Saturday 5 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 6:6
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Supporting Texts:
2 Chronicles 7:14
Psalm 91:1
Isaiah 40:31
James 5:16-18
Acts 4:31


Revival is a mighty move of God’s Spirit, bringing spiritual awakening, transformation, and a return to holiness among His people. While many seek corporate revival, personal revival begins in the secret place—our private time with God. It is in this intimate place of prayer, worship, and communion with God that the fire of revival is ignited and sustained. In this study, we will explore the importance of the secret place in sparking and maintaining the fire of revival and how a personal revival can lead to a greater impact on the world around us.


The "secret place" refers to the private and intimate time we spend with God in prayer, away from distractions and the eyes of others. It is here that our relationship with God is deepened.

a) The Secret Place as a Place of Communion: The secret place is where we commune with God one-on-one, seeking His face and listening to His voice (Psalm 91:1).

b) The Secret Place as a Place of Refinement: God refines us and purifies our hearts in the secret place, preparing us for the fire of revival (Malachi 3:2-3).

c) The Secret Place as a Place of Empowerment: It is in the secret place that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a victorious Christian life and carry out God’s work (Acts 1:8).

d) The Secret Place as a Place of Alignment: As we pray in secret, we align ourselves with God’s will, allowing Him to mould our desires and purposes to match His (Matthew 6:10).

e) The Secret Place as the Source of Public Power: What is birthed in the secret place is manifested publicly. Revival starts with a personal encounter with God in private and spreads to others (Matthew 6:6).

Biblical Example:
Daniel (Daniel 6:10) maintained a disciplined prayer life in the secret place, even when facing opposition. His faithfulness in private led to public demonstration of God’s power and protection.

Revival fire refers to the passionate zeal and burning desire to pursue God, holiness, and spiritual transformation. It is a restoration of fervency and hunger for God’s presence.

a) Revival Fire as Spiritual Renewal: Revival brings a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, leading to spiritual awakening, deeper repentance, and greater devotion to God (2 Chronicles 7:14).

b) Revival Fire as Purity and Holiness: True revival ignites a burning desire to live in holiness and turn away from sin (Isaiah 6:5-7).

c) Revival Fire as Boldness for the Gospel: When revival fire burns in the heart of a believer, they become bold in proclaiming the Gospel and living out their faith (Acts 4:31).

d) Revival Fire as a Return to Prayer: One of the most significant marks of revival is an intensified focus on prayer, both individually and corporately (James 5:16-18).

e) Revival Fire as a Passion for Souls: The fire of revival leads to a burning passion to reach the lost and see souls saved (Matthew 28:19-20).

Biblical Example:
Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-39) prayed fervently in secret before confronting the prophets of Baal. His prayer ignited the fire of revival, and the people turned back to God after witnessing God’s power.

The secret place is not only where revival is ignited but also where it is sustained. Without consistent time in God’s presence, the fire of revival can wane.

a) Personal Prayer as the Fuel for Revival: Consistent, fervent prayer in the secret place keeps the fire of revival burning in our hearts (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

b) The Word of God as the Foundation: The fire of revival is built on the foundation of God’s Word. As we meditate on His Word in the secret place, our hearts are ignited with truth (Psalm 119:105).

c) Worship in the Secret Place: Worship is a vital part of the secret place that brings us into deeper intimacy with God and keeps our hearts aflame for Him (John 4:23-24).

d) Obedience and Sensitivity to the Spirit: In the secret place, God gives us specific instructions and guidance. Obedience to His voice keeps us aligned with His purpose and fuels revival (Isaiah 30:21).

e) Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline: Fasting, combined with prayer, stirs revival fire by breaking down fleshly barriers and sharpening our spiritual sensitivity (Isaiah 58:6-8).

Biblical Example:
Jesus (Mark 1:35) often withdrew to the secret place to pray, even though He was busy with ministry. His personal time with the Father fueled His public ministry and kept Him aligned with God’s will.


Revival begins when we intentionally seek God in the secret place. There are practical steps we can take to ignite and maintain the fire of revival in our personal lives.

a) Cultivate a Hunger for God: Revival starts with a deep hunger for more of God. We must continually desire His presence above all else (Matthew 5:6).

b) Seek God’s Face Daily: A daily commitment to seek God in the secret place through prayer and study of His Word keeps the fire of revival alive (Psalm 27:8).

c) Pursue Holiness: Revival thrives in an atmosphere of holiness. We must live lives set apart for God, seeking purity in every area (1 Peter 1:16).

d) Surround Yourself with Other Revival-Minded Believers: Fellowship with like-minded believers who are also seeking revival helps fan the flames (Hebrews 10:24-25).

e) Be Persistent and Fervent in Prayer: Revival doesn’t happen overnight. We must be persistent and fervent in prayer, trusting that God will move in His time (Luke 18:1).

Biblical Example:
The Early Church (Acts 2:42-47) was birthed out of prayer and waiting in the secret place. Their fervent devotion to prayer led to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the fire of revival that changed the world.


When we experience revival in the secret place, the impact is not limited to ourselves. It spreads to others, transforming families, churches, and entire communities.

a) Revival Spreads to Others: Personal revival leads to a ripple effect, impacting those around us as we live out our faith boldly (Acts 4:31).

b) Revival Transforms Families: As individuals experience revival, their homes and families are transformed by the presence of God (Joshua 24:15).

c) Revival in the Church: A church full of individuals who have encountered God’s fire in the secret place becomes a powerhouse for God’s work (Acts 2:46-47).

d) Revival Brings Societal Change: Revival leads to spiritual, moral, and even social change, as people turn to God and live according to His ways (2 Chronicles 34:33).

e) Revival Prepares the Way for Christ’s Return: Personal and corporate revival is part of God’s end-time plan, preparing the church for the return of Christ (Matthew 24:14).

Biblical Example:
The Disciples (Acts 4:13) were ordinary men who were transformed by their time with Jesus in the secret place. Their boldness and zeal after Pentecost led to widespread revival and growth in the early church.


The fire of revival begins in the secret place, where we encounter God in a personal and intimate way. As we cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and devotion to God in the secret place, the fire of revival will be ignited and sustained in our hearts. This personal revival will not only transform our own lives but also impact those around us, spreading the fire of God’s presence wherever we go. The key to revival is simple: Seek God in the secret place, and let the fire of His Spirit burn brightly in your life.

Lord, ignite the fire of revival in my heart as I seek You in the secret place.

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