Saturday 12 October 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Exodus 22:20-24
Supporting Texts: Deuteronomy 7:26, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, Galatians 5:1

Evil dedications refer to the acts of dedicating oneself, family members, or possessions to evil spirits, deities, or altars that invoke curses, oppression, and bondage. These dedications can occur through rituals, sacrifices, or agreements made by ancestors or individuals, often without the knowledge or consent of those affected. The Bible warns against such practices, as they lead to spiritual entanglements that can impact generations. This sermon will explore the nature of evil dedications, their consequences, and the path to deliverance through Jesus Christ


a) Definition of Evil Dedications:
Evil dedications occur when individuals or families consciously or unconsciously commit themselves to serve evil powers or spirits. This can manifest through various forms of worship, rituals, or covenants made to deities.

b) Biblical Foundation:
The Bible explicitly forbids the practice of dedicating oneself to foreign gods (Exodus 22:20-24). Such actions not only offend God but also open doors to spiritual oppression and curses.

c) Generational Impact:
Evil dedications can affect not only the individual but also their descendants. The consequences of such dedications can manifest in the form of illness, failure, addiction, and various forms of bondage.

Biblical Example: In 2 Kings 17:17-18, the Israelites engaged in practices that angered God, resulting in their eventual exile.


a) Recurring Problems:
Individuals may notice patterns of failure, misfortune, or spiritual oppression in their lives or families that seem unexplainable. These could be linked to evil dedications made in the past.

b) Spiritual Oppression:
Experiencing feelings of heaviness, constant fear, or an inability to progress in life can indicate the influence of evil dedications. These spirits often resist efforts to break free.

c) Familial Sickness or Misfortune:
If multiple family members face similar health issues, financial troubles, or relationship problems, it may be a sign of an evil dedication affecting the bloodline.

Biblical Example: The story of King Saul demonstrates how evil spirits plagued him due to disobedience and ties to the occult (1 Samuel 16:14).


a) The Promise of Freedom:
Jesus has provided a way for us to be free from every form of bondage, including those resulting from evil dedications. Galatians 5:1 reminds us that Christ has set us free for freedom's sake.

b) The Authority of the Believer:
As believers, we possess authority over every evil power. We can renounce and break any evil dedication made against us or our families through the name of Jesus (Mark 16:17).

c) The Power of Prayer and Fasting:
Prayer and fasting are crucial in seeking deliverance from evil dedications. They enable us to gain spiritual strength and clarity while confronting evil influences (Matthew 17:21).

Biblical Example: In Luke 10:19, Jesus tells His disciples that He has given them authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, highlighting our power over evil.


a) Acknowledge and Confess:
Recognize the presence of evil dedications in your life or family history. Confession before God is the first step toward breaking these chains (1 John 1:9).

b) Renounce Evil Dedications:
In prayer, explicitly renounce any evil dedications made knowingly or unknowingly. Declare that you no longer associate with those practices or spirits.

c) Invoke the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus is powerful for redemption and cleansing. Claim the cleansing power of His blood over your life and family (Revelation 12:11).

Biblical Example: In Acts 19:18-19, believers in Ephesus came together to renounce their former practices and burned their magical books, illustrating the importance of renouncing evil.


a) Continual Obedience to God:
After deliverance, it is crucial to live in obedience to God. Disobedience can open doors for evil influences to return (Matthew 12:43-45).

b) Build a Strong Foundation of Faith:
Regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with believers strengthen your spiritual foundation and protect against the return of evil.

c) Proclaim Your New Identity:
Continuously declare your new identity in Christ. Understand that you are no longer bound by any previous dedications, but you are now a child of God (Galatians 4:7).

Biblical Example: In Ephesians 6:10-11, Paul instructs believers to put on the whole armour of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, emphasizing the importance of spiritual vigilance.

Deliverance from evil dedications is a divine right for every believer in Christ. By acknowledging the presence of these dedications, renouncing them, and invoking the blood of Jesus, we can experience freedom from every chain of bondage. Remember, your identity in Christ is powerful, and you are equipped to maintain this deliverance by living in obedience and faith.


1. Father, I thank You for the power of deliverance through Jesus Christ.

2. I acknowledge and confess any evil dedications in my life or family history, in Jesus' name.

3. I renounce any evil dedication made against me or my family, and I sever all ties to those practices.

4. By the blood of Jesus, I cleanse my life and my family from all evil dedications and their effects.

5. I declare that I am free from every curse associated with evil dedications.

6. I speak life and blessings over my family lineage, declaring that we are free from bondage.

7. Lord, protect me from returning to any former practices or agreements with evil.

8. I cover my family with the blood of Jesus, proclaiming our freedom and deliverance.

9. Holy Spirit, empower me to walk in obedience to God’s Word every day.

10. I declare that I am a child of God, and I will no longer be held captive by evil dedications.


1. I decree that every evil dedication over your life is broken in the name of Jesus.

2. From today, you will walk in the freedom that Christ has purchased for you.

3. Every generational curse linked to evil dedications is canceled by the blood of Jesus.

4. I declare that you are free from the bondage of your past and destined for greatness.

5. Your family will experience a new legacy of blessings and favour in Christ.

6. I prophesy that evil influences will no longer have a hold on your life.

7. You will create a new path of righteousness for future generations.

8. I declare that you are empowered to live in obedience and faith.

9. You will experience the fullness of life and blessings that God has promised you.

10. I declare that you are a carrier of God’s glory, and evil will have no hold over you.

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