Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 15 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 24:3-4, Isaiah 33:14-16, 1 Peter 1:15-16, Matthew 5:8

Psalm 15 poses an important question: "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" It is a question that goes to the heart of what it means to live a life that pleases God and to dwell continually in His presence. The tabernacle and holy hill represent places of intimate fellowship with God, and this Psalm outlines the characteristics of those who are qualified to dwell in His presence. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, this message explores how we can live in a manner that draws us closer to God and sustains our fellowship with Him.


a) The Call to Integrity 
Psalm 15:2 says that the one who may dwell in God’s presence "walks uprightly." Integrity is essential for those who desire to have a close relationship with God. It means living with honesty, transparency, and moral uprightness, both in public and private. Integrity is doing what is right, even when no one is watching.

b) Practicing Righteousness 
Righteousness is not just a matter of belief but also of action. The one who dwells in God's presence practices righteousness, living in accordance with God's standards. This involves not only avoiding sin but actively doing what is just and right. 1 Peter 1:15-16 reminds us to "be holy in all manner of conversation," for God Himself is holy.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Integrity (Genesis 39:6-12) 
Joseph, though faced with temptation in Potiphar's house, maintained his integrity by fleeing from sin. His uprightness, even in the face of persecution, eventually led to his elevation and deeper relationship with God. His life demonstrates that integrity invites God’s favour and presence.


a) Truthfulness and Honesty 
Psalm 15:2 also emphasizes that the one who may dwell in God’s presence "speaks the truth in his heart." God values truthfulness, both in our speech and in our hearts. To dwell in God's presence, we must reject deceit and falsehood. Lying lips are an abomination to God (Proverbs 12:22), but He delights in those who speak truth.

b) Speaking the Truth in Love 
Truth must be spoken in love (Ephesians 4:15). Even when correcting or confronting others, our words should build up and not tear down. Gossip, slander, and harsh words have no place in the life of someone who seeks to dwell with God.

Biblical Example: Nathan Confronting David (2 Samuel 12:1-7) 
The prophet Nathan spoke the truth to King David concerning his sin with Bathsheba. He did so with wisdom, speaking in love but without compromising the truth. As a result, David repented, and his relationship with God was restored. Speaking truth in love leads to healing and restoration.


a) Loving Your Neighbour 
Psalm 15:3 declares, "He that does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbour." The person who desires to dwell in God’s presence must treat others with love and respect. Jesus summarized the law by saying we must love our neighbour as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Those who harm others, whether by word or action, cannot experience the fullness of God's presence.

b) Rejecting Gossip and Malice
Gossip, slander, and malicious behaviour are destructive forces that drive away the presence of God. The one who desires God’s fellowship must refrain from spreading false information, speaking negatively about others, or engaging in harmful behaviour.

Biblical Example: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) 
The Good Samaritan, unlike the priest and the Levite, showed compassion and kindness to a stranger in need. His actions reflected a heart that sought to do good and not harm. As a result, he embodied the love of God, demonstrating what it means to love your neighbour.


a) Valuing the Righteous
Psalm 15:4 teaches that those who dwell in God's presence "honour them that fear the Lord." This means valuing and respecting those who live righteously and aligning ourselves with godly influences. Fellowship with those who honour God helps us remain in His presence.

b) Rejecting the Influence of the Wicked 
At the same time, those who seek God's presence must not be influenced by or align themselves with evil. Psalm 1:1-2 warns us not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, but to delight in the law of the Lord. Our associations must reflect our commitment to God's standards.

Biblical Example: Daniel and His Friends (Daniel 3:16-18) 
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, choosing instead to honour God. Their faithfulness, even under the threat of death, resulted in God’s presence being manifested in the fiery furnace. Their story reminds us that honouring God brings us into His presence.


a) Faithfulness to Commitments 
Psalm 15:4 also emphasizes keeping promises, even when it is difficult. Those who desire to dwell in God's presence must be people of their word. When we make commitments, whether to God or to others, we must be faithful to follow through, even if it costs us something.

b) Trusting God’s Promises 
God Himself is faithful to His word, and we are called to trust Him fully. Psalm 15:5 says that those who will dwell with God do not put their trust in money or bribes, but in God alone. Our reliance must be on God's provision, not worldly means.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Faithfulness to Her Vow (1 Samuel 1:9-11, 24-28) 
Hannah made a vow to God that if He gave her a son, she would dedicate him to the Lord. When God answered her prayer, she kept her vow and presented Samuel at the temple. Her faithfulness to her word and trust in God's timing brought her into a deeper fellowship with Him.

To dwell in God's presence is the greatest privilege for any believer. Psalm 15 outlines the characteristics of those who may experience this close fellowship with God—integrity, truthfulness, love for others, honouring the righteous, rejecting evil, and faithfulness to commitments. As we strive to live according to these principles, we draw closer to God and enjoy the fullness of His presence. Let us examine our hearts and lives, ensuring that we live in a way that allows us to abide in the holy hill of the Lord.

1. Lord, help me to walk in integrity and righteousness, reflecting Your character in my life. 

2. Father, give me the grace to speak the truth in love, and let my words always be pleasing to You.
3. Lord, remove every form of malice, gossip, and evil speaking from my life. 

4. Father, help me to love my neighbour as myself and do no harm to anyone. 

5. Lord, give me the wisdom to honour those who fear You and reject wickedness in every form. 

6. Father, help me to be faithful to my commitments, even when it is difficult. 

7. Lord, strengthen my faith in Your promises, knowing that You are faithful and unchanging. 

8. Father, let Your presence dwell with me continually, as I seek to live a life that pleases You. 

9. Lord, cleanse my heart and make me fit to dwell in Your holy hill. 

10. Father, let my life be a reflection of Your holiness and righteousness, drawing others to You.

1. You will walk in integrity and righteousness, and the presence of God will dwell with you always. 

2. Every deceitful and malicious word spoken against you will be silenced by the power of God. 

3. The grace to speak the truth in love will rest upon you, and your words will bring healing and restoration. 

4. You will be known as one who does no harm, and your love for others will open doors of divine favour. 

5. You will honour the godly and reject wickedness, and God will honour you in return. 

6. Every commitment you make will be fulfilled with God’s strength, and your faithfulness will be rewarded. 

7. You will not be moved by worldly pressures, but your trust will be in God alone. 

8. The Lord will surround you with His presence, and you will dwell in His holy hill all the days of your life. 

9. Your life will shine as a beacon of righteousness, drawing others into God’s presence. 

10. You will live a life that is pleasing to God, and His presence will never depart from you.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 14:17-21, Luke 16:10, Zechariah 4:10

Many times, we feel inadequate because we do not seem to have enough resources, talent, or ability to accomplish what God has placed in our hearts. However, God has a pattern of using what seems small and insignificant to bring about mighty results. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see a widow who was in desperate need, but through the little she had—a small jar of oil—God brought an overflow of provision. This sermon explores how God multiplies the little we have when we step out in faith, trust Him, and take action.


a) See the Potential in What Seems Small 
Often, we focus on what we lack and overlook what we have. The widow initially only saw the small jar of oil, not realizing its potential. It’s easy to despise small beginnings or see them as insignificant, but God can use the little we have to accomplish great things. Zechariah 4:10 says, "Do not despise the day of small beginnings."

b) Faithfulness with the Little 
In Luke 16:10, Jesus said, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." God is looking for faithfulness, even in the small things. When we honour and use what we have, God opens doors for greater opportunities and increases.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:17-21) 
When Jesus was faced with feeding 5,000 people, the disciples only had five loaves and two fish. While it seemed too small, Jesus took it, blessed it, and multiplied it to feed the multitude. What seemed insufficient became more than enough in the hands of Jesus.


a) Step Out in Faith
The widow in 2 Kings 4 obeyed the instructions of Elisha. Even though the oil seemed too little, she began to pour it out in faith. Faith requires action, even when what we have seems small. When we step out in faith, trusting God to work, He multiplies our efforts.

b) God Multiplies What You Use
God blesses what is placed in His hands, but He can only multiply what is used. The widow poured out her oil into jars, and as long as there were jars to fill, the oil continued to flow. The miracle of multiplication happened as she acted. Similarly, God can multiply our gifts, talents, and resources when we use them for His glory.

Biblical Example: The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) 
In this parable, the servant who was given five talents and the one with two talents used them and saw multiplication. However, the servant who did nothing with his one talent lost it. The key is to use what you have, trusting that God will bring the increase.


a) God Is the Source of Increase
The widow’s little jar of oil did not multiply by her own power, but by God’s divine intervention. We must remember that God is the source of all increase. He is able to take our little and do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

b) Stay in Obedience to God’s Word
God’s multiplication comes when we walk in obedience. The widow followed Elisha’s instructions precisely, and as a result, her debt was paid, and she had more than enough to live on. Obedience positions us to receive God’s blessings and provision.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16) 
During a famine, Elijah asked the widow of Zarephath to make him a small cake from her last bit of flour and oil. Though it seemed too little, she obeyed, and her resources were supernaturally multiplied, lasting throughout the famine.


a) Do Not Despise Small Beginnings 
Great things often start small. Whether it is a small business, a small ministry, or a small amount of resources, God is able to bring increase and turn it into something great. The little you have today may be the seed for a great harvest tomorrow.

b) Trust God’s Timing 
Sometimes, it takes time to see the full fruit of what we have started. Like the widow who gathered many jars before the oil started flowing, we need to prepare and be patient as God brings the increase in His time.

Biblical Example: David’s Small Beginning as a Shepherd (1 Samuel 16:11-13) 
David was a young shepherd, seemingly insignificant, but God saw his heart and anointed him to be king. His small beginning as a shepherd prepared him for the greatness God had in store for him. In the same way, God uses small beginnings to prepare us for greater things.

No matter how small or insignificant what you have may seem, God can use it for great exploits. Like the widow in 2 Kings 4, recognize what you have, take action in faith, and trust God for the increase. God delights in turning small beginnings into great blessings. Do not despise the little you have, for in God’s hands, it can be multiplied beyond measure.

1. Lord, help me to recognize the potential in what You have given me. 

2. Father, give me the faith to act on what I have, trusting You for increase. 

3. Lord, remove every spirit of fear and doubt that hinders me from using my gifts. 

4. Father, multiply the little I have and turn it into an overflow. 

5. Lord, help me to be obedient to Your Word in all things. 

6. Father, bless the works of my hands and let them produce great results. 

7. Lord, teach me not to despise small beginnings but to trust Your process. 

8. Father, position me for supernatural increase and breakthroughs. 

9. Lord, let my faith and obedience bring about generational blessings. 

10. Father, open my eyes to the opportunities You have placed before me.

1. I declare that the little you have will be multiplied in God’s hands.
2. You will not despise small beginnings, for God is preparing you for great things. 

3. Every gift, talent, and resource you possess will be used mightily for God’s glory. 

4. The season of supernatural increase is upon you, and you will not lack. 

5. The Lord will turn your little into an overflow, and you will testify of His abundance. 

6. You will step out in faith and see the hand of God multiply your efforts. 

7. Your obedience will open doors for divine provision and breakthroughs. 

8. God will use what seems insignificant to bring about great blessings in your life. 

9. The oil of grace will never run dry in your life; it will continue to flow. 

10. In this season, you will experience divine multiplication and favour in Jesus' name.

Go forth with confidence, knowing that the little you have is enough for God to work mighty miracles!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Ephesians 5:15-16 
Supporting Texts: Colossians 4:5, Psalm 90:12, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The Bible warns us that we live in evil days, and as believers, we are called to redeem the time. In Ephesians 5:16, Paul urges Christians to "make the most of every opportunity," recognizing that time is a precious commodity and the days are filled with challenges, temptations, and spiritual battles. Redeeming the time means living with intentionality, purpose, and urgency, knowing that our time on earth is short, and we must fulfill God’s will for our lives.

This sermon will explore the significance of redeeming the time, how to effectively use our time for God’s glory, and the dangers of wasted opportunities.


a) Living with a Sense of Urgency
To redeem the time means to live with an understanding that time is limited and must be used wisely. Every day presents opportunities to serve God, grow in faith, and impact the world for Christ. We cannot afford to waste time on trivial pursuits or sinful distractions, but instead, we must prioritize the things that matter eternally. Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

b) Making the Most of Every Opportunity
Redeeming the time also means seizing every opportunity that comes our way to do good, share the gospel, and fulfill God’s purpose. The world is full of evil, and there is much work to be done. Colossians 4:5 advises us to "walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time."

Biblical Example: Nehemiah's Focus on Rebuilding the Walls (Nehemiah 4:1-6) 
Despite opposition and threats, Nehemiah and his team remained focused on their task to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. They worked diligently, redeeming the time to complete the work in record time. Nehemiah did not allow distractions or fear to derail the mission God had given him.


a) The Days are Evil 
Ephesians 5:16 emphasizes that the days are evil, meaning that we live in a world filled with sin, corruption, and opposition to God's truth. As the end times draw near, evil and darkness will continue to increase (2 Timothy 3:1-5). This is why it is crucial for believers to walk circumspectly, not allowing the evil of the world to influence or derail them.

b) Time is a Limited Resource 
Time is one of the most valuable resources we have, but it is finite. Once time is gone, we can never get it back. James 4:14 reminds us that life is "a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." Because of this, we must use our time wisely and live purposefully for God.

Biblical Example: The Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) 
In the parable of the ten virgins, five were wise and prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, while the other five were foolish and wasted time. When the bridegroom arrived, only those who had redeemed the time were able to enter the banquet. This parable teaches the importance of being ready and not squandering the time we are given.

a) Prioritize Your Relationship with God
The first step to redeeming the time is to prioritize your relationship with God. This means making time for prayer, Bible study, and worship. Jesus taught in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." When we put God first, everything else falls into place.

b) Live with Purpose and Focus 
To redeem the time, we must live purposefully, avoiding distractions and focusing on God’s call for our lives. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that "to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." Knowing your purpose in life helps you focus on what really matters and avoid time-wasting activities.

c) Avoid Procrastination and Laziness 
Procrastination is one of the greatest enemies of redeeming the time. Proverbs 6:9-11 warns against laziness, saying, "How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?" We must be diligent and proactive in doing God’s work and fulfilling our responsibilities.

Biblical Example: Apostle Paul’s Urgency in Ministry (Acts 20:24) 
Paul was a man who understood the importance of redeeming the time. He lived with a sense of urgency, declaring, "I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me." Paul worked tirelessly, traveling and preaching the gospel, knowing that his time on earth was short.


a) Missed Opportunities 
When we fail to redeem the time, we miss opportunities to serve God, grow in our faith, and impact others for Christ. Once a moment is gone, we cannot get it back. Revelation 3:11 warns, "Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." We must be vigilant to not miss divine opportunities.

b) Spiritual Decline and Stagnation 
Failure to redeem the time can lead to spiritual stagnation. When we waste time on worldly pursuits and neglect our spiritual responsibilities, we hinder our growth in Christ. Ephesians 4:14 warns against being immature and "tossed to and fro by the waves." Redeeming the time helps us stay grounded in our faith.

Biblical Example: Lot’s Wife (Genesis 19:15-26) 
When Lot and his family were warned to flee Sodom and Gomorrah, they were given specific instructions not to look back. Lot’s wife, however, disobeyed and looked back, leading to her destruction. This story illustrates the consequences of not redeeming the time and failing to heed God’s instructions.

We are living in perilous times, and the urgency to redeem the time has never been greater. As believers, we must be intentional about how we use our time, focusing on fulfilling God's will and advancing His kingdom. Let us seek God daily, live purposefully, and seize every opportunity to do good, knowing that the days are evil.

1. Father, help me to redeem the time and make the most of every opportunity for Your glory. 

2. Lord, teach me to number my days and live wisely in these evil times. 

3. Holy Spirit, guide me in every decision and help me prioritize what truly matters. 

4. Father, break the spirit of procrastination and laziness in my life. 

5. Lord, help me to walk circumspectly and avoid the distractions of the world. 

6. Father, fill me with a sense of urgency to fulfill Your purpose for my life. 

7. Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities You are placing before me. 

8. Father, give me strength to stand firm in faith in these evil days. 

9. Holy Spirit, empower me to live with focus and determination to fulfill my calling. 

10. Lord, help me to finish the race and fulfill my divine assignment without delay.

1. You will walk with divine wisdom, redeeming every moment for the glory of God. 

2. In these evil days, you will stand firm and fulfill God's purpose for your life. 

3. Every wasted time is restored, and you shall make the most of every opportunity. 

4. The spirit of procrastination is broken over your life, and you will live with urgency. 

5. You will discern the times and seasons, and you will not miss your divine moments. 

6. In the days of adversity, you will rise with boldness and fulfill your calling. 

7. The Lord will guide your steps, and you will walk in purpose and power. 

8. Every distraction and hindrance to your destiny is removed in the name of Jesus. 

9. You will not miss the opportunities God has set before you, and you will finish your race strong. 

10. Your life will be a testimony of one who redeemed the time and lived for God's glory.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Deuteronomy 16:16-17 
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 3:9-10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Malachi 3:10

In the Scriptures, God commands His people not to come before Him empty-handed. This principle reflects God’s desire for His children to approach Him with a heart of gratitude, faith, and worship through giving. Whether in the form of tithes, offerings, or our time and talents, coming to God with something in hand shows our acknowledgment of His Lordship and provision in our lives. This message explores why we should never approach God empty-handed, the blessings that come from giving, and how it reflects our relationship with God.


a) Honour the Lord with Your Substance
Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us to honour the Lord with our wealth and the firstfruits of all our crops. Giving is a way of honouring God, showing that we trust Him as our provider. When we come before God with our offerings, we are declaring that He is the source of all that we have.

b) God Requires Sacrifice, Not Emptiness 
In Deuteronomy 16:16-17, God commanded that no one should appear before Him empty-handed. This principle is seen throughout Scripture, where God’s people are instructed to bring offerings as an act of worship and acknowledgment of His blessings. Bringing something to God is a reflection of our faith and recognition of His sovereignty.

Biblical Example: Abel's Offering (Genesis 4:3-5) 
Abel brought the firstborn of his flock, giving the best to God, while Cain brought an offering from the fruit of the ground. Abel’s offering was accepted because it reflected a heart of faith and sacrifice. God is pleased when we bring our best to Him, just as Abel did.


a) Gratitude for God's Blessings 
Everything we have is from God. Coming to Him with an offering is an expression of gratitude for His provisions. Whether it’s our finances, time, or talents, when we give back to God, we are acknowledging that He has blessed us first. We must recognize that God blesses us so we can be a blessing.

b) Faith and Trust in God's Provision 
When you come to God with something in your hand, it shows your faith in His ability to provide. It takes faith to give, especially when you have little. However, God honors that faith by multiplying what you give. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 reminds us that whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16) 
Despite her dire circumstances, the widow of Zarephath gave the little she had to the prophet Elijah. Her obedience and faith resulted in God miraculously multiplying her resources, ensuring she and her son did not go hungry. Her story reminds us that even when we have little, God can multiply our seed when we give in faith.


a) Divine Multiplication 
God multiplies what we bring to Him. Just as Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fish brought by the boy (John 6:9-13), God takes the little we bring and turns it into abundance. When we offer what we have to God, He blesses it beyond what we could imagine.

b) Open Heavens and Overflowing Blessings 
Malachi 3:10 assures us that when we bring our tithes and offerings, God opens the windows of heaven and pours out blessings that we will not have room enough to receive. Our giving releases divine favor and provision over our lives. When we refuse to come empty-handed, God responds with supernatural blessings.

Biblical Example: Solomon’s Sacrifice (1 Kings 3:4-13) 
When Solomon became king, he offered a thousand burnt offerings to God. That night, God appeared to him and asked, “What do you want?” Solomon’s extravagant offering unlocked an unprecedented blessing, and God gave him wisdom, wealth, and honor. Giving to God unlocks divine encounters and breakthroughs.


a) Offerings and Tithes 
Bring your offerings and tithes regularly to God’s house. This is a foundational way to honor God and support His work. Malachi 3:10 reminds us that giving our tithes and offerings brings blessings and rebukes the devourer in our lives.

b) Giving of Your Time and Talents
Apart from financial giving, God also desires that we give our time and talents. Serving in His house, using our skills for His kingdom, and dedicating time to minister to others are ways we can give back to God.

Biblical Example: The Macedonian Churches (2 Corinthians 8:1-5) 
The churches in Macedonia gave generously, even in their poverty, not only financially but also by dedicating themselves to the Lord’s work. Their willingness to give sacrificially was a testimony of their love for God and trust in His provision.


a) Missed Opportunities for Blessing
When we come to God empty-handed, we miss out on opportunities for divine blessing and multiplication. In Luke 6:38, Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Holding back what we should give robs us of the harvest that God has in store for us.

b) Hindering God’s Work 
When we refuse to give, we hinder the advancement of God’s work on earth. Haggai 1:9-11 speaks of a time when the people neglected the temple, and as a result, their harvests were poor. When we prioritize God’s kingdom, He ensures that all our needs are met.

Biblical Example: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) 
Ananias and Sapphira held back part of their offering and lied about it to the apostles. Their actions resulted in severe judgment. While God does not demand what we do not have, He expects honesty, faith, and obedience in our giving.

God is a giver, and He expects us to mirror His character by giving back to Him from the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Coming to God with something in your hand is a reflection of your faith, gratitude, and recognition of His Lordship. Whether it is through tithes, offerings, or service, God promises that when you give, you will not go empty. As you make it a principle to never come before God empty-handed, you will experience the abundant blessings that only He can provide.

1. Lord, I thank You for the blessings You have given me. 

2. Father, help me to always give willingly and joyfully. 

3. Lord, I reject the spirit of stinginess and withholding from You. 

4. Father, open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings as I give. 

5. Lord, multiply the seed I have sown and increase my harvest. 

6. Father, give me a heart that honours You with my substance. 

7. Lord, let my giving unlock divine favour and open doors in my life. 

8. Father, as I give, let me experience supernatural multiplication in every area. 

9. Lord, help me to give my time, talents, and resources for Your glory. 

10. Father, let my giving bring me closer to Your divine purpose for my life.

1. I declare that as you give to God, you will not lack any good thing. 

2. The Lord will open the windows of heaven over your life and pour out abundant blessings. 

3. Every seed you sow will multiply in your hands, and you will reap a bountiful harvest. 

4. The favour of God will rest upon you as you honour Him with your substance. 

5. Your giving will unlock divine encounters and breakthroughs. 

6. As you bring your offerings, the Lord will rebuke every devourer in your life. 

7. You will never come to God empty-handed, and you will always experience overflow. 

8. God will multiply every little you give and turn it into abundance. 

9. You will receive divine favour in the sight of men as you faithfully give to God. 

10. The Lord will cause you to prosper in all areas of your life as you obey His principles of giving.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 11:3 
Supporting Texts: 1 Corinthians 3:11, Judges 6:25-27, Ezekiel 18:2-4, Isaiah 54:17

Foundational battles are spiritual challenges that stem from the roots or beginnings of an individual’s life—often linked to one’s family, upbringing, or background. The Bible says, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3). These battles can take many forms, from generational curses to inherited patterns of failure, poverty, or sin. However, through Christ, we have the authority and power to gain victory over every foundational issue that has hindered our progress.


a) What Are Foundational Battles?
Foundational battles are spiritual struggles rooted in the origins of a person’s life. These issues can be traced to family lineage, where curses, covenants, or ungodly practices have been passed down. These battles manifest as recurring problems that seem impossible to overcome, affecting relationships, finances, health, and spiritual growth.

b) Biblical Foundation and Its Importance 
1 Corinthians 3:11 tells us that no other foundation can be laid except Jesus Christ. If the foundation of a person’s life is faulty due to ancestral practices, it must be addressed. Ezekiel 18:2-4 speaks of the consequences of the fathers’ sins being passed down, but it also declares that each individual is responsible for their own life and can break free through repentance and a new foundation in Christ.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:25-27) 
Before God could use Gideon to deliver Israel, he had to destroy the altar of Baal that his father had built. This was a foundational issue in his family that needed to be dealt with before Gideon could walk in his calling. God instructed Gideon to tear down the altar and build a new one to the Lord, symbolising a break from the past and the beginning of a new, godly foundation.


a) Repeated Negative Patterns** 
One of the most significant signs of foundational battles is repeated cycles of problems such as poverty, sickness, failure at the edge of success, and marital breakdowns. These issues may occur across multiple generations, indicating a spiritual root that needs to be addressed.

b) Limitations and Stagnation
Many people face invisible barriers that prevent them from moving forward in life. These barriers can be traced to foundational issues that need to be broken through prayer and spiritual warfare. An individual might work hard but never see lasting success due to these battles.

Biblical Example: The Israelites (Exodus 1:11-14) 
The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for generations, and despite their hard labour, they were oppressed and limited by their foundational issue of being slaves. It wasn’t until God intervened and delivered them that they were able to break free and enter the Promised Land.


a) Identify and Renounce Foundational Issues
The first step to victory is recognising the foundational issues in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any ancestral patterns or covenants that may be influencing you. Once identified, renounce them in prayer, declaring your freedom through the blood of Jesus.

b) Repentance and Deliverance 
Repentance is crucial for deliverance from foundational battles. Leviticus 26:40-42 instructs that if we confess the sins of our ancestors and turn back to God, He will remember His covenant with us. Through repentance, you can break the legal rights the enemy has over your life and walk in freedom.

Biblical Example: Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) 
Jabez’s name meant "pain," reflecting a foundational issue in his life that brought hardship. However, Jabez cried out to God for deliverance, asking Him to bless and enlarge his territory. God granted his request, breaking the curse and giving him victory over his foundational battle.


a) Break Foundational Curses by the Blood of Jesus
Colossians 2:14-15 tells us that Jesus has cancelled every written code and ordinance that stood against us by nailing it to the cross. By the power of the blood of Jesus, we can cancel every curse, covenant, or legal accusation that stems from our foundation. Declare your victory over every foundational battle by standing on the finished work of Christ.

b) Use the Word of God as a Weapon
Ephesians 6:17 describes the Word of God as the sword of the Spirit. Use the promises of God to dismantle every stronghold and negative foundation in your life. Speak the Word over your situation and watch as God brings you deliverance.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1-5) 
Hezekiah was given a prophecy of death, but he engaged in spiritual warfare through prayer and reminded God of his faithfulness. God heard his cry and added 15 more years to his life, showing that prayer and the Word can change the outcome of foundational battles.


a) Build Your Life on the Rock (Christ)
Jesus is the solid foundation that cannot be shaken. After breaking free from foundational battles, it is essential to rebuild your life on Christ (Matthew 7:24-25). By living a life of obedience to His Word, you establish a new foundation that will lead to success and stability.

b) Walk in Your Covenant Blessings 
As a believer, you are a partaker of the covenant blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14). Walk in the knowledge that you are no longer bound by the past but have been set free to enjoy the blessings of God. Claim these blessings through prayer, confession, and living a life that honours God.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) 
When God called Abraham, He broke him free from his past and established a new covenant with him. God promised to bless him and make him a great nation. This shows that once foundational battles are overcome, God’s covenant blessings follow.

Foundational battles are real, but through Christ, we have victory over them. By identifying and renouncing these issues, engaging in repentance and spiritual warfare, and establishing a new foundation in Christ, you can experience freedom and walk in the blessings of God. Just as Gideon, Jabez, and Hezekiah gained victory over their foundational battles, so too can you through faith, prayer, and the power of the blood of Jesus.

1. Father, I repent of any sins of my ancestors that are affecting my life. 

2. By the blood of Jesus, I break every foundational curse over my family and life. 

3. Lord, reveal to me any hidden ancestral strongholds that need to be broken. 

4. I declare that every generational pattern of failure and limitation is broken in Jesus’ name. 

5. I dismantle every ancestral altar speaking against my progress in life. 

6. Father, establish a new foundation of blessing and success in my life. 

7. Every invisible barrier hindering my breakthrough, be removed in Jesus’ name. 

8. I cancel every evil covenant that has been made in my lineage. 

9. I declare that I am free from every foundational battle and will walk in victory. 

10. Father, let Your covenant blessings overflow in my life as I walk in Your will.

1. I declare that you are breaking free from every foundational battle in Jesus' name. 

2. Every ancestral curse working against your progress is destroyed by the blood of Jesus. 

3. You will walk in the freedom and blessings that Christ has purchased for you. 

4. I declare that every invisible barrier is broken, and you will experience divine breakthroughs. 

5. No weapon formed against you from your foundation shall prosper. 

6. Every generational pattern of failure is broken, and you will succeed in Jesus' name. 

7. I decree that you will walk on a new foundation of Christ, established in righteousness. 

8. The Lord will deliver you from every inherited battle, and you will live in peace. 

9. Every evil covenant in your family line is cancelled, and you will walk in divine favour. 

10. I declare that from today, you are victorious over every foundational battle in Jesus' name.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Judges 6:25-27 
Supporting Texts: Exodus 20:5, Ezekiel 18:1-4, Galatians 3:13-14, Colossians 2:14-15

Many people find themselves battling the strongholds and negative influences that have been passed down from their ancestral lineage. These powers of the father's house are often rooted in idolatry, ungodly practices, and covenants made by previous generations. In Judges 6:25-27, God instructed Gideon to tear down the altar of Baal that his father had built before he could bring deliverance to Israel. This message focuses on how to destroy these powers and break free from ancestral limitations, laying hold of the freedom and blessings available in Christ.


a) Ancestral Bondages and Strongholds 
Ancestral powers are spiritual influences that have been passed down from one generation to another. These bondages often manifest in cycles of poverty, sickness, failure, barrenness, and other limitations. Exodus 20:5 speaks of how the sins of the fathers affect future generations. Therefore, these powers can be traced back to idolatry, curses, or ungodly covenants made by our forefathers.

b) Generational Patterns
The evidence of the powers of the father's house is seen in repeated negative patterns within families—divorce, untimely death, stagnation, or failure at the edge of breakthroughs. Ezekiel 18:2 refers to the proverb about the fathers eating sour grapes and the children's teeth being set on edge, illustrating how the effects of the past generations can ripple into the lives of the descendants.

Biblical Example: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 20:2, 26:7, 27:19) 
A pattern of deception ran through the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Both Abraham and Isaac lied about their wives being their sisters, and Jacob deceived his father to obtain his brother's blessing. This shows how ancestral tendencies can influence succeeding generations if not broken.


a) Recognise and Renounce Ancestral Powers
The first step to breaking free from the powers of your father's house is to recognise their existence. Many believers live in denial, but it is essential to acknowledge the ancestral patterns that may be affecting your life. Once identified, you must renounce them in prayer and break every ungodly covenant and agreement made on your behalf by previous generations.

b) Repentance and Deliverance
Repentance is a powerful weapon for deliverance. Leviticus 26:40-42 teaches that if we confess the sins of our forefathers and turn back to God, He will remember His covenant with us. It is through repentance that we break the legal ground the enemy has in our lives. Deliverance follows as we receive freedom through the blood of Jesus, who has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13-14).

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:25-27) 
Before Gideon could lead Israel to victory, God commanded him to destroy his father’s altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole beside it. This act was necessary to break the stronghold of idolatry in his family and to align Gideon with God’s purpose for his life.


a) Engage in Spiritual Warfare 
Destroying the powers of your father’s house requires engaging in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness. Through persistent prayer, fasting, and using the Word of God as a weapon, you can overcome the ancestral powers that seek to limit your progress.

b) Cancel Ancestral Curses by the Blood of Jesus 
The blood of Jesus is the ultimate weapon against ancestral curses. Colossians 2:14-15 tells us that Jesus has cancelled every written code and legal accusation against us by nailing it to the cross. Therefore, by the power of His blood, you have the authority to cancel every curse and decree spoken against your life.

Biblical Example: Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) 
Jabez was born into a curse, as his name meant "pain." However, he called upon the God of Israel, asking Him to bless him and enlarge his territory, and God granted his request. Jabez’s prayer of deliverance brought him out of a life of limitation and into a life of blessing.


a) Live in the Consciousness of Your Freedom 
Once you have broken free from the powers of your father’s house, it is essential to live in the consciousness of your freedom. Do not allow fear or doubt to make you feel bound again. Stand firm in the liberty that Christ has given you (Galatians 5:1) and refuse to return to any form of bondage.

b) Claim Your Covenant Blessings in Christ 
As a child of God, you are entitled to the blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:14). Walk in the reality of these blessings by declaring them over your life and aligning your actions with God’s promises. As you do so, you will experience divine favour, prosperity, and success in all areas of your life.

Biblical Example: Israel’s Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 3:20-22) 
When God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, He ensured that they did not leave empty-handed. He caused the Egyptians to favour them and gave them silver, gold, and clothing. This is a picture of how God desires to bless and prosper His people when they are delivered from bondage.

The powers of the father’s house can create limitations and hinder destinies, but through Christ, we have the authority to break free from every ancestral bondage. By recognising these powers, repenting of ancestral sins, engaging in spiritual warfare, and claiming your covenant blessings, you can live in total freedom and victory. Just as Gideon destroyed his father’s altar and led Israel to deliverance, so too can you destroy the powers of your father’s house and step into your divine destiny.

1. Father, I repent of the sins of my ancestors and break every covenant made on my behalf. 

2. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel every curse and negative decree affecting my life. 

3. I destroy every ancestral altar speaking against my progress in Jesus’ name. 

4. I break free from every generational pattern of failure, poverty, and stagnation. 

5. I release myself from every limitation caused by the powers of my father’s house. 

6. Father, let Your fire consume every stronghold of the enemy in my lineage. 

7. I declare that I will walk in the blessings of Abraham through Christ. 

8. Every power holding my destiny captive, be destroyed in Jesus’ name. 

9. Lord, grant me the victory over every inherited battle in my life. 

10. Father, I declare that I am free from every ancestral bondage and I step into my divine inheritance.

1. I declare that every stronghold of your father's house is destroyed by the power of God. 

2. You are breaking free from every generational curse and limitation. 

3. The blood of Jesus speaks better things over your life, cancelling every negative decree.
4. Every ancestral pattern of failure in your family line is broken in Jesus’ name. 

5. You will walk in the covenant blessings of Abraham, and your life will overflow with divine favour. 

6. Every altar speaking against your progress is silenced by the blood of Jesus. 

7. I declare that the powers of your father’s house will no longer have any hold over you. 

8. Your destiny will no longer be hindered; you will fulfil God’s purpose for your life. 

9. You are walking in the victory and freedom purchased by Christ on the cross. 

10. I decree that from today, you will experience supernatural breakthroughs and divine success in every area of your life.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Corinthians 4:17 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 30:5, Isaiah 10:27, James 1:12

Afflictions are often the trials, challenges, and difficulties we face in life. However, these afflictions are not meant to last forever. The Bible assures us that though we may experience trials, they are temporary, and God’s purpose is to bring us out of them stronger. This sermon will focus on understanding that affliction has an expiry date and how, through faith, prayer, and divine intervention, we can experience victory over every challenge.


a) Affliction Has an Expiry Date 
2 Corinthians 4:17 reminds us that our “light affliction is but for a moment.” Affliction is temporary and will pass. God allows trials for a season, but He never intends for us to remain in affliction forever. It is important to hold onto this truth during seasons of hardship.

b) Joy Comes After the Night 
Psalm 30:5 declares that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Just as night gives way to day, so does affliction give way to joy and deliverance. We must maintain our faith, knowing that God will bring us into a season of joy after the night of affliction.

Biblical Example: Job (Job 42:10-16) 
Job experienced severe affliction, but it had an expiry date. After his trials, God restored everything Job lost and gave him twice as much as he had before. This shows that no matter how difficult the affliction, God can turn things around.


a) The Yoke of Affliction Will Be Broken 
Isaiah 10:27 promises that the burden and the yoke of affliction will be destroyed because of the anointing. The power of God, through His anointing, breaks the chains of affliction. When we rely on God’s power, He lifts the heavy burden and breaks every yoke.

b) God’s Timing Is Perfect
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that “to everything, there is a season.” There is a season for affliction and a season for deliverance. When God’s time for your affliction to end comes, nothing can delay it. It is important to trust in God’s perfect timing, knowing that He is never late.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41) 
The Israelites were afflicted in Egypt for 430 years, but when God’s appointed time came, He delivered them. This shows that no matter how long the affliction has lasted, God has set an expiry date, and deliverance will come.


a) Prayer Changes the Season of Affliction 
James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Prayer is a powerful weapon that can turn around affliction. When we pray, we invite God’s intervention into our situation. Like Hezekiah, who prayed and had his life extended, we can pray for God to bring an end to our affliction.

b) Persistence in Prayer Brings Results
Jesus teaches us to persist in prayer (Luke 18:1). Persistence is key in seasons of affliction. Even when the situation seems unchanged, continuing in prayer shows faith in God’s ability to bring the affliction to an end.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1-5) 
When Hezekiah was afflicted with sickness and given a death sentence, he turned to God in prayer. God heard his prayer and extended his life by 15 years. This shows that prayer can change the outcome of any affliction.


a) Faith Activates God's Power 
Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith is crucial in overcoming affliction. It is through faith that we access God’s promises and power. Even in the midst of challenges, holding onto God’s word by faith will activate His power to bring deliverance.

b) Speak to Your Affliction 
Mark 11:23 encourages us to speak to our mountains (challenges). Instead of focusing on the affliction, speak God’s word and promises over your situation. Declare that your affliction has an expiry date and that God is bringing you out.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
The woman had suffered affliction for 12 years, but her faith in Jesus brought her healing. She believed that if she could touch the hem of His garment, her affliction would end. Her faith activated her healing, showing the power of faith in overcoming affliction.


a) Affliction Prepares Us for Glory 
2 Corinthians 4:17 says that affliction works “a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” Affliction is a tool that God uses to shape us for greater glory. Just as gold is refined in the fire, affliction prepares us for a greater manifestation of God’s glory in our lives.

b) God Will Be Glorified Through Your Victory
When God brings you out of affliction, His name is glorified. Your testimony of deliverance will become a powerful tool to encourage others and demonstrate God’s power. Just as Lazarus' resurrection glorified Jesus, your victory will glorify God.

Biblical Example: Lazarus (John 11:4) 
Jesus said that Lazarus’ sickness was not unto death, but for the glory of God. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it brought glory to God and led many to believe in Him. Your affliction, too, will bring glory to God when He delivers you.

Affliction is a part of life, but it is not permanent. As we trust in God, pray fervently, and stand in faith, we will see our afflictions come to an end. God has promised that the yoke of affliction will be broken, and He will turn our sorrow into joy. Hold onto His promises, for your affliction must expire!

1. Father, I declare that every affliction in my life must expire in the name of Jesus. 

2. Lord, break every yoke of affliction in my life by Your anointing. 

3. Father, give me the strength to persist in prayer until my affliction is over. 

4. I decree that every prolonged season of affliction in my life must come to an end. 

5. Lord, turn my mourning into joy and my sorrow into dancing. 

6. Father, release Your power to overcome every trial and challenge I am facing. 

7. Lord, let Your perfect timing bring an end to every affliction in my life. 

8. I declare that no affliction shall hold me back from fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. 

9. Father, increase my faith to believe that my affliction has an expiry date. 

10. Lord, let my testimony of deliverance bring glory to Your name.

1. I declare that every affliction in your life is temporary and must expire in the name of Jesus. 

2. The yoke of affliction that has burdened you is broken by the anointing of God. 

3. I decree that you are stepping out of your season of affliction into a season of joy and breakthrough. 

4. Every prolonged challenge in your life is coming to an end, and your victory is assured. 

5. I declare that the Lord’s power is bringing you out of every affliction into a place of peace. 

6. You shall not be defeated by your affliction; the Lord is turning your situation around. 

7. The grace to persist in prayer and see your affliction expire is released upon you. 

8. I declare that your faith is rising, and God is moving on your behalf to bring deliverance. 

9. Every mountain of affliction before you is removed by the power of God. 

10. I prophesy that your testimony of victory will bring glory to God and encourage others in their faith.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 60:1 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 5:14-16, Daniel 12:3, Philippians 2:15

The Bible makes it clear that every believer is called to be a light in the world. Darkness surrounds us in many forms—sin, confusion, challenges—but God has chosen us to shine forth His glory. Today, we will explore how we can step into our season of shining and manifest the glory of God in every area of our lives. It’s time to rise and declare, "It’s my turn to shine!"


a) You Are the Light of the World 
Matthew 5:14-16 declares, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” God has not placed you on this earth to live in obscurity. He has called you to be a beacon of hope, righteousness, and truth. This is your season to shine for Him.

b) Arise and Shine 
Isaiah 60:1 commands us to arise and shine because the glory of the Lord has risen upon us. To shine, we must first arise. It means stepping out of fear, doubt, and the limitations of the past. It’s time to walk in the fullness of God’s purpose for your life.

Biblical Example: Moses (Exodus 34:29) 
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after being in the presence of God, his face shone with the glory of God. His time with God caused him to radiate the light of God. In the same way, when we spend time in God’s presence, His glory reflects in our lives, and we shine before others.


a) Let Your Light Shine Before Men 
Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Your season of shining is not for self-glorification but to bring glory to God. The world will take notice of your transformation, and through your life, they will come to glorify God.

b) Shining through Good Works 
We shine by demonstrating the love and power of God through our actions. It’s in the way we live, treat others, and respond to challenges that we reflect the character of Christ. Our lives should be an invitation for others to encounter God.

Biblical Example: Daniel (Daniel 12:3) 
Daniel is described as one who "will shine like the brightness of the heavens" because of his righteousness and wisdom. Even in a foreign land, Daniel’s integrity and devotion to God caused him to shine and rise to positions of influence. In your workplace, community, and family, you can shine by living a life that honours God.


a) Overcoming the Darkness 
Darkness represents everything that hinders us from shining—sin, fear, unbelief, negative circumstances. However, John 1:5 assures us that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. No matter the challenges you face, they cannot extinguish the light God has placed within you.

b) Break Free from Limiting Beliefs 
Many times, we dim our own light through self-doubt, insecurity, or fear of failure. God has given you everything you need to shine, but it requires you to believe in His promises. Philippians 2:15 encourages us to shine like stars in the universe by holding firmly to the word of life.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:12-16) 
Gideon initially doubted that he could be a deliverer for Israel because of his perceived limitations. But when God called him a “mighty warrior,” Gideon had to break free from his insecurities. In the same way, you must reject every lie that says you are not good enough to shine. God has chosen you, and He will equip you for greatness.


a) Shine in the Midst of Challenges
Many people wait for perfect conditions before they begin to shine. However, God often uses our darkest seasons to reveal His light in us. When you face trials, remember that it is often the backdrop for God’s glory to be revealed.

b) Stay Connected to the Source of Light 
Your ability to shine comes from your connection to God. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, we reflect the light of God’s presence in our lives. Stay in prayer, in the Word, and in fellowship with God, and your light will never grow dim.

Biblical Example: Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-26) 
While in prison, Paul and Silas shone brightly by worshipping God despite their circumstances. Their light brought deliverance not only to themselves but to others. Even in difficult situations, you can shine brightly and be a testimony of God’s power.


a) Embrace Your Season 
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that there is a time for everything, and now it’s your time to shine. God has set you apart for such a time as this. You must step into it with faith and confidence that He will lead you into your purpose.

b) Shine in Every Area of Your Life
God’s desire is for you to shine in every area—spiritually, physically, relationally, and professionally. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you align yourself with God’s will in every aspect of your life. It’s time to reflect His glory in everything you do.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther was placed in a position of influence for a specific time to save her people. When the moment came for her to step up, she embraced it, and God used her to bring deliverance. You, too, have been placed in this season to fulfil a divine purpose. Now is the time to shine.

It’s your turn to shine! God has called you to be a light in the world, and no darkness can overpower the light He has placed in you. As you step out in faith, remove hindrances, and live a life that honours God, you will shine brightly for His glory. Remember, your shining is not just for you, but to bring others to the knowledge of Christ. Let the world see the greatness of God through you!

1. Father, thank You for calling me to be a light in the world. 

2. Lord, help me to rise and shine for Your glory in every area of my life. 

3. Father, remove every hindrance that has been keeping me from shining. 

4. Lord, I declare that this is my season to shine and fulfil my purpose. 

5. Father, strengthen my faith to walk boldly in the light You have given me. 

6. Lord, help me to reflect Your glory in all that I do. 

7. I declare that no darkness will overpower the light of God in my life. 

8. Father, grant me the courage to step into the opportunities You have prepared for me. 

9. Lord, let my life be a testimony that brings others to You. 

10. Father, use me to impact my generation with the light of Christ.

1. I declare that you will rise and shine for the glory of God has come upon you. 

2. Every obstacle hindering your light from shining is removed in Jesus’ name. 

3. I decree that you will shine brightly in every season, even in the midst of challenges. 

4. You will reflect the glory of God in your family, career, and ministry. 

5. The darkness of this world will not overshadow the light God has placed in you. 

6. I declare that you will step into your divine season of shining with confidence and boldness. 

7. Your light will bring transformation to your generation and lead many to Christ. 

8. I prophesy that you will never grow dim, for you are connected to the source of eternal light. 

9. Every limitation placed on your destiny is broken, and you will shine unhindered. 

10. I decree that from today, you will shine brighter and brighter until the full light of God’s glory is revealed in your life.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Psalm 126:1-3 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:7, Zephaniah 3:17, Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Celebration is a significant aspect of human life, marking moments of joy, victory, and breakthrough. In Psalm 126, we read about the return of Israel from captivity and how their mouths were filled with laughter and their hearts with joy. The journey of life may include seasons of weeping and waiting, but God promises that joy and celebration are inevitable for those who trust in Him. Today, I declare to you, “It’s your turn to celebrate!” No matter the trials you have faced, God is bringing you into a season of laughter, victory, and overflowing joy.


a) A Time to Rejoice 
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 reminds us that there is a time for everything, including a time to weep and a time to laugh. Whatever season of difficulty or waiting you’ve been in, it will give way to celebration. When God turns things around, the same places where you cried will become places of rejoicing (Psalm 30:5).

b) Divine Turnaround
Psalm 126:1 speaks of how the Israelites felt like they were dreaming when the Lord restored their fortunes. God’s intervention in our lives can be so sudden and miraculous that it feels unreal. He specializes in turning situations around in ways that surpass our expectations.

Biblical Example: Job’s Restoration (Job 42:10) 
After all Job had lost, God restored him with double blessings. His season of mourning was replaced with a season of celebration. Likewise, God is about to turn your mourning into dancing.


a) A Double Portion 
Isaiah 61:7 declares that instead of shame and dishonour, God’s people will receive a double portion and everlasting joy. For all the pain, struggles, and losses you have experienced, God promises a double portion of blessings. It’s your turn to be celebrated.

b) Restoration and Celebration
God not only restores what was lost, but He also adds His favour, making your latter days better than the former. Celebration comes when God takes the ashes of your past and replaces them with beauty (Isaiah 61:3). Your time of sorrow is ending, and the Lord is ushering you into a season of unending joy.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Rise to Prominence (Genesis 41:41-43) 
Joseph suffered betrayal, false accusation, and imprisonment, but when God’s timing came, he was elevated to a place of honour. He went from the pit to the palace, and Egypt celebrated him. Your journey may have had setbacks, but it’s time for your promotion and celebration.


a) Heaven’s Joy 
Zephaniah 3:17 tells us that the Lord rejoices over His people with singing. Your celebration is not just on earth; heaven rejoices when God blesses you. When you step into your breakthrough, there is a divine celebration taking place over you.

b) Joy Unspeakable 
When God celebrates you, He doesn’t do it in a small way. His joy overflows in ways that are beyond human comprehension. As you enter this season of celebration, expect God’s blessings to be pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38).

Biblical Example: The Return of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:22-24) 
When the prodigal son returned home, his father threw a grand celebration for him, symbolizing God’s joy over every restoration. No matter where you have been, it’s your turn to celebrate, for God has great things in store for you.


a) Public Honour
When God decides to celebrate someone, it is not hidden. He makes a public show of His favour and blessings upon your life. In the story of Mordecai, we see that after years of serving unnoticed, God caused the king to publicly honour him (Esther 6:10-11). Likewise, God is going to showcase His glory in your life for all to see.

b) Victory Over Your Enemies 
Celebration also comes when God gives you victory over those who have opposed or oppressed you. Psalm 23:5 declares that God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. This means your victory and celebration will be undeniable to all, even those who once opposed you.

Biblical Example: David’s Victory Parade (1 Samuel 18:6-7) 
After David defeated Goliath, the people of Israel celebrated him with songs of joy. His victory brought about a new season of celebration in his life. Your battles are leading you to your time of public celebration.


a) Remembering the Lord’s Faithfulness
Celebration is not just about what we receive but also about acknowledging God’s goodness and faithfulness. Psalm 126:3 says, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” As you step into your season of celebration, take time to reflect on the goodness of God in your life.

b) Gratitude and Praise
Celebration is the natural response to answered prayers and divine interventions. It’s a time to offer God the praise and thanksgiving He deserves. As you celebrate, let your heart be filled with gratitude for all that God has done.

Biblical Example: Miriam’s Song of Celebration (Exodus 15:20-21) 
After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Miriam led the women in a song of praise and celebration, acknowledging God’s victory over the Egyptians. When God brings you through your Red Sea, be ready to lift a song of praise for the victory He has given you.

It’s your turn to celebrate! The season of weeping is over, and God is bringing you into a new season of joy and breakthrough. Just like the Israelites in Psalm 126, you will look back and say, “The Lord has done great things for me!” Get ready to dance, sing, and rejoice because God is lifting you up, restoring all that was lost, and giving you double for your trouble. Your time of celebration has come!

1. Lord, I thank You for bringing me into my season of celebration. 

2. Father, turn every sorrow in my life into joy and dancing. 

3. Lord, grant me double blessings for every trouble I’ve faced. 

4. Father, restore all that has been lost in my life and bring me into my season of laughter. 

5. Lord, let Your favour locate me and cause me to be publicly celebrated. 

6. Father, give me victory over every opposition and let my enemies witness my celebration.
7. Lord, fill my mouth with laughter and my heart with joy. 

8. Father, let every delay in my life be turned into sudden breakthroughs. 

9. Lord, let Your joy overflow in my life and bring lasting celebrations. 

10. Father, crown this season with Your goodness and faithfulness.

1. I declare that your season of celebration has begun. 

2. I prophesy that every sorrow in your life is turning to joy. 

3. I declare that you will receive double for every trouble. 

4. I prophesy that you will be publicly honoured and celebrated. 

5. I declare that your days of weeping are over, and laughter will fill your home. 

6. I prophesy that God will restore everything that was lost in your life. 

7. I declare that you will dance and rejoice over your victories. 

8. I prophesy that the Lord is preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies. 

9. I declare that your testimony will be so great that it will be like a dream. 

10. I prophesy that this season will be filled with divine breakthroughs and overflowing joy.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Jeremiah 29:11 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 12:1-3, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 2:9

God’s plan for every believer is not mediocrity but greatness. We are created in His image and destined to achieve great things for His glory. From the very beginning, God has woven greatness into the fabric of our lives, and through Christ, we are empowered to fulfil this divine purpose. In this message, we will explore how we are destined for greatness, what that means, and how we can walk in the fullness of God’s plan.


a) You Are Not an Accident 
Jeremiah 29:11 declares that God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. God created each of us with a unique purpose and destiny. No matter where you come from, your background, or your circumstances, God’s plan for you is one of greatness.

b) You Are Chosen for Greatness
1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.” Being chosen by God means we are set apart for His great works. We are destined to be a light in the world, a reflection of His greatness on earth.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) 
God called Abraham and promised to make him great, to bless him, and to make him a blessing to others. Abraham’s obedience to God’s call led him to become the father of many nations. His greatness wasn’t just for himself but to bless others and fulfil God’s plan for humanity.


a) Walking in God’s Purpose
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Our greatness is tied to the purpose God has ordained for us. When we align ourselves with His will and walk in obedience, we unlock the greatness He has already placed within us.

b) Obedience Unlocks the Door to Greatness 
In the Bible, many individuals achieved greatness through obedience. Disobedience, on the other hand, leads to failure and frustration. When we obey God’s instructions, even when they seem difficult or inconvenient, we position ourselves to receive His blessings and favour.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 41:39-44) 
Joseph was obedient to God even in difficult circumstances. Despite being sold into slavery and wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph remained faithful. His obedience and faith in God ultimately led him to greatness, becoming second in command in Egypt and saving many lives.


a) Faith Is the Key to Greatness 
Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith is essential to achieve the greatness God has destined for us. Many times, we won’t see the path ahead clearly, but faith keeps us moving forward, trusting in God’s plan.

b) Persevering Through Trials
Greatness does not come without challenges. Throughout the Bible, we see that those who achieved greatness faced significant trials. The key is to persevere, trusting that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). Trials are often the training ground for greatness.

Biblical Example: David (1 Samuel 16:11-13) 
David was anointed king as a young shepherd boy, but it took many years and numerous trials before he finally became king of Israel. His perseverance through challenges, including facing Goliath and fleeing from King Saul, prepared him for the greatness God had destined for him.


a) Your Greatness Is to Serve God’s Kingdom 
The greatness God gives is not for our personal glorification but to serve His purpose. In Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus teaches that true greatness comes from serving others. As we serve God and others, we fulfil our divine destiny and bring glory to His name.

b) Impacting Lives for God’s Glory
Our greatness is measured by the impact we have on others for God’s kingdom. When we use our gifts, talents, and resources to bless others and advance the gospel, we are living out the greatness God has placed within us.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther rose to greatness as queen, but her greatness was not just for her own benefit. She was placed in her position “for such a time as this” to save her people from destruction. Esther’s courage and willingness to risk her life for others exemplify how greatness is tied to serving God’s purpose.


a) Avoiding Complacency 
One of the greatest enemies of our destined greatness is complacency. When we become comfortable with where we are and stop striving for more in God, we miss out on the fullness of what He has for us. Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us.

b) Pursuing God’s Best
God has much more for us than we can imagine, but it requires us to pursue Him wholeheartedly. We must not settle for less when God has called us to greatness. By seeking His will and staying hungry for more of His presence, we will continue to grow in the greatness He has destined for us.

Biblical Example: Caleb (Joshua 14:6-14) 
At 85 years old, Caleb was still determined to claim the land God had promised him. He did not grow complacent in his old age but pursued the fullness of God’s promise. His faith and perseverance led him to inherit the land and achieve the greatness God had ordained for him.

God has destined each of us for greatness, but it requires us to walk in obedience, faith, and perseverance. We must align ourselves with His will, trust in His timing, and avoid the traps of complacency. Remember, the greatness we are called to is not for our own glory but for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. As you embrace your identity in Christ and follow His leading, you will fulfil the great destiny He has planned for you.

1. Father, thank You for calling me to greatness in Christ. 

2. Lord, help me to walk in obedience to Your purpose for my life. 

3. Father, strengthen my faith to trust in Your plan for my greatness. 

4. Lord, give me the perseverance to overcome every trial on my path to greatness. 

5. I declare that I will not settle for mediocrity but pursue the greatness God has for me. 

6. Father, use my life to serve others and advance Your kingdom. 

7. Lord, help me to avoid complacency and always seek more of You. 

8. I break every barrier that is standing in the way of my God-given greatness. 

9. Father, grant me the boldness to step into the fullness of my destiny. 

10. Lord, I thank You that Your plans for me are for good and not for evil, to give me a future and a hope.

1. I declare that you are destined for greatness, and nothing shall hinder your rise in Christ. 

2. Every plan of the enemy to delay your destiny is broken in the name of Jesus. 

3. I decree that you will walk in obedience to God’s purpose and fulfil your divine calling. 

4. You shall have the faith and perseverance to overcome every challenge on your path to greatness. 

5. I declare that you will not settle for less than God’s best in your life. 

6. You are a chosen generation, and you shall shine as a light in this world for the glory of God. 

7. The greatness in you will manifest to bless others and advance the kingdom of God.
8. You will rise above every limitation, and your destiny will be fulfilled. 

9. I prophesy that you will serve God with all your heart, and through you, many will come to know the Lord. 

10. Your life will be a testimony of God’s greatness, and His name will be glorified through you.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Revelation 3:8 
Supporting Texts: 1 Corinthians 16:9, Isaiah 22:22, Acts 16:26

In life, everyone desires to experience open doors—opportunities that lead to success, advancement, and greatness. The Bible speaks of God as the One who opens doors that no man can shut. Today, we will examine how God grants access to doors of greatness and how we can position ourselves to walk through them. Open doors are not just about opportunities, but about stepping into the divine destiny that God has prepared for you.


a) God Holds the Key 
Isaiah 22:22 says, “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” God alone holds the key to open doors of greatness in our lives. No human or spiritual force can close a door that God has opened for you.

b) Trust in God’s Timing 
Revelation 3:8 reminds us that God opens doors at the right time. Sometimes, we may feel frustrated because doors seem closed, but we must trust that God knows the perfect time for our breakthrough. When He opens the door, no one will be able to shut it.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 41:39-44) 
Joseph endured years of hardship, but when God opened the door for his greatness, he was elevated from the prison to the palace. His story reminds us that even in the midst of challenges, God can open doors that lead to greatness at the appointed time.


a) Step Out in Faith 
When God opens a door, it requires us to step out in faith. 1 Corinthians 16:9 speaks of a great and effective door being opened, but it also mentions opposition. Just because a door is open doesn’t mean it will be without challenges. It is our responsibility to trust God and walk through it, regardless of the obstacles.

b) Be Prepared for the Opportunity 
Open doors require preparation. God does not open doors for those who are unprepared. We must be spiritually, mentally, and emotionally ready to seize the opportunities that God brings our way. Preparation positions us to walk confidently through the doors of greatness.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther was placed in a position of influence, but she had to be prepared and courageous to step through the door of greatness that God had opened for her to save her people. Her readiness and boldness allowed her to fulfil her divine purpose.


a) Overcoming Opposition 
Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 16:9 that though a great door had been opened to him, there were many adversaries. Whenever God opens a door for greatness, there will be opposition—whether it’s from people, circumstances, or spiritual forces. However, we must be determined to overcome every barrier that stands in our way.

b) Spiritual Warfare and Prayer 
Open doors often require spiritual warfare. The enemy knows the potential that lies behind the door of greatness, and he will try to hinder you from stepping through it. This is why we must be persistent in prayer and rely on God’s strength to overcome every obstacle.

Biblical Example: Nehemiah (Nehemiah 4:1-3, 6) 
When Nehemiah sought to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he faced intense opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah. However, through prayer and determination, Nehemiah pressed on and completed the work. In the same way, we must fight through opposition to walk through the doors God opens.


a) Remain Humble
Once God has opened a door and elevated you to a place of greatness, it is crucial to remain humble. Pride can quickly shut the doors that God has opened. We must always remember that it is by God’s grace that we are where we are, and we should give Him all the glory.

b) Depend on God for Sustenance 
The same God who opens the door is the One who sustains you in that place of greatness. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. In every step of your journey, rely on God’s wisdom and guidance to maintain your success.

Biblical Example: King David (Psalm 78:70-72) 
David was chosen by God and placed in a position of greatness. Throughout his reign, David relied on God’s strength and wisdom. Even when he made mistakes, he was quick to repent and turn back to God. His humility and dependence on God allowed him to remain in his position of greatness.


a) Believe That God Has a Door for You
God has specific doors of greatness for each of His children. It’s important to believe that you are included in God’s plan for greatness. No matter your background or current circumstances, God has a door with your name on it. Trust that He will lead you to it.

b) Be Persistent in Pursuit of the Promise
Sometimes, open doors require persistence. You may have to knock and keep knocking until the door opens. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Persistence in faith and prayer will bring you to the threshold of your open door.

Biblical Example: Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) 
Blind Bartimaeus refused to let his opportunity for healing pass by. Even when others told him to be quiet, he persisted in calling out to Jesus. His faith and persistence opened the door for his healing and restoration. In the same way, your persistence in seeking God will lead to open doors of greatness.

God has set before you open doors that no one can shut. These doors lead to greatness, influence, and the fulfilment of your divine purpose. However, you must be prepared to step through them with faith, overcome opposition, and remain humble once you enter. Remember, it is God who opens the door, and it is God who will sustain you in your place of greatness. The doors of greatness are open for you—walk through them and fulfil your destiny!

1. Father, thank You for the doors of greatness You have opened for me. 

2. Lord, grant me the faith and courage to walk through the doors You have opened. 

3. Every adversary standing at the door of my greatness, be removed in Jesus' name. 

4. Father, prepare me to seize the opportunities You are bringing my way. 

5. Lord, let no opposition hinder me from walking through the door of greatness. 

6. Father, I declare that every door You have opened for me will lead to divine fulfilment. 

7. Lord, sustain me in my place of greatness and keep me humble before You. 

8. Father, I decree that no human or spiritual force can shut the door You have opened for me. 

9. Lord, give me wisdom to navigate through the doors of greatness and fulfil my purpose.
10. Father, I declare that I will not miss my season of open doors in Jesus' name.

1. I declare that the doors of greatness are opening for you right now in Jesus’ name. 

2. Every barrier to your open doors is broken, and you will walk into divine opportunities. 

3. I prophesy that no adversary will stand in the way of your promotion and elevation. 

4. The key of David is released over your life; every door of greatness will remain open to you. 

5. I decree that you will step boldly through every open door that God has prepared for you. 

6. Your days of missed opportunities are over; you will enter into your season of divine greatness. 

7. I declare that from today, you will rise to places of influence and prominence. 

8. No power from your past will be able to close the doors of your future. 

9. I prophesy that as you walk through open doors, you will fulfil every divine assignment. 

10. You will not only enter into greatness, but you will sustain it by the grace of God.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 23:5 
Supporting Texts: Ephesians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Malachi 3:10

God has called us to a life of overflowing greatness, where His blessings abound in our lives and overflow into the lives of others. In Psalm 23:5, David declares, “My cup overflows,” indicating a state of abundance that comes from a close relationship with the Shepherd. Today, we will explore what it means to experience overflowing greatness, the sources of this greatness, and how we can align ourselves to receive and share these blessings.


a) God as Our Provider
Psalm 23 speaks to the goodness and provision of God. Our overflowing greatness comes from Him alone. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power at work within us. When we recognise God as the source, we open ourselves to receive His overflowing blessings.

b) The Abundance of God’s Grace 
2 Corinthians 9:8 assures us that God is able to make all grace abound to us. This grace is not just sufficient but overflowing, allowing us to have all that we need for every good work. Understanding the depth of God’s grace leads to a life of overflowing greatness.

Biblical Example: Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-14) 
When Solomon asked for wisdom rather than riches, God granted him both wisdom and wealth, showing that when we prioritise our relationship with God, He blesses us beyond our expectations.


a) Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude 
To experience overflowing greatness, we must cultivate a heart of gratitude. Malachi 3:10 encourages us to bring our tithes to the storehouse, promising that God will open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessings that there will not be room enough to store it. Gratitude positions us to receive more from God.

b) Living in Obedience
Our obedience to God’s Word invites His blessings. When we align our lives with God’s will, we create an environment for overflowing greatness. James 1:25 highlights that those who look intently into the perfect law and continue in it will be blessed in what they do.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16) 
When the widow obeyed God’s command through Elijah to use her last bit of flour and oil to make bread, she experienced an overflowing supply that sustained her and her son through the drought.

a) Blessing Others with Your Overflow
As we experience God’s overflowing greatness, it is essential to share these blessings with others. 2 Corinthians 9:11 states that you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion. Our overflowing blessings are not just for us; they are to be shared with those in need.

b) Being a Vessel of God’s Overflow
We are called to be conduits of God’s blessings. When we allow God’s greatness to flow through us, we become instruments of His love, grace, and provision in the lives of others. This sharing creates a cycle of blessings that perpetuates overflowing greatness.

Biblical Example: The Early Church (Acts 2:44-45) 
The believers in the early church shared everything they had, ensuring that no one was in need. Their willingness to share led to an overflowing community of love and provision, demonstrating the power of generosity.


a) Stay Connected to the Source 
John 15:5 reminds us that apart from Christ, we can do nothing. To maintain overflowing greatness, we must remain connected to the Source. Regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers strengthen our relationship with God and ensure His blessings continue to flow into our lives.

b) Continuous Faith and Trust 
Living in a state of overflowing greatness requires continuous faith and trust in God. We must believe that He is capable of exceeding our expectations and that He has great plans for our lives. Hebrews 11:6 emphasises the importance of faith, stating that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

Biblical Example: The Israelites (Exodus 16:4-5) 
God provided manna from heaven for the Israelites, but they had to trust Him daily for their needs. Their reliance on God’s provision allowed them to experience His overflowing greatness in the wilderness.

Overflowing greatness is not just a blessing but a lifestyle rooted in our relationship with God. It involves recognising Him as our source, receiving His abundant grace, sharing our blessings, and maintaining our connection to Him. As we embrace this lifestyle, we will see our cups overflow, impacting not just our lives but the lives of those around us.

1. Thank You, Lord, for being the source of my overflowing greatness. 

2. I declare that my heart is filled with gratitude for all Your blessings. 

3. Lord, help me to live in obedience to Your Word and receive Your overflowing grace. 

4. I pray for the strength to share my blessings with others and be a vessel of Your love. 

5. Lord, keep me connected to You as my source of strength and provision. 

6. I declare that every good thing I do will be blessed abundantly in Jesus' name. 

7. Father, open my eyes to opportunities where I can bless others with what You have given me. 

8. I pray for continuous faith to trust You for overflowing greatness in my life. 

9. Lord, let my life be a testimony of Your goodness and overflowing blessings. 

10. I declare that I will live a life of abundance that impacts my community for Your glory.

1. I declare that you are stepping into a season of overflowing greatness in Jesus’ name. 

2. Every limitation that has held you back is broken; you will experience abundance. 

3. I prophesy that your cup will overflow with blessings that touch the lives of others. 

4. The floodgates of heaven are open over you; prepare to receive more than you can imagine. 

5. You will be a channel of God’s blessings, sharing your overflow with those in need. 

6. I decree that your faithfulness to God will lead to unending blessings in your life. 

7. The spirit of generosity will overflow from your life, bringing joy to others. 

8. I prophesy that every area of lack in your life will be filled with God’s abundance. 

9. Your relationship with God will deepen, resulting in a continuous flow of blessings. 

10. You are destined for greatness, and it will be evident to all around you.