Wednesday 16 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Deuteronomy 1:6-7
Supporting Texts: Exodus 14:15, Isaiah 43:18-19, Philippians 3:13-14


Stagnation is a period in life where everything seems to be at a standstill—no progress, no advancement, and no breakthroughs. Spiritually, emotionally, or even physically, many experience seasons where they feel stuck. Stagnation is not God’s will for His children. In Deuteronomy 1:6-7, God commanded the Israelites to break camp and move forward, signifying His desire for progress. In this sermon, we will explore what causes stagnation, how to overcome it, and how to move into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives.


a) Lack of Progress:
Stagnation can manifest as a lack of progress in any area of life—spiritual, financial, relational, or career-wise. It often feels like being stuck in one place, with no forward movement.

b) Repeating Cycles:
You may find yourself repeating the same mistakes or going through the same challenges without resolution, which is a clear sign of stagnation.

c) Lost Passion:
A stagnant life loses the fire and passion for God, His work, and even daily tasks. This can lead to frustration and spiritual dryness.

Biblical Example: The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years without entering the Promised Land. This stagnation was a result of their unbelief and disobedience (Numbers 14:26-35).


a) Disobedience:
God often leads us to new places, but disobedience to His commands can cause us to remain stuck. The Israelites delayed their entry into the Promised Land due to their disobedience.

b) Fear:
Fear of failure or the unknown can paralyze us and prevent us from taking necessary steps forward. Fear can keep us trapped in our comfort zone, afraid to move into God’s next plan for our lives.

c) Lack of Vision:
Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Without a clear vision or direction from God, we can remain stagnant, wandering without purpose.

d) Unresolved Sin:
Sin, especially unrepented sin, can block God’s blessings and hinder progress. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us to lay aside every weight and sin that easily ensnares us.

Biblical Example: Jonah’s disobedience to God's command caused a delay in his assignment. He was stuck in the belly of the fish until he repented (Jonah 1-2).


a) Acknowledge the Problem:
The first step to overcoming stagnation is to recognize and acknowledge that there is a problem. Denial only prolongs stagnation. Cry out to God for help and deliverance.

b) Repentance and Obedience:
If disobedience or sin is the cause of stagnation, repentance is key to moving forward. Obeying God’s Word and His specific instructions can unlock new doors.

c) Activate Your Faith:
Faith is required to break free from stagnation. Just as God told Moses to move forward at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:15), we must take bold steps of faith, trusting God to make a way where there seems to be none.

d) Renew Your Mind:
Romans 12:2 teaches us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Stagnation can be broken by changing the way we think and aligning our thoughts with God’s Word.

e) Prayer and Fasting:
Some spiritual stagnations require intense prayer and fasting. Jesus said in Mark 9:29 that certain obstacles can only be overcome through prayer and fasting.

Biblical Example: After Peter’s denial of Jesus, he experienced a season of spiritual stagnation, but after repentance and a fresh encounter with Jesus, he was restored and became a key leader in the early church (John 21:15-19).


a) Trust in God’s Timing:
God’s timing is perfect, and sometimes what feels like stagnation is God’s way of preparing us for something greater. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.

b) Press Toward the Goal:
Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to forget what is behind and press forward to what lies ahead. Focus on the future and God’s promises, not the obstacles in your past.

c) Surround Yourself with Encouragement:
Surround yourself with people who speak life and encouragement. Avoid negative influences that may pull you back into stagnation.

d) Seek Fresh Anointing:
Ask God for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. A fresh anointing can break the yoke of stagnation and bring new life and direction (Isaiah 10:27).

e) Take Bold Actions:
Break free from fear and comfort zones by taking bold steps. Whether it's in ministry, business, or personal growth, stepping out in faith is necessary for overcoming stagnation.

Biblical Example: The four lepers in 2 Kings 7:3-8 made a bold decision to leave their stagnant position at the gate and move toward the Syrian camp. Their faith-filled action brought deliverance for the entire city.

Stagnation is not God’s plan for our lives. He desires for us to move forward, grow, and fulfil His purposes. Overcoming stagnation requires us to recognize where we are, take responsibility, repent where necessary, and then boldly step out in faith, trusting God for the breakthrough. As we trust in God’s timing, renew our minds, and stay connected to His Word, we will break free from every form of stagnation and walk in divine progress.


1. Lord, deliver me from every form of stagnation in my life.

2. Father, give me the grace to move forward and break free from cycles of delay.

3. Lord, help me to obey Your instructions fully, so I may walk in Your divine plan.

4. Father, remove every fear and doubt that is holding me back from progressing.

5. Lord, give me fresh vision and clarity for the next steps in my life.

6. Father, empower me to walk in faith and take bold steps towards my destiny.

7. Lord, let every obstacle hindering my progress be removed in Jesus’ name.

8. Father, renew my mind and align my thoughts with Your Word.

9. Lord, release a fresh anointing upon my life to break every yoke of stagnation.

10. Father, help me to press forward and fulfil Your purpose for my life.


1. I declare that you are breaking free from every form of stagnation in your life.

2. You will no longer be stuck, but you will move forward into divine progress.

3. Every cycle of delay is broken, and new doors of opportunity are opening for you.

4. I declare that your faith is being activated to step out and take bold actions.

5. You will fulfil every plan and purpose God has set for your life without delay.

6. I speak fresh vision and clarity into your life—no more wandering without purpose.

7. The Lord will surround you with divine help and encouragement to keep moving forward.

8. Every fear that has held you back is removed, and you shall walk in boldness.

9. The Lord is releasing a fresh anointing over your life to accelerate your progress.

10. I declare that you will finish this year strong, walking in divine purpose and breakthrough.

This message encourages us to break free from any form of stagnation by recognising the signs, repenting where necessary, and stepping out in faith with a renewed sense of purpose and vision. God desires for us to move forward and not remain stuck in one place, and as we take action, we will experience His supernatural breakthroughs.

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