Thursday 10 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 11:12
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 30:8, Luke 10:19, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

In the kingdom of God, we are not passive participants; we are called to actively take possession of what belongs to us. The Bible tells us that from the days of John the Baptist until now, "the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matthew 11:12). There are seasons in life when you must rise up with holy aggression and enforce your victory. The enemy will not sit back and watch you take possession of your inheritance; you must seize it forcefully in prayer, faith, and action. This sermon will focus on the power and necessity of forceful takeover in spiritual matters and in every area of life.


a) Life is a battlefield, and the enemy will do everything possible to block your blessings and destiny.

b) Spiritual warfare is real, and you cannot afford to be passive in your faith.

c) Jesus has given us authority over every power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), and we must use that authority to reclaim what the enemy has stolen.

d) We are not fighting for victory but from a place of victory in Christ.

e) Biblical Example: David pursued the Amalekites who had raided Ziklag, and with God's direction, he recovered all that had been stolen (1 Samuel 30:8).


a) The Bible tells us that the violent take it by force—this implies that spiritual blessings and breakthroughs will not come to us on a silver platter.

b) We must be spiritually aggressive in prayer, faith, and action to enforce God's will in our lives.

c) Being violent in the spirit means standing firm in God's promises, refusing to be intimidated by circumstances, and pushing through until victory is achieved.

d) Forceful takeover requires an unshakable determination to possess what God has already given you.

e) Biblical Example: Jacob wrestled with the angel all night and refused to let go until he received his blessing (Genesis 32:24-28).


a) Prayer: Prayer is the key to unlocking heavenly blessings and breaking through spiritual resistance.

b) Faith: You must have radical faith that refuses to doubt God's promises, even in the face of opposition.

c) Fasting: Fasting intensifies your spiritual power and focus, helping you break through barriers.

d) Bold Declarations: Speak life and declare God's promises over your situation; your words have power (Proverbs 18:21).

e) Persistent Action: Don't give up after a single attempt; keep pushing and acting in faith until you see results.

Biblical Example: The widow in Luke 18:1-8 persistently pleaded with the unjust judge until he granted her justice—Jesus commended her persistence as a model of faith.


a) The enemy often tries to steal our peace, joy, health, finances, and even destiny, but through Christ, we have the power to recover all.

b) Just like David, who pursued, overtook, and recovered all that was stolen, we too must pursue what belongs to us.

c) God promises restoration to His people, but it requires our active participation in faith and action.

d) Biblical Example: In Joel 2:25, God promised to restore the years that the locusts, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar have eaten.

e) Biblical Example: Job lost everything, but because of his steadfastness, God restored to him double what he had lost (Job 42:10).


a) It is not enough to take over; you must also maintain what you have seized through spiritual vigilance and discipline.

b) The enemy will try to regain lost ground, but you must remain prayerful and alert.

c) Guard your heart and life against spiritual complacency, which can open doors for the enemy to attack again.

d) Stay rooted in God's Word, maintain your faith, and continue to walk in obedience to His commands.

e) Biblical Example: After Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He returned in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14) and maintained His victory over the enemy throughout His ministry.

God has already given you the victory through Christ Jesus, but you must rise up and take possession of it. Forceful takeover is about understanding that the enemy will try to resist your blessings, but through prayer, faith, and spiritual aggression, you can claim what rightfully belongs to you. Don’t settle for less; God has greater things in store for you. It’s time to rise up and take back everything the enemy has stolen. This is your season for forceful takeover!


1. Lord, empower me with the grace to rise up and take possession of my inheritance.

2. Father, I break every chain of spiritual passivity in my life, in Jesus' name.

3. Lord, grant me boldness and authority to take back everything the enemy has stolen from me.

4. Father, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

5. Lord, give me the strength to pursue, overtake, and recover all that belongs to me.

6. Father, by Your power, I overthrow every plan of the enemy concerning my destiny.

7. Lord, I decree that I will not miss out on any of the blessings You have for me.

8. Father, empower me to be spiritually vigilant and maintain my victory in Christ.

9. Lord, let every spirit of delay and stagnation in my life be broken right now.

10. Father, I decree that I am walking in total victory, and no power of darkness can stop me.


1. I declare that every stronghold in your life is broken in the name of Jesus.

2. You shall pursue, overtake, and recover all that the enemy has stolen from you

3. I decree that every closed door is opening right now in Jesus' name.

4. You are rising up in spiritual power and authority, and nothing will stop your progress.

5. The enemy’s plans against your destiny have failed, and you are walking in victory.

6. Your season of restoration and recovery is here—you shall lack nothing.

7. I declare that you are stepping into new levels of favour, breakthrough, and prosperity.

8. Every form of resistance against your blessings is destroyed in Jesus' name.

9. The power of God is working mightily in your life, and no force can stand against you.

10. Your testimony of victory is assured, and you will not be denied in Jesus' name.

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