Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Habakkuk 2:3
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.”

Supporting Texts:
Isaiah 40:31
Psalm 27:14
Romans 8:28
Genesis 21:1-2
James 1:2-4

Many times in our Christian journey, we face situations where it feels like God is delaying the fulfilment of His promises. These moments of waiting can test our faith, patience, and endurance. However, we must understand that delay does not mean denial. God’s timing is perfect, and His promises will come to pass at the appointed time. In this Bible study, we will explore how we can maintain faith and hope during periods of delay, understanding that God’s delays are often His way of preparing us for greater things.


God’s timing is not always aligned with our own, but His delays are purposeful and for our good.

a) God's Timing Is Perfect:
God operates outside of human timelines. His timing is perfect, and He is never late (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

b) Delays Build Patience and Maturity:
When we go through seasons of delay, God uses them to develop patience and strengthen our character (James 1:2-4).

c) Delays Prepare Us for Greater Blessings:
God often delays the fulfilment of His promises to prepare us for the greater blessings He has in store (Romans 8:28).

d) Divine Delays Test Our Faith:
God allows delays to test our faith, to see if we will trust Him even when we don't understand His timing (Isaiah 40:31).

e) God’s Delays Are Not Denials:
Just because something is delayed does not mean God has said no. His promise will come to pass at the right time (Habakkuk 2:3).

Biblical Example:
Abraham and Sarah experienced a delay in the fulfilment of God’s promise of a son. Though the promise took years to manifest, God remained faithful, and Isaac was born at the appointed time (Genesis 21:1-2).


While waiting on God, we must maintain a posture of faith, patience, and expectancy.

a) Trusting God in the Waiting Season:
Trusting in God’s wisdom and plan is essential while waiting for His promises to come to pass (Proverbs 3:5-6).

b) Maintaining Hope and Faith:
Even in the face of delay, we must continue to hope and believe in God’s promises (Psalm 27:14).

c) Praying with Perseverance:
Prayer is a powerful tool to sustain us during times of waiting. We must keep praying and trusting that God will answer in due time (Luke 18:1).

d) Guarding Against Discouragement:
During delays, the enemy often tries to discourage us. We must stay focused on God’s promises and reject doubt (Galatians 6:9).

e) Seeking God’s Purpose in the Delay:
Instead of complaining, ask God what He is teaching you during the waiting season (Isaiah 40:31).

Biblical Example:
Joseph endured a long period of delay before God’s promises of leadership and influence were fulfilled. Despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned, Joseph maintained faith, and in God’s perfect timing, he was elevated to a position of power in Egypt (Genesis 41:39-40).


God rewards those who wait on Him with blessings that are worth the wait.

a) The Fulfilment of God’s Promises:
When the time is right, God’s promises are fulfilled, and they come with great joy (Psalm 40:1-3).

b) Renewed Strength and Endurance:
Those who wait on the Lord receive renewed strength and are able to soar above their challenges (Isaiah 40:31).

c) Divine Breakthroughs and Open Doors:
Delay often precedes a breakthrough. God opens doors that no one can shut when the time is right (Revelation 3:8).

d) Greater Testimonies and Glory to God:
When God’s promises are fulfilled after a delay, it brings greater testimonies and gives glory to God (Romans 8:18).

e) Joy Beyond Expectation:
The joy that comes after a period of delay is often greater than we imagined, as God’s blessings exceed our expectations (Psalm 126:1-3).

Biblical Example:
Hannah waited for years to have a child. Her season of barrenness was painful, but when God answered her prayers and she gave birth to Samuel, her joy was great, and her testimony powerful (1 Samuel 1:20, 2:1).


Delays can bring challenges, but with God’s help, we can overcome them and keep moving forward.

a) Patience Is Key:
Patience is required during periods of delay. We must wait for God’s timing, knowing that He is working behind the scenes (James 5:7-8).

b) Avoiding the Temptation to Take Shortcuts:
When delays come, there is a temptation to take matters into our own hands, but we must resist this urge and trust God’s process (Genesis 16:1-2).

c) Standing Firm in Faith:
Even when it seems like nothing is happening, we must continue to stand firm in faith, believing that God is working (Hebrews 11:1).

d) Encouraging Yourself in the Lord:
In times of delay, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord by meditating on His Word and remembering His faithfulness (1 Samuel 30:6).

e) Surrounding Yourself with People of Faith:
It is important to surround yourself with people who will encourage and pray with you during times of delay (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Biblical Example:
David experienced numerous delays before he became king of Israel. Despite the challenges, he encouraged himself in the Lord and waited patiently for God’s appointed time (1 Samuel 30:6, 2 Samuel 5:4).

Delay is not denial. God's timing is perfect, and He often uses delays to build our faith, develop our character, and prepare us for greater blessings. As we trust God and wait on Him with patience and perseverance, we will see the fulfilment of His promises in our lives. No matter how long the wait may seem, God’s Word will not fail, and in His time, He will make everything beautiful.

1. Father, help me to trust Your timing in every area of my life.

2. Lord, give me the strength to wait patiently for the fulfilment of Your promises.

3. I reject every spirit of discouragement during seasons of delay.

4. Father, open my eyes to see the lessons You are teaching me during this waiting period.

5. I declare that I will not take shortcuts but will follow Your plan for my life.

6. Lord, renew my strength and help me to soar above every challenge.

7. I thank You that delay is not denial; Your promises will come to pass in my life.

8. Father, I trust that You are working all things together for my good.

9. I declare that I will not miss my breakthrough; I will wait for Your appointed time.

10. Thank You, Lord, for the great testimonies that will come from this season of waiting.

1. I declare that every delay in your life will result in a greater blessing, in Jesus’ name.

2. You will not grow weary in waiting; God will strengthen you and uphold you.

3. I speak against every spirit of discouragement; your faith will remain strong.

4. In God's appointed time, His promises concerning you will come to pass.

5. I declare that your waiting season will end in joy and celebration.

6. The Lord will make everything beautiful in His time concerning your life.

7. You will not take shortcuts, but you will walk in God's perfect plan for you.

8. Every delay is working for your good, and God is preparing something greater for you.

9. The Lord will turn your waiting into a powerful testimony of His faithfulness.

10. I declare that your season of waiting is over; God’s blessings are manifesting now in Jesus’ name!

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