Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 26:41
Supporting Texts: 1 Peter 5:8, Luke 12:35-40, 1 Thessalonians 5:6

Spiritual watchfulness is a vital discipline in the life of every believer. Jesus admonished His disciples in Matthew 26:41 to watch and pray so they would not fall into temptation. Watchfulness involves being alert, spiritually sensitive, and discerning, so we do not fall prey to the schemes of the enemy or miss the move of God in our lives. In a world filled with distractions, temptations, and spiritual dangers, remaining spiritually watchful helps us maintain a vibrant relationship with God and ensures we are always ready for His return.


a) Being spiritually alert: Watchfulness means being vigilant and alert to the spiritual realities around us.

b) Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit: It involves being in tune with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual realm.

c) A state of readiness: Like a watchman, it means being ready for any spiritual attacks or divine assignments.

d) Constant prayerfulness: Watchfulness goes hand-in-hand with a strong prayer life, as we stay connected to God and seek His guidance.

e) Biblical Example: Jesus instructed His disciples to watch and pray in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-41), yet they fell asleep, showing the danger of neglecting spiritual alertness.


a) Protection from temptation: Jesus warned that without watchfulness, we could fall into temptation and sin.

b) Discernment of spiritual attacks: Being watchful enables us to discern the enemy's tactics and resist them.

c) Readiness for Christ's return: Jesus spoke of His return as being sudden and unexpected (Luke 12:35-40); only the watchful will be ready.

d) Awareness of God's movements: When we are spiritually watchful, we are aware of the seasons of God’s movements in our lives.

e) Biblical Example: In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter admonishes believers to be sober and vigilant because the devil prowls like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour.


a) Spiritual vulnerability: Neglecting watchfulness makes us vulnerable to temptation and spiritual attacks.

b) Missed divine opportunities: Without watchfulness, we can miss the timing of God’s visitations and blessings.

c) Falling into spiritual slumber: When we stop watching, we fall into a state of spiritual lethargy and coldness.

d) Loss of spiritual ground: Lack of vigilance can cause us to lose the spiritual gains we have made.

e) Biblical Example: Samson’s lack of watchfulness led him to lose his strength and be captured by the Philistines (Judges 16:19-21).


a) Stay rooted in prayer: A vibrant prayer life keeps us sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and alerts us to spiritual dangers.

b) Study and meditate on the Word: God’s Word provides light and guidance, helping us stay vigilant (Psalm 119:105).

c) Be filled with the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit empowers us to remain spiritually alert and discern both the voice of God and the attacks of the enemy.

d) Guard your heart and mind: Watchfulness involves guarding against thoughts, influences, and environments that can lead us away from God (Proverbs 4:23).

e) Biblical Example: Nehemiah and the Israelites worked with one hand and kept watch with the other, demonstrating the balance of work and vigilance (Nehemiah 4:17).


a) Victory over temptation: A watchful believer overcomes temptation by staying alert to its subtleties.

b) Protection from the enemy: Watchfulness keeps us one step ahead of the enemy’s schemes.

c) Divine guidance and direction: When we watch and pray, God directs our paths and reveals His plans to us.

d) Spiritual growth and maturity: Watchfulness fosters growth, as we remain connected to God and aware of His movements.

e) Biblical Example: The wise virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 were watchful and prepared, and as a result, they entered the wedding feast with the bridegroom.

In these perilous times, spiritual watchfulness is more important than ever. As believers, we must remain alert, discerning the movements of God and the tactics of the enemy. Jesus calls us to watch and pray, and by doing so, we will be victorious over temptation, ready for His return, and positioned for His blessings. May we never be found spiritually asleep but ever vigilant, prepared to fulfil God’s purposes.


1. Lord, awaken me from any spiritual slumber in my life.

2. Father, help me to be spiritually vigilant and sensitive to Your leading.

3. Lord, strengthen my prayer life so that I can remain watchful at all times.

4. Father, protect me from the schemes of the enemy as I remain alert to his tactics.

5. Lord, keep me ready for Your divine visitations and return.

6. Father, help me guard my heart and mind against every distraction that leads me away from You.

7. Lord, empower me to overcome every temptation that comes my way.

8. Father, help me to be filled with Your Spirit, so I can remain spiritually alert.

9. Lord, give me the grace to be consistent in prayer and studying Your Word.

10. Father, open my spiritual eyes to see what You are doing in this season of my life.


1. I declare that you will remain spiritually vigilant and alert to God’s movements in your life.

2. Every plan of the enemy to lead you into temptation is destroyed in Jesus' name.

3. You will not miss any divine opportunities, but you will walk in God’s perfect timing.

4. The Lord will empower you to overcome every spiritual attack that comes your way.

5. You will always be ready and prepared for the return of the Lord.

6. Every form of spiritual slumber in your life is broken right now.

7. I declare that your prayer life will be strengthened, and you will be a watchman in your generation.

8. You are protected from every scheme of the enemy by the power of God.

9. God will direct your paths and guide your steps as you remain watchful and prayerful.

10. I decree that you will experience continuous spiritual growth and maturity as you watch and pray.

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