Monday, 24 February 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Romans 6:1-2
Supporting Texts: Genesis 6:3, Hebrews 10:26-27, Proverbs 29:1, 2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 25:10-12


The grace of God is His unmerited favour and kindness extended to humanity. It is by grace that we are saved, sustained, and given opportunities to repent. However, many people assume that grace is endless and that they can continue in sin without consequences. The Apostle Paul asks in Romans 6:1-2, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.” This clearly shows that grace is not to be abused.

God is patient and longsuffering, not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). However, grace has a limit. When people persist in rejecting God’s call to repentance, a time comes when grace runs out, and judgment follows. The generation of Noah experienced this when God declared, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). The door of the ark was eventually shut, and those outside perished.

This message will highlight the dangers of taking grace for granted, biblical examples of expired grace, and how to remain within the covering of God’s grace.


Grace is freely given to all, but when people reject it continuously, they lose access to it.

a) God’s Grace is Available to All (Titus 2:11)
The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all, but it must be received.

b) Grace Does Not Permit Sin (Jude 1:4)
Some turn grace into a license for sin, but God’s grace is meant to lead to righteousness.

c) A Hardened Heart Leads to Grace Expiring (Hebrews 3:7-8)
When a person repeatedly ignores God's voice, their heart becomes hardened, making repentance difficult.

d) God’s Spirit Will Not Strive Forever (Genesis 6:3)
There is a set time for repentance; when ignored, judgment follows.

e) Biblical Example: Pharaoh hardened his heart multiple times, and eventually, grace ran out, leading to his destruction in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:26-28).


God often gives warnings before withdrawing His grace, but many fail to recognise the signs.

a) Repeated Rejection of the Truth (Proverbs 29:1)
A person who continuously rejects correction and truth will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.

b) Continued Wilful Sinning (Hebrews 10:26-27)
When someone deliberately sins, knowing the truth, they are stepping outside the covering of grace.

c) Loss of God’s Presence (1 Samuel 16:14)
When grace expires, God’s Spirit departs, and the person is left vulnerable to the enemy.

d) A Reprobate Mind (Romans 1:28)
Those who persist in sin without repentance are given over to a depraved mind, no longer able to discern right from wrong.

e) Biblical Example: King Saul repeatedly disobeyed God until the Spirit of God departed from him, and he was tormented by an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:14).


The Bible provides numerous examples of people who lost access to God’s grace due to disobedience and rebellion.

a) Esau (Hebrews 12:16-17)
Esau despised his birthright, and when he later sought it with tears, it was too late.

b) Samson (Judges 16:20-21)
Samson played with sin until the Spirit of God departed from him, and he lost his strength.

c) The Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:10-12)
They failed to prepare and were locked out when the door of grace closed.

d) Judas Iscariot (Matthew 27:3-5)
Judas had many opportunities to repent, but when grace expired, he ended in destruction.

e) Biblical Example: Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit and fell dead instantly because they took God's grace for granted (Acts 5:1-11).


A time is coming when grace will no longer be available, and those who rejected it will face eternal consequences.

a) The Day of Salvation is Now (2 Corinthians 6:2)
Grace is available today, but there is no second chance after death.

b) The Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15)
Those who reject grace will face judgment and eternal separation from God.

c) Hell Was Not Created for Man (Matthew 25:41)
God’s desire is for all to be saved, but those who reject grace will share in the devil’s punishment.

d) Jesus Will Say ‘Depart From Me’ (Matthew 7:21-23)
Many who thought they had grace will be shocked when Jesus tells them He never knew them.

e) Biblical Example: The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 realised too late that grace had expired, and he was in torment, unable to change his fate.


Though grace has an expiration, those who walk in obedience and faithfulness can remain under its covering.

a) Live a Life of Continual Repentance (1 John 1:9)
Always confess and forsake sin to remain in God’s grace.

b) Obey God’s Word (John 14:15)
Obedience keeps us aligned with God’s grace.

c) Stay Connected to the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit; remain sensitive to His leading.

d) Watch and Pray (Matthew 26:41)
Prayer keeps us spiritually alert, preventing us from drifting away.

e) Biblical Example: David sinned but repented sincerely, and God restored him (Psalm 51:1-12).


Grace is a divine privilege, not a license to sin. While God’s grace is abundant, it is not endless for those who continually reject it. The Bible shows that grace can expire when a person hardens their heart and refuses to repent. Just as Noah’s generation experienced the closing of the ark’s door, there will come a time when God’s grace will no longer be available.

The good news is that today, grace is still available. God is calling everyone to repentance, offering salvation freely through Jesus Christ. Do not delay; surrender your life fully to God and remain under the covering of His grace.


  1. Lord, thank You for Your grace that has brought me salvation.
  2. Father, help me to never take Your grace for granted.
  3. Lord, deliver me from any sin that can separate me from Your grace.
  4. I pray that my heart will always remain sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  5. Father, let me finish my race in grace and not fall into destruction.


  1. I declare that you will not miss God’s grace; it shall continually abound in your life.
  2. Every plan of the enemy to lead you away from God’s grace is destroyed in Jesus’ name.
  3. You shall walk in obedience and remain under the covering of divine grace.
  4. The Holy Spirit shall convict and guide you away from every path of destruction.
  5. At the end of your journey, you shall hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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