Wednesday 9 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Acts 3:6-8
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 60:1, John 5:8-9, Matthew 9:6-7

The command to "Rise up and walk!" was spoken by Peter to a man who had been lame from birth. This declaration was not just an instruction for physical healing, but a prophetic word for a complete transformation. When God speaks those words to you, He is calling you out of stagnation, failure, and hopelessness into a new realm of walking in purpose and fulfilment. This message focuses on the power of God to lift you from whatever situation is holding you down and set you on a path of victory and progress.


a) God's word is powerful and has the ability to create immediate change in your life.

b) Peter spoke to the lame man with authority: "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" (Acts 3:6).

c) When God speaks, situations respond, chains break, and limitations are removed.

d) No matter how long you’ve been in your situation, one word from God is enough to turn things around.

e) Biblical Example: Lazarus had been dead for four days, but at Jesus' command, he came forth alive (John 11:43-44).


a) The lame man had been at the gate of the temple for years, but that day, he received his miracle through faith.

b) It wasn’t just Peter’s command, but the lame man's faith to rise up and act on that word that activated the miracle.

c) Faith without works is dead (James 2:17); when you hear God's word, you must act in faith to receive the blessing.

d) Sometimes, God is waiting for you to take a step of faith before the miracle can manifest.

e) Biblical Example: The woman with the issue of blood activated her healing by reaching out in faith to touch Jesus’ garment (Mark 5:25-34).


a) The command to "Rise up and walk!" is a call to break free from stagnation and begin to make progress in life.

b) Many people are stuck in one place—whether it’s in their spiritual life, career, or health—but God is calling you to rise above that.

c) Stagnation is not your portion as a child of God; you are meant to move forward and grow in every area.

d) When God speaks, He gives you the strength and ability to rise above limitations.

e) Biblical Example: The man at the pool of Bethesda had been stagnant for 38 years until Jesus told him to rise, take up his bed, and walk (John 5:8-9).


a) Peter spoke in the name of Jesus, and it was the power in that name that brought healing to the lame man.

b) The name of Jesus is a name above all names, and at the mention of His name, every knee must bow (Philippians 2:9-10).

c) No sickness, no bondage, no stagnation can stand before the name of Jesus.

d) Whatever situation you are facing today, speak the name of Jesus over it and believe in the power of His name to set you free.

e) Biblical Example: In Acts 4:10, Peter declared that it was by the name of Jesus that the lame man was healed.


a) Once the lame man was healed, he didn’t remain on the ground—he leapt up and began to walk, praising God.

b) When God lifts you out of a difficult situation, He expects you to walk in your new season with joy and faith.

c) Walking signifies progress; God is calling you to move forward and advance in every area of your life.

d) Like the lame man, you are to give God glory for the breakthrough and keep walking in His power.

e) Biblical Example: After receiving his sight, Bartimaeus followed Jesus on the road, walking in his new season of life (Mark 10:52).

God is calling you today to rise up and walk! No matter how long you have been in a state of stagnation, failure, or despair, His word is more than enough to lift you out. The name of Jesus carries the power to break every chain and set you on a path of victory. Step out in faith, act on His word, and walk in your new season of progress and blessing.


1. Lord, speak a word of healing and restoration over my life today.

2. Father, I break free from every chain of stagnation holding me down.

3. Lord, grant me the faith to rise up and walk in Your promises.

4. Father, let the power in the name of Jesus bring breakthrough to my situation.

5. Lord, help me to take bold steps of faith towards my victory.

6. Father, I declare that I will not remain where I am—I am rising and moving forward in Jesus' name.

7. Lord, empower me to walk in my new season with joy and confidence.

8. Father, every obstacle in my path to progress is removed in the name of Jesus.

9. Lord, let the name of Jesus be glorified in every area of my life.

10. Father, let my testimony of rising and walking bring glory to Your name.


1. I declare that you are rising up from every setback and walking into your breakthrough.

2. Every chain of stagnation in your life is broken in Jesus' name.

3. You will move forward and not be held back by any force of darkness.

4. I decree that the power in the name of Jesus is working wonders in your life right now.

5. Your season of progress, healing, and restoration has begun.

6. You are stepping into new levels of favour and blessings in Jesus' name.

7. I declare that no obstacle will stop you from walking in your God-given purpose.

8. Your testimony of rising up will be heard far and wide, bringing glory to God.

9. You are walking in divine health, strength, and prosperity.

10. The Lord has lifted you, and you will never go back to where you were before, in Jesus' name.

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