Saturday, 26 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Joel 2:25-27 
Supporting Texts: Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 61:7, 1 Samuel 30:8, Luke 15:11-24

Destiny is the divine plan and purpose God has for our lives. However, due to sin, wrong decisions, attacks from the enemy, and life’s challenges, destinies can be lost, delayed, or derailed. The good news is that God is in the business of recovering and restoring lost destinies. This sermon will explore how, through God's grace and power, destinies that have been diverted or destroyed can be recovered and fully restored.


a) Destiny is God’s Purpose for Your Life 
God created each of us with a specific plan and purpose in mind. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has plans to prosper us and give us a hope and a future. Your destiny is connected to your identity in Christ and His divine purpose for your life.

b) Factors That Derail Destiny 
Several factors can cause a person’s destiny to be delayed or diverted. These include sin, ignorance, satanic attacks, and wrong associations. Just like the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-24, many people have wandered away from their God-given purpose but can find their way back through repentance and God’s grace.

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24) 
The prodigal son lost his inheritance due to rebellion and wrong decisions. However, when he came to his senses, he returned to his father, who restored him to his rightful place. This is a powerful picture of God’s ability to restore lost or diverted destinies when we return to Him.


a) Seek Divine Direction 
David inquired of the Lord in 1 Samuel 30:8 when his family and possessions were taken by the Amalekites. God gave him the strategy to recover all. Likewise, when we seek God's face in prayer, He gives us the wisdom and guidance needed for destiny recovery.

b) Repentance and Realignment 
Sometimes destinies are derailed because of sin or disobedience. Repentance is the first step to recovering your destiny. When the prodigal son returned to his father, he was restored. When we realign ourselves with God’s will, we are positioned for recovery.

Biblical Example:  David (1 Samuel 30:8) 
After his family was captured by the Amalekites, David sought the Lord and was given a promise of recovery. David pursued, overtook, and recovered all. Similarly, through prayer and obedience, you can recover every area of your life that has been stolen or lost.


a) God’s Promise of Restoration
God promises restoration for every area of our lives that the enemy has attacked. Joel 2:25-27 assures us that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Restoration means that God not only gives back what was lost but multiplies it. He will restore time, opportunities, and blessings that may have been delayed or stolen.

b) Double for Your Trouble 
Isaiah 61:7 promises that instead of shame, we will receive double honour. When God restores, He doesn’t just return what was lost; He adds more blessings and glory to it. Job, after losing everything, was restored and given twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10).

Biblical Example: Job (Job 42:10) 
Job lost everything, but God restored him and blessed him with twice as much as he had before. His latter days were more prosperous than his former days. This is a picture of how God restores destinies that have been attacked or delayed by the enemy.


a) Faith and Persistence
Faith is a key to unlocking destiny recovery. Even when everything looks lost, faith in God’s promises will sustain you. David persisted in pursuing the Amalekites until he recovered all. Do not give up on your destiny; keep believing that God will restore you.

b) Spiritual Warfare and Prayer 
Satan is constantly fighting against the destinies of God’s people. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of darkness. Through persistent prayer, fasting, and spiritual warfare, you can defeat every power hindering your destiny.

c) Trust in God’s Timing 
Restoration often takes time, but God’s timing is perfect. Trust that He will restore everything in due time. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God makes everything beautiful in its time. Even when it seems like restoration is delayed, remain steadfast in your trust in God.

Biblical Example:  Joseph (Genesis 41:37-44) 
Joseph’s destiny was delayed by betrayal, imprisonment, and false accusations, but in God’s perfect timing, he was promoted to the second-highest position in Egypt. Joseph’s life teaches us to trust God’s process, knowing that destiny can be restored despite setbacks.


a) Jesus: The Restorer of Destinies 
Jesus came to redeem and restore what was lost. Through His sacrifice on the cross, our destinies are secured in Him. The Bible declares in John 10:10 that while the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus has come to give us life abundantly. When you are in Christ, your destiny is protected and restored by His power.

b) Walking in Your Restored Destiny
Once your destiny is restored, it is important to walk in it with purpose. Keep your focus on God, align yourself with His Word, and avoid the pitfalls that can derail your destiny. Live each day with the assurance that God has a plan for your life, and walk boldly in your restored purpose.

Biblical Example: Peter (John 21:15-19) 
Peter denied Jesus three times, but after His resurrection, Jesus restored Peter’s calling and destiny, commissioning him to feed His sheep. This shows that even when we fail, God is willing to restore our destinies and use us for His glory.

God is a God of restoration. No matter what has happened in your life, your destiny can be recovered and restored by His grace. Whether it has been delayed, derailed, or attacked, God has the power to bring you back into His plan and purpose for your life. Just like David, Job, Joseph, and the prodigal son, you too can experience destiny recovery and restoration when you turn to God in faith and obedience.

1. Lord, restore everything the enemy has stolen from my life and destiny. 

2. Father, give me divine direction to recover all that has been lost in my life. 

3. I break every chain holding my destiny in captivity in the name of Jesus. 

4. Lord, I receive double honour for every shame I have experienced. 

5. Father, by Your power, restore my years, opportunities, and blessings. 

6. Every force contending with my destiny, be destroyed by the fire of God. 

7. Lord, align my life with Your divine plan and purpose. 

8. Father, empower me to walk in my restored destiny with boldness. 

9. Lord, every delay in my destiny, let it be removed in the name of Jesus. 

10. I declare that my destiny is secured in Christ and I will fulfil my purpose.

1. I declare that everything stolen from your life and destiny shall be restored in full measure. 

2. The Lord is giving you divine strategies to recover all that was lost. 

3. Every delay and diversion in your destiny is being removed right now. 

4. I decree that you will receive double honour for every shame you have faced. 

5. Your destiny will not be cut short; you will fulfil every plan and purpose God has for you. 

6. The enemy’s hold over your life is broken, and you are stepping into your restored destiny. 

7. As you seek God, He will show you the way to recover every lost blessing. 

8. Your years of delay are turning into years of acceleration and progress. 

9. I declare that your destiny is secured in Christ, and no power can stop it. 

10. You will walk in the fullness of God’s plan for your life, and nothing will hinder your restoration.

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