Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Daniel 6:16-24
Supporting Texts: Psalm 91:1-2, Isaiah 54:17, Romans 8:31

The story of Daniel in the lion’s den demonstrates the supernatural power of God to save His people from death. Daniel was thrown into a den of lions as a result of the scheming of his enemies, but God sent His angel to shut the lions’ mouths, and Daniel emerged unharmed. In contrast, when those who conspired against him were thrown into the same den, the lions immediately devoured them. This shows that God’s protection is exclusive to those who trust in Him, and what kills others will not kill you when God is on your side.


a) Daniel’s Consistency in Serving God:
Daniel was known for his unwavering devotion to God. Even when a decree was made to trap him in his faith, he continued to pray and honour God (Daniel 6:10). His faithfulness to God made him a target of the enemy, but it also positioned him for divine protection.

b) The Enemy’s Plot Against Daniel:
Daniel’s enemies convinced King Darius to issue a decree that would lead to his death by throwing him into the lions' den. Despite the evil plots, God had a greater plan. No weapon formed against Daniel could prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

c) God’s Intervention in the Lion’s Den:
Just as Daniel was thrown into the den, God sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:22). Though Daniel faced a death sentence, the lions did not harm him because of God’s supernatural intervention.

Biblical Example: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were also protected from the fiery furnace because of their faithfulness to God (Daniel 3:25).


a) God’s Presence Makes the Difference:
Daniel survived the lions because God’s presence was with him. Psalm 91:1-2 reminds us that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. It is God’s presence that shields you from harm.

b) The Lions Could Not Harm Daniel, But Devoured His Enemies:
After Daniel was removed from the den unharmed, his enemies and their families were thrown into the same den, and the lions immediately devoured them before they even hit the ground (Daniel 6:24). This contrast shows that what kills others cannot kill you when God is on your side.

c) God’s Protection Over His People:
When you are covered by God’s protection, no harm can come near you. Even in situations that seem deadly, God can shield you from all forms of danger. What destroyed others will not destroy you because God is with you (Romans 8:31).

Biblical Example: The Israelites were protected from the plagues that devastated Egypt because God had set them apart (Exodus 8:22).


a) Daniel’s Trust in God:
Daniel’s trust in God did not waver, even when facing the lions. His faith in God’s ability to deliver him activated divine intervention. Trusting in God during difficult times will bring about miraculous deliverance.

b) God’s Deliverance Is Sure for the Righteous:
Daniel was delivered because he was found blameless before God (Daniel 6:22). God is a shield to those who walk uprightly (Proverbs 2:7). When you trust in Him, He will deliver you from every form of danger.

c) God Will Honour Your Faith:
Just as Daniel was honoured after his miraculous deliverance, God will honour your faith and elevate you above your enemies. What was meant to destroy you will instead work for your good.

Biblical Example: Peter was also delivered from prison by an angel after the church prayed for him. While others may have perished in similar circumstances, Peter was spared because of God’s intervention (Acts 12:7-10).


a) The Trap Set for You Will Capture Your Enemies:
Daniel’s enemies devised a plan to destroy him, but it backfired on them. The same lions that were supposed to kill Daniel ended up killing those who plotted against him. God has a way of turning the enemy’s plans against them (Daniel 6:24).

b) God Will Vindicate You:
After Daniel was delivered, King Darius issued a decree that everyone in his kingdom should fear and reverence the God of Daniel. God will vindicate you and cause those who oppose you to acknowledge His power in your life (Daniel 6:26-27).

c) Your Victory Will Be a Testimony:
Just as Daniel’s deliverance became a testimony to the nations, your deliverance will cause others to see the power of God at work in your life. Your testimony will inspire others to trust in God.

Biblical Example: Haman’s plot to destroy Mordecai and the Jews backfired, and he was hanged on the same gallows he prepared for Mordecai (Esther 7:10).

Just as Daniel was delivered from the lions' den, you too will be delivered from every situation that seeks to destroy you. What killed others will not kill you because God’s hand of protection is upon you. Trust in God, remain faithful, and know that He will vindicate you. The traps set by the enemy will not succeed, and your victory will be a testimony of God’s faithfulness.


1. Father, I thank You for Your protection over my life. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

2. Lord, I ask for divine intervention in every situation that seeks to destroy me.

3. Father, just as You delivered Daniel from the lions, deliver me from every danger in Jesus’ name.

4. Lord, I pray that what destroyed others will not destroy me. I am covered by Your blood.

5. Father, let every trap set by the enemy for my life backfire in Jesus’ name.

6. Lord, I declare that no harm will come near me because I dwell in Your presence.

7. Father, I ask that You will turn every evil plot against me into a testimony of Your power.

8. Lord, just as You shut the mouths of the lions for Daniel, silence every voice of accusation against me.

9. Father, I pray that my life will be a testimony of Your faithfulness and deliverance.

10. Lord, vindicate me before my enemies and cause them to see Your power at work in my life.


1. I declare that what killed others will not kill you. You are shielded by the hand of God.

2. Every plan of the enemy against your life will backfire in Jesus' name.

3. Just as Daniel was delivered, you will walk out of every trap unharmed.

4. The angel of the Lord will shut the mouth of every lion seeking to devour you.

5. I declare that no harm shall come near you, for you are under divine protection.

6. Your enemies will witness your deliverance and acknowledge the power of your God.

7. The plans of the wicked against you will fail, and you will be victorious.

8. I declare that your testimony will bring glory to God and inspire others.

9. What was meant to destroy you will elevate you in Jesus’ name.

10. You will walk in supernatural favour and protection all the days of your life.

This message emphasizes that when God is on your side, no situation, no matter how dangerous, can destroy you. Your trust in God and your faithfulness will ensure that what killed others will not kill you.

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