Friday, 25 October 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 18:16 
Supporting Texts: Exodus 14:13-16, Daniel 3:23-27, Acts 12:5-11

Divine intervention occurs when God steps into a situation to alter the course of events in favor of His people. Throughout the Bible, we see God’s power intervening in impossible situations, turning things around, and bringing victory to His children. This is the kind of intervention that no human effort can bring about, but one that comes by God’s sovereign will and authority. When God intervenes, barriers are broken, miracles manifest, and the supernatural takes over. Today, we will explore what divine intervention means, biblical examples of God’s interventions, and how we can position ourselves to experience God's intervention in our lives.


a) Definition
Divine intervention is the extraordinary act of God that interrupts the natural course of events, overriding human efforts or limitations, and bringing supernatural solutions to impossible situations. It is God’s way of making a way where there seems to be no way, intervening in times of crisis or need.

b) God Steps In When All Hope Seems Lost. 
In times when all human solutions have been exhausted, divine intervention occurs. God shows up when the situation seems beyond repair and turns the impossible into possible. Just as Psalm 18:16 declares, "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters."

Biblical Example: The Parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13-16) 
The children of Israel found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, but God intervened. He made a way through the sea, demonstrating that He is the God of divine intervention. When there seems to be no way forward, God can open supernatural paths.


a) God Has the Power to Change Circumstances.
No situation is too difficult for God. Whether it’s sickness, financial crisis, family challenges, or spiritual battles, God’s intervention can change the course of events. He has the power to reverse any condition and make a way where there seems to be none.

b) God is Never Late.
Although it may seem like help is delayed, God's timing is perfect. In John 11, Lazarus had been dead for four days, and it seemed too late for anything to be done. But Jesus arrived just in time to perform a resurrection. Divine intervention is never too late; when God steps in, He brings life to dead situations.

Biblical Example: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:23-27) 
Thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to bow to a false idol, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in an impossible situation. However, God intervened and sent a fourth man to walk with them in the fire. They came out unharmed, showcasing God’s ability to protect His people and intervene even in life-threatening situations.

a) Prayer and Fervency 
Prayer is a key that unlocks divine intervention. In Acts 12:5-11, Peter was imprisoned and was about to be executed, but the church prayed earnestly for him. God intervened by sending an angel to release him from prison. When we pray fervently, we invite God into our situation.

b) Faith in God’s Power
Faith is the currency of the supernatural. God responds to our faith when we believe that He can and will intervene in our situation. In Mark 5:34, Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood, "Your faith has healed you." Faith unlocks divine intervention.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
This woman had suffered for 12 years without a solution. But her faith in Jesus brought divine intervention when she touched the hem of His garment, and she was instantly healed. Her faith activated God’s power in her life.

c) Obedience to God’s Instructions
When we obey God’s word and follow His instructions, we position ourselves for divine intervention. In Luke 5:4-7, after toiling all night and catching nothing, Peter obeyed Jesus’ instruction to cast the net one more time, and his obedience brought a miraculous catch of fish. God’s intervention often requires our obedience.

Biblical Example: The Miracle Catch of Fish (Luke 5:4-7) 
Peter's obedience to Jesus’ command to cast his net again, despite his earlier failure, resulted in a miraculous catch. Divine intervention came through obedience.


a) Sudden Breakthroughs 
Divine intervention often comes suddenly, when you least expect it. In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns in prison, and suddenly, there was an earthquake that opened the prison doors and loosed their chains. God's intervention is often marked by sudden and dramatic breakthroughs.

b) Miracles and Supernatural Occurrences
When God intervenes, miracles happen. What was humanly impossible becomes a reality. Whether it’s healing, financial provision, or protection, miracles accompany divine intervention.

c) Transformation of Circumstances
When God steps in, there is a complete transformation of circumstances. What seemed like defeat turns into victory, and what seemed hopeless is filled with hope. Divine intervention leaves a lasting impact and testimony.

Biblical Example: Peter’s Prison Break (Acts 12:5-11) 
While Peter was imprisoned, the church prayed, and God sent an angel to set him free. This sudden and miraculous release was a clear sign of divine intervention.


a) God Is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
God’s intervention did not stop in biblical times. He is still intervening in the lives of His people today. Hebrews 13:8 assures us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." If He intervened for others, He will intervene for you.

b) Expect Divine Intervention in Your Life 
No matter what you are going through, expect God to intervene. He is not limited by time, space, or circumstances. When you call upon Him, He will answer and step into your situation.

Biblical Example:The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11) 
At the wedding in Cana, the wine ran out, and the situation looked embarrassing. But Jesus intervened and turned water into wine, saving the day. His intervention was timely and transformed what could have been a disaster into a celebration.

Divine intervention is God stepping into your situation to turn things around. It is not dependent on human ability, but solely on God’s power and mercy. Whether it is healing, provision, deliverance, or protection, divine intervention brings the supernatural into the natural, bringing solutions where there seemed to be none. As you pray, have faith, and obey God, expect Him to intervene in your situation, because He is a faithful God who delights in delivering His people.

1. Lord, intervene in every difficult situation in my life. 

2. Father, make a way where there seems to be no way in Jesus' name. 

3. Lord, bring sudden breakthroughs into my life and family. 

4. Father, send divine help to me in my time of need. 

5. Lord, turn every impossible situation around for my good. 

6. Father, release miracles into my life through Your divine intervention. 

7. Lord, protect me from every trap of the enemy through Your intervention. 

8. Father, let my testimony of Your intervention bring glory to Your name. 

9. Lord, increase my faith to trust in Your power to intervene in my circumstances. 

10. Father, let Your divine intervention change my story in Jesus’ name.

1. I declare that God will step into your situation today in Jesus’ name. 

2. I prophesy that every impossible situation in your life will receive divine intervention. 

3. I declare that God is making a way for you where there seems to be no way. 

4. I prophesy that sudden breakthroughs are coming to you in the name of Jesus. 

5. I declare that the power of God will transform your circumstances. 

6. I prophesy that you will experience miracles beyond your expectations. 

7. I declare that every chain holding you back will be broken through divine intervention. 

8. I prophesy that divine help is coming your way today. 

9. I declare that God will turn your weeping into joy through His intervention. 

10. I prophesy that your testimony of divine intervention will be heard around the world.

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