Tuesday 15 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Romans 8:28
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 34:18, Job 1:21-22

Life comes with its share of pain, challenges, and suffering, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. In moments of deep hurt, it’s easy to wonder if God is still in control. But the Bible assures us that even in our darkest times, God is sovereign, and His plans for us are ultimately for good (Romans 8:28). This sermon explores how we can trust God's control even when we are hurting and how His purpose is being worked out through our pain.


a) God Knows Our Pain:
The Bible tells us that God is fully aware of every hurt we experience. He is not distant but is present with us in our suffering (Psalm 34:18).

b) God is Close to the Brokenhearted:
When we are at our lowest, God's presence is near, comforting and healing us in ways we may not always recognize (Isaiah 41:10).

c) God's Compassion for Our Pain:
The suffering of Jesus shows us that God understands our pain. He identifies with our suffering because He experienced the ultimate pain on the cross (Hebrews 4:15).

Biblical Example: Job’s story is a powerful example of someone who experienced immense pain yet recognized that God was still in control (Job 1:21-22).


a) God is Sovereign Over All Things:
Nothing happens in our lives that is outside of God's sovereign control. He can work all things—even painful experiences—together for good (Romans 8:28).

b) God's Plan is Perfect:
Even when we don't understand why things happen, we can trust that God’s plans for us are higher and better than we can comprehend (Isaiah 55:8-9).

c) Surrendering to God's Will:
In times of hurt, we are called to surrender to God's plan, knowing that He is in control and that He sees the bigger picture that we cannot (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Biblical Example: Joseph endured betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment, but he later acknowledged that God used it all to bring about a greater purpose (Genesis 50:20).


a) God's Strength is Made Perfect in Weakness:
When we are weak, God’s strength is made manifest. He empowers us to endure pain and hardship, carrying us when we cannot carry ourselves (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

b) God Uses Our Pain for Growth:
Sometimes God allows pain to refine our faith and character, moulding us into vessels of honour and preparing us for greater things (James 1:2-4).

c) Testimonies Through Trials:
The trials we face can become powerful testimonies of God's grace and faithfulness, encouraging others to trust in Him (1 Peter 1:6-7).

Biblical Example: The Apostle Paul, despite facing numerous hardships, rejoiced in his sufferings because they produced endurance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-5).


a) God Promises to Never Leave Us:
We may feel abandoned in our pain, but God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. His presence remains with us through every trial (Deuteronomy 31:6).

b) The Hope of Restoration:
God not only comforts us in our pain but also promises to restore us and bring healing. What seems like the end is often a new beginning in God's plan (1 Peter 5:10).

c) Eternal Perspective:
While pain is real, it is temporary in light of eternity. Our ultimate hope is in the promise of eternal life, where there will be no more pain or suffering (Revelation 21:4).

Biblical Example: After the suffering of the cross, Jesus was resurrected and glorified, showing us that God can turn our greatest pain into triumph.


Even when it hurts, God is still in control. He sees our pain, He walks with us through it, and He is working all things together for our good. We can trust His heart, even when we don't understand His hand. Let us remember that God's plans are always for our good, and He will bring us through every trial stronger and more refined in our faith.


1. Lord, help me to trust You in the midst of my pain.

2. Father, remind me of Your presence when I feel abandoned in my hurt.

3. I surrender my pain to You, knowing that You are in control of my life.

4. Lord, give me the strength to endure trials and grow in faith through them.

5. Let Your perfect will be done in my life, even when it doesn’t make sense to me.

6. Father, heal my heart and restore joy where there is pain.

7. Empower me to be a testimony of Your grace in the midst of suffering.

8. Lord, help me to find hope in Your promises during difficult seasons.

9. Fill me with Your peace that surpasses all understanding as I navigate hard times.

10. Father, let my trials produce spiritual growth and bring glory to Your name.


1. I declare that no trial will overpower you; you will rise above every challenge.

2. Your pain will be turned into a testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness.

3. Every season of suffering will produce strength, endurance, and hope in your life.

4. You are not alone in your pain; God's presence surrounds you and carries you through.

5. I declare that God is working all things together for your good, even now.

6. Your sorrow will turn into joy, and your mourning into dancing.

7. Every broken area of your life will be restored by the power of God’s hand.

8. Your faith will not fail; instead, it will grow stronger through every trial.

9. I declare that God’s peace will flood your heart, no matter the circumstances.

10. You will emerge from this season of pain victorious, with a new testimony to share.

This sermon provides encouragement and hope to believers facing pain, reminding them that even in their darkest moments, God is in control and working for their good.

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