Sunday 18 August 2024


Title: Arise and Shine: Embracing God's Light in a Dark World

Good morning, beloved congregation. Today, we will be delving into the powerful message found in Isaiah 60:1 - "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." This verse is a call to action for us as believers to rise up, shine brightly, and embrace the light of God's glory in a world that can often feel dark and challenging.


1. The Call to Arise: The world we live in can be filled with darkness - confusion, despair, and challenges can sometimes overshadow the light of God. However, Isaiah reminds us that we are not meant to succumb to this darkness. We are called to rise up, to stand firm in our faith, and to not let the troubles of this world bring us down.

2. The Call to Shine: As we rise, we are called to shine. What does it mean to shine? It means to let the light of God's love, grace, and truth radiate through us. When we shine, we become beacons of hope and inspiration to those around us. Our actions, words, and attitudes can make a significant impact on others, guiding them towards the light of God.

3. Your Light Has Come: The verse reminds us that our light has come - the light of God's glory is within us. We do not have to rely on our own strength or abilities to shine. It is the light of God within us that empowers us to overcome darkness and to be a light to others. We are reminded that we are children of the light, and we have a divine purpose to fulfill in this world.

4. The Glory of the Lord Rises Upon You: As we embrace the call to arise and shine, we are promised that the glory of the Lord will rise upon us. This is a powerful assurance that God's presence, power, and favor are with us as we step out in faith and obedience. We can take comfort in knowing that we are never alone, and that God's light will always guide us on our journey.


In conclusion, the message of Isaiah 60:1 is a reminder to all believers to embrace the light of God's glory, to rise above the darkness of this world, and to shine brightly for all to see. As we go forth from this place today, let us remember our calling to be lights in a dark world, to bring hope, love, and truth to a world in need. Let us embrace the light of God within us and let it shine brightly for His glory.

May we all arise and shine, for our light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon us. Amen.

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