness of life in Christ. In this Bible study, we will explore the nature of spiritual blindness, its causes, and how we can overcome it by the light of God’s truth.


Spiritual blindness is the inability to discern or understand spiritual matters, even when presented with truth. It involves being in darkness concerning the things of God and His will.

a) It is caused by the god of this world: Satan, the god of this world, blinds the minds of unbelievers, keeping them from understanding the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4).

b) It is a lack of spiritual insight: Without the illumination of the Holy Spirit, people are unable to perceive God’s revelation (Ephesians 1:18).

c) It affects both the unbeliever and the backslidden believer: In Revelation 3:17, the Laodicean church was spiritually blind, thinking they were rich but not realising their true spiritual poverty.

d) It results in stumbling in darkness: Jesus referred to the Pharisees as blind guides leading others into spiritual darkness (Matthew 15:14).

e) It keeps people from experiencing the fullness of God's promises: Those who are spiritually blind cannot fully walk in the blessings, victory, and revelation that God has for them.

Biblical Example:
The Pharisees in John 9:39-41 believed they were spiritually enlightened, yet they could not recognise Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus said they were spiritually blind because they refused to acknowledge their need for true spiritual sight. This is a stark example of how religious pride and self-reliance can result in spiritual blindness.


Several factors contribute to spiritual blindness, preventing individuals from seeing the truth of God’s Word and will for their lives.

a) Satan’s deception: The enemy uses lies, false teachings, and distractions to blind people’s minds (2 Corinthians 4:4).

b) Sin and worldliness: Living in sin and being attached to worldly desires darkens one’s spiritual understanding (1 John 2:15-16).

c) Unbelief: A hardened heart of unbelief prevents people from receiving God’s truth (Mark 6:5-6).

d) Pride and self-reliance: Like the Pharisees, spiritual pride blinds people from seeing their need for God’s grace (John 9:41).

e) Spiritual apathy: A lack of interest or passion for the things of God can cause spiritual dullness and blindness (Revelation 3:17).

Biblical Example:
The people of Israel in Isaiah 6:9-10 were spiritually blind because they repeatedly rejected God’s messages through the prophets. Their stubbornness and refusal to turn to God resulted in their eyes being closed and their ears being dull to the truth. This shows how persistent unbelief and disobedience can lead to spiritual blindness.


Spiritual blindness has severe implications for individuals, as it keeps them from fully experiencing God’s truth and living a life aligned with His will.

a) It leads to spiritual ignorance: Those who are spiritually blind lack knowledge of God’s ways and His plans for their lives (Hosea 4:6).

b) It causes spiritual stumbling: Without the light of God’s Word, people stumble in the darkness of sin and error (Isaiah 59:10).

c) It results in separation from God: Spiritual blindness keeps individuals from fully encountering the presence of God and walking in close relationship with Him (2 Corinthians 4:4).

d) It keeps people from salvation: Unbelievers who remain spiritually blind are unable to receive the saving message of the gospel (Acts 26:18).

e) It hinders spiritual growth: Even believers who are spiritually blind miss out on the deeper things of God and remain stagnant in their faith (Hebrews 5:12-14).

Biblical Example:
Samson in Judges 16:20-21 is a prime example of someone who became spiritually blind before becoming physically blind. Though chosen by God, Samson gradually lost sight of his calling due to his disobedience and entanglement in sin. As a result, he lost his strength and was captured by the Philistines, illustrating how spiritual blindness can lead to devastating consequences.


Thankfully, spiritual blindness is not permanent. God has provided a way for us to overcome it and walk in His light.

a) Pray for spiritual enlightenment: Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers, asking God to open the eyes of their hearts (Ephesians 1:17-18). We too must ask for God’s Spirit to give us spiritual insight.

b) Repent from sin and turn to God: Sin blinds us spiritually, but through repentance, we can receive the cleansing and clarity that comes from God (Acts 3:19).

c) Embrace the light of the gospel: Jesus is the light of the world, and embracing His message opens our eyes to spiritual truth (John 8:12).

d) Walk in humility: Recognising our need for God and avoiding spiritual pride keeps us open to His correction and guidance (James 4:6).

e) Study and meditate on God’s Word: The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, it brings clarity and light to our spiritual understanding.

Biblical Example:
In Acts 9, Saul (later known as Paul) experienced literal and spiritual blindness on the road to Damascus. After encountering Jesus, scales fell from his eyes, and he could see both physically and spiritually. Paul’s story teaches us that encountering Jesus is the key to overcoming spiritual blindness and receiving a new perspective on God’s will for our lives.


Once we have overcome spiritual blindness, we must be intentional about walking in the light and maintaining our spiritual sight.

a) Remain in fellowship with God: Continual communion with God through prayer and worship keeps our spiritual eyes open (John 15:5).

b) Stay accountable to other believers: Fellowshipping with others in the body of Christ provides encouragement and correction that helps maintain spiritual clarity (Hebrews 10:24-25).

c) Keep seeking God’s revelation: God continually reveals more of Himself to those who seek Him (Jeremiah 33:3). We should always hunger for deeper insight into His Word and ways.

d) Obey God’s instructions: Walking in obedience to God’s commands helps us maintain spiritual clarity and keeps us from falling into deception (James 1:22).

e) Guard your heart from distractions: We must be vigilant against the things that try to dull our spiritual sensitivity, such as sin, worldliness, and apathy (Proverbs 4:23).

Biblical Example:
The blind man in John 9:1-12 received both physical and spiritual sight after Jesus healed him. His testimony was a powerful witness to the Pharisees, and it reminds us that when we live with spiritual sight, we become a light to others, drawing them to the truth of Christ.


Spiritual blindness is a condition that affects both believers and unbelievers, preventing them from experiencing the fullness of life in Christ. However, through prayer, repentance, and the light of God’s Word, we can overcome this blindness and walk in the spiritual insight and clarity that God desires for us. May we continually seek to see with the eyes of faith and live in the light of God’s truth.


1. Lord, open my eyes to see Your truth clearly.

2. Father, remove every form of spiritual blindness in my life.

3. Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart and mind to understand the things of God.

4. Lord, help me to walk in the light of Your Word and not stumble in darkness.

5. Father, keep me from spiritual pride and help me to

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