Tuesday, 5 November 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 54:17
Supporting Texts: John 10:10, 1 John 3:8, Matthew 11:12

In our Christian journey, we are promised blessings, breakthroughs, and divine favour. Yet, as these blessings are released, the enemy often tries to hijack or delay them, preventing them from reaching us. The Bible reminds us that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Today, we’ll explore how to recognise and confront these “hijackers” of our blessings and use spiritual weapons to reclaim what God has ordained for us.


a) Spiritual Opposition:
Many blessings can be hijacked by spiritual opposition, forces designed to limit or disrupt our breakthrough. Ephesians 6:12 tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces.

b) Human Agents of Hindrance:
Sometimes, individuals can unknowingly or knowingly serve as tools of delay and hindrance in our lives. This could include manipulative people who discourage or bring negativity. God’s Word encourages us to be discerning of such people (Psalm 1:1-3).

c) Generational Curses or Patterns:
Some families face repeated obstacles in specific areas, such as poverty or sickness. These patterns are hijackers that attempt to maintain a stronghold in people’s lives (Exodus 34:7).

d) Personal Doubt and Fear:
The enemy also works by sowing seeds of fear and doubt in our hearts. James 1:6-7 reminds us that doubt can prevent us from receiving God’s best.

Biblical Example: Daniel faced the hijackers of his blessings through jealous colleagues who plotted against him. Yet, God protected and delivered him from their schemes (Daniel 6:1-28).


a) Prayer as a Weapon:
Just as Paul and Silas prayed in prison and their chains broke (Acts 16:25-26), our prayer life has the power to dismantle spiritual hijackers.

b) Fasting and Consecration:
Fasting brings clarity, and in Mark 9:29, Jesus emphasizes that some forces only respond to prayer and fasting.

c) Faith and Bold Confession:
Speaking words of faith activates God’s power in our lives. Romans 10:10 emphasizes that our confession brings salvation, including deliverance from every hijacker.

d) Praise and Worship:
Praise is a weapon. When the enemy sees us worshiping even amidst struggles, it confuses him. Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits our praises.

Biblical Example: When King Jehoshaphat was faced with enemies, he used praise to defeat them (2 Chronicles 20:20-23).


a) Commanding Divine Fire:
Calling down God’s fire is a form of judgement upon the enemy. Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal demonstrates the power of God’s fire (1 Kings 18:36-38).

b) Rebuking and Casting Out:
We have authority in Jesus’ name to rebuke and remove obstacles. Mark 11:23 tells us to speak to the mountain.

c) Prayer of Restoration:
After removing hijackers, we pray for restoration. Joel 2:25 promises God will restore the years the locusts have eaten.

d) Prayer of Protection Over Our Blessings:
We cover every blessing with the blood of Jesus, praying for protection against future attempts by the enemy.

Biblical Example: Jabez prayed against hijackers by asking God to enlarge his territory and protect him from evil (1 Chronicles 4:10).


a) Walking in Righteousness:
Righteousness aligns us with God’s blessings and protection (Psalm 5:12).

b) Trusting in God’s Timing:
Even when blessings are delayed, trust that God is in control. Romans 8:28 reminds us all things work together for our good.

c) Staying Connected to the Word of God:
The Word is our shield and strength, a reminder of God’s promises. Psalm 119:11 encourages us to keep God’s Word close to guard our blessings.

d) Being Faithful in Tithing and Giving:
Tithing and giving invite God’s protection over our finances and blessings (Malachi 3:10-11).

Biblical Example: Abraham’s obedience attracted divine blessings and God’s promise of protection over his family (Genesis 12:1-3).

We have been given authority to scatter every hijacker of our blessings by fire. Stand firm and use the power of prayer, praise, and faith to reclaim all that belongs to you. The God who delivered Daniel, Paul, and Jehoshaphat will also deliver you. May every obstacle in your path be scattered by God’s fire!

1. Lord, expose and scatter every hijacker of my blessings, in Jesus’ name.

2. Every generational curse blocking my blessings, break by fire.

3. I release my blessings from every captivity, in Jesus’ name.

4. Father, let the fire of the Holy Ghost consume every enemy of my progress.

5. Lord, restore all that the enemy has stolen from me.

6. I decree that no weapon formed against my blessings shall prosper.

7. By the authority in Jesus’ name, I command every mountain of delay to move.

8. Father, protect my blessings from future attacks of the enemy.

9. I plead the blood of Jesus over my finances, health, and family.

10. Lord, release Your fire and scatter every demonic force standing against my breakthrough.


1. I declare my blessings are untouchable by any enemy, in Jesus’ name.

2. Every hijacker assigned against my progress is scattered now.

3. I am blessed, and no force of darkness shall tamper with my blessings.

4. My family is covered by the blood of Jesus and safe from all harm.

5. Every area of my life held in captivity is set free today.

6. I declare divine restoration over all lost opportunities.

7. My destiny shall not be hijacked; I walk in victory.

8. God’s favour surrounds me and scatters every enemy.

9. My blessings shall be multiplied, and nothing will be stolen from me.

10. I will testify of God’s deliverance and faithfulness in every area of my life.

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