Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 42:1-2
Supporting Texts: Matthew 5:6, Psalm 63:1-2

In our spiritual journey, the depth of our hunger for God often determines the level of our experience with Him. Just as physical hunger drives us to seek food, spiritual hunger pushes us into the presence of God. The deeper our hunger, the more God reveals Himself. Cultivating a deep hunger for God requires intentionality and a heart that continuously seeks Him above all else.


a) Hunger is a sign of life: In the physical realm, hunger indicates that a person is alive. In the same way, spiritual hunger is evidence of spiritual life.

b) Desire for more of God: As we grow in Christ, our desire for a deeper connection with Him intensifies.

c) The longing of the soul: Our soul was created to yearn for God. Nothing in this world can truly satisfy the hunger that only God can fill.

d) The power of seeking: When we seek God with all our heart, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

e) Biblical Example: David in Psalm 42 expresses his deep thirst and longing for God, likening it to a deer panting for water.


a) Prayer and Fasting: These spiritual disciplines help us deny the flesh and create space for God to work in our lives (Matthew 6:16-18).

b) Meditating on God's Word: Feeding on God's Word daily will increase your hunger for His presence (Joshua 1:8).

c) Regular Fellowship with God: Spending consistent time in God's presence through worship and communion sharpens your spiritual hunger.

d) Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude: When we appreciate God's past works, it sparks a desire for more of His presence (Psalm 103:1-5).

e) Biblical Example: Moses' constant desire for more of God even after experiencing His glory (Exodus 33:18).


a) Spiritual complacency: Becoming satisfied with past spiritual experiences can cause a lack of hunger.

b) Worldly distractions: The cares of this life, wealth, and pleasures can choke spiritual growth (Mark 4:19).

c) Sin: Sin dulls our sensitivity to God's voice and presence (Isaiah 59:1-2).

d) Lack of prayer and study: Neglecting the Word and prayer makes it harder to stay connected with God.

e) Biblical Example: The Laodicean church in Revelation 3:15-17, who became lukewarm and spiritually complacent.


a) Intimacy with God: A deep hunger for God leads to a closer relationship with Him (James 4:8).

b) Spiritual growth: The more we seek God, the more we grow in grace and understanding (2 Peter 3:18).

c) Fresh encounters: Those who hunger for God continually experience new revelations of His glory.

d) Spiritual fulfilment: Only God can satisfy the deep cravings of the human soul (John 4:13-14).

e) Biblical Example: The woman with the issue of blood who pressed through the crowd to touch Jesus’ garment and was healed (Mark 5:25-34).

Cultivating a deep hunger for God is a lifelong journey. As we pursue God with intensity, He promises to satisfy our deepest longings. Let us not allow complacency or distractions to steal our desire for God. Like David, let us say, "As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after You." May our hunger for God grow every day, and may we never be satisfied with anything less than His fullness.


1. Lord, stir up a deep hunger for You in my heart.

2. Father, remove every distraction that hinders my pursuit of You.

3. Lord, ignite a passion for Your Word and presence in my life.

4. Father, grant me the grace to seek You with all my heart.

5. Lord, help me to overcome spiritual complacency and lukewarmness.

6. Father, let my spiritual hunger lead to deeper encounters with You.

7. Lord, renew my strength in prayer and fasting to draw closer to You.

8. Father, fill every empty area of my life with Your presence.

9. Lord, let Your glory manifest in my life as I seek You more.

10. Father, satisfy my soul with Your goodness and presence.


1. I declare that your hunger for God will never run dry.

2. The Lord will fill you with His presence as you seek Him diligently.

3. Every distraction in your life is removed by the power of God.

4. You will experience fresh encounters with God in this season.

5. The grace to walk in deeper intimacy with God rests upon you.

6. Spiritual growth and revelation are your portion in Jesus’ name.

7. You will not be satisfied with worldly pleasures, but with God alone.

8. Every spiritual complacency in your life is broken today.

9. Your pursuit of God will lead to new dimensions of His glory.

10. I decree that you will be known as a man/woman after God’s own heart.

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