Wednesday 9 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 25:27-30  Supporting Texts:  Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 61:1-3

The story of the Israelites is a testament to God’s unending mercy and the hope that emerges even from despair. In 2 Kings 25:27-30, we see the end of an era marked by the captivity of the people of Judah. However, God’s word through the prophet Jeremiah assures us that His plans for us are not for evil but for a future filled with hope. This sermon will explore the theme of hope after captivity, demonstrating how God can restore and elevate us even after times of great distress.


a) The Fall of Jerusalem
The passage describes the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem, leading to the exile of its people. This event was not merely a political defeat but a spiritual one, as it symbolised the consequences of turning away from God. The Israelites found themselves in a foreign land, stripped of their identity and heritage.

b) The Pain of Captivity
The experience of captivity is often filled with despair and hopelessness. Many today may relate to this feeling of being trapped by circumstances, sins, or past mistakes, leading to a sense of loss and abandonment.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in Babylon 
In Psalm 137, the Israelites sat by the rivers of Babylon, weeping as they remembered Zion. Their captivity was marked by mourning and a longing for what they had lost.


a) The Word of Hope
In verse 27, we see the pivotal moment where God speaks to King Jehoiachin, offering him hope and restoration. After years of captivity, Jehoiachin is summoned and given a place of honour. This act of kindness signifies that God had not forgotten His people.

b) God’s Plans for Us 
Jeremiah 29:11 reinforces the message that God has a plan for our lives, filled with hope and a future. Even in our darkest moments, God is working behind the scenes for our restoration and blessing.

Biblical Example: Job's Restoration 
Job lost everything, but his story is one of ultimate restoration. God blessed him with twice as much as he had before, showcasing His power to restore even the most desolate circumstances.


a) Embracing God’s Grace 
Verse 30 tells us that Jehoiachin was provided for, symbolising God’s grace in our lives. Despite our past, God’s mercy allows us to rise above our circumstances and walk in His blessings.

b) The Call to Action 
As we experience restoration, it is our responsibility to share the hope we have received. We are called to be agents of change and hope in the lives of others who are still in captivity.

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son 
The prodigal son, after wasting his inheritance, returned home expecting rejection but found grace and restoration from his father. This illustrates that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love and redemption.


a) The Journey of Restoration
Our journey from captivity to glory involves faith and obedience. We must trust in God’s promises and actively participate in the process of healing and restoration.

b) The Role of Worship and Praise
Isaiah 61:1-3 speaks of God’s anointing to bring good news, bind the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom. Worship is a powerful weapon that leads us to the fullness of God’s promises.

Biblical Example: Paul and Silas 
In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas praised God while in prison. Their worship led to a miraculous deliverance, demonstrating that even in captivity, our praise can usher in freedom and restoration.

The story of Jehoiachin reminds us that no matter how dire our situation may seem, there is always hope after captivity. God is in the business of restoration and renewal, waiting for us to embrace His promises. Let us trust in His plans for our lives and declare that our captivity is not the end but a new beginning filled with hope and purpose.

1. Lord, help me to trust in Your plans for my life. 

2. Grant me the strength to embrace Your restoration after my times of despair. 

3. May I be filled with hope and faith, even in difficult circumstances. 

4. Help me to recognise and embrace Your grace in my life. 

5. Guide me to share the hope of restoration with others in need. 

6. May my life be a testament to Your mercy and grace. 

7. Teach me to worship and praise You, regardless of my situation. 

8. Heal the wounds of my past and lead me into a new season of glory. 

9. Open my eyes to see the good things You are doing in my life. 

10. Thank You, Lord, for Your unending love and restoration.

1. You will experience God’s restoration in your life! 

2. Your past will not define your future; hope is rising! 

3. You are entering a season of divine favour and blessing! 

4. God is turning your captivity into a testimony of His grace! 

5. Every chain of bondage is being broken in your life! 

6. You will be a vessel of hope for others in need! 

7. Your life will reflect God’s glory and power! 

8. You are moving from a place of despair to a place of honour! 

9. The Lord is renewing your strength and purpose! 

10. Your story will inspire others to trust in God’s restoration!

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