Monday 26 August 2024



Text: Micah 7:6, Matthew 10:36

by Rev Samuel Arimoro

Household enemies are often the most dangerous because they are close to us, know our weaknesses, and can exploit our trust. The Bible highlights the reality of such enemies and provides us with wisdom on how to deal with them. In this sermon, we will explore the nature of household enemies, how they operate, and how to overcome them through the power of God.

   - Definition:
Household enemies refer to those within our family or close circle who act against us, whether out of jealousy, rivalry, or other harmful motives.
   - Biblical Examples:
     - Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:3-8):
The first example of household enmity. Cain, out of jealousy, killed his brother Abel.
     - Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37:3-28:
Joseph’s brothers were envious of his dreams and the favour he had with their father, leading them to plot against him.
     - David and His Son Absalom (2 Samuel 15:1-14):
Absalom, driven by ambition and revenge, sought to overthrow his father, King David.
   - Spiritual Implication: Household enemies are often driven by spiritual forces that seek to disrupt God’s plans and purposes for your life.

   - Traits and Tactics:

     - Jealousy and Envy:
They are unhappy with your success or blessings (1 Samuel 18:6-9).

     - Betrayal:
They may act as friends or allies but secretly plot against you (Psalm 41:9).

     - Sowing Discord:
They create division and strife within the family or close circle (Proverbs 6:16-19).

   - Discernment:
Ask God for the discernment to identify household enemies without becoming paranoid or distrustful of everyone around you.

   - Prayer and Fasting:

     - Seek God’s Protection:
Pray for God’s protection and guidance (Psalm 91:1-16).

     - Spiritual Warfare:
Engage in spiritual warfare, recognizing that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12).

   - Forgiveness and Wisdom:

     - Forgive Them:
Even though they may have wronged you, forgive them as Christ commands (Matthew 6:14-15).
     - Be Wise:
Jesus advised His disciples to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16). This means being cautious and prudent in dealing with household enemies.
   - Trust in God’s Justice:

     - Vengeance Belongs to God:
Do not take matters into your own hands; trust that God will bring justice in His time (Romans 12:19).

     - God’s Plan Prevails:
No matter how much household enemies plot against you, God’s plan for your life will prevail if you remain faithful to Him (Genesis 50:20).


   - Stay Focused on Your Purpose:
Like Joseph, despite the opposition, stay focused on God’s calling for your life (Genesis 50:20).

   -Walk in Love:
Overcome evil with good by continuing to walk in love, even toward those who oppose you (Romans 12:21).

   - Divine Intervention:
Pray for God’s intervention, as He can turn the hearts of your enemies or remove them from your life (Proverbs 16:7).

Household enemies can be a significant challenge, but through prayer, wisdom, and trust in God, we can overcome them. Remember that God is your protector and avenger. Stay focused on His promises, and let Him handle the battles you face within your household. Ultimately, God will turn what the enemy meant for evil into something good in your life.


1.  Household enemies troubling me and my family, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

2.  Household powers that have vowed to bring me back to square one receive destruction in the name of Jesus.

3.  Household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, die in the name of Jesus.

4.  Every evil hand of unrepentant household wickedness upon my life, catch fire, in Jesus' name.

5   Every domestic power practising witchcraft operation for my sake, be destroyed in Jesus' name.

6.  By the power in the blood of Jesus, I destroy every power cutting off my expectations whenever good things come near me, in the name of Jesus.

7.  Any wicked strongman in my family that has sold off my virtues for their benefits, I speak destruction into your life, return my virtues, in Jesus' name.

8.  Any wicked siblings, cousins, or nephews, that are working against my breakthroughs, repent and be disgraced by thunder, in Jesus's name.

9.  Blood of Jesus deliver me from every power determined to destroy me because of the wickedness of my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.

10.  Every evil yoke kept in place in my life by household wickedness, break by fire, in Jesus name.

11.  I declare by the power in the blood of Jesus, that powers mocking me shall gather to celebrate me this year in the name of Jesus.

12.  Every good door in my life closed by household enemies powers, open by fire, in the name of Jesus.

13.  Every power that wants to counter attack, regroup and reinforce against me as a result of my prayers catch fire and die in the name of Jesus.

14.  Every power saying over their dead body will I prosper, it is now time for me to prosper therefore fall down and die, in Jesus name.

15.  By the power in the blood of Jesus, I release myself from all problems originating from parental wickedness, in the name of Jesus.

16.  Every power that does not want me to raise my head, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil pit prepared for me by household wickedness powers swallow your digger, in Jesus name.

17.  Polygamous witchcraft in my family assigned to manipulate my glory and exchange my stars, receive the arrow of death, in Jesus name.

18.  The spirit of marital wickedness disgracing marriages in my family, I arrest you today, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

19.  Household enemies sending weekly arrows into my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

20.  Whatever the household witchcraft powers are using to control me, catch fire, in Jesus name.

21.  You household witches and wizards using the cobwebs to block and divert my destiny, you are a liar, catch fire, and roast to ashes, in Jesus name.

22.  Blood of Jesus overshadow my foundation, in the name of Jesus.

23.  Curses on my ancestral lines delaying the manifestations of my breakthrough, by the blood of Jesus, break and release me, in Jesus name.

24.  Any wicked woman waging war against me from the village, city and town, be disgraced and let me go, in Jesus name.

25.  Every evil power pursuing me from my roots, turn back and catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

26.  Witchcraft pattern affecting my stars, break by fire, in Jesus name

27.  Every spirit of backwardness in my bloodline, die by fire, in Jesus name

28.  Blood of Jesus flow through my family history and purge every demonic practice, in Jesus name.

29.  Every covenant under which my family labour, be broken by the blood of Jesus.

30.   O God expose any household powers pouring evil charms on the rope where I dried my clothes, in the name of Jesus.

Final Prayer
Lord, give us the strength to deal with household enemies with wisdom and love. Protect us from harm, and let Your justice prevail in every situation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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