Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 43:19 
Supporting Texts: Acts 16:25-26, 1 Kings 18:41-46, Ezekiel 37:1-10

A supernatural shift is a divine intervention that changes the course of events in a way that defies natural expectations. When God initiates a supernatural shift, impossible situations become possible, and breakthroughs that seemed out of reach suddenly manifest. This sermon explores the nature of a supernatural shift, how to position yourself for it, and examples of biblical figures who experienced life-changing divine shifts.


a) What is a Supernatural Shift?
A supernatural shift is a sudden and dramatic change orchestrated by God, often beyond human comprehension. It is when God steps into your situation and changes the circumstances in your favour. It can manifest as a shift in your spiritual life, finances, health, or relationships. The shift brings restoration, favour, and breakthrough.

b) Signs You Need a Supernatural Shift 
There are moments in life when human effort is insufficient. You may feel stuck, blocked, or unable to move forward despite your best efforts. When natural means have been exhausted, it is a sign that a supernatural shift is needed.

Biblical Example: The Parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22) 
When the Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, a supernatural shift occurred. God parted the sea, allowing them to walk on dry ground. This divine intervention changed the course of their journey and delivered them from their enemies.


a) Walking in Faith
To experience a supernatural shift, you must operate in faith. Faith is the currency that activates the miraculous. In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas, though in chains, prayed and sang praises to God. Their faith moved the hand of God, and an earthquake caused a supernatural shift—chains were broken, and doors were opened.

b) Obedience to Divine Instruction
Many times, supernatural shifts are linked to a specific instruction from God. When Elijah told Ahab to prepare for rain after a prolonged drought, it was based on divine instruction (1 Kings 18:41). Obeying God’s instruction, no matter how unconventional, often sets the stage for a shift.

Biblical Example: Naaman's Healing (2 Kings 5:10-14) 
Naaman was instructed to dip seven times in the Jordan River to be healed of leprosy. His initial reluctance nearly cost him the miracle, but when he obeyed, the shift occurred, and he was healed. Obedience is crucial to experiencing divine shifts.


a) Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and fasting are powerful triggers for supernatural shifts. In moments of desperation, when Hannah prayed fervently in the temple, a shift occurred in her barren condition, and she conceived Samuel (1 Samuel 1:10-20).

b) Prophetic Declarations
Prophetic words can initiate shifts. In Ezekiel 37:1-10, God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones, and as he obeyed, there was a supernatural shift—life returned to the bones, and they stood as a mighty army. Speaking God’s promises over your situation can bring about a shift.

Biblical Example: Elijah's Prophetic Decree (1 Kings 18:41-46) 
After Elijah prophesied the end of a long drought, he continued to pray until the shift happened. A small cloud appeared, and eventually, the heavens opened with heavy rain. Never underestimate the power of prophetic declarations.


a) Praise Unlocks Divine Intervention
Praise is a weapon that releases the supernatural. When you praise God in the midst of challenges, you invite His presence into your situation. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas experienced a divine shift in their prison cell through the power of praise. Chains were loosed, and doors were opened because of their praise.

b) Worship Shifts the Atmosphere 
Worship brings heaven’s atmosphere to earth. It creates an environment for miracles. When Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah faced a great army, they appointed singers to praise the Lord, and God set ambushes against their enemies, leading to their victory (2 Chronicles 20:21-22). Worship can shift your battles into victories.

Biblical Example: Jehoshaphat's Victory Through Praise (2 Chronicles 20:1-25) 
When Judah was under threat from multiple enemies, their response was to praise God. As they praised, God fought for them and gave them victory. Praise is a key to unlocking supernatural shifts in your life.


a) Expect the Unexpected 
When God initiates a supernatural shift, it often happens when you least expect it. Like the Israelites who received manna from heaven in the wilderness, you must be prepared for divine surprises (Exodus 16:4). Expect that God will move in ways beyond human comprehension.

b) Walking in Divine Favour
A supernatural shift brings favour where there was once rejection. Joseph experienced this in his life—one moment he was in prison, and the next, he was standing before Pharaoh and promoted to the second-highest position in Egypt (Genesis 41:39-41). Favour accelerates shifts, taking you from obscurity to prominence.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Rise from Prison to Palace (Genesis 41:39-46) 
Joseph’s life was marked by a supernatural shift. After years of hardship and imprisonment, God lifted him into a position of influence and authority. His story reminds us that God can shift our circumstances in an instant.

A supernatural shift is a divine turnaround that changes the trajectory of your life. Whether through faith, obedience, prayer, or praise, you must position yourself for the shift that God is preparing. Just as the four lepers in 2 Kings 7 moved and saw abundance, you too must take steps of faith, expect God’s intervention, and trust in His timing. Declare today that you are ready for your supernatural shift, and watch as God moves mightily in your life.

1. Father, let there be a supernatural shift in every stagnant area of my life in Jesus' name. 

2. Lord, I activate the power of faith to move into my season of divine turnaround. 

3. Every obstacle blocking my breakthrough, be removed now in the name of Jesus. 

4. Father, release divine favour upon me, causing doors to open supernaturally. 

5. Lord, as I obey Your word, let there be a supernatural shift in my situation. 

6. Every chain of limitation holding me back, be broken by the power of God. 

7. Lord, I declare a supernatural shift in my finances, health, and family. 

8. By the power of praise, I command every closed door to open now in Jesus' name. 

9. Father, release supernatural rain upon every dry area of my life. 

10. I receive divine acceleration and favour to move into my new season.

1. I declare that a supernatural shift is happening in your life right now in Jesus' name. 

2. Every area of stagnation is turning around for your good. 

3. The hand of God is lifting you into new realms of glory and favour. 

4. Doors that were once closed to you are opening supernaturally. 

5. I declare that every prison door holding you captive is being flung open. 

6. You are stepping into divine surprises and unexpected blessings. 

7. Your season of delay is over, and acceleration is coming upon you. 

8. Divine favour is going ahead of you, making crooked paths straight. 

9. The chains of limitation are broken, and you are moving into a season of abundance. 

10. By the power of God, your supernatural shift is now, and nothing will stop it!

Embrace the supernatural shift that God has ordained for your life and move with faith, praise, and expectation. God is about to do something beyond your wildest dreams!

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