Saturday 31 August 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro 

Key Text: Psalm 126:1-3
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad."

As we step into the month of September, we declare it as our "Month of Testimonies." A testimony is a public declaration of what God has done, a witness to His goodness, mercy, and power. It is a powerful tool that brings glory to God, encourages others, and defeats the enemy (Revelation 12:11). This month, we expect God to do great and mighty things that will lead to undeniable testimonies in our lives.

Testimonies are powerful because they remind us of God's faithfulness and His ability to change situations. In the Bible, testimonies often followed a significant act of God, serving as a record of His mighty deeds and a source of encouragement for future generations.

- David’s Testimony:
 When David faced Goliath, he testified of God’s past deliverances, saying, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37). His confidence was rooted in what God had done before, and it became the basis for his victory over Goliath.

Just like David, our testimonies this month will be born out of divine interventions. We serve a God who specializes in turning situations around, and in September, we believe God will intervene in impossible situations to bring about miracles.

- Example of Hannah:
In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah was barren and ridiculed, but she sought the Lord earnestly. God intervened in her situation, and she testified, "For this child I prayed; and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him" (1 Samuel 1:27). Her barrenness was turned into fruitfulness, and her sorrow into joy.

God is a God of sudden turnarounds. He changes situations suddenly to display His power and glory. This month, expect God to turn things around in your favour.

- Example of the Woman with the Issue of Blood:
For twelve years, the woman with the issue of blood had suffered greatly, but her situation turned around suddenly when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment (Mark 5:25-34). She testified before the crowd, and her testimony became a source of hope for others.

4. September: A Month of Open Doors
This month, God will open doors that no man can shut. Doors of favour, healing, restoration, and breakthrough will be opened unto us, leading to testimonies that will shock and inspire many.

- Example of Paul and Silas:
 In Acts 16:25-34, Paul and Silas were imprisoned, but as they prayed and sang hymns, God opened the doors of the prison. Their miraculous release led to the salvation of the jailer and his household. It was a testimony of God’s power to save and deliver.

   - Pray with Expectation:
 James 5:16b tells us that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Just as Hannah prayed with faith and expectation, we must also pray, believing that God will answer.

   - Speak Words of Faith: 
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Declare this month as your month of testimonies.

   - Obey God’s Instructions: 
The widow of Zarephath received her testimony because she obeyed the prophet Elijah’s instructions (1 Kings 17:8-16). Our obedience to God’s Word and promptings can lead to great testimonies.

Your testimony is not just for you; it is to encourage others and point them to God. When God answers your prayers, do not keep it to yourself. Share your testimony, as it will build the faith of others and bring them closer to God.

- The Testimony of the Blind Man:
 In John 9, after Jesus healed the man who was born blind, his testimony, “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25), became a powerful witness to the Pharisees and others.

As we journey through this month, let us expect God to move mightily on our behalf. September shall indeed be our "Month of Testimonies." Like the Psalmist in Psalm 126:3, we will declare, “The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.” Be ready to share your testimony and give God all the glory!

1. Pray for God’s divine intervention in every area of your life that needs a testimony.
2. Declare that this September will be your month of undeniable testimonies.
3. Pray for the grace to remain obedient, faithful, and expectant as God brings about your breakthrough.


1. I declare that September is my month of testimonies!  Every day of this month, I will experience the goodness and mercy of God in new and unexpected ways. I shall testify of His greatness in my life!

2. I declare that every closed door is now opened in Jesus' name! Divine opportunities, favour, and breakthroughs are my portion this month. What was impossible in previous months shall become possible now.

3. I declare divine intervention in every situation that seems hopeless! Just as God intervened for Hannah, David, Paul and Silas, I declare that God is turning my situation around for His glory. What was meant for my harm shall be turned into a testimony of God's power.

4. I declare that my enemies shall be confounded by my testimonies! Every plot, scheme, and plan of the enemy against my life and destiny is destroyed. God will prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies, and my cup shall overflow with blessings.

5. I declare supernatural health and healing over my body, soul, and spirit!  Any form of sickness, disease, or infirmity is cast out in the name of Jesus. I shall testify of divine health this month.

6. I declare that financial breakthroughs are mine in September!  Lack and debt have no place in my life. I receive divine provision, abundance, and financial wisdom to prosper in every area.

7. I declare that my family is blessed, protected, and favoured by God! No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us in judgment is condemned. This is our heritage as servants of the Lord.

8. I declare that I am walking in divine wisdom, understanding, and discernment!  I will make decisions that align with God's will for my life, and my steps are ordered by the Lord.

9. I declare that September is a month of divine speed and acceleration!  What has been delayed, denied, or deferred in my life will be accomplished swiftly by the hand of God. I will recover lost time and opportunities in Jesus' name.

10. I declare that I am a vessel for God’s glory and testimonies! As I testify of God’s goodness, many shall come to know Him, and my life will be a light that shines brightly, drawing others to Christ.

11. I declare that every battle over my life is won in Jesus' name!   I am more than a conqueror through Christ, and I will see the manifestation of God's victory in every area of my life.

12. I declare that my testimony will be complete, perfect, and undeniable!  What God has started in my life, He will complete, and I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

13. I declare that I am stepping into a new season of joy, peace, and rest! Just as the Psalmist said, "The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad," so shall my mouth be filled with laughter and my tongue with songs of joy.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!


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