Tuesday 1 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 19:29-34 
Supporting Texts: Zechariah 9:9, Mark 11:1-6

Many people are meant for greatness, influence, and impact, but their potential is locked up or hindered by unseen spiritual forces. Just like the colt that was needed for Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, yet tied in a remote village, there are destinies meant for the spotlight that remain hidden, restrained, and delayed. This sermon seeks to examine the power of God to release and reposition those tied down by circumstances, and bring them to the place of divine assignment and fulfillment.


a) Designed for Purpose but Restricted
The colt in Luke 19 was destined to play a key role in fulfilling prophecy, yet it was tied down and limited in its movement. Many people find themselves in similar situations where their gifts, talents, and divine purposes are hindered by spiritual, emotional, or physical restraints. You may be needed in the “city” – a place of influence and recognition – but circumstances have tied you down in the “village” – a place of obscurity and stagnation.

b) The Limitation of being Tied 
Being tied down represents a state of limitation where one is unable to progress or fulfill their divine assignment. This could be due to spiritual bondages, generational curses, fear, lack of resources, or any form of resistance that keeps you from rising to your God-ordained potential.

Biblical Example: The Colt in Luke 19:29-34 
The colt was tied in a village, yet it was needed for a significant moment in the city. It represents people who are divinely appointed for greatness but are stuck in places of limitation.


a) Divine Release Through God's Word 
Jesus specifically commanded His disciples to untie the colt because it was needed. In the same way, God’s word has the power to release those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1 declares that God’s anointing is to "proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound." When God speaks a word of release, no power of darkness can resist.

b) The Need to be Released for a Divine Assignment
God does not release people just for the sake of it. There is always a divine purpose attached. Like the colt, we are released for service, for God’s glory, and for the fulfillment of His kingdom purposes. God is calling you to be repositioned into your place of significance, where your impact will be felt.

Biblical Example: Lazarus Raised and Released (John 11:43-44) 
Lazarus was not only raised from the dead but also had to be loosed from the grave clothes that bound him. This is a picture of divine release, where the resurrection power of Christ frees people from all that has held them back.


a) The Role of Spiritual Warfare 
To break free from the forces that tie us down, there is a need for spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness. Tied-down destinies must be loosed through prayer, fasting, and the declaration of God's Word.

b) Breaking Generational Curses and Limitations
Some limitations are a result of generational patterns and curses. These can manifest as repeated cycles of failure, poverty, or obscurity. Galatians 3:13 tells us that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, meaning that through the power of the cross, we can break free from every generational curse that hinders our progress.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity (Luke 13:11-13) 
Jesus encountered a woman who had been bound by a spirit of infirmity for 18 years. When He declared her loosed, her condition was immediately reversed. This shows that spiritual bondages can keep people tied down, but Christ’s power can break every chain.


a) God plans to Reposition You for Impact 
God does not just release you from your village of obscurity; He brings you into a place of purpose and impact. Like the colt that carried Jesus into Jerusalem, when God releases you, He also elevates you into a position where you carry His glory and fulfill His plan. Your repositioning is for kingdom service.

b) The City Represents Your Place of Fulfillment 
The city where the colt was taken represents the place of manifestation, where your destiny is fulfilled. It is the place where you shine, where your gifts and calling become evident to the world. God desires to move you from the place of delay to the place of destiny, from the village of limitation to the city of prominence.

Biblical Example: Joseph Elevated from the Prison to the Palace (Genesis 41:41-44) 
Joseph was tied down in the prison, yet God had a plan to elevate him to the palace. When the appointed time came, Joseph was released from the prison and positioned in a place of influence and power.


a) God’s Timing for Your Release 
Just as there was an appointed time for the colt to be untied and used by Jesus, there is an appointed time for your release. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that there is a time for everything. Even if it seems like you have been tied down for a long time, trust that God’s timing is perfect, and when the moment comes, nothing can stop your release.

b) The Importance of Readiness for Release 
When the moment of release comes, you must be ready. The colt was untied and immediately put to use. In the same way, you must be spiritually, emotionally, and mentally prepared to step into your new season of purpose when God opens the door.

Biblical Example: David Anointed but Waiting (1 Samuel 16:13; 2 Samuel 5:4) 
David was anointed to be king as a young boy, but it took years before he was fully positioned on the throne. His time of waiting was a period of preparation for the greatness God had in store for him.

You may feel tied down today – limited by circumstances, spiritual forces, or personal challenges – but God has a greater purpose for you. Just as Jesus sent for the colt to be untied because He had need of it, God is ready to untie you from every limitation and bring you into your place of destiny. Trust in His timing, pray for your release, and be ready to step into your God-given assignment when the moment comes.

1. Father, I thank You for Your plan and purpose for my life. 

2. Lord, release me from every limitation that has tied me down. 

3. Father, break every chain of spiritual bondage in my life. 

4. Lord, reposition me for divine impact and significance. 

5. Father, bring me out of obscurity and into my place of purpose. 

6. Lord, remove every generational curse that has hindered my progress. 

7. Father, let Your timing for my release be manifested in my life. 
8. Lord, help me to be prepared for my season of elevation and destiny. 

9. Father, move me from the village of obscurity to the city of greatness. 

10. Lord, use me for Your glory and let my life bring honour to Your name.

1. I declare that every limitation in your life is broken in Jesus’ name. 

2. You will no longer be tied down by spiritual or physical forces. 

3. God is releasing you into your place of purpose and destiny. 

4. Every generational curse is destroyed, and you are set free. 

5. You are moving from obscurity to a place of influence and impact. 

6. The power of God is repositioning you for greatness. 

7. No force of darkness will be able to stop your release. 

8. You will fulfill your divine assignment and carry the glory of God. 

9. Your destiny helpers will locate you and assist in your elevation. 

10. You are stepping into your season of divine manifestation and fulfilment.

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