Wednesday, 6 November 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Chronicles 20:21-22
Supporting Texts: Psalm 149:6-9, Acts 16:25-26, Psalm 34:1, Ephesians 6:12, Isaiah 54:17

Worship is not only a means of honouring and exalting God; it is also a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. When we worship, we invite God's presence and power to intervene in our situations. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of worship leading to victory, deliverance, and breakthrough. Worship shifts our focus from the challenges we face to the God who is greater than any enemy. It silences the voice of the accuser, strengthens our faith, and often leads to divine intervention. This sermon will explore how worship serves as a weapon in spiritual warfare and why it is essential in the life of every believer.


a) God's Presence Brings Victory
In worship, we draw close to God, and His presence changes the atmosphere, bringing supernatural intervention (Psalm 22:3).

b) God Fights for Us When We Worship
Just as God fought for Israel when they worshipped, He fights our battles as we praise Him (2 Chronicles 20:17).

c) Worship Dispels Fear and Doubt
When we worship, our focus shifts from fear to faith, as worship reminds us of God’s power and faithfulness (Psalm 34:1).

d) The Power of Corporate Worship
Unified worship, like that of Israel in battle, strengthens us as a body of believers (Acts 4:24).

Biblical Example: Jehoshaphat's Victory – When Judah worshipped, God caused their enemies to turn against each other, leading to victory without battle (2 Chronicles 20:21-24).


a) Worship Silences the Enemy
Through worship, we declare God's authority, which silences and subdues the forces of darkness (Psalm 8:2).

b) Declaring Victory through Praise
Worship is a declaration of God’s victory over every stronghold and spiritual attack (Psalm 149:6).

c) Aligning with Heaven’s Agenda
In worship, we align ourselves with God’s will and His plans, strengthening our stand against the enemy (Matthew 6:10).

d) Defeating Fear through Worship
Worship casts out fear and aligns our hearts with God’s peace and power (2 Timothy 1:7).

Biblical Example: Paul and Silas in Prison – Their praise released spiritual authority, leading to an earthquake and opening the prison doors (Acts 16:25-26).


a) Confounding the Forces of Darkness
Worship is a mystery to the enemy, confusing and disrupting his plans (Psalm 68:1).

b) Worship Declares God’s Sovereignty
Declaring God’s greatness through worship reminds the enemy that he is defeated (Psalm 24:8).

c) Disarming the Enemy through Praise
Worship disarms principalities and powers, rendering their schemes ineffective (Colossians 2:15).

d) Overcoming with the Weapons of God
Worship turns our battles into the Lord’s battles, overpowering the enemy with heavenly power (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Biblical Example: The Walls of Jericho – The Israelites’ shout of praise caused the walls of Jericho to fall, confusing the enemy and granting victory (Joshua 6:20).


a) Strengthening Trust in God’s Power
Worship reminds us of God’s past faithfulness, which builds confidence in Him for present battles (Psalm 103:2-5).

b) Renewing Our Hope and Joy
Worship lifts our spirits, turning our eyes from problems to the God who solves them (Psalm 42:11).

c) Resting in God’s Promises
Worship anchors us in God’s promises, reinforcing that He is our refuge and fortress (Psalm 91:2).

d) Defeating Discouragement and Doubt
Worship shifts our hearts from despair to hope, helping us stand firm in the face of opposition (Psalm 27:1).

Biblical Example: David Facing Goliath – David’s confidence in God grew through worship, giving him the faith to face Goliath (1 Samuel 17:45).


a) Miraculous Breakthroughs through Worship
Worship is often a catalyst for miracles and breakthroughs, as it invites God’s power (Psalm 77:14).

b) God’s Deliverance in Response to Worship
God moves on behalf of those who worship Him in spirit and truth, bringing deliverance (Isaiah 61:3).

c) Turning Battles into Victories
Worship transforms difficult situations, turning battles into triumphs (Psalm 144:1-2).

d) Breaking Chains and Removing Obstacles
As we worship, God breaks spiritual chains, removing obstacles and opening doors (Isaiah 45:2).

Biblical Example: Peter's Release from Prison – The prayers and praise of the believers led to Peter’s miraculous release from prison (Acts 12:5-7).

Worship is a powerful weapon in the life of a believer. It invites God’s presence, releases spiritual authority, confuses the enemy, builds our faith, and brings supernatural intervention. When we worship, we declare God’s power and invite Him to fight on our behalf. As we face the battles of life, let us remember to use the weapon of worship, trusting that God is faithful to bring victory, deliverance, and breakthrough.

1. Lord, help me to worship You even in difficult times.

2. Father, let my worship silence every voice of the enemy.

3. Lord, fill my heart with faith and confidence in Your power.

4. Father, release Your supernatural intervention in my battles.

5. Lord, confuse and defeat every plan of the enemy against me.

6. Father, let my worship bring peace and hope to my spirit.

7. Lord, build my confidence in Your faithfulness.

8. Father, use my worship as a light to those around me.

9. Lord, strengthen my worship life as a weapon of victory.

10. Father, let every chain be broken as I worship You.

1. You will experience God’s presence as you worship in spirit and truth.

2. Your worship will silence every opposition in your life.

3. God will fight your battles as you lift Him in praise.

4. Through worship, you will witness miraculous breakthroughs.

5. The enemy’s plans will be confused and defeated by your worship.

6. Your faith will grow stronger as you continually worship.

7. Every obstacle will be removed through the power of your praise.

8. God will release supernatural help in response to your worship.

9. Chains that have held you will be broken as you worship.

10. The Lord will turn every battle into a testimony for His glory.

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