Sunday 11 August 2024



"God will make a way" is a phrase based on various scriptural passages that convey God's promise to provide a path forward, even in challenging situations. 

1. *Isaiah 43:19* - "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

2. *Exodus 14:13-14* - "And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord... The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace."

3. *Proverbs 3:5-6* - "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."


- God is the initiator, promising to create a new path or way (Isaiah 43:19).
- God's way may involve unexpected or miraculous solutions (Exodus 14:13-14).
- Trusting God and acknowledging Him in all circumstances is crucial (Proverbs 3:5-6).
- God's ways are higher than our understanding, and His path may not always be clear (Isaiah 55:8-9).


- When facing challenges or uncertainty, trust God to make a way.
- Stand still and let God work (Exodus 14:13-14).
- Acknowledge God in all aspects of life, and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
- Remember, God's ways are higher than yours, and His plan may surprise you (Isaiah 55:8-9).


Here are some powerful biblical examples of God making a way in difficult situations:

1.  Parting the Red Sea_ (Exodus 14:13-14): God made a way for the Israelites to escape the pursuing Egyptian army by dividing the sea.

2.  Daniel in the Lion's Den_ (Daniel 6:19-23): God shut the lions' mouths, protecting Daniel from harm.

3.  Three Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace_ (Daniel 3:19-25): God walked with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the furnace, saving them from the flames.

4.  David and Goliath_ (1 Samuel 17:45-50): God gave David victory over the giant Goliath, making a way for the Israelites to defeat the Philistines.

5.  The Walls of Jericho_ (Joshua 6:1-27): God made a way for the Israelites to conquer Jericho by crumbling the city walls.

6.  Peter Walking on Water_ (Matthew 14:22-33): Jesus made a way for Peter to walk on water, defying natural laws.

7.  Paul's Shipwreck_ (Acts 27:1-44): God made a way for Paul and the crew to survive the shipwreck, even when all hope seemed lost.

8. The Israelites' Wilderness Journey_ (Exodus 16:1-36, Numbers 20:1-13): God provided manna, water, and guidance for the Israelites during their 40-year wilderness journey.

9. Elijah and the Widow (1 Kings 17:1-16): God made a way for Elijah and the widow to survive the famine by multiplying food.

10. Jesus' Resurrection_(Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-49, John 20:1-21:25): God made a way for Jesus to conquer death and rise from the grave, offering salvation to all.

Trusting God to make a way involves:

1. _Faith_: Believing in God's power and love, even when circumstances seem impossible (Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 37:3-5).

2. _Surrender_: Letting go of control and trusting God's sovereignty (Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 55:8-9).

3. _Patience_: Waiting on God's timing and plan, even when it's difficult (Psalm 27:14, Isaiah 40:31).

4. _Prayer_: Seeking God's guidance and wisdom (Philippians 4:6-7, James 1:5).

5. _Obedience_: Following God's leading, even when it's challenging (John 10:27, Psalm 119:105).

6. _Hope_: Holding onto God's promises and goodness, even in darkness (Psalm 23:4, Romans 8:28).

7. _Perseverance_: Continuing to trust God, even when faced with obstacles (Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4).

8. _Gratitude_: Thanking God for His past faithfulness and provision (Psalm 100:4-5, 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

9. _Community_: Surrounding yourself with encouraging believers who trust God (Hebrews 10:24-25, Galatians 6:2).

10. _Remembering God's faithfulness_: Reflecting on God's past provision and care (Psalm 77:11-12, Isaiah 46:9-10).

In conclusion, trusting God to make a way is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. Through scripture, we see numerous examples of God's power and love in making a way for His people in impossible situations. By applying biblical principles, such as faith, surrender, patience, prayer, obedience, hope, perseverance, gratitude, community, and remembering God's faithfulness, we can trust God to make a way in our own lives.

Remember, God's ways are higher than ours, and His plan may surprise us. But with trust and obedience, we can walk in confidence, knowing that God is making a way for us.

Here are some prayer points for God to make a way:

1. _Dear God, make a way for me in this impossible situation_ (Isaiah 43:19).

2. _Lord, guide me through the wilderness and bring me to a place of abundance_ (Psalm 23:4, Exodus 16:1-36).

3. _God, open doors of opportunity and make a way for my breakthrough_ (Revelation 3:8, Colossians 4:3).

4. _Father, intervene in my circumstances and make a way where there seems to be no way_ (Exodus 14:13-14, Isaiah 43:19).

5. _Lord, give me wisdom and discernment to navigate this challenging path_ (James 1:5, Proverbs 2:6).

6. _God, provide for my needs and make a way for my financial breakthrough_ (Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:25-34).

7. _Lord, protect me from harm and make a way for my safety_ (Psalm 91, Isaiah 43:2).

8. _Father, make a way for my healing and restoration_ (Psalm 103:2-3, Jeremiah 30:17).

9. _God, give me strength and courage to trust You to make a way_ (Psalm 28:7, Joshua 1:9).

10. _Lord, make a way for my dreams and desires to be fulfilled according to Your will_ (Psalm 37:3-5, Proverbs 16:3).

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