Friday 11 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Chronicles 12:32
Supporting Texts: Ecclesiastes 3:1, Matthew 16:1-4, Ephesians 5:15-17


In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the men of Issachar were described as people who "understood the times and knew what Israel should do." This is a powerful attribute that allowed them to lead and guide the nation effectively. Knowing the times means having spiritual discernment and understanding what God is doing in each season. Just as the men of Issachar had wisdom to interpret their days, we too must understand the times we live in, both in our personal lives and in the world around us. This sermon explores the importance of discerning the times and how we can position ourselves for divine action.


a) Knowing God's Seasons:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." We must be aware that God's plans unfold in specific seasons. Without understanding His timing, we may either move too soon or miss His divine moment.

b) Discernment in Prayer:
Prayer sharpens our spiritual discernment and helps us stay in alignment with God's timing. Like the men of Issachar, we need to stay connected to God to receive insight into what He is doing in our generation.

c) Watching for Signs of the Times:
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matthew 16:1-4 for not discerning the signs of the times. We must be attentive to both spiritual and world events, recognizing God's movement in them.

Biblical Example: The sons of Issachar had insight into when David was to be anointed king over Israel, positioning themselves in line with God's plan for the nation.


a) Spiritual Preparedness:
Being prepared for each season is crucial. Ephesians 5:15-17 encourages us to be wise and make the most of every opportunity, understanding the will of the Lord. This requires readiness in both prayer and action.

b) Walking in Wisdom:
Just as the men of Issachar knew what to do, we too must apply wisdom in decision-making, ensuring that we act according to God's timing and purpose for our lives.

c) Strategic Actions:
Understanding the times leads to taking appropriate actions. It’s not just about knowing, but also responding to God's timing with obedient steps.

Biblical Example: Noah understood the time when God commanded him to build the ark. His obedience ensured the preservation of his family and humanity (Genesis 6-9).


a) Missing God's Appointed Time:
Ignoring God's timing can lead to spiritual stagnation. When we miss His divine moment, we miss opportunities for growth, breakthrough, and divine encounters.

b) Acting Out of Season:
Moving ahead of God’s timing can bring unnecessary struggles. Proverbs 19:2 warns that "it is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."

c) Becoming Spiritually Blind:
Just as Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for being unable to discern the times, we must guard against spiritual blindness that prevents us from recognizing what God is doing.

Biblical Example: The Israelites failed to discern the time of entering the Promised Land due to fear and unbelief, resulting in 40 years of wandering in the wilderness (Numbers 14).


a) Stay Close to God’s Word:
The Bible is our guide in understanding the times. Regular study of Scripture provides the wisdom and direction needed for each season.

b) Cultivate a Deep Prayer Life:
Prayer keeps us sensitive to the Holy Spirit. In times of prayer, God reveals His purposes and His timing for our lives.

c) Surround Yourself with Wise Counsel:
The men of Issachar worked with David and other leaders. We too need to surround ourselves with godly counsel, people who can help us discern God’s timing and plan.

Biblical Example: Daniel understood by the Scriptures the appointed time for the Jews’ return from exile, and he responded by interceding for his people (Daniel 9:1-19).


The ability to discern the times is a valuable spiritual asset. Just like the men of Issachar, we are called to understand the season we are in and take appropriate action according to God’s will. In this fast-paced world, we must not be spiritually asleep but alert to what God is doing in and through us. Let us seek God earnestly in prayer, remain grounded in His Word, and walk in wisdom as we navigate the times He has placed us in.


1. Lord, give me the grace to discern the times and seasons You have appointed for my life.

2. Father, help me to walk in step with Your timing and not miss any divine opportunity.

3. Lord, grant me the wisdom to know what to do in every season.

4. Father, deliver me from spiritual blindness and help me see what You are doing in this generation.

5. Lord, sharpen my discernment so I can move according to Your divine plan.

6. Father, help me stay prepared for the opportunities and challenges of each season.

7. Lord, give me the courage to act in obedience when You reveal Your will to me.

8. Father, surround me with wise and godly counsel that will help me navigate the times.

9. Lord, help me not to act out of season but to wait on Your perfect timing.

10. Father, let my life be aligned with Your divine purposes and plans.


1. I declare that you will walk in divine timing and will not miss your moment of breakthrough.

2. You shall receive supernatural discernment to understand the times and seasons of your life.

3. The Lord will grant you wisdom to know what to do in every situation.

4. I declare that spiritual blindness and confusion are removed from your life in Jesus’ name.

5. You will not miss any divine opportunity set before you this season.

6. The grace to wait on the Lord's timing will rest upon you.

7. You shall walk in alignment with God’s purposes, and His plans will be fulfilled in your life.

8. I declare that you will not be delayed or derailed in your spiritual journey.

9. Divine counsel and wisdom will surround you as you make decisions for your future.

10. I declare that you will rise like the men of Issachar, discerning the times and leading with wisdom.

This message calls us to be spiritually alert and aware of God's timing, urging us to cultivate discernment and respond wisely to His divine direction.

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