Saturday, 2 November 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Colossians 3:1-2
"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

Supporting Texts:
Matthew 6:19-21, Philippians 3:20-21, 1 John 2:15-17, Hebrews 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 4:18

Being heavenly conscious means focusing on eternity and the values of God’s Kingdom rather than being absorbed by the fleeting things of this world. It is about keeping our hearts, thoughts, and actions aligned with eternal goals and God’s purposes. This study will explore the importance of heavenly consciousness, practical ways to cultivate it, and the rewards that await those who live with their eyes fixed on eternity.


A heavenly conscious life is rooted in prioritising God’s kingdom and the eternal over temporary earthly pursuits.

a) Setting Your Mind on Eternal Values:
Focusing on God’s eternal truths rather than temporal desires (2 Corinthians 4:18).

b) Living with the Reality of Eternity:
Knowing that our life on earth is temporary and eternity is our true home (James 4:14).

c) Desiring to Please God Above All:
Seeking to live a life that honours and glorifies God (2 Corinthians 5:9).

d) Developing a Christ-Centered Focus:
Keeping Jesus as the ultimate example and aim of our lives (Hebrews 12:2).

e) Renouncing Worldly Attachments:
Avoiding attachments to worldly possessions and pleasures (1 John 2:15-17).

Biblical Example:
Paul exemplified heavenly consciousness, saying, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).


There are compelling reasons to live a life oriented toward heaven and the Kingdom of God.

a) It Aligns Us with God’s Will:
Heavenly consciousness helps us pursue God’s will over our own (Matthew 6:10).

b) It Brings Peace and Assurance:
Focusing on eternity fills us with God’s peace, knowing that we are secure in Him (John 14:27).

c) It Keeps Us from Sin:
When we are focused on heaven, we become more sensitive to sin and avoid it (1 Peter 1:15-16).

d) It Strengthens Our Faith in Trials:
Heavenly focus enables us to endure challenges with hope (Romans 8:18).

e) It Motivates Us to Share the Gospel:
Realising eternity is real encourages us to bring others to Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

Biblical Example:
Stephen remained heavenly conscious even during persecution, keeping his focus on Christ as he was martyred (Acts 7:55-56).


There are intentional practices believers can adopt to nurture a heavenly-focused life.

a) Daily Devotion and Meditation on God’s Word:
Studying Scripture shifts our focus from the world to God’s truths (Psalm 1:1-3).

b) Regular Prayer and Communion with God:
Prayer keeps us connected with God and His eternal purposes (Philippians 4:6-7).

c) Fasting and Self-Denial:
Fasting helps us detach from earthly desires and seek God’s presence (Matthew 6:16-18).

d) Practicing Generosity and Compassion:
Living a life of giving reflects heaven’s values, prioritising others over self (Luke 12:33-34).

e) Keeping Company with Like-Minded Believers:
Fellowship with other heavenly-focused believers strengthens our resolve (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Biblical Example:
The early believers in Acts were heavenly conscious, meeting daily to worship, pray, and support one another (Acts 2:42-47).


God promises eternal blessings for those who live with a focus on heaven and His Kingdom.

a) Inheritance in God’s Kingdom:
Eternal life in God’s presence is the greatest reward of heavenly consciousness (John 14:2-3).

b) Spiritual Strength and Resilience:
Heavenly focus brings inner strength to overcome life’s challenges (Philippians 4:13).

c) Joy and Fulfillment Beyond Earthly Measures:
Heavenly-minded people experience a deep joy that surpasses earthly pleasures (Psalm 16:11).

d) Divine Protection and Guidance:
God guards and leads those who focus on Him (Psalm 32:8).

e) A Crown of Righteousness:
God promises eternal rewards to those who love His appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).

Biblical Example:
Moses chose to suffer with God’s people rather than enjoy the temporary pleasures of Egypt, looking to the eternal reward (Hebrews 11:24-26).


While pursuing a heavenly focus, believers may encounter obstacles, which must be recognised and addressed.

a) Attachment to Material Things:
Worldly possessions can divert our focus from God’s Kingdom (Matthew 6:19-21).

b) Distractions from Worldly Entertainment and Culture:
Entertainment and societal norms can dilute heavenly focus (Romans 12:2).

c) Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):
Desiring to experience worldly trends can conflict with eternal values (James 4:4).

d) Doubts about Eternity or Heaven:
Struggling to believe in the unseen can weaken our focus on heaven (2 Corinthians 5:7).

e) Lack of Spiritual Discipline:
Without regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, heavenly focus fades (1 Timothy 4:7-8).

Biblical Example:
Lot’s wife looked back to Sodom, showing her attachment to the earthly, which cost her dearly (Genesis 19:26).

Being heavenly conscious is a necessary aspect of the Christian life. As believers, we are called to live with eternity in view, fixing our minds on what matters to God rather than being distracted by temporary concerns. By pursuing a heavenly focus, we draw nearer to God, find peace in the trials of this world, and prepare for the glorious inheritance that awaits us. May we daily choose to seek the things above, knowing that our true citizenship is in heaven.

1. Lord, help me to set my mind on things above and not on earthly matters.

2. Father, increase my hunger for Your Kingdom and eternity.

3. Holy Spirit, guide me to live a life that pleases God and reflects heaven.

4. Lord, strengthen my faith and focus on eternity, even in trials.

5. Father, deliver me from attachments to worldly desires and possessions.

6. Holy Spirit, empower me to walk in righteousness and heavenly consciousness.

7. Lord, let my life be a testimony that points others to eternity.

8. Father, give me a deeper revelation of heaven and my eternal purpose.

9. Holy Spirit, keep me from distractions that take my focus off of God.

10. Lord, help me to invest my life in things that have eternal value.

1. I declare that your heart will be set on the things of heaven.

2. May the Holy Spirit continually remind you of your eternal purpose.

3. I declare that earthly distractions will lose their grip on you.

4. May God grant you grace to focus on His Kingdom in all you do.

5. I declare that your life will reflect the values of heaven.

6. You will find joy and fulfilment in pursuing eternal goals.

7. I declare that your faith will remain strong, anchored in God’s promises.

8. May you influence others to live with an eternal perspective.

9. I declare that the fear of missing out will be replaced with heavenly focus.

10. You will be a vessel for God, fully devoted to His Kingdom and eternal glory.

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