Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Matthew 11:28-30 
Supporting Texts:  Hebrews 4:9-11, Exodus 33:14, Psalm 23:1-3

In a world filled with challenges, stress, and overwhelming demands, supernatural rest is the divine gift that God offers His people. It is not merely physical rest but a state of spiritual peace, mental stability, and emotional refreshment that can only come from God. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus invites all who are weary and burdened to come to Him and experience true rest. This message highlights the nature of supernatural rest, its importance, and how to enter into it.


a) Rest Beyond the Physical 
Supernatural rest is not just about taking a break or sleeping; it is a rest that refreshes the soul and spirit. It is God’s way of renewing and empowering us, even in the midst of challenges. Physical rest can restore the body, but only God's supernatural rest can restore the soul. Psalm 23:3 reminds us that God "restores my soul."

b) Divine Peace and Assurance 
Supernatural rest comes with peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). This peace keeps your heart and mind even when things around you seem chaotic. It is resting in God’s promises, knowing that He is in control.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in the Wilderness (Exodus 33:14) 
God promised Moses and the Israelites, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." This was not just physical rest, but a guarantee of divine peace and assurance as they journeyed through the wilderness. Despite the challenges ahead, God’s presence was their assurance of rest.


a) Surrender to God’s Will
One of the biggest hindrances to supernatural rest is self-reliance. True rest is found when we surrender our burdens, worries, and plans to God. Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). This rest is available when we cast our cares upon Him and trust in His plan.

b) Faith in God’s Provision 
Rest comes when we trust God as our provider. Hebrews 4:10-11 speaks of the rest that is entered by faith. It is faith that allows us to cease from striving and enter into the rest that God has promised. Just as God provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness, He will provide for all our needs.

Biblical Example:   Elijah’s Rest After Mount Carmel (1 Kings 19:3-8) 
After the victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah fled in fear and exhaustion. God provided rest for Elijah through an angel, who gave him food and water to strengthen him for his journey. This supernatural rest prepared him for the tasks ahead, showing that God supplies the strength needed when we rest in Him.


a) Renewed Strength and Vision 
Supernatural rest brings renewal of strength. Isaiah 40:31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.” In rest, God renews your energy and sharpens your vision for the future.

b) Divine Guidance and Direction
When we enter into supernatural rest, we open ourselves to hear God’s voice more clearly. Rest brings clarity. Psalm 23:2-3 says, "He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." It is in stillness that we receive divine direction for our next steps.

Biblical Example: Jesus Calming the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) 
Jesus was able to sleep peacefully in the midst of a storm, demonstrating the rest that comes from absolute trust in God. When the disciples woke Him, panicked, Jesus rebuked the storm and calmed their fears. Supernatural rest enables you to have peace even in the middle of life’s storms, trusting that God is in control.


a) Anxiety and Worry
Worry and anxiety are two major enemies of rest. Philippians 4:6 commands us to “be anxious for nothing.” When we allow fear and doubt to fill our hearts, we prevent ourselves from experiencing the rest that God has promised. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry about tomorrow, but to trust God for our daily needs.

b) Unbelief
Hebrews 4:2-3 explains that the Israelites could not enter God's rest because of unbelief. Despite God's promises, they allowed fear and doubt to overtake them. When we doubt God's ability to handle our situations or fail to trust His Word, we block ourselves from receiving the supernatural rest He offers. Faith is the key that unlocks this divine peace and rest.

Biblical Example: The Israelites’ Failure to Enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14:1-4) 
When the Israelites heard the report of the spies and saw the giants in the Promised Land, they were overcome with unbelief and fear. Instead of trusting in God's promise, they doubted and complained, which led to them missing out on the rest and blessing God had prepared for them.


a) Resting in God's Promises Daily
Supernatural rest is not a one-time event but a lifestyle. It means walking in a constant awareness of God's presence, provision, and power. Living in God's rest requires daily trust in His promises, and reliance on His guidance. Psalm 37:7 encourages us to "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him."

b) Fellowship with the Holy Spirit 
One of the ways we sustain supernatural rest is through intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. In John 14:27, Jesus said He leaves His peace with us, a peace unlike the world’s. This peace, or rest, is administered by the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live without fear or worry. As we yield to the Holy Spirit, we experience divine rest in our daily walk.

Biblical Example:   Mary at the Feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42) 
Mary found rest by sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to His words. While Martha was busy and anxious about many things, Jesus said that Mary had chosen the better part. Spending time with God through worship, prayer, and studying His Word is essential to living in His rest.

Supernatural rest is a divine invitation from God, offering peace, renewal, and strength amidst the challenges of life. Jesus calls us to lay down our burdens and take up His yoke, which is easy and light. By surrendering our worries, trusting in God's provision, and walking in faith, we can enter into His rest. In this place of rest, we find clarity, guidance, and the strength to face whatever comes our way. Make a conscious decision today to live in God's supernatural rest and experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.


1. Father, I surrender all my burdens to You; give me Your supernatural rest in Jesus’ name. 

2. Lord, help me to trust You fully and walk by faith, not by sight. 

3. I rebuke every spirit of anxiety and fear that tries to steal my peace in Jesus' name. 

4. Father, lead me beside still waters and restore my soul. 

5. Holy Spirit, help me to live daily in God's rest and trust His perfect plan for my life. 

6. Lord, remove every obstacle of unbelief and doubt that prevents me from entering Your rest. 

7. I declare that I will rest in God's promises and experience His peace in every area of my life. 

8. Father, help me to wait patiently on You, knowing that You are working all things for my good. 

9. Lord, teach me to rely on Your strength and not my own as I face life's challenges. 

10. I receive the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in Jesus' name.


1. I declare that supernatural rest is my portion in every area of my life. 

2. Every burden weighing me down is lifted in the name of Jesus. 

3. I enter into God’s divine rest, and my soul is restored daily. 

4. No spirit of anxiety or worry will steal my peace. 

5. The peace of God fills my heart and mind, calming every storm in my life. 

6. I am living in a season of supernatural rest, where I will see divine intervention in every situation. 

7. My strength is being renewed as I wait upon the Lord, and I will soar on wings like eagles. 

8. Every obstacle to my rest is being removed, and I step into God’s promises. 

9. I receive clarity, direction, and guidance as I rest in the presence of God. 

10. I declare that I am free from stress, worry, and fear; I live in the peace and rest of God.

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