Friday, 15 November 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Hebrews 13:8 
Supporting Texts:  Psalm 90:2, Isaiah 40:28-31, James 1:17, Malachi 3:6

God is often referred to as the "Unmoved Mover," a term that reflects His eternal nature and unchanging character. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, yet He Himself is not subject to change, decay, or external influence. In a world that is constantly shifting, where circumstances, people, and seasons change, God remains the same. This sermon explores the meaning of God as the Unmoved Mover, the implications of His unchanging nature, and how we can find stability and assurance in Him.


a) The Eternal Nature of God 
God is eternal, having no beginning and no end. He is the Alpha and the Omega, existing outside of time and space (Revelation 1:8). Psalm 90:2 declares, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God." He has always been and will always be, unaffected by the passage of time.

b) Immutable in His Character
God’s character never changes. James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." What God was in the past, He is in the present and will be in the future. His love, holiness, justice, and mercy are constant. Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the Lord, I change not."

Biblical Example: God’s Faithfulness to Israel (Exodus 3:7-10) 
God heard the cries of the Israelites during their time of slavery in Egypt and remained faithful to the covenant He made with Abraham. Despite the passing of centuries and the changes in the world, God’s promise to deliver His people did not waver. He remains faithful to His word because He does not change.


a) Creator and Sustainer of All Things
God is the source of all creation, yet He Himself is unmoved. In Genesis 1:1, the Bible begins with, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Everything that exists has its origin in God, but God has no origin—He was not created, nor does He depend on anyone or anything to exist. Colossians 1:17 says, "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

b) Sovereign Over All Circumstances 
No matter what happens in the world, God is in control. The winds and waves obey Him (Mark 4:39), the nations rise and fall according to His will (Daniel 2:21), and He directs the course of history according to His purpose (Isaiah 46:9-10). As the Unmoved Mover, God is never caught off guard by events; He is sovereign over all.

Biblical Example: God’s Sovereignty in Job’s Life (Job 1:6-12) 
When Satan sought to test Job, God permitted the trials but maintained full control of the situation. Job’s circumstances changed drastically, but God remained sovereign throughout, proving that nothing occurs without God’s knowledge or permission. In the end, God restored Job’s life and blessings, demonstrating His control over all events.


a) Assurance in Uncertain Times
In a world full of uncertainty, the fact that God is unchanging gives us great assurance. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." No matter how unpredictable life becomes, we can have confidence that God’s nature and His promises will remain constant. This provides a foundation of peace and security for believers.

b) Stability Amid Life’s Changes 
Because God is unmovable, we have an anchor for our souls. People change, circumstances shift, but God remains steadfast. In Isaiah 40:31, we are reminded that "those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles." Our strength and stability come from trusting in the One who never changes.

Biblical Example: David’s Confidence in God (Psalm 23) 
David understood the unchanging nature of God when he wrote Psalm 23. Despite walking through the valley of the shadow of death, David was confident that God’s presence, protection, and provision were unwavering. He rested in the knowledge that God’s goodness and mercy would follow him all the days of his life.


a) Trust in His Unchanging Nature 
We are called to trust in God’s unchanging character. Proverbs 3:5-6 exhorts us to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Because God never changes, we can rely on His promises and His word. Trusting in God means surrendering our plans, worries, and fears to Him, knowing He is in control.

b) Pursue God’s Will Diligently 
Since God’s purpose remains steadfast, we must align our lives with His will. Ephesians 5:15-17 urges us to "walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." We must be diligent to live for God, using our time wisely and pursuing His will with purpose.

Biblical Example: Abraham’s Faith in God’s Promises (Romans 4:19-21) 
Abraham did not waver in his faith, even when faced with the impossibility of his situation. He trusted that God, the Unmoved Mover, was able to fulfill His promise of giving him a son, even when all natural circumstances seemed against it. Abraham’s unwavering trust in God serves as a powerful example of how we should respond to the certainty of God’s character.

God, the Unmoved Mover, is the foundation of our faith. His eternal, unchanging nature provides stability in a world filled with uncertainty. As believers, we can have confidence that He is in control, that His promises are true, and that He will accomplish His purposes in our lives. Let us trust in the One who never changes and align ourselves with His perfect will.

1. Father, I thank You for being the Unmoved Mover, unchanging and eternal. 

2. Lord, help me to trust in Your unchanging nature, no matter the circumstances. 

3. Father, give me the strength to remain steadfast in my faith, anchored in You. 

4. Lord, guide me to align my life with Your perfect will and purpose. 

5. Father, protect me from the instability of this world and lead me by Your unchanging hand. 

6. Holy Spirit, renew my confidence in the promises of God that never fail. 

7. Lord, I surrender every worry and fear to You, trusting in Your sovereignty. 

8. Father, help me to redeem the time, living with purpose and focus on Your will. 

9. Lord, open my eyes to see Your hand at work, even in the midst of changing circumstances. 

10. Father, strengthen my heart to remain firm in faith, knowing that You are always in control.

1. You will stand firm in faith, anchored in the unchanging character of God. 

2. Every storm in your life will bow to the sovereign power of the Unmoved Mover. 

3. The unchanging promises of God will manifest in your life, and you will not be disappointed. 

4. You will walk in divine stability and peace, no matter the chaos around you. 

5. Your trust in the Lord will never waver, and you will see the fulfillment of His purposes in your life. 

6. You will rise above every shifting circumstance, standing strong on the foundation of God's word. 

7. The Lord will renew your strength, and you will soar like an eagle, unmoved by the trials of life. 

8. Every plan of the enemy to destabilize your life will fail because your foundation is in God. 

9. The hand of the Lord will guide you through every season, and you will walk in victory. 

10. You will experience the unchanging goodness and mercy of God all the days of your life.

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