Tuesday 20 August 2024



Text 1 Samuel 18:6-15:


- Success is not just about achieving our goals, but also about the impact it has on those around us.
- In 1 Samuel 18:6-15, we see how David's success terrified his enemy, King Saul.
- Today, we'll explore how our success can terrify our enemies and what we can learn from David's example.

DAVID'S SUCCESS (1 Samuel 18:6-15)

- David's victory over Goliath brought him great success and recognition.
- The women sang his praises, and Saul became increasingly jealous and afraid.
- Despite Saul's attempts to harm him, David continued to succeed and prosper.


1.  Joseph (Genesis 37:18-36): His success in Potiphar's house and later in Egypt terrified his enemies, including his brothers.

2Daniel (Daniel 6:1-28): His success in the Babylonian court terrified his enemies, who plotted against him.

3. Jesus (John 15:18-25): His success and popularity terrified His enemies, who plotted against Him and eventually crucified Him.

4. Moses (Exodus 1:8-22): Moses' success in leading the Israelites out of Egypt terrified Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

5. Joshua (Joshua 2:1-24, 6:1-27): Joshua's success in conquering Jericho and other cities terrified the surrounding nations.

6. Elijah. (1 Kings 17:1-24, 18:1-46): Elijah's success in prophesying and performing miracles terrified King Ahab and Jezebel.

7.  Peter and John (Acts 3:1-26, 4:1-31): Peter and John's success in healing the lame man and preaching the Gospel terrified the Jewish leaders.

8.  Paul  (Acts 13:1-52, 16:16-34, 19:1-41): Paul's success in preaching the Gospel and performing miracles terrified the Jewish leaders and pagans.

These examples demonstrate how success can terrify enemies, but also how God can use that success to further His purposes and bring glory to Himself.


1. Stay Focused on God: David's success was due to his focus on God and His purposes.
2. Trust in God's Sovereignty: David trusted that God was in control, even when faced with opposition.
3. Continue to Serve: David continued to serve Saul, even when Saul was trying to harm him.
4. Don't Let Fear Hold You Back: David didn't let fear hold him back from achieving his goals.
5. Give God the Glory: David gave God the glory for his success, recognizing that it was God who had enabled him.


- Your success will terrify your enemies, but don't let that stop you from achieving your goals.
- Stay focused on God, trust in His sovereignty, continue to serve, don't let fear hold you back, and give God the glory.
- Remember, your success is not just about you, but about bringing glory to God.


1. Focus on God:
Lord, help me stay focused on You and Your purposes, even in the midst of success.

2. Trust in God's Sovereignty:
I trust that You are in control, Lord, and that Your plans will prevail.

3. Continued Service:
Give me a heart to continue serving You and others, Lord, even when faced with opposition.

4. Courage in the Face of Fear:
Lord, give me courage to overcome fear and keep moving forward in Your plans.

5. Glory to God:
May my success bring glory to You, Lord, and may Your name be exalted.

6. Protection from Enemies:
Protect me from my enemies, Lord, and keep me safe in Your presence.

7. Wisdom and Discernment:
Grant me wisdom and discernment, Lord, to know how to navigate challenging situations.

8. Success for God's Purposes:
Use my success for Your purposes, Lord, and may it bring about Your desired outcomes.

9. Humility and Gratitude:
Keep me humble and grateful, Lord, in the face of success, recognizing that it comes from You.

10. Victory over Opposition:
Give me victory over opposition and enemies, Lord, and may Your name be praised.

Closing Prayer:

- Dear Lord, help me to stay focused on You and Your purposes. Give me the courage to continue serving and achieving my goals, even in the face of opposition. May my success bring glory to You and terrify my enemies. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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