By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Job 14:1
"Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble."
Supporting Texts:
Psalm 90:10, James 4:14, Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, 2 Corinthians 4:17, John 16:33
Life on earth is short and filled with challenges. The Bible reminds us that our days are numbered, and we must live wisely and purposefully. Though life has troubles, God gives us strength, wisdom, and hope to navigate through them. This study explores the brevity of life, its challenges, and how to overcome them with faith in God.
Human life is fleeting, and we must use our time wisely.
a) Life is like a vapour (James 4:14)
We are here for a short time and then vanish.
b) Our days are numbered (Psalm 90:12)
We must ask God for wisdom to use our days well.
c) There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)
God has appointed times for birth and death.
d) Our life is like grass (Psalm 103:15-16)
We flourish for a moment but soon fade away.
e) Biblical Example: Methuselah (Genesis 5:27)
Even though he lived 969 years, his life still ended, proving that human life is temporary.
Difficulties and trials are part of human existence.
a) Suffering is inevitable (John 16:33)
Jesus said we will face tribulations in this world.
b) The righteous also experience troubles (Psalm 34:19)
But God delivers them from all their troubles.
c) Life comes with labour and sorrow (Psalm 90:10)
Our years are filled with hard work and struggles.
d) There are battles in life (Ephesians 6:12)
We fight against spiritual forces of darkness.
e) Biblical Example: Job (Job 1:13-22)
Job experienced great suffering but remained faithful to God.
God has given us the tools to navigate life’s difficulties.
a) Trust in God’s strength (Isaiah 40:31)
Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.
b) Seek divine wisdom (James 1:5)
God gives wisdom to those who ask.
c) Stay rooted in God’s word (Psalm 119:105)
His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
d) Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Prayer brings divine intervention.
e) Biblical Example: Paul (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Paul endured hardships by relying on God's grace.
For believers, this life is temporary, but eternal life is our ultimate reward.
a) Our true home is in heaven (Philippians 3:20)
We are citizens of heaven, not just earth.
b) Jesus has prepared a place for us (John 14:2)
Eternal life with Christ awaits those who believe.
c) There will be no more suffering in eternity (Revelation 21:4)
God will wipe away all tears and remove pain.
d) We must live in readiness (Matthew 24:44)
Life is short, and Jesus will return at an unexpected time.
e) Biblical Example: The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
Lazarus found eternal comfort, while the rich man suffered in eternity.
Life is brief and full of challenges, but God has given us hope, strength, and victory through Christ. We must live wisely, trust God, and prepare for eternity. Rather than being discouraged by life’s troubles, we should focus on fulfilling our purpose and securing our eternal destiny.
1. Lord, teach me to number my days and live wisely.
2. Father, strengthen me in times of challenges and difficulties.
3. Lord, help me to trust You completely in every situation.
4. Father, fill me with divine wisdom to navigate life’s trials.
5. I declare that my life will be meaningful and impactful.
6. Lord, let my faith in You remain unshaken, no matter the challenges.
7. I receive the grace to overcome every battle of life.
8. Father, guide me daily in Your path of righteousness.
9. Lord, help me to stay focused on eternal life and not be distracted by temporary troubles.
10. Father, grant me the assurance of my heavenly home in Jesus’ name.
1. Your life will not be wasted; you will fulfill your divine purpose!
2. No challenge of life will overwhelm you, for God is with you!
3. Every sorrow in your life will turn into joy in Jesus’ name!
4. The Lord will strengthen you and give you victory over every battle!
5. You will not die before your time; you will live to fulfill God’s plan!
6. Your faith will remain strong, no matter what life brings your way!
7. God will give you wisdom to navigate every season of life!
8. You will not be a victim of life’s uncertainties; divine protection is upon you!
9. The troubles of today will turn into testimonies tomorrow!
10. You will finish well and enter into God’s eternal glory!
May God give us the grace to live wisely and victoriously as we prepare for eternity!
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