Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Exodus 8:22-23
"But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the LORD, am in this land. I will make a distinction between my people and your people."

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 91:7
Isaiah 43:2
Malachi 3:17-18
Exodus 12:13
Job 1:10

The covenant of exemption is a divine agreement that ensures God’s people are preserved and protected from calamity, danger, and evil, even in the midst of trials and tribulations. Throughout Scripture, God makes a distinction between those who serve Him and those who do not. This sermon explores the biblical foundation of the covenant of exemption and how believers today can walk in this covenant, enjoying divine protection and favour despite the challenges around them.


The covenant of exemption signifies God’s special protection over His people, ensuring they are shielded from harm while others may be affected.

a) Divine Protection in the Midst of Calamity:
God has a way of marking His people and protecting them in times of danger (Psalm 91:7).

b) The Exemption in the Land of Goshen:
God made a clear distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians by shielding His people from the plagues (Exodus 8:22-23).

c) The Blood of the Lamb as a Mark of Exemption:
In the final plague in Egypt, the blood of the Passover lamb exempted the Israelites from death (Exodus 12:13).

d) The Hedge of Protection Around Believers:
God places a hedge around those who trust in Him, protecting them from the attacks of the enemy (Job 1:10).

e) Walking in Covenant Relationship with God:
The covenant of exemption is available to those who live in obedience to God’s Word and walk in fellowship with Him (Malachi 3:17-18).

Biblical Example:
During the plagues of Egypt, the Israelites living in Goshen were supernaturally protected from the plagues that devastated the Egyptians. God ensured that His people were exempt from the afflictions that befell the land (Exodus 8:22-23).


Exemption from evil requires faith in God's promises and a confident trust in His ability to protect and preserve.

a) Faith as a Shield of Protection:
Faith acts as a shield that quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy (Ephesians 6:16).

b) Trusting God in Times of Trouble:
The covenant of exemption requires us to trust God completely, even when the circumstances look bleak (Isaiah 43:2).

c) Speaking God’s Word of Protection:
Believers must declare God’s Word over their lives, affirming His promises of protection and exemption (Psalm 91:10-11).

d) Rejecting Fear and Embracing Faith:
Fear opens the door to the enemy’s attacks, but faith keeps us anchored in God’s protection (2 Timothy 1:7).

e) Prayer as a Key to Unlock Exemption:
Persistent prayer is essential for activating the covenant of exemption. We must pray for God’s hedge of protection around us (Psalm 91:15).

Biblical Example:
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:16-27) trusted God for protection in the fiery furnace. Their faith in God’s ability to exempt them from destruction resulted in divine intervention, and they emerged unharmed.


Believers are called to live with the consciousness of God’s protection, knowing that He keeps us from evil.

a) Obedience to God’s Commands:
The covenant of exemption is tied to our obedience. God promises protection for those who diligently follow His Word (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

b) Consecration and Holiness:
Living a life set apart for God attracts His protective covering (Psalm 91:1-2).

c) Walking in Divine Wisdom:
Wisdom leads us to make choices that align with God’s will, and it brings divine exemption from the pitfalls of life (Proverbs 4:6-7).

d) The Power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus:
The blood of Jesus continues to be a powerful mark of exemption for believers, shielding us from harm (Hebrews 12:24).

e) Fellowship with God and His People:
Remaining in close fellowship with God and being part of the body of Christ reinforces the covenant of exemption (Psalm 91:14-16).

Biblical Example:
Daniel (Daniel 6:16-23) experienced God’s covenant of exemption when he was thrown into the lions’ den. His commitment to God and his faithfulness led to his miraculous preservation.


The covenant of exemption brings numerous blessings to those who walk in it.

a) Divine Protection:
Believers are shielded from harm, accidents, and the plans of the enemy (Psalm 91:5-7).

b) Preservation of Life:
God promises to deliver us from premature death and preserve our lives for His purpose (Psalm 118:17).

c) Favour and Promotion:
When God’s hand of protection is upon us, we experience favour and supernatural promotion, even in hostile environments (Genesis 39:21).

d) Rest and Peace:
The covenant of exemption brings peace of mind, knowing that God is in control and that He is our refuge (Philippians 4:7).

e) Testimonies of Deliverance:
God’s people become testimonies of His saving power as they walk under His covenant of exemption (Psalm 34:19).

Biblical Example:
The Apostle Paul (Acts 27:22-25) was exempted from death in the shipwreck because of God’s divine intervention. His life was preserved, and he brought hope to others through his faith in God’s protection.

The covenant of exemption is a powerful promise for every believer who walks in faith, obedience, and fellowship with God. As we live under His divine protection, we can face the trials of life with confidence, knowing that no harm can come near us. God’s covenant of exemption not only protects us but also brings us into a place of favour, peace, and victory. Let us embrace this covenant and walk in the fullness of God’s protective covering.


1. Father, I thank You for the covenant of exemption that protects me from every form of evil.

2. Lord, shield my family and me from every danger, plague, and attack of the enemy.

3. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life as a mark of divine protection.

4. Every plan of the enemy against my life is nullified by the power of God.

5. Father, let Your angels surround me and guard me in all my ways.

6. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

7. Lord, grant me wisdom to walk in Your protection and make godly choices.

8. I reject fear and choose to trust in Your covenant of exemption.

9. Father, protect me from premature death and preserve my life for Your purpose.

10. Thank You, Lord, for making me a testimony of Your divine protection.


1. I declare that you are exempted from every evil plan of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

2. No weapon fashioned against you will prosper; God’s protection surrounds you like a shield.

3. Every trap set by your enemies is exposed and rendered ineffective.

4. The blood of Jesus marks you for divine exemption from accidents and calamities.

5. You will not suffer harm or premature death; your life is preserved by God’s covenant.

6. I decree that the favour of God will distinguish you and protect you in every situation.

7. Your household is covered by the covenant of exemption, and no evil shall befall you.

8. You will walk in peace, knowing that God’s angels are watching over you.

9. I declare that in every trial, God will bring you out unharmed and victorious.

10. From today, you will experience divine protection, and your life will be a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

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