Sunday, 24 November 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Genesis 27:22 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 25:29-34, Genesis 27:15-24, Proverbs 14:12, 2 Corinthians 11:14, Matthew 7:21-23

In Genesis 27, we encounter one of the most deceptive and impactful stories in the Bible—the moment when Jacob disguises himself as his brother Esau to steal his father's blessing. When Isaac, who was blind, felt Jacob’s hands, he declared, "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau" (Genesis 27:22). This story represents more than just a tale of sibling rivalry; it carries deep spiritual lessons about identity, deception, and the consequences of trying to manipulate God's plans. We will explore how this event teaches us about living with integrity and how disguising ourselves to gain favour or blessings can lead to destructive consequences.


a) The Power of Deception (Genesis 27:15-16)
Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, helped him disguise himself to deceive his father Isaac. This deception involved covering Jacob’s smooth skin with goatskins and dressing him in Esau’s clothing. This teaches us that deception often involves hiding our true selves in order to obtain something we desire. We may use outward appearances, words, or actions to mislead others, but God is never deceived.

b) Manipulating God’s Blessing (Genesis 25:29-34)
Jacob’s desire to steal Esau’s blessing began much earlier when he manipulated Esau into selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. This shows the danger of trying to manipulate God's promises. When we attempt to force God's hand or pursue blessings through dishonest means, we are acting outside of His will. Proverbs 14:12 warns us that “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” We must trust that God’s timing and methods are perfect.

c) Identity Crisis: Jacob's Voice, Esau's Body (Genesis 27:22)
The phrase “The voice is Jacob’s, but the hands are Esau’s” illustrates the inner conflict between who Jacob truly was and who he pretended to be. Many people struggle with identity crises, trying to be someone they’re not in order to gain approval or success. When we wear a false identity, it may bring temporary gain, but it always comes at the cost of losing who God has called us to be.


a) The Consequences of Deception (Genesis 27:36)
Although Jacob received the blessing, it came with a price. His deception led to family division, bitterness, and years of separation from his brother. Likewise, when we live in deception, the consequences are inevitable. We may gain temporary success, but it will often come with long-term damage to relationships and our spiritual health. Jacob later realized that blessings gained through deceit are not sustainable.

b) The Enemy's Tactics of Imitation (2 Corinthians 11:14)
Satan often operates in deception, disguising himself as an angel of light. In the same way that Jacob disguised himself as Esau, the enemy tries to confuse us by making something appear good when it is actually harmful. We must discern the difference between the authentic voice of God and the imitations of the enemy. Just as Isaac was deceived by what he felt rather than what he heard, we must be careful not to rely solely on our senses but seek God's truth through His Word.

c) Disguised as a Christian but Far from God (Matthew 7:21-23)
Jesus warned that not everyone who calls Him "Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven. Some people can appear outwardly like believers, saying all the right things and performing good works, but their hearts are far from God. Like Jacob, they have the "voice" of a believer but are spiritually disguised. True faith is not about outward appearances but about a genuine relationship with God.


a) The Pursuit of Blessings Without Character
Jacob desired his father’s blessing but hadn’t yet developed the character to match the blessing. Sometimes, we pursue success, recognition, or material blessings without allowing God to transform our hearts and prepare us for those blessings. God is more concerned about who we are becoming than what we are receiving. If we receive blessings without being transformed, those blessings can become burdens.

b) Outward Success, Inward Deficiency
Though Jacob received the blessing, his life was marked by struggles and hardships that resulted from his deceit. Outward success means little if we are spiritually deficient. We should aim for a life that reflects integrity and authenticity in all areas. The true blessing from God enriches without sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).

c) Repenting from Deception and Returning to God (Genesis 32:24-28)
Later in Jacob’s life, he had a transformative encounter with God where he wrestled with the angel and had his name changed to Israel. This moment represents a breaking point where Jacob had to let go of the deceptive practices that defined his past and embrace his true identity in God. In the same way, we must come to a place where we surrender our false identities and embrace who God has called us to be. True blessings come through relationships, not deception.


a) God’s Plan for Jacob (Genesis 28:13-15)
Despite Jacob's deception, God had a plan for his life. God reaffirmed His covenant with Jacob at Bethel, showing that even though Jacob made mistakes, God’s purposes would prevail. This teaches us that while deception may seem to delay God's plan, it cannot destroy it. God can still work in and through us when we repent and align ourselves with His will.

b) The Authentic Blessing Comes from God 
Isaac’s blessing was valuable, but the ultimate blessing comes from God Himself. Jacob’s story reminds us that no human blessing or inheritance can compare to the blessing of being in right relationship with God. When we seek God’s kingdom first (Matthew 6:33), everything else falls into place.

c) Living in Truth Brings Lasting Peace 
Jacob’s deception led to years of conflict, but when he finally faced Esau in Genesis 33, there was reconciliation. Living in truth may involve confronting difficult situations, but it ultimately leads to lasting peace. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and when we live authentically in Him, we experience true peace and fulfilment.

The story of Jacob’s voice and Esau’s body warns us against living a life of deception. When we try to be someone we are not, or when we pursue blessings through dishonest means, we may gain temporary rewards, but we miss out on the fullness of God’s blessing. The voice of Jacob with the body of Esau represents the conflict of identity many people face today. God desires that we live with integrity, allowing Him to shape us into who He has called us to be. True blessing comes from walking in the truth, not from manipulating circumstances.

1. Lord, help me to live authentically and with integrity before You and others.

2. Father, expose any deception in my life and lead me into the truth.

3. Lord, forgive me for any times I have tried to manipulate Your blessings through dishonesty.

4. Father, give me the strength to trust Your timing and Your ways.

5. Lord, break every false identity I have embraced, and help me to walk in my true calling.

6. Father, remove every spirit of deception and dishonesty from my life.

7. Lord, help me to discern the enemy’s tactics and stand firm in Your truth.

8. Father, bless me with a heart that seeks You above all else, not just Your blessings.

9. Lord, transform my character to match the blessings You have in store for me.

10. Father, help me to walk in peace, truth, and reconciliation in all my relationships.


1. I declare that I will live a life of integrity and truth before God and man.

2. I decree that no deception will stand between me and my God-given destiny.

3. I declare that I will not seek blessings through dishonest means, but I will trust God’s timing.

4. I prophesy that every false identity the enemy has tried to place on me is broken in Jesus’ name.

5. I decree that I will walk in the true blessing of God that comes from obedience and faithfulness.

6. I declare that God’s truth will guide my every decision and action.

7. I prophesy that my character will align with the blessings God has prepared for me.

8. I declare that I will discern the enemy’s deceptions and stand firm in the Word of God.

9. I decree that I will experience the peace and reconciliation that comes from living in truth.

10. I prophesy that my true identity in Christ will shine forth, and I will fulfil God’s purpose for my life.

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