Saturday 12 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Numbers 23:23
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 18:21, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 109:28

Evil pronouncements are negative words or declarations spoken over a person's life that have the potential to affect their destiny. These can come from curses, malicious words, or declarations made by others, even unknowingly. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue,” highlighting the serious impact that words can have. However, as children of God, we are not subject to these evil pronouncements. Through the power of Christ, we have the authority to cancel, reverse, and break free from any word spoken against us.


a) Life and Death in the Tongue:
Words have creative power, whether for good or evil. In Genesis 1, God used words to create the world, showing us that words have the ability to bring life or destruction (Proverbs 18:21).

b) Words as Spiritual Weapons:
The spiritual realm operates significantly through words. Evil pronouncements are often used by enemies to bring harm, but God’s word is our greatest weapon of defense (Isaiah 54:17).

c) The Danger of Careless Words:
Sometimes, negative words spoken in anger, jealousy, or malice can open the door for spiritual attacks or setbacks in one's life (Matthew 12:36-37).

Biblical Example: When Balaam was hired to curse the Israelites, God turned the curse into a blessing (Numbers 23:20).


a) Curses:
Curses are deliberate evil pronouncements intended to cause harm. These can be generational curses, curses spoken by enemies, or even self-imposed curses (Proverbs 26:2).

b) Negative Prophecies:
Not all prophecies come from God. Some negative pronouncements disguised as "prophecies" are meant to invoke fear or destruction in people’s lives (Jeremiah 23:16).

c) Words from Authority Figures:
Words spoken by parents, teachers, or spiritual leaders carry weight. Negative words spoken by these figures can have a lasting impact unless broken (Genesis 27:33-41).

Biblical Example: Jabez was born under a curse because of his mother’s pronouncement, but he prayed for God’s deliverance, and his life was transformed (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).


a) The Power of the Blood of Jesus:
Jesus has redeemed us from every curse and evil pronouncement. Through His blood, we have victory over any negative word spoken against us (Galatians 3:13-14).

b) Canceling Negative Words:
As believers, we have the authority to cancel, reverse, and nullify every evil pronouncement spoken against us in the name of Jesus (Matthew 18:18).

c) Declaring the Promises of God:
Instead of allowing evil words to take root, we must declare God's promises over our lives. When we speak His Word, it cancels out every evil spoken against us (Isaiah 55:11).

Biblical Example: Jesus rebuked the fig tree, and it withered because of His words (Mark 11:12-14, 20-21). We too can speak words of power that reverse evil pronouncements.


a) Repentance and Renunciation:
If we have spoken or believed in any negative words, we must first repent and renounce those words. Confess and reject any agreement with evil pronouncements (Matthew 12:37).

b) Prayer of Deliverance:
Pray earnestly, asking God to break every curse, spell, or evil declaration over your life. Use the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to destroy the effects of these words (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

c) Replacing Evil Words with God's Word:
After canceling evil pronouncements, speak life and blessings over yourself and your family. Declare what God has said about you—His promises and truths (Psalm 91:2).

Biblical Example: King Hezekiah received an evil pronouncement of death from the prophet Isaiah, but through prayer and faith, the decree was reversed, and he lived (Isaiah 38:1-5).


a) Live a Life of Righteousness:
When we live under the covering of God's righteousness, we are shielded from the effects of evil pronouncements (Psalm 91:10-11).

b) Watch Your Words:
Speak life, blessing, and truth over your life and the lives of others. Avoid making careless or harmful statements (James 3:9-10).

c) Spiritual Warfare and Vigilance:
Continuously engage in spiritual warfare, praying against any curses, spells, or evil words. Be vigilant and alert, not allowing the enemy to take any ground (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Biblical Example: Nehemiah constantly prayed and took spiritual authority while rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem despite the evil words and threats spoken against him (Nehemiah 4:7-9).

Evil pronouncements are real, but they are powerless against a believer who knows their authority in Christ. The Bible assures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment shall be condemned (Isaiah 54:17). As we repent, pray, and declare God's promises over our lives, every evil word spoken against us will be nullified, and we will walk in the freedom and blessings that God has promised.

1. Father, I thank You for the authority in the name of Jesus to cancel every evil pronouncement against my life.

2. Lord, expose and destroy every negative word spoken over me, my family, and my destiny.

3. By the blood of Jesus, I break every generational curse and evil declaration operating in my life.

4. I renounce every word spoken by authority figures that is contrary to God's plan for me.

5. Lord, replace every curse spoken over me with Your blessings and favour.

6. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every evil tongue is silenced in Jesus' name.

7. I decree that the power of the blood of Jesus is speaking better things over my life.

8. Every negative prophecy or word of limitation over my life is nullified in Jesus' name.

9. Father, protect me from any future curses or evil pronouncements that the enemy may try to use against me.

10. I speak life, success, and victory into every area of my life in Jesus' name

1. I declare that every evil pronouncement over your life is broken today in the name of Jesus.

2. You shall not be bound by the words of men, but you will rise according to the Word of God.

3. Every curse that was spoken against you is reversed, and it is turning into a blessing.

4. You will live and not die; every word of death is canceled in Jesus' name.

5. The plans and purposes of God will stand in your life, no matter what others have spoken.

6. You are free from every negative word and will walk in divine favour and success.

7. The blood of Jesus has silenced every voice speaking against your progress and destiny.

8. From today, only the Word of God will have effect in your life, and every other word is nullified.

9. You are stepping into a season of breakthrough and blessings, free from all limitations.

10. I declare that your future is secure in Christ, and no evil pronouncement will have any power over you.

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