By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Revelation 22:12 – “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”
Supporting Texts: Matthew 24:44, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 2 Peter 3:9-10, John 14:2-3, 1 Corinthians 15:52
The return of Jesus Christ is one of the most significant promises in the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, the scriptures repeatedly assure us that the Lord will come again to establish His eternal kingdom and reward those who remain faithful to Him. Jesus Himself declared, “Surely I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:20).
However, many today live as though His return is distant or even uncertain. The world is filled with distractions, and the love of many has grown cold (Matthew 24:12). As believers, we must live in constant readiness, keeping our hearts pure and our lives aligned with His will.
This sermon will explore the certainty of Christ’s return, the signs that point to His coming, the consequences of being unprepared, and how we must live as we await His glorious return.
The second coming of Jesus is not a myth or an empty promise—it is a guaranteed event foretold in scripture.
a) Jesus Himself Promised to Return (John 14:2-3)
Christ assured His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and would return to take them home.
b) The Angels Confirmed His Return (Acts 1:10-11)
At His ascension, the angels assured the disciples that He would come again in the same manner He left.
c) The Apostles Preached About His Return (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
Paul, Peter, and John constantly reminded the Church to remain expectant and prepared for Christ’s coming.
d) Prophecies Point to His Return (Daniel 7:13-14, Zechariah 14:4-5)
The Old and New Testaments contain many prophecies about the return of Christ in power and glory.
e) Biblical Example: Noah preached about the coming flood, but the people ignored him. When the flood finally came, only those in the ark were saved (Genesis 7:1-23).
The Bible provides clear indicators that will precede Christ’s return, many of which are being fulfilled in our time.
a) Increased Wickedness and Lawlessness (Matthew 24:12)
Sin and immorality are rising at an alarming rate, and many people no longer fear God.
b) Widespread Apostasy and False Teachings (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Many churches have abandoned the truth of God’s Word, embracing doctrines that promote sin and worldliness.
c) Wars, Natural Disasters, and Global Turmoil (Matthew 24:6-7)
Earthquakes, famines, pandemics, and wars are increasing, just as Jesus foretold.
d) The Gospel Being Preached Worldwide (Matthew 24:14)
With technology and media, the message of Christ is reaching all corners of the earth, fulfilling prophecy.
e) Biblical Example: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah came suddenly after great wickedness, just as the second coming will happen unexpectedly (Genesis 19:24-25).
Failing to prepare for Christ’s return will result in eternal loss and regret.
a) Eternal Separation from God (Matthew 25:41)
Those who reject Christ will be cast into everlasting punishment.
b) Sudden and Unexpected Judgment (Luke 17:26-30)
Just as judgment came swiftly in Noah’s and Lot’s time, the second coming will take many by surprise.
c) The Loss of Eternal Rewards (Revelation 22:12)
Jesus will reward His faithful followers, but those who are careless will miss out.
d) The Door of Mercy Will Close (Matthew 25:10-12)
Like the five foolish virgins, those who delay repentance will find the door to heaven shut.
e) Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus but was unprepared for eternity; his greed led him to destruction (Matthew 27:3-5).
Since we do not know the exact time of His coming, we must live in a state of readiness.
a) Live a Holy and Righteous Life (Hebrews 12:14)
Only those who live in holiness will see the Lord.
b) Stay Watchful and Prayerful (Luke 21:36)
We must be spiritually alert and in constant communion with God.
c) Be Actively Serving God (Matthew 24:45-46)
Faithful servants will be rewarded when the Master returns.
d) Share the Gospel with Others (Mark 16:15)
Winning souls for Christ should be our priority in these last days.
e) Biblical Example: The wise virgins kept their lamps burning with extra oil, symbolizing readiness and vigilance (Matthew 25:1-13).
The reality of Christ’s return should shape our daily lives and decisions.
a) Set Your Affection on Things Above (Colossians 3:2)
We must not be attached to the fleeting pleasures of this world.
b) Keep Your Garments Unspotted from Sin (Revelation 3:5)
Only those with pure hearts will enter the kingdom of God.
c) Encourage One Another with This Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
The return of Christ should be a source of joy and motivation for believers.
d) Be Ready to Meet the Lord Anytime (Amos 4:12)
No one knows the day or hour, so we must always be prepared.
e) Biblical Example: Paul lived with an eternal mindset, declaring, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
Jesus is coming soon—this is not a question of if but when. The signs are all around us, and we must take His warning seriously. Just as Noah prepared the ark before the flood came, we must prepare our hearts before Christ returns.
If He were to return today, would you be ready? Would you be found faithful? Now is the time to repent, to serve, and to live for Jesus wholeheartedly. Let us remain watchful, prayerful, and committed to His work, so that when He comes, we will hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).
- Lord, help me to live a life that is always ready for Your return.
- Father, remove every distraction that is keeping me from focusing on eternity.
- Jesus, fill me with the urgency to win souls before it is too late.
- Lord, let me not be found wanting on the day of Your coming.
- I receive grace to remain steadfast in holiness and righteousness.
- I declare that you will not be caught unprepared when Jesus returns!
- You shall walk in holiness and be counted worthy to reign with Christ.
- Every distraction keeping you from preparing for eternity is removed in Jesus’ name.
- You will finish your Christian race strong and receive your crown of glory.
- The grace to remain steadfast in faith until the end is upon you now!
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