Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Acts 12:1-11
Supporting Texts: Psalm 91:7, Isaiah 54:17, 2 Corinthians 1:10

In life, there are situations that seem to destroy some people, while others walk through the same circumstances unharmed. This sermon explores the power of God’s intervention when facing life-threatening challenges. Using the story of Herod, who killed James but failed to kill Peter when the church prayed, we will see how God’s power delivers His people from situations that seem hopeless. What killed others will not kill you, for you are under God’s divine protection and care.


a) The Enemy’s Plan Against James and Peter:
Herod, in his anger, sought to persecute the church. He killed James, the brother of John, with the sword (Acts 12:2). When he saw that it pleased the people, he also arrested Peter, intending to execute him. It seemed like Peter was destined for the same fate as James.

b) The Power of Prayer:
Despite the hopeless situation, the church gathered to pray earnestly for Peter’s release (Acts 12:5). This highlights the importance of intercession. Prayer activates God’s power and brings about supernatural intervention.

c) God’s Intervention in Peter’s Life:
While James was martyred, God had a different plan for Peter. An angel of the Lord was sent to deliver Peter from Herod’s prison (Acts 12:7-10). This shows that while the enemy may succeed in some instances, God’s hand of protection can deliver His people from similar dangers.

Biblical Example: In the same way, when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God sent Moses to deliver them. Though many Egyptians died in the plagues, the Israelites were protected because of the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:13).


a) You Are Shielded by God’s Presence:
Just as Peter was delivered from the sword of Herod, you are also shielded by God’s presence. Psalm 91:7 assures us, "A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you."

b) You Are Marked for Life, Not Death:
Just as the blood on the doorposts in Egypt marked the Israelites for life and not death, you are marked by the blood of Jesus. What has killed others will not kill you. God has marked you for a purpose, and His plans for you will not be thwarted (Jeremiah 29:11).

c) Supernatural Protection Through Faith:
When you trust in God and live by faith, you remain under His supernatural covering. No harm can come near you when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91:1).

Biblical Example: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, but the fire did not harm them because of God’s supernatural protection (Daniel 3:25).


a) The Power of Collective Prayer:
When the church prayed for Peter, God intervened and sent an angel to deliver him. Prayer changes situations that seem impossible. James was killed, but through prayer, Peter’s life was spared (Acts 12:5).

b) Prayer Opens Doors of Deliverance:
The angel of the Lord came and led Peter out of the prison, and the chains fell off his wrists. God will deliver you from any chains that are binding you, whether they are spiritual, emotional, or physical (Acts 12:7-8).

c) Prayer Is a Weapon Against the Enemy:
In times of trouble, prayer is your greatest weapon. It was not by Peter’s strength that he escaped Herod’s prison but by the prayers of the saints and God’s intervention. Likewise, through prayer, you can escape every trap of the enemy.

Biblical Example: Elijah prayed earnestly, and God shut the heavens for three years. Prayer gives you the power to change situations and escape destruction (James 5:17).


a) God Is the Defender of His People:
When the enemy rises against you, God will fight for you. He sent an angel to strike down Herod because of his wickedness (Acts 12:23). No enemy can prevail against you when God is on your side.

b) You Will Witness the Downfall of Your Enemies:
While Herod thought he had power over Peter, God turned the situation around. The same Herod who killed James was himself struck down by the angel of the Lord. God will bring down every enemy that rises against you.

c) God Will Give You Victory Where Others Failed:
Just as Peter walked out of the prison unharmed, you will walk out of every trap set by the enemy. Where others have fallen, you will rise because the Lord is fighting for you.

Biblical Example: In 2 Chronicles 20:15, Jehoshaphat was told, “The battle is not yours, but God’s.” God fought the battle for Israel, and they were victorious without even lifting a sword.


What killed others will not kill you. Herod may have succeeded in killing James, but when the church prayed for Peter, God intervened and delivered him. This is a message of hope and assurance that no matter what the enemy has planned, it will not prevail against you. The power of prayer, God’s protection, and His faithfulness are your weapons against any attack. Stand firm in faith, knowing that God is on your side, and He will deliver you from every danger.


1. Father, I thank You for Your divine protection over my life. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

2. Lord, just as You delivered Peter from prison, deliver me from every trap of the enemy in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, I pray that what destroyed others will not destroy me. I am marked by Your blood for life and not death.

4. Lord, I ask for divine intervention in every area of my life where I am facing challenges. Let Your angels go before me.

5. Father, I declare that every plan of the enemy to take my life is hereby cancelled in Jesus’ name.

6. Lord, just as You silenced Herod, silence every voice that rises against me.

7. Father, give me the grace to stand firm in prayer, knowing that You are my deliverer.

8. Lord, I declare that I will walk in supernatural protection and favour all the days of my life.

9. Father, I pray that You will fight every battle in my life, and I will come out victorious.

10. Lord, let the same power that delivered Peter be at work in my life, delivering me from every situation that seems hopeless.


1. I declare that what killed others will not kill you. You are covered by the blood of Jesus.

2. Every plan of the enemy against your life is cancelled by the power of God.

3. You will walk out of every trap set by the enemy unharmed.

4. The angels of the Lord are on assignment to deliver you from every danger.

5. I declare that the enemy’s plans against you will fail, and you will walk in victory.

6. You are shielded from every attack, and no evil shall come near you.

7. God will fight for you, and you will see the downfall of your enemies.

8. I declare that you will live and not die, to declare the works of the Lord.

9. Every chain holding you down is broken in Jesus' name.

10. You will walk in supernatural protection, and no harm shall come near your dwelling.

This message reinforces the power of God's intervention in impossible situations and the assurance that no matter what the enemy may do, God's people are marked for life, not death.

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