Friday, 21 February 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 8:36 – "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:1, Galatians 5:1, Romans 8:1-2

Bondage is any condition that keeps a person in captivity, preventing them from fulfilling God’s purpose for their life. It manifests in various forms, including spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, financial, social, and generational bondages. Many people, even believers, struggle under unseen chains that hinder their joy, progress, and relationship with God. However, the good news is that Jesus came to set the captives free (Luke 4:18). No matter the nature of the bondage, there is power in Christ to break every chain and bring complete deliverance.

Many times, bondage is not just physical but spiritual in nature, affecting the mind, emotions, and even family lineage. The enemy seeks to keep people enslaved through fear, guilt, sin, and oppression. Some are bound by addictions, unhealthy habits, or demonic strongholds that keep them from experiencing true freedom. Others struggle with financial setbacks, ancestral curses, or toxic relationships that drain their strength and destiny. The reality of bondage is evident, but even greater is the power of God to break it.

To break free from bondage, one must recognise its existence, seek divine intervention, and apply biblical principles for deliverance. True freedom comes when a person surrenders completely to Christ, renews their mind with God’s Word, and walks in obedience to His instructions. Through prayer, fasting, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit, every chain can be broken. Today, as we engage in the Word and prayers, may every yoke of bondage be destroyed in Jesus' name!

Spiritual bondage is the most dangerous form of captivity because it affects a person's soul and eternal destiny.

a) Enslavement to Sin
Romans 6:16 – Sin makes a person a slave to the devil and separates them from God. Those who live in sin remain in spiritual chains.

b) Idolatry and False Worship
Exodus 20:3-5 – Serving other gods, engaging in occult practices, or relying on superstitions can place people under spiritual bondage.

c) Demonic Oppression
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 – Involvement in witchcraft, sorcery, or ancestral covenants allows demonic forces to control a person's life.

d) Religious Legalism
Galatians 5:1 – Some people are enslaved by religious traditions that replace faith in Christ with rituals and human doctrines.

e) Biblical Example: The Demon-Possessed Man (Mark 5:1-20)
A man in Gadara was bound by demons until Jesus set him free, proving that no spiritual bondage is too strong for God's power.

Emotional bondage keeps people trapped in feelings that hinder their joy and progress.

a) Fear and Anxiety
2 Timothy 1:7 – Fear keeps people from stepping into their God-given destiny.

b) Depression and Hopelessness
Psalms 42:5 – Many people suffer from depression due to past experiences, loss, or failure.

c) Rejection and Low Self-Worth
Isaiah 49:15-16 – Feeling unloved or unwanted can lead to emotional isolation.

d) Anger and Resentment
Ephesians 4:26-27 – Holding onto anger can lead to bitterness and an inability to forgive.

e) Biblical Example: Elijah’s Depression (1 Kings 19:1-10)
After defeating the prophets of Baal, Elijah became afraid and depressed, but God restored him through divine encouragement.

Mental bondage affects the way people think, leading to destructive behaviours.

a) Negative Thought Patterns
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 – Wrong thinking leads to wrong actions.

b) Deception and False Beliefs
John 8:44 – The devil deceives people into believing lies about themselves and God.

c) Addictions to Unhealthy Habits
Proverbs 23:7 – Addictions, whether to drugs, pornography, or harmful lifestyles, keep people in bondage.

d) Self-Condemnation and Guilt
Romans 8:1 – The enemy uses past mistakes to keep people in shame.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24)
The prodigal son was mentally enslaved by wrong choices until he came to his senses and returned to the Father.

Physical bondage limits a person’s ability to live freely.

a) Sickness and Disease
Luke 13:11-13 – Some illnesses are a form of satanic oppression.

b) Addiction to Substances
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – Drugs, alcohol, and other addictions enslave people.

c) Sexual Immorality
1 Corinthians 6:18 – Sexual sins open doors to physical and spiritual affliction.

d) Poverty and Lack
Deuteronomy 28:47-48 – Financial struggles can limit a person’s ability to fulfil God's purpose.

e) Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34)
She suffered for twelve years until she encountered Jesus and was set free.

Many people are enslaved by money problems, affecting their peace and faith.

a) Debt and Financial Mismanagement
Proverbs 22:7 – Debt makes a person a slave to creditors.

b) Greed and Materialism
Luke 12:15 – Some people pursue wealth at the cost of their souls.

c) Lack of Giving and Generosity
Malachi 3:8-10 – Financial bondage often results from disobedience in tithing and giving.

d) Financial Curses and Setbacks
Haggai 1:6-7 – Disobedience to God can cause financial struggles.

e) Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16)
She broke free from financial lack through faith and obedience.

Social bondage occurs when a person is controlled by external influences.

a) Peer Pressure and Wrong Associations
1 Corinthians 15:33 – Bad company corrupts good morals.

b) Manipulation and Control
Galatians 2:4 – Some people live under the influence of controlling individuals.

c) Cultural and Traditional Strongholds
Mark 7:8-9 – Some traditions keep people in spiritual bondage.

d) Fear of People’s Opinions
Proverbs 29:25 – Seeking human approval can hinder God’s purpose.

e) Biblical Example: Peter’s Denial of Jesus (Luke 22:54-62)
Peter denied Christ out of fear of public opinion but was later restored.

Generational bondage occurs when negative patterns run through family lines.

a) Ancestral Curses and Patterns
Exodus 34:7 – Some struggles are passed down from previous generations.

b) Family Cycles of Failure and Struggle
Lamentations 5:7 – Unbroken curses affect descendants.

c) Inherited Sinful Tendencies
Psalms 51:5 – Some people battle inherited weaknesses.

d) Witchcraft and Occult Practices
Leviticus 20:6 – Some families suffer due to past involvement in dark practices.

e) Biblical Example: The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1:8-14)
They were in generational bondage until God sent Moses to deliver them.

True freedom is found only in Jesus Christ (John 8:36). To break free from bondage, one must:

1.  Repent and surrender to Christ (Acts 3:19)

2.  Renew the mind with God’s Word (Romans 12:2)

3.  Engage in prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21)

4.  Break ungodly covenants (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

5.  Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)


1. Lord Jesus, I surrender my life completely to You; break every chain of bondage in my life.

2. By the power in the name of Jesus, I renounce every evil covenant and satanic agreement working against me.

3. Father, destroy every generational curse and ancestral bondage affecting my family and destiny.

4. Lord, set me free from every sin, addiction, and habit that keeps me in captivity.

5. I receive deliverance from every form of emotional and mental bondage in Jesus' name.

6. Every spirit of fear, depression, and anxiety in my life is broken by the power of the Holy Ghost.

7. Lord, release me from every financial bondage; I break free from debt and lack in Jesus' name.

8. By the authority of Christ, I command every demonic oppression over my life to end now!

9. Father, connect me to divine relationships and separate me from associations that keep me in bondage.

10. I declare that I am free indeed, and no power of darkness shall hold me captive again in Jesus' name!


1.  You are free from every bondage in Jesus’ name!

2.  No power of darkness shall hold you captive again!

3.  Every chain of limitation is broken in your life!

4.  You will walk in divine health, prosperity, and victory!

5.  Your destiny is released from every captivity!

You are free indeed!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 24:37-39

"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

Supporting Texts: Genesis 6:5-8, 2 Peter 3:3-7, Luke 17:26-30, Hebrews 11:7, 2 Timothy 3:1-5


One of the most striking warnings given by Jesus Christ concerning the last days is found in Matthew 24:37-39. He compared the end times to the days of Noah, a period marked by wickedness, complacency, and spiritual blindness. The people in Noah’s time lived without a sense of urgency, indulging in their desires, unaware that judgment was imminent. Likewise, today’s world reflects similar conditions—moral decay, disregard for God’s commands, and an overwhelming focus on material pleasures.

The story of Noah is recorded in Genesis 6-9. In his generation, wickedness reached its peak, and God decided to destroy the earth with a flood. However, Noah found grace in the sight of God and was instructed to build an ark for the salvation of his household. For many years, he preached righteousness while constructing the ark, but the people ignored his warnings. They continued in their sinful ways until the flood swept them away suddenly.

Today, we see a world that mirrors the days of Noah. Sin is increasing, people are rejecting God's word, and many are unaware of the coming judgment. Jesus used this analogy to urge believers to remain vigilant, live righteously, and prepare for His return. This sermon will explore the characteristics of Noah’s days, their similarities to our present time, and how we can remain steadfast in these perilous times.


a) Widespread Wickedness (Genesis 6:5)

The earth was filled with corruption, and every thought of man’s heart was evil continually. Sin had become the norm, and righteousness was despised.

b) Increase in Violence (Genesis 6:11-13)

Violence and lawlessness ruled society, leading to chaos and destruction. This mirrors today’s world, where crime, wars, and conflicts are escalating.

c) Sexual Immorality and Perversion (Genesis 6:1-2, Jude 1:7)

In Noah’s time, unnatural relationships and immorality flourished. Today, the sanctity of marriage and godly values are being abandoned for perverse lifestyles.

d) Rebellion Against God (Romans 1:28-32)

People disregarded God’s laws and pursued their own desires, just as many today reject divine truth in favour of secular ideologies.

e) Biblical Example: Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:4-9, Luke 17:28-30)

Like in Noah’s time, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their extreme wickedness and rejection of God’s ways.


a) Ignoring God’s Warnings (2 Peter 3:3-4)

Despite Noah’s preaching and the visible construction of the ark, people continued living as if nothing would happen.

b) Preoccupation with Pleasure (Luke 17:27-28)

The people were focused on eating, drinking, and marrying—living as though life would continue without interruption.

c) A Hardened Heart (Hebrews 3:13)

Years of rejecting God’s word caused their hearts to harden, making them insensitive to spiritual truths.

d) Living Without the Fear of God (Proverbs 1:7)

They lived as if God did not exist, dismissing righteousness and holiness.

e) Biblical Example: The Rich Fool (Luke 12:16-21)

The rich man focused on earthly wealth but ignored his eternal destiny, just like the people in Noah’s time.


a) Noah Found Grace (Genesis 6:8)

Though the world was corrupt, Noah remained faithful and found favour in God’s eyes.

b) Living a Righteous Life (Genesis 6:9, Hebrews 11:7)

Noah was blameless and walked with God. Believers today must also uphold righteousness despite the wickedness around them.

c) Obedience to God’s Instructions (Genesis 6:22)

Noah obeyed everything God commanded. Obedience is the key to escaping divine judgment.

d) Preaching the Truth Without Compromise (2 Peter 2:5)

Noah was a preacher of righteousness, yet people refused to listen. Christians must boldly proclaim God’s truth in a sinful world.

e) Biblical Example: Daniel (Daniel 6:10-28)

Despite living in a corrupt society, Daniel remained steadfast in his faith and was preserved by God.


a) God’s Judgment is Certain (2 Peter 3:6-7)

Just as the flood came upon Noah’s generation, the final judgment of fire is coming upon the present world.

b) The Ark as a Symbol of Salvation (Genesis 7:1, John 14:6)

The ark was the only means of salvation, just as Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

c) The Suddenness of Judgment (Matthew 24:39, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3)

The flood came unexpectedly; likewise, Christ’s return will be sudden, leaving no room for last-minute repentance.

d) Entering the Ark Before it is Too Late (Isaiah 55:6-7)

Now is the time to seek God and enter the ark of salvation before the doors are closed.

e) Biblical Example: The Five Wise Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

The wise virgins were prepared, while the foolish ones were shut out. Likewise, only those who are ready will enter God’s kingdom.


a) Living a Holy Life (1 Peter 1:15-16)

God calls us to be separate from sin and walk in holiness.

b) Watching and Praying (Luke 21:36)

We must be spiritually alert and prayerful in these last days.

c) Spreading the Gospel Urgently (Matthew 28:19-20)

Like Noah, we must warn people of the coming judgment and lead them to Christ.

d) Developing an Eternal Mindset (Colossians 3:2)

We must focus on heavenly things, not earthly distractions.

e) Biblical Example: The Apostles (Acts 2:42-47)

They lived in expectation of Christ’s return and spread the gospel fervently.


The days of Noah serve as a prophetic warning for our time. The moral decay, spiritual complacency, and rejection of God’s truth seen in Noah’s generation are evident today. Jesus said that just as the flood came suddenly, so will His return be. The question is: Are you ready?

Now is the time to enter the ark of salvation—Jesus Christ. We must remain steadfast, holy, and committed to God’s word, preparing ourselves and others for the coming of the Lord.


  1. Lord, help me to live a righteous life and stand firm in these last days.
  2. Father, deliver me from every attachment to this world that can hinder my salvation.
  3. Holy Spirit, empower me to preach the gospel with boldness like Noah.
  4. Lord, keep me watchful and prayerful as I await Your return.
  5. Father, let me be found worthy to enter into Your eternal kingdom.


  1. You shall not be caught unaware when the Lord returns!
  2. Every plan of the enemy to distract you from your salvation is destroyed!
  3. The grace to remain steadfast and holy shall rest upon you!
  4. You shall be a voice of righteousness in this generation!
  5. Your life shall be a testimony of divine preservation, just as Noah was preserved in his time!

May we all be counted worthy on the day of the Lord’s return in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Timothy 4:1
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils."

Supporting Texts: 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Hebrews 3:12, 2 Timothy 4:10, Matthew 24:10-12, Revelation 3:15-16

The Christian journey is one of perseverance, commitment, and unwavering faith. However, as Paul warned in 1 Timothy 4:1, a time will come when many will depart from the faith due to deception and compromise. This is not just a warning to unbelievers but to those who were once devoted to God but gradually drifted away. Departing from the faith is not an overnight decision; it is a slow process influenced by wrong teachings, worldly desires, and spiritual complacency. This tragic departure leads to loss of divine presence, destruction of spiritual destiny, and eternal separation from God if not repented of.

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people who started well but ended in destruction because they did not guard their faith. Demas, once a co-labourer with Paul, forsook the faith because he loved the present world (2 Timothy 4:10). King Saul, who was anointed by God, lost everything because of disobedience and rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23). Even the Israelites, after experiencing great miracles, turned to idolatry and suffered the consequences. These examples serve as warnings to believers today, reminding us that departure from the faith is costly and dangerous.

The signs of falling away are evident in our generation. Many are being deceived by false teachings, others are drawn away by the pleasures of the world, and some have become spiritually lukewarm. The love of many for God is waxing cold, and the fear of the Lord is diminishing. This study aims to expose the dangers of departing from the faith, the causes, the consequences, and how we can remain steadfast in our Christian walk.

Several factors contribute to a believer’s spiritual decline and eventual departure from the faith.

a) Deception by False Doctrines (2 Peter 2:1-2)
Many depart from the faith because they embrace teachings that contradict the Word of God. False prophets introduce heresies that lead people into error.

b) Love for the World (1 John 2:15-17)
Worldly pleasures, materialism, and sinful desires gradually pull people away from God. When a believer prioritises earthly success over spiritual growth, they become vulnerable to backsliding.

c) Spiritual Negligence (Hebrews 2:1-3)
Neglecting prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers weakens spiritual strength, making it easier to drift away.

d) Offences and Bitterness (Matthew 24:10-12)
Some people depart from the faith because of church hurts, betrayals, or disappointments, allowing bitterness to take root in their hearts.

e) Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot (Luke 22:3-6)
Judas was once a disciple of Jesus, but greed and betrayal led him to forsake his faith and ultimately perish.

A person does not backslide suddenly; there are warning signs of spiritual decline.

a) Loss of Passion for God (Revelation 2:4-5)
When a person loses their first love for God, their spiritual fire begins to go out.

b) Comfort with Sin (Romans 6:1-2)
What once convicted them no longer troubles their conscience; sin becomes a lifestyle.

c) Disregard for Spiritual Disciplines (Luke 18:1, Psalm 119:11)
Prayer, fasting, and Bible study become a burden rather than a delight.

d) Avoidance of God’s Presence and People (Hebrews 10:25)
They begin to withdraw from church gatherings and avoid godly company.

e) Biblical Example: King Saul (1 Samuel 28:6-7)
Saul began well, but as he departed from God, he turned to a witch for guidance instead of seeking God.

The results of forsaking the faith are devastating both in this life and in eternity.

a) Loss of Divine Protection (Psalm 91:1-3)
A person who departs from God exposes themselves to satanic attacks and destruction.

b) Spiritual Blindness (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Their understanding of God’s truth becomes darkened, and they are deceived by falsehood.

c) Eternal Separation from God (Revelation 20:15)
If there is no repentance, they risk eternal damnation in the lake of fire.

d) Fruitless and Wasted Life (John 15:6)
Without Christ, they lose purpose, direction, and eternal rewards.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)
Demas was once a devoted believer but abandoned his faith because of worldly desires.

To avoid spiritual decline, believers must stay committed to their faith.

a) Hold Firmly to Sound Doctrine (Titus 1:9)
Believers must be rooted in biblical truth and reject false teachings.

b) Maintain a Strong Prayer Life (Luke 22:40)
Prayer keeps a believer spiritually alert and connected to God.

c) Walk in Daily Obedience (John 14:15)
A lifestyle of obedience to God’s Word keeps one from falling away.

d) Stay in Fellowship with Other Believers (Acts 2:42)
Regular gathering with fellow believers strengthens spiritual life.

e) Biblical Example: Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7-8)
Paul remained steadfast to the end and received his heavenly reward.

Departing from the faith is a spiritual tragedy with severe consequences. It is not only a warning for unbelievers but also for those in the church who are slowly drifting away due to deception, worldliness, and spiritual complacency. Every believer must guard their faith with diligence and remain steadfast in their walk with God.

God’s grace is sufficient to keep us from falling if we remain committed to Him. Let us, therefore, watch and pray, lest we fall into temptation. May we hold fast to our faith until the end so that we may receive our crown of righteousness in Jesus’ name.

1.  Lord, help me to remain steadfast in my faith and never depart from You.

2.  Father, deliver me from every deception and false doctrine of the enemy.

3.  Holy Spirit, rekindle my passion for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

4.  Lord, separate me from every worldly desire pulling me away from You.

5.  I receive grace to finish my Christian journey strong in Jesus’ name.

1.  You shall not be a victim of spiritual deception in Jesus’ name!

2.  Your love for God will never grow cold; you shall remain on fire for Him!

3.  Every plan of the enemy to pull you away from the faith is destroyed!

4.  The grace to finish strong and receive your crown shall rest upon you!

5.  You shall remain rooted and unshaken in Christ till the very end!

May the Lord keep you from falling and strengthen your faith daily in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 17:32

"Remember Lot’s wife."

Supporting Texts: Genesis 19:15-26, Matthew 24:37-39, Hebrews 10:38-39, Philippians 3:13-14, 2 Peter 2:6-9


The warning given by Jesus in Luke 17:32 is one of the shortest yet most powerful statements in the Bible: "Remember Lot’s wife." This statement serves as a solemn reminder to all believers about the danger of disobedience, attachment to the world, and failing to completely follow God's instructions. Lot’s wife had an opportunity to escape destruction, yet she perished because of her divided heart.

Her story is recorded in Genesis 19:15-26, where God sent angels to rescue Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They were given clear instructions: "Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed!" (Genesis 19:17). Tragically, Lot’s wife disobeyed and looked back, instantly turning into a pillar of salt. Her story is a warning to those who hesitate in their walk with God or hold onto things He has commanded them to leave behind.

In today’s world, many Christians are like Lot’s wife—divided in their commitment to God, longing for the pleasures of the world while trying to walk the path of righteousness. The story of Lot’s wife teaches us about the dangers of spiritual complacency, disobedience, and attachment to the past. This message will highlight the key lessons from her tragic end and how we can avoid making the same mistake.


a) God’s Instructions Are for Our Good (Deuteronomy 28:1-2)

God’s commandments are meant to lead us to safety and blessings. When He tells us to move forward, obeying completely is the only way to experience His promises.

b) Delayed Obedience is Disobedience (Genesis 19:16)

Lot’s wife hesitated, and even Lot himself lingered until the angels had to forcefully remove them. Hesitation in obeying God can lead to destruction.

c) Halfway Obedience is Still Disobedience (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

Obeying some parts of God’s command while ignoring others is dangerous. Lot’s wife followed the angels but disobeyed by looking back.

d) Disobedience Brings Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

God’s mercy is available, but persistent disobedience leads to judgment. Lot’s wife ignored the warning and faced the consequences.

e) Biblical Example: King Saul (1 Samuel 15:11-23)

Like Lot’s wife, Saul partially obeyed God, leading to his rejection as king.


a) Love for the World Leads to Spiritual Decline (1 John 2:15-17)

Lot’s wife was physically leaving Sodom, but her heart was still in the city. Many believers today struggle with letting go of worldly desires.

b) Looking Back Symbolises Longing for the Past (Philippians 3:13-14)

A believer who constantly looks back cannot move forward. God calls us to press on, not to dwell in the past.

c) You Cannot Serve Two Masters (Matthew 6:24)

Lot’s wife tried to serve God and hold onto Sodom at the same time, but it ended in tragedy.

d) Worldly Attachment Leads to Compromise (James 4:4)

Friendship with the world makes one an enemy of God. We must make a clear decision to follow Christ fully.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)

Demas forsook Paul because he loved the world, just as Lot’s wife perished because of her attachment to Sodom.


a) Following God Requires Total Surrender (Luke 9:62)

Jesus said that anyone who puts their hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.

b) Partial Commitment is Dangerous (Revelation 3:15-16)

God wants us to be fully devoted to Him, not lukewarm in our faith.

c) Obedience to God Brings Protection (Psalm 91:1-2)

Lot and his daughters were saved because they obeyed. Full obedience leads to divine preservation.

d) We Must Keep Our Eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Instead of looking back, we should focus on Christ and the journey ahead.

e) Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

Abraham left his past behind and obeyed God completely, leading to great blessings.


a) Spiritual Stagnation (Luke 9:62)

Looking back hinders spiritual progress and growth.

b) Loss of God’s Presence (Judges 16:20)

Samson lost his strength when he compromised, just as Lot’s wife lost her life when she looked back.

c) Missed Divine Opportunities (Numbers 14:1-4, 22-23)

The Israelites who longed for Egypt never entered the Promised Land.

d) Destruction Instead of Salvation (Genesis 19:26)

Lot’s wife was close to safety but still perished because of her divided heart.

e) Biblical Example: The Israelites in the Wilderness (Exodus 16:2-3)

They kept looking back to Egypt and failed to trust God for their future.


a) Set Your Mind on Things Above (Colossians 3:1-2)

Believers must focus on heavenly things rather than earthly distractions.

b) Walk by Faith, Not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Trust God even when the future seems uncertain.

c) Develop a Strong Prayer Life (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Prayer strengthens our faith and keeps us on the right path.

d) Surround Yourself with Godly Influences (Hebrews 10:25)

Being around strong believers helps us stay committed to God.

e) Biblical Example: Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Paul remained steadfast and finished his race without looking back.


The story of Lot’s wife is a warning to all believers about the dangers of disobedience, worldliness, and divided commitment. She had an opportunity to be saved, but her longing for the past led to her destruction. Jesus Himself warned us to “Remember Lot’s wife” because many will face the same temptation of looking back instead of pressing forward in faith.

We must remain steadfast, obedient, and fully committed to following Christ. Let us not allow distractions, past experiences, or worldly desires to draw us away from God’s will. Instead, let us keep our eyes on Jesus and continue pressing toward our heavenly destination.


  1. Lord, help me to let go of every attachment to the past and focus on my future in You.
  2. Father, deliver me from the spirit of disobedience and give me a heart that fully obeys You.
  3. Holy Spirit, keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not on worldly distractions.
  4. Lord, strengthen my faith to never look back but to keep moving forward in Your will.
  5. Father, separate me from anything that will hinder my spiritual progress.


  1. You shall not be a victim of spiritual backwardness in Jesus’ name!
  2. Every tie connecting you to your past is broken today in Jesus’ name!
  3. The grace to obey God completely shall rest upon you from this day forward!
  4. You shall move forward and never look back in your walk with God!
  5. Your destiny shall not be cut short like Lot’s wife; you shall fulfil God’s plan for your life!

May you continue to walk in obedience and remain steadfast in your faith in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 19:1-29

Supporting Texts: Genesis 13:10-13, 2 Peter 2:6-8, Luke 17:32, Revelation 3:15-16


Backsliding is a gradual decline from faithfulness to spiritual compromise, leading to devastating consequences. Lot’s life is a classic example of how worldly choices, wrong associations, and spiritual complacency can lead to backsliding. Though he was a righteous man, his decisions exposed him to sin, weakened his spiritual sensitivity, and brought destruction upon his family.

By studying Lot’s life, we will learn the dangers of backsliding and how to avoid its traps. His story serves as a warning to believers to stay vigilant and remain steadfast in their faith.


Lot did not fall into backsliding suddenly; it was a gradual process rooted in his choices.

a) Wrong Priorities (Genesis 13:10-11)

Lot chose Sodom because of its economic benefits rather than its spiritual environment.

b) Separation from Godly Influence (Genesis 13:12)

After parting ways with Abraham, Lot moved closer to Sodom, where he was spiritually vulnerable.

c) Love for the World (1 John 2:15-17)

Lot was attracted to the wealth and pleasures of Sodom, despite its wickedness.

d) Tolerating Sin (2 Peter 2:7-8)

Though Sodom’s sin distressed him, Lot remained there, exposing himself and his family to corruption.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)

Demas forsook Paul because he loved the present world, just as Lot clung to Sodom.


Lot’s spiritual decline was evident in his actions and compromises.

a) He Lived Among the Wicked (Genesis 14:12)

Lot settled in Sodom, despite knowing its reputation for immorality.

b) He Became a Leader in a Corrupt Society (Genesis 19:1)

Lot sat at the city gate, signifying that he was involved in Sodom’s affairs.

c) He Had to Be Rescued by Abraham (Genesis 14:14-16)

Lot was captured during war, showing how vulnerable he became due to his choices.

d) He Hesitated to Leave Sodom (Genesis 19:16)

Even when judgment was near, Lot was reluctant to leave his sinful environment.

e) Biblical Example: Samson (Judges 16:1-21)

Like Lot, Samson compromised repeatedly until he suffered great loss.


Lot’s spiritual decline led to painful consequences for him and his family.

a) Loss of Spiritual Authority (Genesis 19:9)

When Lot tried to warn Sodom’s people, they mocked him, showing that he had lost credibility.

b) Loss of Family Influence (Genesis 19:14)

His sons-in-law refused to take his warning seriously because his lifestyle contradicted his words.

c) Tragic Loss of His Wife (Genesis 19:26)

Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt, showing the cost of divided loyalty.

d) Corruption of His Daughters (Genesis 19:30-38)

Lot’s daughters committed incest with him, influenced by the immorality of Sodom.

e) Biblical Example: King Saul (1 Samuel 15:23, 28)

Like Lot, Saul’s compromises led to his downfall and loss of destiny.


Lot’s mistakes serve as a lesson for us to remain steadfast in faith.

a) Make Godly Choices (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Lot chose Sodom for material gain; believers must choose based on God’s will.

b) Stay Connected to Spiritual Mentors (Hebrews 13:7)

Had Lot stayed close to Abraham, he might have avoided spiritual decline.

c) Flee from Sinful Environments (1 Corinthians 6:18, 2 Corinthians 6:17)

Lot hesitated to leave Sodom; we must immediately separate from sin.

d) Prioritise Spiritual Growth (Colossians 3:2)

Believers must focus on eternal things, not temporary worldly gains.

e) Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 39:9-12)

Unlike Lot, Joseph refused to compromise and fled from sin.


Even if one has fallen, God’s grace provides a way back to restoration.

a) Acknowledge and Repent (1 John 1:9)

The first step is to admit one’s spiritual decline and seek God’s forgiveness.

b) Renew Commitment to God (James 4:8)

A fresh dedication to prayer, the Word, and holiness is essential.

c) Surround Yourself with Godly Influences (Proverbs 27:17)

Being around strong believers helps in spiritual recovery.

d) Avoid the Triggers of Backsliding (Romans 12:2)

Lot’s mistake was returning to a sinful environment; we must avoid such pitfalls.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:17-24)

Like Lot, the prodigal son made wrong choices but found restoration when he returned to the Father.


Lot’s story is a warning to every believer. His life demonstrates that backsliding begins with small compromises but can lead to devastating consequences. However, God is merciful and ready to restore anyone who genuinely repents. We must remain spiritually vigilant, make godly choices, and prioritise our walk with God above all else.


  1. Lord, help me to make godly choices in every area of my life.
  2. Father, deliver me from every form of compromise.
  3. Lord, separate me from every ungodly association pulling me away from You.
  4. Holy Spirit, keep my heart sensitive to Your warnings.
  5. I receive grace to stay strong in my faith and not look back.
  6. Father, restore anyone in my family who has backslidden.
  7. Lord, shield my household from the corrupt influence of the world.
  8. Holy Spirit, rekindle my passion for prayer and the Word.
  9. Every plan of the enemy to pull me back into sin is destroyed!
  10. I declare that I will finish strong in my Christian race!


  1. You shall not be a victim of backsliding in Jesus' name!
  2. The enemy will not use worldly distractions to pull you away from God!
  3. Your spiritual sensitivity shall remain sharp and alert!
  4. Every relationship pulling you away from God is broken today!
  5. Your household shall be preserved from the corruption of the world!
  6. No temptation shall be strong enough to take you away from God's presence!
  7. The fire of revival shall burn in your heart daily!
  8. You shall be a shining light in this dark world!
  9. The power of compromise is broken over your life!
  10. You shall finish your Christian journey strong and faithful!

May the Lord keep you steadfast in faith, and may you never backslide in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 22:54-62

Supporting Texts: Matthew 26:31-35, John 21:15-17, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Hebrews 10:38, 2 Peter 3:17


Backsliding is a spiritual decline where a believer moves away from their faith, devotion, and commitment to God. It is not always sudden; rather, it happens gradually when a person neglects their spiritual walk. Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples, is a prime example of backsliding. Though he was bold and outspoken, he fell into denial, distance, and despair before being restored.

Through Peter’s story, we will examine the causes of backsliding, the dangers it poses, and the pathway to restoration. His journey teaches us that anyone can fall but also that God’s mercy is available for restoration.


Backsliding does not happen overnight; it follows a series of spiritual compromises.

a) Overconfidence in Self (Matthew 26:33-35)

Peter boasted that he would never deny Jesus, trusting in his strength rather than God’s grace.

b) Prayerlessness (Matthew 26:40-41)

When Jesus asked Peter to watch and pray, he slept instead. A weak prayer life leads to spiritual vulnerability.

c) Following Jesus from a Distance (Luke 22:54)

Peter distanced himself from Jesus after His arrest, showing a decline in commitment.

d) Fear of Persecution (Matthew 26:69-70)

Peter denied Jesus because he was afraid of being identified as His follower. Fear leads many believers to compromise.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)

Demas, a fellow worker with Paul, forsook the faith because he loved the world.


Backsliding is a process that happens in phases rather than all at once.

a) Loss of Passion for God (Revelation 2:4-5)

The first step in backsliding is losing the love and excitement for God’s presence.

b) Compromising with Sin (Psalm 1:1)

A backslider begins tolerating small sins, which gradually lead to bigger compromises.

c) Avoiding Spiritual Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25)

Backsliders withdraw from church gatherings, godly friends, and accountability.

d) Denying Christ in Actions and Words (Titus 1:16)

Though a person may not verbally deny Jesus, their lifestyle and choices do.

e) Biblical Example: King Saul (1 Samuel 15:11, 26)

Saul started well but disobeyed God, leading to his rejection and downfall.


Backsliding has serious spiritual and personal consequences if not addressed.

a) Loss of Spiritual Authority (Judges 16:20)

Like Samson, a backslider loses spiritual power and effectiveness.

b) Guilt and Condemnation (Luke 22:62)

Peter wept bitterly after denying Jesus, showing the emotional pain of backsliding.

c) Separation from God (Isaiah 59:2)

Sin creates a barrier between man and God, leading to a broken relationship.

d) Exposure to Satan’s Attacks (1 Peter 5:8)

A backslider is vulnerable to the enemy’s deception and oppression.

e) Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot (Matthew 27:3-5)

Unlike Peter, Judas did not seek restoration but allowed guilt to destroy him.


God is merciful and always ready to restore those who repent and return to Him.

a) Acknowledge and Confess Sin (1 John 1:9)

Repentance begins with admitting failure and seeking God’s forgiveness.

b) Return to Prayer and the Word (Psalm 119:9-11)

Restoration comes through renewed fellowship with God.

c) Surround Yourself with Godly Influence (Proverbs 27:17)

Accountability and spiritual mentorship help a person stay on track.

d) Renew Commitment to Christ’s Call (John 21:15-17)

Jesus restored Peter by reaffirming His call and love for him.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:17-24)

The prodigal son realised his mistake, repented, and was fully restored by his father.


Spiritual consistency is key to remaining steadfast in the faith.

a) Maintain a Strong Prayer Life (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Daily communion with God keeps the spirit alive and sensitive.

b) Stay Rooted in God’s Word (Psalm 1:2-3)

The Word strengthens faith and helps believers resist temptation.

c) Fellowship with Other Believers (Hebrews 10:25)

Regular church attendance and godly relationships encourage spiritual growth.

d) Rely on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)

Depend on the Holy Spirit for strength, guidance, and holiness.

e) Biblical Example: Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Paul remained faithful till the end, finishing his race with unwavering commitment.


Peter’s story reminds us that even strong believers can fall into backsliding if they are not watchful. However, his restoration proves that God’s mercy is greater than our failures. If you have drifted away from God, He is calling you back. Confess, repent, and allow the Holy Spirit to rekindle your faith. May we remain steadfast, fervent, and committed to finishing strong in our walk with God.


  1. Lord, keep me from every form of spiritual decline.
  2. Father, deliver me from overconfidence and self-reliance.
  3. Holy Spirit, help me to maintain a strong prayer life.
  4. Lord, grant me the grace to stand firm in times of trials.
  5. I break every power of compromise in my life in Jesus' name.
  6. Father, restore anyone I know who has backslidden.
  7. Lord, surround me with people who will strengthen my faith.
  8. I receive divine strength to overcome every temptation.
  9. Father, let my love for You never grow cold.
  10. I declare that I will finish my Christian race strong!


  1. You shall not fall away from the faith in Jesus’ name!
  2. Every plan of the enemy to weaken your spiritual life is destroyed!
  3. Your prayer life shall be revived with fresh fire!
  4. You shall walk in boldness and never deny Christ.
  5. No temptation shall be strong enough to pull you away from God.
  6. The Lord shall restore every lost passion for His presence.
  7. You shall be surrounded by godly people who will encourage your faith.
  8. You shall be a firebrand Christian, shining brightly for Jesus.
  9. The enemy will not have the last word over your life!
  10. You shall finish strong, fulfilling your divine purpose!

May the Lord uphold you in faith and keep you from backsliding!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Revelation 3:15-16

Supporting Texts: Matthew 24:12, Romans 12:11, 2 Timothy 1:6, Hebrews 10:38, Psalm 85:6


Lukewarmness is a dangerous spiritual condition where a believer becomes indifferent, complacent, and lacking in spiritual fervour. In Revelation 3:15-16, Jesus rebuked the Laodicean church for being neither hot nor cold, warning that He would "spit them out of His mouth." This shows that God desires His people to be spiritually passionate, not half-hearted in their faith.

Lukewarmness can set in when love for God grows cold, spiritual disciplines are neglected, or worldly distractions take priority over God’s presence. Many believers start their Christian journey with zeal but later lose their fire due to compromise, discouragement, or spiritual attacks. However, the good news is that a lukewarm spirit can be revived through genuine repentance, renewed passion for God, and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

In this message, we will explore the dangers of lukewarmness and the steps to reignite spiritual fervour.


A lukewarm believer shows certain characteristics that reveal their lack of passion for God.

a) Loss of Spiritual Hunger (Matthew 5:6)

A lukewarm believer no longer desires the Word of God, prayer, or fellowship with other believers.

b) Inconsistent Prayer Life (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Prayer becomes a routine or an occasional activity rather than a lifestyle of communion with God.

c) Compromise with Sin (1 John 2:15-16)

There is an increasing tolerance for sinful habits, worldly pleasures, and moral laxity.

d) Lack of Evangelistic Passion (Matthew 28:19-20)

A lukewarm believer has no burden for souls and does not actively share the gospel.

e) Biblical Example: Samson (Judges 16:20)

Samson was once anointed and powerful, but he became spiritually weak due to compromise and lost his connection with God.


Lukewarmness has serious spiritual consequences that can lead to complete backsliding.

a) Spiritual Blindness (Revelation 3:17)

Lukewarm believers often do not realise their true spiritual condition, thinking they are fine when they are not.

b) Loss of God's Presence (1 Samuel 16:14)

When a person remains lukewarm, they gradually lose the presence and power of God in their lives.

c) Vulnerability to the Enemy (1 Peter 5:8)

A spiritually cold heart becomes an easy target for the devil’s deception and attacks.

d) Risk of Being Rejected by God (Revelation 3:16)

Jesus warns that those who remain lukewarm will be "spit out" of His mouth, signifying rejection.

e) Biblical Example: The Laodicean Church (Revelation 3:14-22)

This church was rich and comfortable but had lost its spiritual fire, and Jesus strongly rebuked them.


Revival begins when a believer recognises their spiritual decline and takes steps to restore their fire.

a) Repent and Return to God (Revelation 2:5)

Acknowledge spiritual decline and sincerely turn back to God in repentance.

b) Rekindle the Fire of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 1:6)

Ask the Holy Spirit to reignite your passion for God and His kingdom.

c) Renew Your Prayer and Word Life (Joshua 1:8, Colossians 4:2)

Commit to consistent prayer and daily meditation on the Word of God.

d) Surround Yourself with Fire-Carriers (Proverbs 27:17)

Fellowship with spiritually passionate believers who will stir up your faith.

e) Biblical Example: Peter (Luke 22:31-32, Acts 2:1-4)

Peter denied Jesus when he became weak, but after repentance and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, he became a bold preacher of the gospel.


When a believer revives their spiritual fire, they experience transformation in different areas of life.

a) Renewed Passion for God (Psalm 42:1-2)

A revived believer develops a deep hunger for God’s presence.

b) Increased Spiritual Strength (Isaiah 40:31)

Spiritual renewal empowers a believer to overcome temptations and challenges.

c) Boldness in Evangelism (Acts 4:31)

A revived Christian is passionate about winning souls and expanding God’s kingdom.

d) Restoration of Spiritual Gifts (Romans 11:29, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11)

Spiritual revival restores gifts that were lost due to lukewarmness.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:17-24)

He left his father’s house and became spiritually lost, but when he repented, he was fully restored.


It is not enough to be revived; we must remain spiritually hot to avoid falling back into lukewarmness.

a) Stay Consistent in Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25)

Regular gathering with other believers strengthens our faith.

b) Guard Your Heart from Worldly Distractions (Proverbs 4:23)

Be mindful of what influences your thoughts and desires.

c) Serve God Passionately (Romans 12:11)

Engaging in kingdom service keeps your spirit active and alive.

d) Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

Regular infilling of the Spirit sustains spiritual fervour and zeal.

e) Biblical Example: Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Paul remained on fire for God until the very end of his life, finishing his race with joy.


Lukewarmness is a spiritual disease that weakens a believer’s relationship with God and can lead to backsliding if not addressed. However, through genuine repentance, renewal of spiritual disciplines, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, a lukewarm spirit can be revived. God desires that we remain passionate, fervent, and committed to Him. May we never lose our spiritual fire but continue to burn brightly for His glory.


  1. Father, revive my spirit and set my heart on fire for You.
  2. Lord, deliver me from every form of lukewarmness and spiritual complacency.
  3. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh and restore my passion for God.
  4. Father, rekindle my prayer life and hunger for Your Word.
  5. Lord, help me to remain steadfast and never grow cold in my faith.
  6. I break every hold of worldly distractions over my life in Jesus’ name.
  7. Holy Spirit, breathe upon me and restore my first love for Jesus.
  8. Father, let my zeal for Your kingdom never diminish.
  9. Lord, surround me with people who will stir up my faith and spiritual fire.
  10. I receive grace to finish strong and remain faithful to the end.


  1. I declare that your spiritual fire shall never go out in Jesus’ name!
  2. Every trace of lukewarmness in your life is destroyed right now!
  3. You shall hunger and thirst for righteousness more than ever before.
  4. The Holy Spirit shall rekindle your passion for God and His kingdom.
  5. No distraction shall quench your zeal for the things of God.
  6. You shall walk in divine strength and spiritual boldness.
  7. Your love for God shall grow deeper and stronger daily.
  8. Every lost spiritual gift and anointing in your life is restored now!
  9. You shall be a firebrand Christian, influencing others for Christ.
  10. The Lord will uphold you till the end, and you shall finish your race strong!

May the Lord keep your spirit burning for Him always!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 9:62
Supporting Texts: Hebrews 10:38, Proverbs 14:14, 2 Peter 2:20-22, Jeremiah 3:22, Revelation 2:4-5


Backsliding is a serious spiritual condition that occurs when a believer gradually drifts away from their relationship with God. It begins with small compromises, neglect of spiritual disciplines, and an increasing comfort with sin. Many who once walked closely with God have found themselves distant, struggling, and spiritually weak because they failed to guard their faith.

Luke 9:62 warns us about the dangers of turning back after committing to follow Christ. Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” This statement reveals the seriousness of remaining steadfast in our Christian walk. Backsliding not only affects our relationship with God but also leads to various negative consequences that can impact every area of our lives.

Understanding the consequences of backsliding is essential because it serves as a warning to every believer. God does not want any of His children to fall away, but He desires that all remain faithful to the end. In this message, we will explore the dangers and effects of backsliding, and why we must remain steadfast in our faith.


When a believer backslides, their connection with God becomes weakened, leading to a loss of intimacy with Him.

  • a) Sin Separates Us from God (Isaiah 59:2)
    Sin creates a barrier between us and God, making it difficult to experience His presence and guidance.

  • b) The Holy Spirit is Grieved (Ephesians 4:30)
    When we backslide, we quench the Holy Spirit’s influence in our lives, making us spiritually dry.

  • c) Prayer Becomes Ineffective (Psalm 66:18)
    A backsliding heart leads to unanswered prayers because sin hinders our communication with God.

  • d) Loss of Joy and Peace (Psalm 51:12)
    The joy of salvation is lost when a believer turns away from God, leading to inner turmoil and guilt.

  • e) Biblical Example: King Saul lost fellowship with God due to his disobedience and later sought guidance from a medium (1 Samuel 28:6-7).


A backslidden believer becomes an easy target for the enemy, as they no longer have the spiritual covering and strength to resist him.

  • a) The Hedge of Protection is Removed (Ecclesiastes 10:8)
    When we backslide, we open doors for the enemy to attack different areas of our lives.

  • b) The Devil Gains a Foothold (Ephesians 4:27)
    Backsliding gives the devil legal access to influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

  • c) Increased Struggles and Battles (Matthew 12:43-45)
    When a believer turns away from God, demonic attacks intensify, leading to greater bondage.

  • d) Loss of Spiritual Authority (Acts 19:13-16)
    A backslidden believer loses their power over the enemy, making them spiritually weak.

  • e) Biblical Example: Samson lost his strength and was captured by his enemies when he compromised his relationship with God (Judges 16:20-21).


Backsliding leads to a gradual hardening of the heart, making repentance more difficult over time.

  • a) Repeated Sin Dulls Spiritual Sensitivity (Hebrews 3:13)
    Sin becomes easier to commit when a person continuously ignores the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

  • b) The Fear of God Diminishes (Romans 1:21-22)
    A backslidden believer loses their reverence for God and begins to justify their sinful actions.

  • c) Lack of Interest in God's Word (Amos 8:11-12)
    A hardened heart leads to disinterest in reading, studying, or obeying the Scriptures.

  • d) Resistance to Correction (Proverbs 29:1)
    Backsliders often reject godly counsel and refuse to acknowledge their need for repentance.

  • e) Biblical Example: Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart against God's warnings, leading to severe judgment (Exodus 9:12).


Backsliding can cause a person to miss out on God’s plan and destiny for their life.

  • a) Loss of Divine Assignments (Revelation 3:11)
    God entrusts responsibilities to those who remain faithful, but backsliders risk being replaced.

  • b) Missed Opportunities for Blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 15)
    Many of God’s promises are conditional on obedience; backsliding leads to forfeiting them.

  • c) A Wasted Life and Lost Potential (Luke 19:20-24)
    A backslidden believer fails to fulfil their calling and may live in regret.

  • d) Loss of Eternal Rewards (2 John 1:8)
    Heaven rewards those who remain faithful, but backsliders risk losing their eternal inheritance.

  • e) Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot was called as a disciple but lost his place due to his betrayal of Jesus (Matthew 27:3-5).


The most dangerous consequence of backsliding is the possibility of eternal separation from God if one fails to repent.

  • a) The Danger of Falling Away Completely (Hebrews 6:4-6)
    Persistent backsliding can lead to a point where repentance becomes difficult.

  • b) Turning Away from Grace (2 Peter 2:20-22)
    A backslider who refuses to return to God is in a worse condition than before they were saved.

  • c) Unbelievers Are Watching (Matthew 5:16)
    A backslidden believer can lead others astray and cause them to reject Christ.

  • d) The Reality of Judgment (Revelation 3:15-16)
    Jesus warns against being lukewarm, stating that He will reject those who do not remain faithful.

  • e) Biblical Example: The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 ignored God’s warnings and ended up in eternal separation from Him.


The consequences of backsliding are severe and should never be taken lightly. It leads to a loss of fellowship with God, vulnerability to the enemy, a hardened heart, disqualification from divine purpose, and, ultimately, the risk of eternal separation from God. Backsliding is not just about falling into sin; it is a dangerous spiritual decline that can have lasting effects on a person’s life and destiny.

However, God is always willing to restore those who genuinely repent and turn back to Him. No matter how far one has fallen, His arms remain open to receive the repentant heart. As believers, we must guard our faith, remain steadfast in prayer and the Word, and stay connected to God so that we do not fall into the trap of backsliding. May the Lord keep us strong in faith until the end.


  1. Father, keep me steadfast in my faith and prevent me from backsliding.
  2. Lord, restore anyone who has fallen away and draw them back to You.
  3. Holy Spirit, convict my heart daily and keep me sensitive to Your leading.
  4. Father, let me not be a victim of spiritual deception or compromise.
  5. Lord, give me the grace to finish my Christian race strong and faithful.


  1. I declare that you shall not fall away; the Lord will uphold you with His mighty hand.
  2. Every attempt of the enemy to draw you away from God’s presence is destroyed in Jesus’ name.
  3. You shall walk in divine purpose and fulfil God’s plan for your life.
  4. The fire of God in your life will never go out; you shall remain passionate for Him.
  5. I decree that your faith will stand firm, and no power shall cause you to backslide.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Corinthians 10:12
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 4:23, Hebrews 2:1, Galatians 5:1, Revelation 3:11, Jude 1:24

The Christian journey is a continuous walk of faith, requiring diligence, commitment, and spiritual vigilance. While God’s grace is available to keep us from falling, believers must also take personal responsibility to guard against backsliding. The Bible warns in 1 Corinthians 10:12, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." This verse highlights the need for constant self-examination, humility, and dependence on God to maintain spiritual stability.

Backsliding does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process that begins with little compromises, neglect of spiritual disciplines, and an increasing comfort with sin. Many people who once burned with zeal for God have found themselves cold and distant because they failed to guard their spiritual lives. The devil is always seeking opportunities to weaken believers, and if one is not intentional about staying strong in faith, they can easily slip into spiritual decline.

However, backsliding is not inevitable. God has provided everything we need to remain steadfast, including His Word, the Holy Spirit, and the fellowship of other believers. By following biblical principles and remaining spiritually alert, we can guard against falling away and continue to grow in our relationship with God. In this message, we will explore practical steps to prevent backsliding and ensure we remain firm in our walk with Christ.


a) Study and Meditate on Scripture Daily (Joshua 1:8)
The Word of God is our spiritual anchor, keeping us firm in the faith. Daily meditation on Scripture strengthens our conviction and prevents us from being deceived by false doctrines.

b) Let the Word of God Renew Your Mind (Romans 12:2)
A transformed mind is less likely to be swayed by worldly influences. The more we fill our minds with God’s truth, the more resistant we become to temptation.

c) Apply the Word in Everyday Life (James 1:22)
Knowledge of the Bible alone is not enough; we must live by it. Practicing the Word strengthens our spiritual resolve and keeps us from drifting away.

d) Use the Word to Resist the Devil (Matthew 4:4-10)
Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations by declaring Scripture. When faced with trials, we must use the Word as our spiritual weapon.

e) Biblical Example: The Berean Christians (Acts 17:11) diligently studied the Scriptures daily, ensuring they remained rooted in the truth and did not fall into deception.


a) Prayer Strengthens Our Spirit (Luke 18:1)
Just as physical exercise strengthens the body, prayer strengthens our spirit. A prayerless Christian is vulnerable to spiritual weakness and backsliding.

b) Pray Without Ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Consistent prayer builds an intimate relationship with God, making it difficult for sin and distractions to take root in our lives.

c) Use Prayer as a Weapon Against Temptation (Matthew 26:41)
Jesus instructed His disciples to watch and pray so they would not fall into temptation. A strong prayer life helps us resist the enemy’s attacks.

d) Pray in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18)
Praying in the Spirit edifies and empowers believers, keeping them spiritually alert and sensitive to God’s leading.

e) Biblical Example: Daniel (Daniel 6:10) remained faithful in prayer despite opposition. His commitment to prayer preserved his faith even in the face of persecution.


a) Do Not Forsake the Assembly of Believers (Hebrews 10:25)
Isolation is dangerous for a believer. Staying connected to a strong Christian community provides encouragement and accountability.

b) Be Accountable to Spiritual Mentors (Proverbs 27:17)
Spiritual mentors and godly friends help keep us on track by correcting, encouraging, and guiding us in our walk with God.

c) Participate Actively in Church Activities (Acts 2:42-47)
Engaging in corporate worship, Bible study, and service in the body of Christ strengthens our faith and keeps us spiritually active.

d) Surround Yourself with Godly Influences (1 Corinthians 15:33)
The company we keep affects our spiritual growth. Associating with ungodly individuals can lead to backsliding, while godly relationships encourage spiritual growth.

e) Biblical Example: The early Church (Acts 2:42) remained strong because they devoted themselves to fellowship, teaching, and prayer.


a) Never Assume You Are Too Strong to Fall (1 Corinthians 10:12)
Overconfidence in one's spiritual strength can lead to a lack of vigilance, making one an easy target for the enemy.

b) Keep a Humble and Teachable Heart (James 4:6-7)
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. A teachable heart remains sensitive to correction and guidance.

c) Examine Yourself Regularly (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Self-examination helps us identify weaknesses and areas where we need spiritual improvement.

d) Stay Spiritually Watchful (Matthew 24:42)
Jesus warned us to watch and be ready because the enemy attacks when we least expect it.

e) Biblical Example: King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16) became proud and fell into sin. His downfall teaches us to remain humble and dependent on God.


a) Seek First the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)
A deep desire for God’s presence keeps our hearts focused on Him rather than worldly distractions.

b) Stay Passionate for the Things of God (Romans 12:11)
Never allow your spiritual zeal to fade. Continual hunger for God keeps your faith alive.

c) Let the Holy Spirit Lead You Daily (Galatians 5:16)
Walking in the Spirit helps us avoid fulfilling the desires of the flesh.

d) Engage in Continuous Spiritual Growth (2 Peter 3:18)
Keep growing in the knowledge of Christ so that your faith remains vibrant.

e) Biblical Example: David (Psalm 63:1) longed for God passionately, ensuring his heart remained aligned with Him.

Guarding against backsliding requires spiritual discipline, vigilance, and intentionality. The devil is always seeking to weaken our faith, but through deep engagement with God’s Word, a fervent prayer life, and staying connected to godly fellowship, we can maintain our spiritual strength. Complacency is a dangerous trap that leads many into spiritual decline, but when we remain humble and constantly examine our walk with God, we can prevent backsliding and stand firm in our faith.

Above all, we must hunger for God daily, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us. No one is immune to spiritual decline, but by applying these biblical principles, we can remain steadfast and finish our Christian race with victory. May the Lord grant us the grace to stay faithful until the end.


1. Lord, keep me spiritually strong and help me to never drift away from Your presence.

2.  Father, create in me a deep hunger for Your Word and a passion for prayer.

3.  Holy Spirit, guide my steps and keep me from spiritual complacency.

4.  Lord, surround me with godly relationships that will strengthen my faith.

5.  Father, I reject every temptation and distraction that can lead me into backsliding.


1.  I declare that you will not fall away from the faith; the Lord will uphold you with His mighty hand.

2.  Every scheme of the enemy to weaken your spiritual life is destroyed in Jesus' name.

3.  You shall remain rooted in the Word of God, and your faith will grow stronger daily.

4.  The fire of prayer in your life will never go out; you shall remain fervent in the Spirit.

5.  I decree that you will finish your Christian race strong, and no power shall pull you down.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Judges 16:20
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 15:23, Proverbs 14:14, Jeremiah 3:22, Luke 22:31-32, Revelation 2:4-5


Backsliding is a spiritual decline where an individual who once walked closely with God gradually drifts away from His presence. The Bible provides several examples of people who fell into backsliding, some of whom were restored, while others faced tragic consequences. Studying their lives gives us valuable lessons on how to remain steadfast in faith and avoid their mistakes.

In this message, we will examine biblical figures who backslid, the reasons behind their spiritual downfall, and the lessons we can learn to guard ourselves against the dangers of backsliding.


  • a) Misplaced Priorities (Judges 14:1-3)
    Samson had a divine calling to deliver Israel from the Philistines, yet he pursued personal pleasures over God's purpose. His attraction to Philistine women, against God's will, showed his misplaced priorities.

  • b) Gradual Desensitisation to Sin (Judges 16:1,4-20)
    Samson repeatedly engaged in relationships that weakened him spiritually. His association with Delilah led to his downfall, as he disregarded the warnings of God.

  • c) Losing the Presence of God (Judges 16:20)
    One of the saddest statements in the Bible is that Samson "did not know that the Lord had departed from him." Backsliding often happens gradually, making it dangerous.

  • d) The Consequence of Backsliding (Judges 16:21)
    Samson lost his strength, his sight, and his freedom. Sin blinds, binds, and grinds its victims, leading them into spiritual captivity.

  • e) Biblical Example: Samson’s story teaches that when we play with sin, we risk losing divine strength and purpose. However, repentance can bring restoration (Judges 16:28-30).


  • a) Partial Obedience is Disobedience (1 Samuel 15:1-3, 9-11)
    Saul was commanded to completely destroy the Amalekites, yet he spared King Agag and the best livestock, thinking he could substitute sacrifice for obedience.

  • b) Pride Leads to Rebellion (1 Samuel 15:17-19)
    Saul became more concerned with his reputation than with obedience to God. Spiritual pride leads to downfall.

  • c) Loss of God's Anointing (1 Samuel 16:14)
    When Saul persisted in disobedience, God's Spirit left him, and an evil spirit tormented him. Disobedience disconnects us from divine covering.

  • d) Seeking Help Outside of God (1 Samuel 28:6-7)
    Instead of repenting, Saul sought guidance from a witch. Turning to worldly solutions instead of God deepens backsliding.

  • e) Biblical Example: Saul's life shows that disobedience can lead to rejection by God. We must learn to walk in total obedience to His word.


  • a) Spiritual Distractions (2 Timothy 4:10)
    Demas was once a co-labourer with Paul but abandoned the ministry because he loved the things of the world more than the things of God.

  • b) Prioritising Worldly Pleasures Over God (1 John 2:15-17)
    Worldly desires and material possessions can cause people to drift away from their faith.

  • c) Gradual Departure (Hebrews 2:1)
    Backsliding does not happen overnight; it starts with little compromises, such as neglecting prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

  • d) Losing Kingdom Focus (Luke 9:62)
    Anyone who starts the journey of faith but looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.

  • e) Biblical Example: Demas' life teaches us that love for the world is a major cause of backsliding. We must remain focused on eternity.


  • a) The Love of Money (John 12:4-6)
    Judas was entrusted with money but was dishonest, stealing from the treasury. Greed blinded him to the true riches in Christ.

  • b) Betrayal for Personal Gain (Matthew 26:14-16)
    Judas' desire for wealth led him to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, a small price compared to the value of his soul.

  • c) Remorse Without Repentance (Matthew 27:3-5)
    Unlike Peter, who repented, Judas felt remorse but did not seek forgiveness. This led him to despair and suicide.

  • d) Wasted Opportunity (Acts 1:16-20)
    Judas walked with Jesus for three years yet lost his place due to his love for money.

  • e) Biblical Example: Judas' life warns us that greed and unrepented sin can lead to destruction. We must guard our hearts against the deceitfulness of riches.


  • a) Overconfidence in Self (Matthew 26:33-35)
    Peter believed he would never deny Jesus, but he relied on his own strength rather than God's grace.

  • b) Fear and Denial (Luke 22:54-62)
    In the face of danger, Peter denied Jesus three times. Fear of persecution can cause backsliding.

  • c) True Repentance Brings Restoration (John 21:15-17)
    Unlike Judas, Peter repented and was restored. Jesus gave him another chance to serve Him.

  • d) Strengthening Others After Restoration (Luke 22:31-32)
    Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail completely. When we repent, we can strengthen others.

  • e) Biblical Example: Peter’s life shows that failure is not final if we turn back to God in repentance.


The stories of these biblical backsliders teach us that backsliding can result from compromise, disobedience, worldliness, greed, or fear. However, there is hope for restoration through genuine repentance. God is always willing to forgive and restore those who return to Him.


  1. Lord, help me to remain steadfast in my faith and never drift away from You.
  2. Father, deliver me from every distraction that can lead me into backsliding.
  3. Lord, fill me with the hunger and thirst for Your Word and Your presence.
  4. Father, restore every spiritual virtue I have lost due to carelessness or sin.
  5. Lord, give me the grace to finish my Christian race strong without falling away.


  1. I declare that you will not be a victim of spiritual downfall; the fire of God in your life will keep burning.
  2. Every power assigned to make you compromise your faith is destroyed in Jesus' name.
  3. You shall walk in total obedience to God's word, and His anointing shall not depart from your life.
  4. Every plan of the enemy to draw you back into sin is frustrated by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  5. I decree that you will be an example of steadfastness, and your walk with God will grow stronger every day.

This message serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of backsliding and the importance of staying faithful to God. May the Lord strengthen us to walk steadfastly in Him.



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Jeremiah 2:19

"Your own wickedness will correct you, and your backslidings will rebuke you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken the Lord your God, and the fear of Me is not in you, says the Lord God of hosts."

Supporting Texts:

  • Proverbs 14:14
  • Hebrews 10:38-39
  • Matthew 24:12
  • 2 Peter 2:20-22
  • Galatians 6:9


Backsliding is a spiritual decline where a believer who once walked closely with God gradually drifts away from faith, obedience, and intimacy with the Lord. It does not happen suddenly but is a result of small compromises, neglect of spiritual disciplines, and yielding to sinful desires.

Jeremiah 2:19 reveals that backsliding carries consequences, serving as a rebuke and correction for those who forsake God. However, God is merciful and always calls His children to return to Him. In this sermon, we will examine the major causes of backsliding and how believers can overcome them to remain steadfast in their walk with God.


A Christian who neglects prayer and Bible study weakens spiritually, making them vulnerable to backsliding.

a) Lack of a Consistent Prayer Life (Luke 18:1)

When a believer stops praying, they disconnect from divine strength, making them susceptible to spiritual attacks.

b) Neglect of Bible Study and Meditation (Joshua 1:8)

Without regular study of God’s Word, a believer lacks spiritual nourishment and direction.

c) Failure to Fellowship with Other Believers (Hebrews 10:25)

Isolation from the church weakens a Christian, making them an easy target for the enemy.

d) Lack of Fasting and Seeking God’s Presence (Matthew 17:21)

A lack of spiritual discipline results in spiritual dryness and loss of fire.

e) Biblical Example: The Disciples in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:40-41)

They failed to watch and pray, leading to weakness and fear when faced with trials.

How to Overcome:

  • Develop a daily habit of prayer, Bible study, and worship.
  • Surround yourself with godly influences and remain active in Christian fellowship.
  • Cultivate a personal altar of fasting and seeking God’s face.


A believer who prioritises worldly things over God is on a path to backsliding.

a) Desire for Wealth Over God (1 Timothy 6:10)

The pursuit of riches and material success can lead a believer away from God.

b) Compromise with Worldly Lifestyles (Romans 12:2)

When a Christian begins to adopt worldly values, their spiritual strength declines.

c) Spending More Time on Carnal Activities than Spiritual Growth (Colossians 3:2)

An obsession with entertainment, social media, and pleasures weakens spiritual appetite.

d) Associating with Ungodly Influences (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Wrong friendships can corrupt good character and lead to moral decay.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)

Demas forsook Paul and the ministry because he loved the things of this world.

How to Overcome:

  • Seek first the Kingdom of God, making Him your priority.
  • Avoid friendships, habits, and environments that draw you into worldliness.
  • Be content with what God has provided and trust Him for your needs.


Unforgiveness and bitterness create an entry point for the devil to lead a believer into backsliding.

a) Holding Grudges Against Others (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Bitterness hardens the heart and quenches the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer’s life.

b) Allowing Offense to Grow into Hatred (Matthew 5:23-24)

A person who does not resolve conflicts quickly opens the door to sin.

c) Unforgiveness Blocks God's Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15)

God will not forgive those who refuse to forgive others.

d) Bitterness Leads to Rebellion (Hebrews 12:15)

A bitter heart eventually turns against God and His people.

e) Biblical Example: Cain (Genesis 4:3-8)

Cain’s jealousy and bitterness against Abel led him to commit murder.

How to Overcome:

  • Choose to forgive others, knowing that God has forgiven you.
  • Release offenses quickly, praying for those who hurt you.
  • Guard your heart against resentment by focusing on God’s love.


Sinful habits that are not dealt with can lead to full-blown backsliding.

a) Entertaining Lustful Thoughts (James 1:14-15)

Sin starts as a thought before it turns into an action.

b) Making Excuses for Sinful Habits (Romans 6:12-14)

A backsliding Christian no longer sees sin as dangerous.

c) Disregarding Conviction of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)

Repeated disobedience dulls a believer’s conscience.

d) Gradually Returning to Old Sins (2 Peter 2:20-22)

Going back to old sinful habits indicates spiritual decline.

e) Biblical Example: Samson (Judges 16:1-21)

He kept playing with sin until he lost his strength and God’s presence.

How to Overcome:

  • Resist temptation immediately by fleeing from sinful environments.
  • Confess and forsake any sinful habits before they take root.
  • Seek godly accountability from a mentor or spiritual leader.


When trials and challenges come, some believers lose faith and turn away from God.

a) Losing Trust in God’s Promises (Hebrews 10:23)

Doubt weakens faith and leads to discouragement.

b) Allowing Trials to Shake Your Faith (James 1:2-3)

A backsliding Christian sees trials as punishment rather than a test of faith.

c) Spiritual Weariness and Giving Up (Galatians 6:9)

When believers grow tired of serving God, they risk falling away.

d) Listening to the Lies of the Enemy (John 8:44)

The devil deceives believers into thinking that God has abandoned them.

e) Biblical Example: Peter (Luke 22:31-34, 54-62)

Peter denied Jesus out of fear but was later restored.

How to Overcome:

  • Strengthen your faith by standing on God’s Word and His promises.
  • See trials as opportunities for spiritual growth.
  • Surround yourself with faith-building influences and testimonies.


Backsliding is a gradual process that happens when a believer neglects spiritual disciplines, compromises with sin, or allows distractions to take the place of God. However, God’s mercy is always available to restore those who repent.

If you have identified any of these causes in your life, it is time to return to God, seek His forgiveness, and renew your commitment to Him. He is always ready to receive His children with open arms.


  1. Lord, restore my spiritual fire and keep me from backsliding.
  2. Father, deliver me from every form of compromise and sin.
  3. Lord, help me to stay committed to prayer, the Word, and fellowship.
  4. Father, break every attachment to worldly pleasures in my life.
  5. Lord, give me a forgiving heart and remove every bitterness.


  1. You shall not fall into backsliding; the Lord will uphold you!
  2. Every distraction pulling you away from God is broken now!
  3. Your faith shall be strengthened, and you will walk in divine victory!
  4. You shall overcome every temptation and live a life of holiness!
  5. The fire of revival shall burn in your heart continually!




By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Proverbs 14:14

"The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself."

Supporting Texts:

  • Hebrews 10:38-39
  • 2 Peter 2:20-22
  • Revelation 2:4-5
  • Jeremiah 3:22
  • Luke 9:62


Backsliding is a spiritual condition where a believer, who once walked closely with God, begins to drift away from their faith, devotion, and righteous living. It does not happen overnight but is often a gradual process of neglecting prayer, the Word, and fellowship with God.

The Bible warns us about the dangers of backsliding because it leads to spiritual weakness, loss of divine favour, and, ultimately, destruction if not repented of. Many people in the Bible, including Samson, Saul, and Demas, fell into backsliding and paid dearly for it.

In this sermon, we will explore what backsliding is, its causes, signs, and consequences, as well as the pathway to restoration.


Backsliding means turning away from God and returning to a former state of spiritual decline.

a) Backsliding Is a Gradual Departure from God (Hebrews 2:1)

Most people do not fall into sin suddenly; it begins with small compromises and spiritual neglect.

b) Backsliding Starts in the Heart (Proverbs 14:14)

Before a person openly turns away from God, their heart has already drifted from Him.

c) Backsliding Can Happen to Anyone (1 Corinthians 10:12)

Even strong believers must be vigilant because the enemy constantly seeks to weaken our faith.

d) Backsliding Leads to a Hardened Heart (Hebrews 3:12-13)

When a person keeps resisting the Holy Spirit, their heart becomes callous and insensitive to God.

e) Biblical Example: Demas (2 Timothy 4:10)

Demas, once a co-labourer of Paul, forsook the faith because he loved the world more than God.


Backsliding has many causes, but they often stem from negligence and spiritual carelessness.

a) Loss of First Love (Revelation 2:4-5)

When our passion for God declines, backsliding is inevitable.

b) Neglect of Prayer and the Word (Psalm 119:11)

Without daily fellowship with God through His Word and prayer, we become spiritually weak.

c) Wrong Company and Influence (1 Corinthians 15:33)

The people we associate with can either strengthen our faith or lead us away from God.

d) Disobedience and Compromise (James 4:4)

Compromising with sin and disobedience to God’s commands gradually weakens our spiritual life.

e) Biblical Example: Solomon’s Spiritual Decline (1 Kings 11:1-4)

Despite his wisdom, Solomon’s love for foreign women led him into idolatry and backsliding.


Backsliding does not always manifest immediately, but there are clear warning signs.

a) Loss of Spiritual Hunger (Psalm 63:1)

A backslider no longer desires God’s presence or enjoys fellowship with Him.

b) Indifference to Sin (Romans 6:1-2)

A person who is backsliding becomes comfortable with sinful behaviours.

c) Inconsistent Prayer and Bible Study Life (Luke 18:1)

A prayerless and wordless Christian is a powerless and backsliding Christian.

d) Avoidance of Christian Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25)

When people stop attending church or fellowshipping with believers, it is a sign of spiritual decline.

e) Biblical Example: Peter’s Denial of Christ (Luke 22:54-62)

Peter distanced himself from Jesus, and this led to his denial of Christ three times.


The dangers of backsliding are severe, affecting both our spiritual and physical lives.

a) Loss of God’s Presence (Judges 16:20)

When we turn away from God, His presence departs, leaving us vulnerable.

b) Vulnerability to Satanic Attacks (Luke 11:24-26)

Backsliders become easy targets for demonic oppression and bondage.

c) Hardening of the Heart (Romans 1:28)

A backslider who refuses to repent may reach a point where they no longer feel convicted.

d) Loss of Eternal Reward and Inheritance (Revelation 3:11)

Backsliding can lead to the loss of divine blessings, rewards, and even eternal life if not repented of.

e) Biblical Example: Saul’s Downfall (1 Samuel 16:14)

Saul’s disobedience led to his rejection by God and the loss of his kingship.


God is merciful and willing to restore those who genuinely repent and seek Him.

a) Acknowledge Your Condition (Jeremiah 3:22)

Recognising that you have backslidden is the first step towards restoration.

b) Confess and Repent of Sin (1 John 1:9)

Genuine repentance means turning away from sin and returning wholeheartedly to God.

c) Restore Your Prayer and Bible Study Life (Joshua 1:8)

Spending time with God in His Word and prayer strengthens our faith and relationship with Him.

d) Surround Yourself with Godly Influences (Psalm 1:1-3)

Fellowshipping with godly believers will encourage and strengthen your walk with God.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24)

The prodigal son realised his mistake, repented, and was joyfully restored by his father.


Backsliding is a serious danger that every believer must guard against. It often starts subtly, but if not addressed, it leads to spiritual destruction. The Bible warns us to remain steadfast, vigilant, and committed to our walk with God.

However, God’s mercy is always available for those who repent and return to Him. If you have drifted away, today is the day to seek restoration. Do not delay, for tomorrow is not promised. Let us strive to remain faithful and stand firm in our faith until the end.


  1. Lord, keep my heart steadfast in You and away from backsliding.
  2. Father, deliver me from every spiritual lukewarmness and complacency.
  3. Lord, ignite my passion for prayer, the Word, and fellowship.
  4. Father, separate me from ungodly influences that lead me away from You.
  5. Lord, restore every spiritual virtue I have lost.
  6. Father, renew my love and devotion for You.
  7. Lord, strengthen me to resist every temptation that leads to backsliding.
  8. Father, help me to walk in obedience and holiness daily.
  9. Lord, let my relationship with You grow deeper and stronger.
  10. Father, give me grace to finish my race with faithfulness and perseverance.


  1. You shall not fall into backsliding; the Lord will keep you standing!
  2. Your love for God will remain strong and unshaken!
  3. No power of darkness shall pull you away from God!
  4. The fire of revival shall burn in your heart always!
  5. You will be a vessel of honour in God's kingdom!
  6. Every lost spiritual virtue in your life shall be restored!
  7. The enemy shall not rejoice over your spiritual downfall!
  8. Your testimony of faith shall never be cut short!
  9. You will walk in holiness, righteousness, and obedience all your days!
  10. You shall finish your race strong and receive your eternal reward!
