By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Jeremiah 33:3
Supporting Texts: Psalm 91:15, Isaiah 65:24, Matthew 7:7-8, James 1:5
In our walk of faith, we often seek answers to various life situations—questions about our future, guidance in decisions, or relief in times of trouble. God promises that when we call upon Him, He will answer us. This message focuses on the assurance of divine responses to our cries and the importance of being receptive to His answers.
a) God’s Assurance to His People
God invites us to call upon Him, with the promise that He will answer (Jeremiah 33:3).
b) God's Faithfulness in Responding
The Lord is faithful and will not leave our prayers unanswered (1 John 5:14-15).
c) Understanding Divine Timing
God's answers may not always come when we expect, but they are always on time (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
d) The Importance of Faith
Believing that God will answer is key to receiving His responses (Hebrews 11:6).
Biblical Example: Moses' Call – When Moses called out to God, He answered and equipped him for the task ahead (Exodus 3:4).
a) Yes
Sometimes, God answers our prayers with a direct affirmative, affirming our requests (2 Corinthians 1:20).
b) No
God may also deny our requests for reasons we may not immediately understand (Romans 11:33).
c) Wait
God often calls us to wait for His perfect timing in answering our prayers (Isaiah 40:31).
d) Redirect
Occasionally, God may redirect our prayers, providing answers we didn’t expect but that are ultimately better for us (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Biblical Example: Hannah's Prayer – Hannah’s persistent prayers led to God answering her, but the answer came after she submitted her will (1 Samuel 1:10-20).
a) In Prayer and Fasting
Seeking God earnestly through prayer and fasting opens our hearts to His answers (Matthew 17:21).
b) Through His Word
The Bible is a primary way God communicates His answers to us (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
c) Listening for His Voice
Being still and listening for God’s voice is essential to receiving His answers (Psalm 46:10).
d) Through Godly Counsel
Sometimes, God uses others to provide clarity and answers to our questions (Proverbs 15:22).
Biblical Example: Samuel’s Calling – God called Samuel, and when he listened, he received direction for Israel (1 Samuel 3:1-10).
a) Praying Without Ceasing
Consistent prayer is vital in maintaining an active dialogue with God (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
b) Overcoming Doubts
Persisting in prayer helps to overcome doubts and strengthens our faith (Mark 11:24).
c) Examples of Persistent Prayer
Jesus taught about the necessity of persistent prayer through parables (Luke 18:1-8).
d) Seeking Until You Find
God encourages us to seek until we receive answers (Matthew 7:7).
Biblical Example: The Canaanite Woman – Her persistence in seeking Jesus led to her daughter’s healing (Matthew 15:21-28).
a) Acting on His Guidance
When God answers, we must act in faith and obedience to His direction (James 1:22).
b) Trusting His Plans
We should trust that God's answers align with His good plans for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).
c) Sharing Testimonies
Sharing how God has answered our prayers encourages others in their faith (Psalm 66:16).
d) Continual Prayer
After receiving answers, maintain an attitude of prayer and gratitude (Colossians 4:2).
Biblical Example: Paul and Silas – Their faith in God led to miraculous deliverance, showcasing the power of prayer and trust (Acts 16:25-26).
God is ever-ready to answer our prayers when we call on Him. By understanding His promises, being persistent, and actively seeking His responses, we can experience the fullness of His answers in our lives.
1. Lord, I thank You for the promise that You answer when I call.
2. I declare that I will be persistent in my prayers, trusting You for answers.
3. Father, help me to understand and accept Your answers, whether yes, no, or wait.
4. I ask for clarity in receiving Your guidance and answers.
5. May I remain steadfast in prayer, seeking Your will in all things.
6. Lord, help me to listen for Your voice amidst the noise of life.
7. I declare that every doubt in my heart will be replaced with faith.
8. Help me to share my testimonies of Your answers to encourage others.
9. I commit to acting on Your guidance as You lead me.
10. I will continue to praise You for all the answers You have given me.
1. I declare that the Lord will answer you when you call upon Him.
2. Every prayer you offer will not go unanswered in Jesus’ name.
3. You will receive clarity and guidance in every decision you face.
4. The Lord will strengthen your faith as you wait for His answers.
5. You will experience divine direction in every area of your life.
6. God will fill you with peace as you trust His timing.
7. Your testimonies of God's answers will encourage many around you.
8. You shall be persistent in prayer and reap the rewards of faith.
9. The Lord will open your ears to hear His voice clearly.
10. You will walk in obedience to God's guidance, resulting in blessings.
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