Thursday 22 August 2024


TEXT: Daniel 1:8-16

Welcome to today's sermon, "Ten Times Better"! We're exploring the story of Daniel and his friends, who dared to trust God amid challenging circumstances. Despite being surrounded by a culture that didn't share their values, they chose to obey God and trust in His provision.

As we delve into their story, we'll discover four key principles that enabled them to become "ten times better" in various areas of their lives. These principles will encourage and empower us to do the same, even in the face of adversity.

So, let's dive in and learn from Daniel and his friends how to:

1. Resolve to obey God, no matter the cost
2. Trust in God's provision, even when it seems impossible
3. Become "ten times better" in wisdom, knowledge, and physical health
4. Stand out in a crowd, shining as beacons of God's light

Get ready to be inspired and challenged to become "ten times better" in your own life!


Daniel and his friends made a conscious decision to obey God, despite the pressure to conform to the king's demands. They:

1. Refused to compromise their values (Daniel 1:8)
2. Asked for permission to follow their convictions (Daniel 1:11-13)
3. Trusted God for the outcome (Daniel 1:14-16)

A.   Biblical examples of resolving to obey God:

1. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:1-30) - refused to worship the king's idol
2. Peter and John (Acts 4:1-22) - continued to preach despite being forbidden by the authorities
3. Noah (Genesis 6:1-22) - obeyed God's instructions to build the ark, despite ridicule and opposition

B.    Key takeaways:

1. Obedience to God requires courage and conviction
2. Trusting God's sovereignty and provision is essential
3. Compromising our values can lead to spiritual compromise

C   Questions for reflection:

1. What are some areas where you feel pressured to compromise your values?
2. How can you resolve to obey God in those areas?
3. What are some examples of times when you trusted God and saw His provision?

II.     TRUSTING GOD'S PROVISION (Daniel 1:11-14)

Daniel and his friends trusted God to provide for their needs, and He did! They:

1. Asked for a test period to prove God's provision (Daniel 1:11-13)
2. Trusted God for their physical and mental well-being (Daniel 1:12)
3. Saw God's provision and blessing (Daniel 1:14-16)

A.  Biblical examples of trusting God's provision:

1. Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17:1-16) - trusted God for food and water during a famine.
2. Jesus and the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21) - trusted God to multiply food.
3. Paul and his companions (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) - trusted God for provision during persecution.

B.   Key takeaways:
1. Trusting God's provision requires faith and surrender
2. God's provision often exceeds our expectations
3. Trusting God's provision can lead to greater faith and obedience

C.  Questions for reflection:

1. What are some areas where you struggle to trust God's provision?
2. How can you surrender your needs to God and trust His provision?
3. What are some examples of times when you saw God's provision in your life?


Daniel and his friends became "ten times better" in:
1. Wisdom (insight and understanding)
2. Knowledge (awareness and perception)
3. Physical health (appearance and vitality)

This was a result of:
1. Trusting God's provision (Daniel 1:11-14)
2. Obeying God's principles (Daniel 1:8-10)
3. Seeking God's wisdom (Daniel 1:17-20)

A   Biblical example of becoming "ten times better":
1. Joseph's promotion (Genesis 41:1-57) - from slave to ruler
2. David's anointing (1 Samuel 16:1-13) - from shepherd to king
3. Peter's transformation (Matthew 4:18-22, Acts 2:1-47) - from fisherman to apostle

B.   Key takeaways:

1. Trusting and obeying God leads to exponential growth
2. God's blessing and favor can make us "ten times better"
3. Seeking God's wisdom is essential for transformation

C.   Questions for reflection:

1. What areas of your life do you want to become "ten times better"?
2. How can you trust God's provision and obey His principles to see growth?
3. What steps can you take to seek God's wisdom and transformation?

IV.   STANDING OUT IN A CROWD (Daniel 1:17-20)

Daniel and his friends stood out in a crowd because:
1. They had a unique relationship with God (Daniel 1:17)
2. They possessed exceptional wisdom and knowledge (Daniel 1:17)
3. They demonstrated extraordinary courage and conviction (Daniel 1:10-16)

As a result, they:
1. Caught the attention of the king (Daniel 1:18-20)
2. Received favor and recognition (Daniel 1:19-20)
3. Became influential leaders (Daniel 2:1-49, 5:1-31)

A .   Biblical examples of standing out in a crowd:

1. Noah's obedience (Genesis 6:1-22) - stood out in a corrupt generation
2. Joseph's integrity (Genesis 39:1-23) - stood out in a foreign land
3. Esther's courage (Esther 4:1-17) - stood out in a hostile environment

B.  Key takeaways:
1. A genuine relationship with God makes us stand out
2. Exceptional wisdom, knowledge, and courage set us apart
3. Standing out in a crowd can lead to greater influence and impact

C.  Questions for reflection:

1. How do you stand out in your crowd?
2. What unique qualities or strengths do you possess?
3. How can you use your exceptional qualities to make a greater impact?

The story of Daniel and his friends teaches us that when we resolve to obey God, trust in His provision, and seek His wisdom, we can become "ten times better" in every area of our lives.

As we conclude, remember that:

- God's ways are higher than ours, and His plans are to prosper us, not harm us (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Trusting God's provision leads to exponential growth and blessing (Matthew 6:33)
- Standing out in a crowd for God's sake can lead to greater influence and impact (Matthew 5:14-16)

Let's apply the principles we've learned today:
- Resolve to obey God, no matter the cost
- Trust in God's provision, even when it seems impossible
- Seek God's wisdom to become "ten times better"
- Stand out in a crowd, shining as beacons of God's light

May God bless you and make you "ten times better" in every area of your life, for His glory and your good! (Jeremiah 17:7-8)


1. Lord, help me to resolve to obey You, no matter the cost.

2. I trust in Your provision, Lord, even when it seems impossible.

3. Give me wisdom, Lord, to become "ten times better" in every area of my life.

4. Help me to stand out in a crowd, shining as a beacon of Your light.

5. Lord, I surrender my fears and doubts to You, and trust in Your sovereignty.

6. Give me courage to take a stand for You, even in the face of adversity.

7. Lord, I ask for Your blessing and favor to rest upon me.

8. Help me to be a light in the darkness, sharing Your love with those around me.

9. Lord, I thank You for Your faithfulness and goodness in my life.

10. Use me, Lord, to make a greater impact for Your kingdom.


1. I declare that I am entering a season of exponential growth and blessing.

2. I am becoming ten times better in every area of my life, by God's power and grace.

3. God's provision and wisdom are mine, and I trust in Him completely.

4. I stand out as a beacon of God's light in the darkness, shining bright for all to see.

5. I am courageous and faithful, obeying God's word and standing firm in my convictions.

6. God's favor and blessing rest upon me, and I expect abundant harvests.

7. I am a light in the darkness, sharing God's love with those around me.

8. I am used mightily for God's kingdom, making a lasting impact.

9. I receive God's promise of a hundredfold return, and I walk in the abundance of His goodness.

10. I am ten times better, in every way, in Jesus' name - spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially!

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