Saturday 5 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 14:16-17
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."

Supporting Texts:
John 16:13
Galatians 5:22-23
Romans 8:14-16
Acts 1:8
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The Holy Spirit is central to the life of every believer. After Jesus ascended to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter, Teacher, and Guide. The Holy Spirit is not just a force or influence but a person—God Himself, dwelling in us to empower, guide, and transform us. This study explores the vital role of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives and how we can walk in step with His leading.

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, fully God, co-equal with the Father and the Son. He is a divine person, not merely a force or power.

a) The Comforter and Advocate: Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Comforter" who would come to guide and support believers (John 14:16-17).

b) The Spirit of Truth: The Holy Spirit reveals God's truth to us and guides us into all truth (John 16:13).

c) The Presence of God in Us: The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer, making us the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

d) Our Helper in Weakness: The Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for us according to God’s will (Romans 8:26).

e) The Empowerer for Service: The Holy Spirit empowers believers for service and to be witnesses of Christ (Acts 1:8).

Biblical Example:
The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) shows the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which empowered the disciples to preach the Gospel boldly and with miraculous signs following.


The Holy Spirit plays a key role in guiding us in our decisions, our walk with God, and our daily lives.

a) Guiding us into truth: The Holy Spirit helps us understand God's Word and reveals the truth to us (John 16:13).

b) Giving us wisdom and discernment: Through the Holy Spirit, we receive divine wisdom to make decisions and discern God's will (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

c) Leading us in righteousness: The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgment, guiding us to live holy lives (John 16:8-9).

d) Providing direction and counsel: In moments of uncertainty, the Holy Spirit directs our paths and gives us divine counsel (Isaiah 30:21).

e) Bearing witness to God’s leading: The Holy Spirit confirms within us that we are God's children and that we are walking in His will (Romans 8:14-16).

Biblical Example:
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) shows how the Holy Spirit guided Philip to the right person at the right time, resulting in the conversion of the Ethiopian official.

The work of the Holy Spirit is transformational. He changes our hearts, shapes our character, and empowers us to live like Christ.

a) Sanctification: The Holy Spirit is at work in us, sanctifying us, making us more like Jesus (2 Thessalonians 2:13).

b) Developing Christ-like character: The Holy Spirit produces the fruit of the Spirit in our lives—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

c) Empowering us to overcome sin: By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome sinful desires and live in victory over the flesh (Romans 8:12-13).

d) Giving us new desires: The Holy Spirit changes our desires, giving us a passion for the things of God and a heart for holiness (Ezekiel 36:26-27).

e) Convicting us of sin: One of the Holy Spirit’s roles is to convict us of sin and lead us to repentance (John 16:8).

Biblical Example:
Peter’s transformation (Acts 4:13) shows how the Holy Spirit transformed Peter from a man who denied Jesus into a bold preacher of the Gospel.


The Holy Spirit empowers believers for service, enabling us to fulfill our divine calling and be effective witnesses for Christ.

a) Power for witnessing: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would give us power to be His witnesses in the world (Acts 1:8).

b) Spiritual gifts for service: The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to each believer for the edification of the church and the advancement of God's kingdom (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

c) Boldness and courage: The Holy Spirit empowers us with boldness and courage to stand for Christ, even in difficult situations (Acts 4:31).

d) Anointing for ministry: The Holy Spirit anoints us for the work of ministry, making us effective in the areas where God has called us (Luke 4:18).

e) Power to overcome spiritual opposition: The Holy Spirit strengthens us to overcome the powers of darkness and stand firm in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Biblical Example:
Stephen’s boldness (Acts 6:8-10) shows how the Holy Spirit gave him wisdom and power to speak the truth even in the face of opposition, ultimately leading to his martyrdom.

The Holy Spirit desires to lead and guide us, but we must be intentional in walking in step with Him each day.

a) Yielding to the Spirit’s leading: We must submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and follow His leading in our decisions and actions (Galatians 5:16-18).

b) Praying in the Spirit: Prayer is a key way to stay connected to the Holy Spirit, and we are called to pray in the Spirit at all times (Ephesians 6:18).

c) Being sensitive to the Spirit’s voice: To hear the Holy Spirit’s voice, we need to cultivate sensitivity to His promptings by spending time in prayer and the Word (1 Kings 19:12).

d) Living a life of obedience: Walking with the Holy Spirit requires us to live in obedience to God’s Word and His promptings (John 14:15-17).

e) Avoiding grieving the Holy Spirit: We must live in a way that honours God and avoids grieving the Holy Spirit through sinful actions and attitudes (Ephesians 4:30).

Biblical Example:
Paul’s missionary journey (Acts 16:6-10) shows how Paul and his companions followed the Holy Spirit’s guidance, leading them to the region where God wanted them to minister.

The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in our daily lives as believers. He is our Guide, Teacher, Comforter, and Empowerer. Through the Holy Spirit, we are transformed, led into truth, and empowered to live out our calling in Christ. It is essential for every believer to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, yielding to His leading and walking in step with Him each day.


1. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh and lead me in every area of my life.

2. Lord, help me to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

3. Father, empower me by Your Spirit to overcome sin and live in victory.

4. Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth and help me to understand Your Word.

5. Lord, let the fruit of the Spirit be evident in my life each day.

6. Holy Spirit, strengthen me to fulfil my divine purpose and calling.

7. Lord, grant me boldness and courage through the power of Your Spirit.

8. Holy Spirit, help me to walk in obedience to Your will and avoid grieving You.

9. Father, anoint me for the work You have called me to by the power of the Holy Spirit.

10. Holy Spirit, empower me to be a bold and effective witness for Christ.




By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 6:6
"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Supporting Texts:
2 Chronicles 7:14
Psalm 91:1
Isaiah 40:31
James 5:16-18
Acts 4:31


Revival is a mighty move of God’s Spirit, bringing spiritual awakening, transformation, and a return to holiness among His people. While many seek corporate revival, personal revival begins in the secret place—our private time with God. It is in this intimate place of prayer, worship, and communion with God that the fire of revival is ignited and sustained. In this study, we will explore the importance of the secret place in sparking and maintaining the fire of revival and how a personal revival can lead to a greater impact on the world around us.


The "secret place" refers to the private and intimate time we spend with God in prayer, away from distractions and the eyes of others. It is here that our relationship with God is deepened.

a) The Secret Place as a Place of Communion: The secret place is where we commune with God one-on-one, seeking His face and listening to His voice (Psalm 91:1).

b) The Secret Place as a Place of Refinement: God refines us and purifies our hearts in the secret place, preparing us for the fire of revival (Malachi 3:2-3).

c) The Secret Place as a Place of Empowerment: It is in the secret place that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a victorious Christian life and carry out God’s work (Acts 1:8).

d) The Secret Place as a Place of Alignment: As we pray in secret, we align ourselves with God’s will, allowing Him to mould our desires and purposes to match His (Matthew 6:10).

e) The Secret Place as the Source of Public Power: What is birthed in the secret place is manifested publicly. Revival starts with a personal encounter with God in private and spreads to others (Matthew 6:6).

Biblical Example:
Daniel (Daniel 6:10) maintained a disciplined prayer life in the secret place, even when facing opposition. His faithfulness in private led to public demonstration of God’s power and protection.

Revival fire refers to the passionate zeal and burning desire to pursue God, holiness, and spiritual transformation. It is a restoration of fervency and hunger for God’s presence.

a) Revival Fire as Spiritual Renewal: Revival brings a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, leading to spiritual awakening, deeper repentance, and greater devotion to God (2 Chronicles 7:14).

b) Revival Fire as Purity and Holiness: True revival ignites a burning desire to live in holiness and turn away from sin (Isaiah 6:5-7).

c) Revival Fire as Boldness for the Gospel: When revival fire burns in the heart of a believer, they become bold in proclaiming the Gospel and living out their faith (Acts 4:31).

d) Revival Fire as a Return to Prayer: One of the most significant marks of revival is an intensified focus on prayer, both individually and corporately (James 5:16-18).

e) Revival Fire as a Passion for Souls: The fire of revival leads to a burning passion to reach the lost and see souls saved (Matthew 28:19-20).

Biblical Example:
Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-39) prayed fervently in secret before confronting the prophets of Baal. His prayer ignited the fire of revival, and the people turned back to God after witnessing God’s power.

The secret place is not only where revival is ignited but also where it is sustained. Without consistent time in God’s presence, the fire of revival can wane.

a) Personal Prayer as the Fuel for Revival: Consistent, fervent prayer in the secret place keeps the fire of revival burning in our hearts (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

b) The Word of God as the Foundation: The fire of revival is built on the foundation of God’s Word. As we meditate on His Word in the secret place, our hearts are ignited with truth (Psalm 119:105).

c) Worship in the Secret Place: Worship is a vital part of the secret place that brings us into deeper intimacy with God and keeps our hearts aflame for Him (John 4:23-24).

d) Obedience and Sensitivity to the Spirit: In the secret place, God gives us specific instructions and guidance. Obedience to His voice keeps us aligned with His purpose and fuels revival (Isaiah 30:21).

e) Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline: Fasting, combined with prayer, stirs revival fire by breaking down fleshly barriers and sharpening our spiritual sensitivity (Isaiah 58:6-8).

Biblical Example:
Jesus (Mark 1:35) often withdrew to the secret place to pray, even though He was busy with ministry. His personal time with the Father fueled His public ministry and kept Him aligned with God’s will.


Revival begins when we intentionally seek God in the secret place. There are practical steps we can take to ignite and maintain the fire of revival in our personal lives.

a) Cultivate a Hunger for God: Revival starts with a deep hunger for more of God. We must continually desire His presence above all else (Matthew 5:6).

b) Seek God’s Face Daily: A daily commitment to seek God in the secret place through prayer and study of His Word keeps the fire of revival alive (Psalm 27:8).

c) Pursue Holiness: Revival thrives in an atmosphere of holiness. We must live lives set apart for God, seeking purity in every area (1 Peter 1:16).

d) Surround Yourself with Other Revival-Minded Believers: Fellowship with like-minded believers who are also seeking revival helps fan the flames (Hebrews 10:24-25).

e) Be Persistent and Fervent in Prayer: Revival doesn’t happen overnight. We must be persistent and fervent in prayer, trusting that God will move in His time (Luke 18:1).

Biblical Example:
The Early Church (Acts 2:42-47) was birthed out of prayer and waiting in the secret place. Their fervent devotion to prayer led to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the fire of revival that changed the world.


When we experience revival in the secret place, the impact is not limited to ourselves. It spreads to others, transforming families, churches, and entire communities.

a) Revival Spreads to Others: Personal revival leads to a ripple effect, impacting those around us as we live out our faith boldly (Acts 4:31).

b) Revival Transforms Families: As individuals experience revival, their homes and families are transformed by the presence of God (Joshua 24:15).

c) Revival in the Church: A church full of individuals who have encountered God’s fire in the secret place becomes a powerhouse for God’s work (Acts 2:46-47).

d) Revival Brings Societal Change: Revival leads to spiritual, moral, and even social change, as people turn to God and live according to His ways (2 Chronicles 34:33).

e) Revival Prepares the Way for Christ’s Return: Personal and corporate revival is part of God’s end-time plan, preparing the church for the return of Christ (Matthew 24:14).

Biblical Example:
The Disciples (Acts 4:13) were ordinary men who were transformed by their time with Jesus in the secret place. Their boldness and zeal after Pentecost led to widespread revival and growth in the early church.


The fire of revival begins in the secret place, where we encounter God in a personal and intimate way. As we cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and devotion to God in the secret place, the fire of revival will be ignited and sustained in our hearts. This personal revival will not only transform our own lives but also impact those around us, spreading the fire of God’s presence wherever we go. The key to revival is simple: Seek God in the secret place, and let the fire of His Spirit burn brightly in your life.

Lord, ignite the fire of revival in my heart as I seek You in the secret place.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

Supporting Texts:

Exodus 33:18-19
Isaiah 60:1-2
John 17:22
Romans 8:18
Habakkuk 2:14


God's glory is one of the most awe-inspiring and powerful aspects of His nature. His glory represents His presence, His power, and His holiness. Throughout Scripture, people who experienced God's glory were transformed. Today, God desires that every believer move into new dimensions of His glory, encountering deeper revelations of His presence and experiencing transformation that leads to greater purpose. This study focuses on understanding what it means to experience God’s glory and how we can step into a new dimension of His presence.


The glory of God is often referred to as His manifested presence—the visible or tangible expression of His nature.

a) The Meaning of God’s Glory: God’s glory refers to His majesty, splendour, and the fullness of His attributes (Isaiah 6:3).

b) The Glory Revealed in Creation: All of creation declares the glory of God, revealing His power and divine nature (Psalm 19:1).

c) The Glory Revealed in Jesus Christ: Jesus is the full manifestation of God's glory in human form (John 1:14).

d) God’s Glory in the Believer: As believers, we are vessels of God’s glory, and we are called to reflect His image in the world (Colossians 1:27).

e) Progressive Revelation of Glory: God reveals His glory in increasing measures as we grow spiritually and seek His face (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Biblical Example:
Moses (Exodus 33:18-19) asked God to show him His glory. As a result, God revealed a glimpse of His glory, which changed Moses’ face to shine with the brilliance of God's presence.


God wants to take us from one level of glory to another, leading us into deeper experiences of His presence and power.

a) Desiring God’s Presence: A hunger for more of God’s presence is essential for experiencing His glory. Like Moses, we must long for deeper encounters (Psalm 42:1).

b) Consecration and Purity: God's glory is drawn to purity, and consecration positions us to experience more of His presence (Joshua 3:5).

c) Walking in Faith: Faith opens the door to new dimensions of God’s glory. We must believe that God desires to manifest His presence in our lives (Hebrews 11:6).

d) Pursuing Intimacy with God: Intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and meditating on His Word brings us closer to His glory (James 4:8).

e) Obedience to God’s Will: Obedience is key to unlocking new dimensions of God’s glory. When we follow God’s direction, we experience His manifest presence (John 14:21).

Biblical Example:
Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-4) encountered God’s glory in a powerful vision that transformed him and gave him a new commission. This experience changed the course of his life and ministry.


When we experience God’s glory, it has a profound impact on every aspect of our lives, transforming us from the inside out.

a) Transformation: God’s glory transforms us into the image of Christ, enabling us to live holy and victorious lives (2 Corinthians 3:18).

b) Empowerment for Service: The glory of God empowers us to serve Him with boldness, wisdom, and anointing (Acts 4:31).

c) Healing and Restoration: In the presence of God’s glory, healing and restoration take place, both physically and spiritually (Luke 5:17).

d) Revelation of God’s Will: Experiencing God’s glory brings deeper revelations of His will and purposes for our lives (Exodus 34:29-35).

e) Glory that Reflects to Others: When we encounter God’s glory, it overflows to those around us, drawing others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).

Biblical Example:
Peter, James, and John (Matthew 17:1-5) experienced the transfiguration of Jesus, where His glory was revealed. This encounter strengthened their faith and prepared them for future challenges in ministry.


Experiencing a new dimension of God’s glory requires intentional pursuit and alignment with His purposes.

a) Seek God with All Your Heart: God reveals His glory to those who seek Him earnestly (Jeremiah 29:13).

b) Live a Life of Worship: Worship opens the heavens and invites the presence of God into our midst (John 4:23-24).

c) Immerse Yourself in God’s Word: The Word of God is a revelation of His glory, and studying it draws us closer to His presence (Psalm 119:105).

d) Cultivate an Atmosphere of Prayer: Prayer invites the manifestation of God’s glory, and consistent prayer is essential for deeper encounters (Acts 2:42).

e) Walk in Love and Unity: God’s glory is revealed where there is love and unity among His people (John 17:22-23).

Biblical Example:
Solomon’s Temple (2 Chronicles 7:1-3) was filled with the glory of God during its dedication. The people witnessed God’s glory because of their unity, worship, and dedication to Him.


God reveals His glory in our lives for His purpose, which extends beyond personal transformation to impacting the world around us.

a) To Reveal Christ to the World: God’s glory in our lives points people to Christ, who is the ultimate revelation of God’s glory (John 1:14).

b) To Bring About Kingdom Advancement: The more we experience God’s glory, the more we are empowered to advance His kingdom on earth (Acts 1:8).

c) To Draw Others to God: God’s glory in our lives attracts others to seek and know Him (Isaiah 60:1-3).

d) To Prepare Us for Eternal Glory: The glory we experience now is a foretaste of the eternal glory that awaits us in heaven (Romans 8:18).

e) To Overcome Challenges: God’s glory gives us the strength and boldness to face and overcome the challenges of life (Isaiah 40:31).

Biblical Example:
Stephen (Acts 6:15; Acts 7:55-56) was filled with God’s glory even in the face of persecution, which enabled him to stand firm in his faith and forgive his enemies.


God desires to reveal His glory in new and profound ways in the life of every believer. As we pursue Him with passion, consecrate ourselves, and seek deeper intimacy with Him, we will experience new dimensions of His presence and power. These encounters will transform us, empower us for service, and enable us to reflect His glory to the world. The journey into God’s glory is one of continual growth and revelation, and it is His will for us to go from glory to glory.


1. Lord, I desire to experience a new dimension of Your glory in my life.

2. Father, reveal more of Your presence and power to me as I seek You.

3. Holy Spirit, transform my life through the revelation of God’s glory.

4. Lord, empower me for greater service as I experience Your glory.

5. Father, cleanse my heart and make me a vessel for Your glory.

6. Lord, let Your glory bring healing and restoration into every area of my life.

7. Father, help me to reflect Your glory in my daily walk with You.

8. Lord, let Your glory fill my home, my church, and my community.

9. Holy Spirit, guide me into deeper intimacy with God so that I may experience His glory.

10. Father, strengthen my faith to move into new dimensions of Your presence and power.


1. I declare that I will experience new dimensions of God’s glory in my life.

2. I decree that I will walk in the power and presence of God daily.

3. I declare that God’s glory will transform every area of my life.

4. I decree that I am a vessel of God’s glory, bringing



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Peter 1:15-16
"But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’"

Supporting Texts:
Hebrews 12:14
1 Thessalonians 4:7
1 John 3:3
Romans 12:1-2
Ephesians 5:8-10


Holiness and purity are foundational attributes of God's character, and as believers, we are called to live lives that reflect these qualities. In today’s world, where moral standards are often compromised, God’s call to holiness remains unwavering. This study explores the importance of holiness and purity in the life of a believer, how to awaken to this divine call, and how to walk in purity before God in a world filled with temptations and distractions.


God’s call to holiness is not an option but a command for every believer. It is a reflection of His nature and our relationship with Him.

a) God’s Holiness as the Standard: Holiness is not defined by human standards but by God's own nature (Leviticus 11:44).

b) A Call to Separation: To be holy means to be set apart for God, separated from sin and the influences of the world (2 Corinthians 6:17).

c) Holiness in All Areas of Life: Holiness should affect every area of our lives—our thoughts, words, actions, and relationships (1 Peter 1:15).

d) Holiness through God’s Grace: It is only by God's grace and the work of the Holy Spirit that we can live holy lives (Titus 2:11-12).

e) Holiness and the Fear of God: Reverence for God should lead us to pursue holiness in every aspect of our lives (2 Corinthians 7:1).

Biblical Example:
Daniel (Daniel 1:8) chose to remain holy by not defiling himself with the king’s food. His commitment to purity set him apart and God honoured his faithfulness.


Purity begins in the heart and mind, and we are called to guard our hearts against anything that would defile us.

a) Purity of Heart: Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8). A pure heart seeks God above all else.

b) Guarding the Mind: The mind is a battlefield, and we must be diligent to guard our thoughts and renew our minds through God’s Word (Romans 12:2).

c) Fleeing from Temptation: Purity requires a proactive decision to flee from sin and anything that may lead us astray (2 Timothy 2:22).

d) Setting Boundaries: To maintain purity, we must set godly boundaries in our relationships, entertainment, and daily activities (Philippians 4:8).

e) The Role of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit purifies our hearts and helps us to live in accordance with God’s standards (Psalm 51:10).

Biblical Example:
Joseph (Genesis 39:7-12) fled from Potiphar’s wife, demonstrating his commitment to purity even in the face of strong temptation.


Living in a world that often celebrates immorality and compromise, the call to holiness requires courage and conviction.

a) Becoming Light in Darkness: We are called to be the light of the world, standing out in contrast to the darkness around us (Matthew 5:14-16).

b) Resisting Conformity: Paul urges believers not to conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2).

c) Walking in the Spirit: To remain pure in a corrupt world, we must walk in the Spirit, allowing Him to guide and strengthen us (Galatians 5:16).

d) Remaining Vigilant: The enemy constantly seeks to lead us into compromise, but we must remain vigilant, standing firm in our faith (1 Peter 5:8-9).

e) Accountability and Fellowship: Surrounding ourselves with godly relationships and accountability helps us stay on the path of holiness (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Biblical Example:
Lot (Genesis 19) faced great moral corruption in Sodom, yet God delivered him, showing that even in a corrupt environment, God's grace can keep us from falling.


God promises blessings and rewards for those who pursue holiness and purity.

a) Seeing God: Purity of heart allows us to have a deeper relationship with God and to experience His presence in a profound way (Matthew 5:8).

b) Spiritual Growth and Maturity: Holiness leads to spiritual maturity and growth, making us more like Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4).

c) God’s Favour and Blessing: When we live holy lives, we experience God’s favour and blessings (Psalm 84:11).

d) Peace and Joy: Holiness brings a deep sense of peace and joy, as we walk in alignment with God’s will (Isaiah 32:17).

e) Eternal Reward: God promises eternal life and reward for those who persevere in holiness and purity (James 1:12).

Biblical Example:
Enoch (Genesis 5:24) walked faithfully with God, living a life of holiness, and was rewarded by being taken to heaven without experiencing death.


To awaken to holiness and purity, we must take intentional steps to align our lives with God’s standards.

a) Daily Communion with God: Holiness is nurtured in the presence of God, through prayer, worship, and meditating on His Word (Psalm 119:9-11).

b) Repentance and Confession: Regular repentance and confession of sin keep our hearts pure before God (1 John 1:9).

c) Surrounding Yourself with Godly Influences: Choose friendships and environments that encourage holiness and purity (1 Corinthians 15:33).

d) Cultivating Self-Discipline: Holiness requires discipline in areas of thought, behaviour, and spiritual practice (1 Timothy 4:7-8).

e) Seeking the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: Ask the Holy Spirit to continually empower and guide you in your pursuit of holiness (Galatians 5:25).

Biblical Example:
Paul (1 Corinthians 9:27) demonstrated self-discipline in his spiritual walk, keeping his body under control to avoid disqualification from the race of faith.


Holiness and purity are not optional for believers but are essential to our walk with God. As we awaken to this call, we align ourselves with God’s purpose for our lives and position ourselves to experience His presence, favour, and eternal rewards. Pursuing holiness requires daily surrender, dependence on the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to guard our hearts and minds against the temptations of the world.


1. Lord, awaken my heart to pursue holiness and purity.

2. Father, help me to live a life that reflects Your holiness.

3. Holy Spirit, empower me to resist temptation and remain pure.

4. Lord, cleanse my heart from every impurity and sin.

5. Father, strengthen my resolve to walk in purity in a corrupt world.

6. Lord, help me to guard my thoughts and renew my mind through Your Word.

7. Father, let the light of Christ shine through me as I walk in holiness.

8. Lord, give me the courage to stand for righteousness, even when it’s unpopular.

9. Holy Spirit, lead me in the paths of holiness and keep me from compromise.

10. Father, grant me the grace to finish the race in holiness and receive the eternal reward.

Friday 4 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  1 Kings 18:36-39 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 22:9-14, Judges 6:25-28, 2 Chronicles 7:1-2

The altar of sacrifice is a place where divine exchanges occur. It is where God meets man, and where battles are fought and won in the spiritual realm. Throughout Scripture, we see the altar as a place of divine intervention, breakthrough, and victory. One of the most powerful examples is the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18). Elijah defeated his enemies not by physical might but through the power of the altar and the sacrifice he presented to God. Today, we will explore how the altar of sacrifice can be the place where you gain victory over your enemies.


a) What is the Altar? 
In the Bible, the altar represents a sacred place of meeting between God and man. It is where sacrifices are offered, and God's presence is invoked. It also symbolises a place of covenant, where divine promises are made, and battles are won in the spirit.

b) The Power of Sacrifice
Sacrifice on the altar carries spiritual weight. When we offer something precious to God, it moves His hand to act on our behalf. In Genesis 22, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, and God intervened, providing a ram as a substitute and blessing Abraham with great promises. Sacrifice releases divine intervention and opens doors to breakthrough.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 22:9-14) 
When Abraham obeyed God and brought Isaac to the altar, God saw his faith and provided a ram in Isaac's place. This act of sacrifice brought a divine covenant, and Abraham's enemies were defeated through his obedience and faith.


a) Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:36-39)
The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal shows the power of the altar in defeating enemies. Elijah repaired the altar, placed a sacrifice on it, and called on God to answer by fire. God responded by consuming the sacrifice with fire, proving His power and defeating the false prophets. Elijah’s enemies were destroyed at the altar because he followed God’s instructions and offered a worthy sacrifice.

b) Gideon and the Altar of His Father (Judges 6:25-28) 
Gideon was instructed by God to tear down his father's altar to Baal and build an altar to the Lord. This act of obedience resulted in God empowering Gideon to defeat the Midianites, who were oppressing Israel. The destruction of the enemy began with the re-establishment of a godly altar.

Biblical Example: Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-39) 
Elijah’s enemies, the prophets of Baal, were defeated when fire fell from heaven, proving God’s supremacy. Elijah’s sacrifice on the altar led to a display of God’s power, and the people turned back to God. The victory was won at the altar through the power of sacrifice.


a) Obedience Prepares the Ground for Victory 
Sacrifice without obedience is meaningless. God values the heart behind the sacrifice. When we obey God’s instructions, we invite His power to work in our lives. In 1 Samuel 15:22, Samuel told Saul that obedience is better than sacrifice. Before presenting your offering, ensure your heart is aligned with God's will.

b) Sacrifice Unlocks Divine Intervention 
In moments of crisis, the altar of sacrifice can unlock divine intervention when offered in obedience. Hezekiah's prayer of sacrifice (Isaiah 38) moved God to extend his life by 15 years. When you place your trust in God, your obedience coupled with sacrifice brings about victory.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1-5) 
When faced with death, Hezekiah prayed earnestly and offered his life as a living sacrifice. His prayer moved God, and his life was extended. This example highlights the power of obedience in sacrifice and how it can turn around a negative situation.


a) Sacrifice Provokes God's Fire
When sacrifices are made at the altar, it provokes the fire of God. This fire represents divine intervention, cleansing, and judgement upon the enemies. Just as the fire consumed Elijah’s sacrifice, when we present our sacrifices to God in faith, His fire consumes the plans of the enemy.

b) The Blood Sacrifice of Jesus 
The ultimate sacrifice was made by Jesus on the cross. His sacrifice provided the final victory over sin, death, and every enemy. When we come to God through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are standing in a place of victory. The blood of Jesus speaks for us at the altar, defeating the accusations of the enemy.

Biblical Example:  Jesus (Hebrews 10:12-14) 
Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, defeating every spiritual enemy and granting us eternal victory. His sacrifice on the altar of the cross is the ultimate example of how victory is secured through sacrifice.


a) Build an Altar of Prayer and Worship
Your altar today is the place of prayer and worship. As you offer sacrifices of praise, worship, and prayer, you are creating an environment where God can move powerfully in your life. Set aside time daily to seek God's face, and let your altar be a place of divine encounter.

b) Offer Sacrifices of Thanksgiving and Faith
The Bible says to present your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1). Your life, given fully to God, is a powerful weapon against the enemy. Thanksgiving, even in difficult situations, is a sacrifice that invites God’s presence and power into your circumstances.

Biblical Example:  Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1-2) 
When Solomon dedicated the temple, he offered an extravagant sacrifice to God. In response, fire came down from heaven, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. This demonstrates that when we build an altar and offer sacrifices to God, He responds with His presence and power.

Victory over your enemies can be secured at the altar of sacrifice. Whether it’s the altar of prayer, worship, or physical sacrifice, God honours the offering of a pure heart. Just as Elijah, Abraham, and Gideon saw their enemies defeated through the altar, so too can you. Approach God’s altar with obedience and faith, and you will witness His divine intervention.

1. Lord, help me to build an altar of sacrifice in my life where Your presence can dwell. 

2. Father, every enemy in my life, let them be defeated at the altar of sacrifice. 

3. Lord, by the fire of Your presence, consume every plan of the enemy against me. 

4. I declare victory over every enemy of my progress and destiny in Jesus' name. 

5. Lord, as I offer my life as a living sacrifice, let Your power be released in my situation. 

6. Father, every altar speaking against my life, I tear it down in the name of Jesus. 

7. Lord, let my sacrifices provoke Your divine intervention in every area of my life. 

8. By the blood of Jesus, I overcome every enemy at the altar of sacrifice. 

9. Father, let Your fire fall upon my sacrifices and grant me victory. 

10. I declare that I will walk in victory through the power of sacrifice in Jesus' name.

1. I declare that every enemy standing against your progress will be defeated at the altar of sacrifice. 

2. The fire of God will consume every hindrance to your breakthrough. 

3. As you present your sacrifices to God, you will see divine intervention in every area of your life. 

4. I decree that every altar raised against you is destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

5. You will walk in victory over every foundational and generational battle. 

6. The Lord will answer your prayers by fire, and your enemies will be put to shame. 

7. Every sacrifice you make in obedience to God will provoke His blessings upon your life. 

8. I declare that your altar of prayer and worship will bring down strongholds. 

9. You will experience supernatural breakthroughs as you honour God with your sacrifices. 

10. I decree that the victory you seek is already won through the blood of Jesus at the altar of sacrifice.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Haggai 2:9 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 60:1-3, Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Joel 2:28-29

The Bible speaks of the glory of God as the manifestation of His presence, power, and majesty. In these times, God is calling His people to walk in His glory, experience His power, and display His majesty to the world. These are the days of glory, where God is doing something new, where His presence is being revealed in greater ways, and where the church is called to arise and shine. We will explore how to walk in this glory, what it means to experience it, and how it transforms our lives.


a) What is the Glory of God? 
The glory of God refers to the manifestation of His nature, character, and presence. It is the weight of His divine essence, radiating His beauty, holiness, and majesty. The Bible describes it as something so powerful that when people encounter it, they are transformed. God’s glory is His visible splendor and the revelation of His greatness.

b) The Promise of Greater Glory 
Haggai 2:9 tells us that the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former. This is a promise for us today: that God’s glory in this season will exceed anything we’ve seen before. We are in the days where God is pouring out His Spirit in unprecedented ways, and His glory is being revealed in His people, His church, and the world.

Biblical Example: Moses Encountering God’s Glory (Exodus 33:18-23) 
Moses asked to see God’s glory, and though he couldn’t see the fullness of it, he experienced the profound presence of God in a way that changed him. When we seek God’s glory, we encounter Him in a way that transforms us.


a) Called to Radiate God’s Glory 
Isaiah 60:1 commands us to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." This is a call to rise out of darkness, out of defeat, and step into the light of God’s presence. When we walk in His glory, we reflect His light, His goodness, and His power to the world around us.

b) Walking in the Reality of God’s Glory 
Walking in God’s glory means living in the awareness of His presence, being transformed daily into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18), and manifesting His power in our lives. The more we behold His glory, the more we are changed from glory to glory. We are called to live in such a way that others see God’s glory reflected through us.

Biblical Example: The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9) 
When Jesus was transfigured, His glory was revealed to Peter, James, and John. This moment showed that Jesus was the fullness of God’s glory, and it serves as a reminder that we are called to radiate that same glory as His followers.


a) Experiencing the Outpouring of God’s Spirit 
Joel 2:28-29 speaks of God pouring out His Spirit in the last days. These are those days. God’s glory is being revealed through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, resulting in signs, wonders, miracles, and an unprecedented move of God. As we yield to the Holy Spirit, we experience deeper dimensions of God’s glory in our lives.

b) The Role of the Church in These Days of Glory 
The church is the primary vessel through which God’s glory will be revealed. We are called to be a light to the nations, to carry the presence of God into every sphere of influence, and to demonstrate His power in every aspect of life. These are the days where the church is rising in power and authority, revealing the glory of God to the world.

Biblical Example: The Early Church in Acts (Acts 2:1-4) 
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost marked the beginning of the days of glory for the church. The apostles moved in power, performing miracles and leading many to Christ. This is a picture of what God desires to do in the church today.


a) Present Sufferings and Future Glory 
Romans 8:18 tells us that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. Often, before we experience the fullness of God’s glory, we go through seasons of hardship and trial. However, these trials refine us and prepare us for the greater glory that God wants to reveal in us and through us.

b) The Role of Redemption in Revealing God's Glory
Our redemption through Christ is the greatest revelation of God’s glory. Jesus’ death and resurrection not only saved us from sin but also opened the way for us to share in God’s glory. As redeemed children of God, we are now carriers of His glory and are called to reveal it to the world.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Suffering and Glory (2 Corinthians 4:17) 
Paul endured many sufferings, but he understood that these light and momentary afflictions were preparing him for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. God uses our trials to bring us into a greater manifestation of His glory.


a) The Glory in Our Lives 
As believers, we are called to manifest God's glory in every area of our lives – our family, work, ministry, and personal walk with Him. When God's glory is evident in us, it brings transformation and leads others to experience the same. We are to live as examples of His glory.

b) The Glory in the Nations 
God’s desire is that His glory fills the whole earth (Habakkuk 2:14). These are the days when His glory will be seen not only in the church but in the nations. As believers, we are called to be carriers of His glory into the world, revealing His power and majesty wherever we go.

Biblical Example: The Glory Filling Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 8:10-11) 
When Solomon finished building the temple, the glory of God filled the house so powerfully that the priests could not stand to minister. This is a picture of how God’s glory desires to fill not just buildings, but our lives, families, and communities.

These are truly the days of glory. God is calling us to rise and walk in His presence, power, and majesty. As we yield to His Spirit and seek His face, we will experience the outpouring of His glory in our lives, families, churches, and nations. Now is the time to embrace the fullness of His glory and let it shine through us for the world to see.

1. Lord, let Your glory manifest in my life in greater ways. 

2. Father, pour out Your Spirit upon me afresh and reveal Your glory. 

3. Lord, help me to rise and shine as a carrier of Your glory. 

4. Father, let Your glory be evident in every area of my life. 

5. Lord, transform me from glory to glory as I behold Your face. 

6. Father, let Your glory fill the church in these days of revival. 

7. Lord, release signs, wonders, and miracles through the outpouring of Your Spirit. 

8. Father, use me to reveal Your glory to the nations. 

9. Lord, help me to endure every trial, knowing that it is preparing me for greater glory. 

10. Father, let Your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.

1. I declare that you will walk in the fullness of God’s glory.
2. The glory of the latter house will be greater in your life. 

3. You are arising and shining in the power of God’s glory. 

4. Every limitation in your life is broken, and you will manifest God’s glory. 

5. Your family, career, and ministry will reflect the glory of God. 

6. The Spirit of the Lord will pour out mightily upon you in these days. 

7. The nations will see the glory of God through you. 

8. You are moving from suffering to glory in Jesus' name. 

9. God’s glory will fill every area of your life and bring transformation. 

10. You will be a living testimony of the days of glory in Jesus' name.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 7:11-15 
Supporting Texts:  Mark 5:25-34, Matthew 8:1-4, Isaiah 53:4-5

A divine touch from God has the power to transform lives, situations, and circumstances. When God touches a person, the supernatural power of healing, restoration, and deliverance is released. In Luke 7:11-15, we see Jesus raising the widow's son from the dead with a single touch. This miracle of resurrection demonstrates how God’s touch can bring life into dead situations.

The same divine touch is available to believers today. Whether you need healing, breakthrough, or restoration, one touch from the Lord is enough to change everything. The power of God’s touch can break chains, heal sicknesses, restore broken relationships, and bring dead dreams back to life.


a) Jesus’ Compassionate Touch in Nain
In Luke 7:11-15, Jesus encounters a widow whose only son has just died. Her situation seemed hopeless—she had already lost her husband, and now she was about to bury her son. Jesus, filled with compassion, touched the bier, and commanded the young man to rise. Immediately, life returned to him.

b) The Life-Giving Power of Jesus' Touch 
Jesus’ touch didn’t just comfort the widow; it changed her situation completely. The touch of Jesus brings life where there was death. It brings hope to the hopeless and joy to the sorrowful. When the divine touch of Jesus comes into our lives, everything changes. Whether it’s a dead situation, a broken heart, or a desperate need, one touch from God is enough to turn things around.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
This woman had suffered for twelve years, but she believed that if she could only touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, she would be healed. When she touched Jesus by faith, she was instantly healed. Jesus’ divine power was released through that touch, showing that faith can activate the supernatural power of God.


a) Jesus Heals with a Touch 
In Matthew 8:1-4, a leper approached Jesus and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus responded by touching the leper, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately, the man was healed of his leprosy. Jesus’ touch brought immediate and complete healing. No sickness or disease can resist the touch of the Master.

b) Restoration Beyond Physical Healing 
The touch of God not only heals physical ailments but also brings emotional and spiritual restoration. Jesus restored the widow's joy and gave her a reason to live again by raising her son. Similarly, He can restore what has been lost in our lives—whether it is peace, hope, or joy. The divine touch of Jesus brings total restoration to every area of life.

Biblical Example: Naaman’s Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14) 
Naaman was a powerful man, but he was suffering from leprosy. After following the instruction from Prophet Elisha to dip in the Jordan River seven times, he was completely healed. This story demonstrates that God’s touch, whether through direct contact or prophetic instruction, can bring healing and restoration.


a) Breaking the Chains of Bondage
In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas were imprisoned, but after they prayed and sang praises to God, there was a divine touch in the form of an earthquake. The prison doors were opened, and their chains were loosed. God’s divine touch can break the chains of bondage in our lives, whether they are spiritual, emotional, or physical.

b) Deliverance from the Power of Death 
In the story of the widow’s son, Jesus delivered him from the power of death with a touch. This miracle demonstrates that no situation is too far gone for God’s touch to bring deliverance. Whether you are facing impossible odds or battling a long-standing issue, God’s touch can bring the breakthrough you need.

Biblical Example: Lazarus Raised from the Dead (John 11:38-44) 
Lazarus had been dead for four days, but when Jesus arrived and called him forth, he was raised to life. This shows that God’s divine touch can reverse even the most hopeless situations and bring about miraculous deliverance.


a) Faith as the Key 
Throughout the Bible, we see that faith is crucial to accessing God’s divine touch. The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her faith. Blind Bartimaeus received his sight because he believed in Jesus' ability to heal him (Mark 10:46-52). If you want to experience the divine touch of God, you must come to Him in faith, believing that He can and will change your situation.

b) Prayer and Seeking God's Presence 
God’s divine touch often comes in response to fervent prayer and a deep desire for His presence. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God promises that if His people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. Persistent prayer and a heart that seeks God will always draw His divine touch into your life.

Biblical Example: Jacob Wrestles with God (Genesis 32:22-32) 
Jacob wrestled with the angel of God and said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” His persistence in seeking a touch from God resulted in a divine blessing and a transformation of his identity. He was no longer Jacob the deceiver but Israel, a prince with God.

A divine touch from God is powerful and life-changing. Whether you need healing, deliverance, restoration, or breakthrough, one touch from the Master can transform your life. The widow in Nain experienced a miracle when Jesus touched her son, and that same divine touch is available to you today. Come to God in faith, cry out to Him in prayer, and expect Him to move in your life. Remember, just one touch from God is enough to change everything.

1. Father, I thank You for Your divine touch in my life. 

2. Lord, touch every dead situation in my life and bring it back to life. 

3. Father, by Your divine touch, heal me from every sickness and disease. 

4. Lord, restore everything I have lost by Your divine touch. 

5. Father, touch me today and break every chain of bondage in my life. 

6. Lord, I receive Your divine touch for breakthrough in every area of my life. 

7. Father, let Your hand rest upon me for divine favour and blessing. 

8. Lord, touch my family and bring healing, restoration, and deliverance. 

9. Father, by Your touch, bring me out of every difficult and hopeless situation. 

10. Lord, touch my finances, career, and ministry, and cause me to flourish.

1. I declare that one touch from God will change your life forever. 

2. Every dead situation in your life is coming back to life by the divine touch of God. 

3. You are healed from every sickness and disease by the power of God’s touch. 

4. Every chain of bondage is broken, and you are delivered by the hand of God. 

5. I decree that supernatural restoration is coming to every area of your life. 

6. The same God who raised the widow's son will touch your situation and turn it around. 

7. You will experience breakthrough after breakthrough as God’s divine touch comes upon you. 

8. I declare that God’s hand is upon you for favour, increase, and blessing. 

9. No situation is too far gone—God’s divine touch will bring miraculous deliverance. 

10. You will testify of God’s divine touch in your life this month, in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text Psalm 23:5 
Supporting Texts: John 7:37-39, Malachi 3:10, Ephesians 3:20

Supernatural overflow refers to an abundance that comes from God's divine power, beyond human capacity or resources. It is when God supplies more than enough—beyond our needs, expectations, and natural limitations. In Psalm 23:5, David declares, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." This speaks of a level of blessing and favour that surpasses the ordinary, where God’s provision and anointing cause every area of life to overflow with His goodness.

This sermon explores how we can experience supernatural overflow in various aspects of our lives—spiritually, materially, and relationally. It is a season where God wants to pour out His blessings so abundantly that they overflow in our lives, impacting those around us.


a) Overflow Comes from God’s Abundance 
God is a God of abundance, and His resources are limitless. When He blesses, He does so abundantly. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is able to do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." His overflow is not just about meeting our needs but going far beyond what we can imagine. The supernatural overflow is God’s way of demonstrating His ability to do more than we can ask for, even in situations that seem impossible.

b) Overflow in the Presence of Opposition 
Psalm 23:5 emphasizes that the overflow happens "in the presence of my enemies." This means that God’s blessing can manifest even in the face of challenges, opposition, or circumstances that seem unfavourable. God can cause you to prosper and thrive in the midst of difficult situations. The overflow is not dependent on external conditions but on God’s power.

Biblical Example: Isaac in the Land of Famine 
In Genesis 26, Isaac sowed in a land of famine, and God blessed him so abundantly that he reaped a hundredfold in that same year (Genesis 26:12-13). While others were struggling, Isaac experienced supernatural overflow because of God’s covenant blessing. This shows that God's overflow can manifest even in times of scarcity and difficulty.


a) Faith and Obedience to God’s Word
Supernatural overflow is often connected to our faith and obedience. In Malachi 3:10, God promises an overflow of blessings when we honour Him with our tithes and offerings: "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse... if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." Faith and obedience unlock the windows of heaven and release God’s overflow into our lives.

b) Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
Spiritual overflow begins with being filled with the Holy Spirit. In John 7:37-39, Jesus spoke of rivers of living water flowing out of those who believe in Him, referring to the Holy Spirit. The more we are filled with the Spirit, the more we overflow with His power, wisdom, and anointing. This spiritual overflow impacts every area of life, bringing peace, joy, and divine guidance.

Biblical Example: The Widow’s Oil 
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the widow experienced a supernatural overflow of oil when she obeyed the prophet’s instruction to borrow vessels. As long as she had vessels, the oil kept flowing, filling every container. This shows that when we act in faith and obedience, God’s provision can overflow, meeting all our needs and more.

a) Expecting Overflow in Every Area of Life 
To experience supernatural overflow, we must live with an expectation that God will do more than enough in every area of our lives. Whether it’s in our finances, health, relationships, or ministry, we should expect God’s abundance. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God exceeds our expectations. Having a mindset of abundance, not lack, positions us to receive overflow.

b) Becoming a Conduit for God’s Blessing 
God’s overflow is not just for our benefit but also to bless others. When we receive supernatural overflow, we become channels of blessing to others. Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom." As we share the blessings we receive, God continues to pour more into our lives.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the 5,000 
In John 6, Jesus fed over 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish, and there were twelve baskets left over (John 6:12-13). This miraculous event demonstrates God’s ability to multiply resources, resulting in supernatural overflow. When we give our little into God’s hands, He multiplies it beyond measure.


a) To Demonstrate God’s Glory 
Supernatural overflow brings glory to God. When people see the abundance in our lives, they will know that it is the Lord’s doing. Psalm 126:2-3 says, "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'" God’s overflow in our lives is a testimony to His greatness and faithfulness.

b) To Equip Us for Kingdom Advancement 
God’s overflow is also meant to equip us for greater service in His Kingdom. When we experience supernatural overflow, we are better positioned to advance God’s work and help others. Whether it’s through financial prosperity, spiritual gifts, or influence, God’s overflow empowers us to impact the world around us.

Biblical Example: Solomon’s Wisdom and Wealth 
King Solomon was blessed with wisdom and wealth that overflowed beyond the borders of Israel. His overflow attracted leaders from other nations, such as the Queen of Sheba, who came to see the wisdom and prosperity God had given him (1 Kings 10). Solomon’s overflow was a testament to God’s greatness and a tool for influencing nations.

Supernatural overflow is the result of God’s divine intervention, where He supplies more than enough in every area of life. As you trust in God, walk in faith and obedience, and stay filled with the Holy Spirit, you will begin to experience an overflow of blessings. It is God’s desire that your cup runs over, not only for your benefit but also to bless others and advance His Kingdom. Step into this season of supernatural overflow, and expect God to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you ask or think.

1. Father, I thank You for being the God of abundance and overflow in my life. 

2. Lord, remove every limitation that hinders me from experiencing Your overflow. 

3. Father, fill me afresh with Your Spirit, so that I may walk in supernatural overflow. 

4. Lord, bless me abundantly in every area of my life, according to Your Word. 

5. Father, open the windows of heaven over my life, and let there be an overflow. 

6. Lord, let Your supernatural overflow be evident in my finances, health, and family. 

7. Father, use me as a conduit of blessing to others as You bless me with overflow. 

8. Lord, give me faith and obedience to receive Your overflow in every area of my life. 

9. Father, restore everything the enemy has stolen from me, and let there be an overflow of blessings. 

10. Lord, I declare that I will live in supernatural overflow in every aspect of my life.

1. I declare that you are stepping into a season of supernatural overflow in Jesus’ name! 

2. Every area of lack in your life is turning into abundance by the power of God. 

3. I decree that your cup will overflow with blessings, favour, and divine provision. 

4. You will experience overflow in your finances, health, and relationships. 

5. The supernatural hand of God is opening doors of abundance for you this season. 

6. Your faith and obedience will unlock the windows of heaven for an overflow of blessings. 

7. I declare that you are a conduit of God’s blessing, and His overflow will impact others through you. 

8. Every delay and limitation in your life is removed, and God’s overflow is flowing freely. 

9. Divine restoration is coming to you, and you will experience more than enough. 

10. I declare that you will walk in supernatural overflow, and the name of the Lord will be glorified in your life!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 26:12-14 
Supporting Texts: 2 Corinthians 9:10, Deuteronomy 28:12, 1 Kings 17:13-16

Supernatural increase refers to the extraordinary multiplication and favour that only God can provide. It goes beyond human effort and calculation, demonstrating the power of divine provision. Isaac sowed in a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold because of God's blessing. This sermon will explore the principles of supernatural increase and how believers can access this divine favour.


a) God's Ability to Multiply Beyond Human Capacity
Supernatural increase occurs when God intervenes in our efforts, multiplying the results beyond what we could naturally achieve. In Genesis 26:12, Isaac sowed in a land of famine, yet he reaped a hundredfold because the Lord blessed him.

b) Increase Tied to Divine Obedience
Obedience to God's instructions often precedes supernatural increase. Isaac’s willingness to stay in Gerar, as directed by God, positioned him for this unusual harvest (Genesis 26:2-3). When we align ourselves with God's will, we unlock the potential for divine multiplication.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:13-16) 
Elijah asked the widow to prepare a meal for him, and in return, her jar of flour and jug of oil never ran out. This was a supernatural increase brought about through obedience to the prophet's instruction.


a) Sowing in Faith 
Faith is essential when expecting supernatural increase. Isaac sowed in a time of famine, which is illogical to the natural mind. Yet, it was his faith in God's ability that led to his increase. In 2 Corinthians 9:10, we are reminded that God provides seed to the sower and increases the harvest of our righteousness.

b) Generosity and Giving
Supernatural increase often follows acts of generosity. When we give, we open ourselves to receive more from God. Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6:9-13) 
A young boy offered his lunch of five loaves and two fish, and Jesus multiplied it to feed thousands. His act of giving led to an overflow that fed the multitudes, with twelve baskets of leftovers.


a) Financial Prosperity
When God releases supernatural increase, it impacts every area of life, including finances. Isaac’s increase led to wealth and prosperity to the point that even kings noticed him (Genesis 26:13-14). Supernatural increase elevates believers to positions of influence.

b) Spiritual Growth and Impact 
Supernatural increase also occurs in our spiritual lives. As we experience God's blessings, our faith grows stronger, and our capacity to impact others increases. When Peter preached after the Day of Pentecost, the Church grew by three thousand in one day—this was a spiritual increase (Acts 2:41).

Biblical Example: The Early Church (Acts 6:7) 
The word of God spread, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly. This was a supernatural growth of the Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit.


a) Fear and Doubt 
Fear and doubt are enemies of supernatural increase. They prevent believers from acting in faith and hinder God’s blessings. In Matthew 14:30-31, Peter began to sink when he doubted. To experience increase, we must maintain our faith in God’s promises.

b) Disobedience
Disobedience blocks the flow of God's blessings. The Israelites missed out on the Promised Land because of their disobedience and lack of faith. It is essential to follow God’s instructions fully to experience supernatural increase.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in the Wilderness (Numbers 14:22-23) 
The Israelites’ disobedience caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years, delaying their entry into the Promised Land. They missed the supernatural increase that awaited them because of their rebellion.

Supernatural increase is a manifestation of God’s abundant grace and favour. It defies human logic and brings about extraordinary results. As believers, we are called to trust God, obey His Word, and sow in faith, knowing that God is able to multiply what we place in His hands. Just as Isaac reaped a hundredfold in the midst of famine, so too can we experience divine multiplication in our lives.

1. Father, grant me the faith to believe in Your supernatural increase. 

2. Lord, I ask for the grace to obey Your instructions in every area of my life. 

3. Father, release a hundredfold return on every seed I have sown in faith. 

4. Lord, I break every hindrance to my supernatural increase. 

5. Father, let my spiritual life experience divine multiplication and growth. 

6. Lord, I declare that my financial life will experience supernatural increase. 

7. Father, open doors of opportunity that will lead to overflow in my life. 

8. Lord, I thank You for making me a channel of blessing to others. 

9. Father, give me the boldness to sow in times of famine, trusting You for a harvest. 

10. Lord, let my life be a testimony of Your supernatural increase.

1. I declare that you will experience supernatural increase in every area of your life. 

2. You will sow in faith and reap a hundredfold in Jesus' name. 

3. Every obstacle to your increase is removed in the name of Jesus.
4. Your finances, career, and spiritual life will witness divine multiplication. 

5. You are entering a season of extraordinary favour and blessings. 

6. Every seed you have sown in faith will yield abundant fruit. 

7. Your obedience to God’s Word will unlock supernatural blessings. 

8. You are a testimony of God's power to multiply and increase. 

9. Doors of opportunity are opening for you in unexpected places. 

10. You will rise in influence and prosperity, and the world will see the glory of God upon your life.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Philippians 4:13 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 41:10, Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Corinthians 12:9

In life, challenges and obstacles are inevitable, but they do not define our ability to succeed. The truth is that you can make it, no matter the circumstances you face. Philippians 4:13 assures us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Today, we will explore the factors that contribute to our ability to overcome challenges and how we can remain steadfast in our faith.


a) Recognize Your Worth 
Every individual has inherent value and potential. God created you with a purpose, and that purpose comes with the ability to achieve it. Understanding your worth in Christ is crucial for your journey.

b) Embrace Your Unique Gifts 
Each person is endowed with unique talents and abilities. Recognizing and utilizing these gifts is key to fulfilling your purpose.

Biblical Example: David as King (1 Samuel 16:12-13) 
David was chosen by God despite being the youngest and least likely candidate. His potential was recognized, and he went on to become a great king.


a) God Is With You 
Fear and doubt can paralyze us, but God's presence dispels those fears. Isaiah 41:10 reassures us that we need not fear because God is with us.

b) Courage to Step Out
It takes courage to face the unknown and take risks. Trusting in God's plan gives us the boldness to move forward.

Biblical Example: Joshua’s Leadership (Joshua 1:9) 
God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous as he led the Israelites into the Promised Land. His faith in God's promise enabled him to conquer obstacles.


a) Set Clear Goals 
Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is essential. Write down your goals and pray over them, aligning them with God's will.

b) Avoid Distractions 
Life can be full of distractions that pull us away from our goals. Staying focused on God's promises helps us navigate these distractions.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Mission (Philippians 3:13-14) 
Paul pressed on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly calling. His focus on Christ enabled him to endure hardships and fulfill his mission.


a) Keep Pushing Forward 
Success often requires persistence. Even when faced with setbacks, we must keep moving forward.

b) Learn from Failure
Failures are not the end; they are opportunities to learn and grow. Embrace them and use them as stepping stones to success.

Example: Thomas Edison’s Determination 
Edison faced countless failures before inventing the light bulb. His persistence and belief that he could succeed led to a groundbreaking invention.


a) God Has a Plan 
Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has a plan for our lives, and His timing is perfect. We must trust that He knows what is best for us.

b) Patience in the Process
While waiting for our dreams to manifest, it is important to remain patient and faithful. God is working behind the scenes, preparing us for what lies ahead.

Biblical Example: Abraham’s Journey (Genesis 12:1-4) 
Abraham trusted God's promise, even when it took years to see it fulfilled. His faith in God's timing led to the birth of a great nation.

You can make it! No matter the challenges you face, remember that you are not alone. God is with you, empowering you to overcome every obstacle. Embrace your potential, trust in God's plan, and stay focused on your goals. With persistence and faith, you will achieve the destiny God has for you.

1. Lord, help me to recognize my potential and worth in You. 

2. Father, remove fear and doubt from my heart. 

3. Lord, give me the courage to step out in faith. 

4. Father, help me set clear goals aligned with Your will. 

5. Lord, keep me focused on my mission and purpose. 

6. Father, strengthen my persistence in pursuing my dreams. 

7. Lord, teach me to learn from my failures and move forward. 

8. Father, help me trust in Your perfect timing. 

9. Lord, guide me through distractions that hinder my progress. 

10. Father, empower me to overcome every challenge I face.

1. I declare that you will rise above every challenge in Jesus' name. 

2. I prophesy that fear and doubt will no longer hold you back. 

3. You will achieve every goal that God has placed in your heart. 

4. I declare that your persistence will lead to great breakthroughs. 

5. I prophesy that God’s perfect timing will manifest in your life. 

6. You will walk in divine favour as you pursue your dreams. 

7. I declare that every distraction in your life is removed in Jesus' name. 

8. You are equipped to overcome every obstacle set before you. 

9. I prophesy that you will see the fulfillment of God’s promises. 

10. Your testimony of success will bring glory to God’s name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 15:9-11 
Supporting Texts: Ephesians 4:29, James 3:6, Proverbs 6:16-19

In Parts One and Two, we explored the significance of identifying and driving away spiritual vultures—sins and negative habits that threaten to destroy our spiritual lives and offerings to God. These vultures include pride, anger, malice, tale-bearing, and dishonesty. In this third part of the series, we will examine additional "vultures" that seek to corrupt our spiritual journey, such as bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, slander, and negative speech. These are harmful forces that can defile our hearts and prevent us from fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. We must drive them away with the same fervor Abraham used to protect his sacrifice.

a) The Root of Bitterness
Bitterness is a deep-seated resentment that can grow like a root and poison the soul. Hebrews 12:15 warns, "See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Bitterness usually stems from unforgiveness and unresolved pain, and it can lead to a hardened heart.

b) Driving Bitterness Away
To drive away the vulture of bitterness, we must release our hurts to God and allow Him to heal our hearts. Ephesians 4:31 instructs us to “get rid of all bitterness.” Bitterness must be replaced with compassion and forgiveness through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Biblical Example: 
Naomi in the Book of Ruth became bitter after losing her husband and sons, even calling herself "Mara," meaning bitterness (Ruth 1:20). Yet God restored her joy through Ruth's loyalty and the birth of Obed, showing that bitterness does not have to be the end of our story.


a) The Chains of Unforgiveness 
Unforgiveness is a spiritual weight that prevents us from receiving God’s grace and peace. Matthew 6:14-15 emphasizes the seriousness of this issue: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Unforgiveness ties us to the past and blocks God's healing power.

b) Driving Unforgiveness Away
To drive this vulture away, we must embrace the forgiveness of Christ and extend it to others. Forgiveness is not optional—it’s a command. Colossians 3:13 says, "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." We must let go of offense and entrust judgment to God.

Biblical Example 
Joseph's ability to forgive his brothers (Genesis 50:20) was key to fulfilling God's purpose in his life. His forgiveness allowed God to use him to save an entire nation during a time of famine.

a) The Toxicity of Jealousy 
Jealousy is a vulture that destroys relationships and breeds discontent. Proverbs 27:4 says, “Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous, but who can stand before jealousy?” Jealousy makes us covet what others have and blinds us to God’s blessings in our own lives. It creates division and strife among believers.

b) Driving Jealousy Away
To drive away jealousy, we must develop a heart of gratitude and contentment. James 3:16 warns that “where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” Gratitude for what we have and a genuine appreciation for others' blessings will eliminate jealousy from our hearts.

Biblical Example: 
King Saul's jealousy toward David (1 Samuel 18:7-9) caused him to pursue David relentlessly, even though David was loyal to him. Saul's jealousy blinded him to God's plan and ultimately led to his downfall.


a) The Destructive Power of Slander 
Slander is speaking false or damaging statements about others, and it is often rooted in jealousy, malice, or a desire to tear others down. James 3:6 warns, "The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity... it sets on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell." Slander destroys reputations and sows discord among believers.

b) Driving Slander Away
To drive away the vulture of slander, we must be intentional about speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and refuse to engage in conversations that harm others. We must also guard our hearts against allowing negative thoughts and judgments to take root.

Biblical Example
The false accusations against Jesus by the Pharisees and religious leaders (Mark 14:55-59) were slanderous lies designed to turn people against Him. Yet Jesus responded with silence, knowing that truth would ultimately prevail.


a) The Power of Words
Our words have the power to build up or tear down, and negative speech can act like a vulture that picks away at our faith and spiritual vitality. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Speaking negatively can create an atmosphere of doubt, fear, and discouragement.

b) Driving Negative Speech Away 
We must replace negative speech with words of life and faith. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that "death and life are in the power of the tongue." By speaking God's promises and encouraging one another, we can drive away this destructive vulture.

Biblical Example
The ten spies who brought back a negative report about the Promised Land (Numbers 13:31-33) discouraged the Israelites and caused them to doubt God's promises. Their negative speech led to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

In this third part of "Drive Away the Vultures," we have uncovered additional spiritual vultures that seek to defile our hearts and hinder our walk with God—bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, slander, and negative speech. Like Abraham, who drove away the vultures from his sacrifice, we too must take intentional steps to protect our spiritual lives from these harmful attitudes and actions. Through prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can drive away these vultures and live in the fullness of God's promises.

1. Lord, remove every root of bitterness from my heart and fill me with Your peace. 

2. Father, give me the grace to forgive others as You have forgiven me. 

3. Lord, deliver me from the spirit of jealousy and help me to be content with what I have. 

4. Father, cleanse my lips from slander and help me to speak words of truth and love. 

5. Lord, teach me to speak words of life and faith, and guard my mouth from negativity. 

6. Father, help me to let go of past hurts and walk in the freedom of forgiveness. 

7. Lord, grant me a heart of gratitude for Your blessings in my life. 

8. Father, remove all malice and bitterness from my relationships, and help me to live in peace. 

9. Lord, help me to guard my tongue from speaking evil or tearing others down. 

10. Father, give me the strength to overcome every vulture that seeks to defile my spiritual sacrifice.

1. I declare that every root of bitterness in your life is uprooted in Jesus' name. 

2. You will walk in the freedom of forgiveness, and the chains of unforgiveness will be broken. 

3. I decree that jealousy will have no place in your heart; you will be content and grateful for God's blessings. 

4. Slander and negative speech will not proceed from your mouth; your words will be filled with truth and grace. 

5. I declare that your lips will speak words of life and encouragement, and negativity will not dwell in you. 

6. Every vulture of unforgiveness that has held you bound is driven away now in Jesus' name. 

7. You will overcome the spirit of jealousy, and God will cause you to prosper in His time. 

8. I declare that your relationships will be free from bitterness, and you will live in peace with those around you. 

9. Every slanderous word spoken against you will be silenced, and God's truth will prevail in your life. 

10. You will live in victory as you drive away every spiritual vulture that seeks to devour your faith and testimony.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 15:9-11 
Supporting Texts: Ephesians 4:31, Colossians 3:8, Proverbs 10:18, Leviticus 19:16

In Part One, we discussed the importance of driving away the spiritual vultures that seek to defile our lives, such as pride, sowing discord, and lying. These vultures represent the sinful attitudes and habits that try to rob us of our relationship with God. In this continuation, we will identify additional "vultures" such as anger, malice, tale-bearing, and dishonesty—sins that, if left unchecked, can destroy our spiritual sacrifice to God.

Just as Abraham physically drove the vultures away from his sacrifice, we must spiritually drive away these negative forces from our lives. We must be vigilant and intentional about removing any defiling habits that distance us from God and hinder our spiritual growth.


a) The Destruction of Anger
Anger is a powerful emotion that, when left unchecked, can lead to sin. In Ephesians 4:26-27, Paul warns, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.” Anger opens the door for other sins such as hatred, bitterness, and even violence. It can lead us to make irrational decisions that dishonor God and harm others.

b) Driving Anger Away
To drive away the vulture of anger, we must exercise self-control and seek peace. Colossians 3:8 instructs us to “put away all anger, wrath, malice.” We must learn to forgive quickly and resolve conflicts in a God-honoring way.

Biblical Example: 
Moses’ anger in Numbers 20:10-12 cost him the opportunity to enter the Promised Land. Though he was frustrated with the Israelites, his outburst of anger led him to disobey God’s command.


a) What is Malice?*
Malice is the desire to harm others or see them suffer. It’s a deeper form of anger and bitterness that harbors ill will. Malice leads people to plot evil and can result in destructive behaviors. Ephesians 4:31 urges us to get rid of “bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking, along with all malice.” Malice corrupts the heart and prevents us from walking in love and forgiveness.

b) Driving Malice Away
The antidote to malice is love. In 1 Peter 2:1, we are commanded to “rid ourselves of all malice and deceit.” Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8), and it is only by walking in love and compassion that we can drive away the vulture of malice.

Biblical Example: 
Cain’s malice toward his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8) led to murder. His unchecked bitterness and jealousy defiled his heart and resulted in grave consequences.


a) The Dangers of Tale-bearing
Tale-bearing, or gossip, is a vulture that spreads discord, lies, and destruction. Leviticus 19:16 warns, “You shall not go around as a talebearer among your people.” Gossip destroys relationships and tarnishes reputations. It’s often rooted in envy or malice and leads to distrust within the community of believers.

b) Driving Tale-bearing Away 
To chase away this vulture, we must choose our words carefully and speak only what is edifying. Proverbs 10:18 says, “Whoever conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.” We are called to be peacemakers and build up one another, not tear each other down with gossip.

Biblical Example: 
The spies who brought a negative report about the Promised Land (Numbers 13:31-33) spread fear and discord among the Israelites, causing them to doubt God’s promises and rebel against Him.


a) Dishonesty in the Heart 
Dishonesty is a vulture that comes to rob us of our integrity and the blessings of walking in the truth. Proverbs 12:22 says, “The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy.” Dishonesty includes lying, deceit, and withholding the truth for personal gain. It defiles our relationship with God, who is truth, and damages our witness as followers of Christ.

b) Driving Dishonesty Away 
To drive away the vulture of dishonesty, we must commit to living in the truth, no matter the cost. Colossians 3:9 urges, “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices.” We must choose to be people of integrity, keeping our word and being transparent in all our dealings.

Biblical Example: 
In Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit about the price of the land they sold. Their dishonesty led to severe judgment, as they fell dead for attempting to deceive God.


a) The Poison of Envy 
Envy is the vulture that corrupts our hearts by making us resentful of others' success or blessings. James 3:16 says, “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” Envy breeds dissatisfaction with what we have and can lead to bitterness and strife. It prevents us from celebrating others and trusting in God’s timing for our own lives.

b) Driving Envy Away 
To chase away the vulture of envy, we must develop a heart of contentment and gratitude. 1 Peter 2:1 encourages us to lay aside all envy. By focusing on what God has given us and trusting His plan, we can overcome the destructive effects of envy.

Biblical Example:
Joseph’s brothers were envious of the favor he received from their father (Genesis 37:11). Their envy led them to plot against him and sell him into slavery.

In this second part of "Drive Away the Vultures," we have identified more spiritual vultures that seek to defile our lives—anger, malice, tale-bearing, dishonesty, and envy. These sinful habits and attitudes, if left unchecked, can rob us of God's blessings and hinder our walk with Him. Just as Abraham drove away the vultures that sought to defile his sacrifice, we must actively chase away these forces through prayer, self-control, and a commitment to live in accordance with God’s Word.

1. Lord, give me the strength to overcome anger and walk in peace. 

2. Father, cleanse my heart from all malice and help me to love others sincerely. 

3. Lord, guard my mouth from tale-bearing and gossip; let my words bring healing, not division.
4. Father, grant me the integrity to live in truth and honesty in all my dealings. 

5. Lord, deliver me from the spirit of envy and help me to be content and grateful. 

6. Father, give me the grace to forgive those who have wronged me, as You have forgiven me. 

7. Lord, keep my heart free from bitterness, and help me to walk in Your love. 

8. Father, chase away every vulture that seeks to defile my life and destroy my relationship with You. 

9. Lord, protect me from the lies and deceptions of the enemy, and let me walk in Your truth. 

10. Father, fill me with the fruit of the Spirit so that I may reflect Your character in all that I do.

1. I declare that every vulture of anger and bitterness is driven away from your life in Jesus' name. 

2. You will walk in love and forgiveness, and malice will have no place in your heart. 

3. I decree that gossip and tale-bearing will not take root in your life; your words will bring peace and unity. 

4. You will be known for your honesty and integrity, and dishonesty will not find a place in your life.