Monday, 13 January 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Daniel 3:19-30
Supporting Texts: Psalm 46:1, Isaiah 59:19, Jeremiah 33:3

Life often brings us to situations that seem hopeless, where deliverance seems out of reach, and we are left with the feeling that time is running out. Yet, it is in these very moments that God specializes in supernatural deliverance. This message highlights how God steps in at the last minute, delivering His people in ways that only He can, for His glory and our testimony.


a) The Situation Seems Desperate
Just as in the case of the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, when they were thrown into the fiery furnace, the situation seemed dire (Daniel 3:19).

b) There Appears to Be No Way Out
The circumstances were stacked against them, and there seemed to be no escape, but God often allows us to reach such moments to show His power (Psalm 46:1).

c) God's Timing Is Always Perfect
God’s timing for deliverance is always in line with His will, and it comes at the perfect time, even when it seems late to us (Jeremiah 33:3).

d) The Heat of the Trial Becomes the Catalyst for God's Glory
The furnace became a setting for God's supernatural intervention. The hotter the situation, the more evident God's power becomes (Daniel 3:23-25).

e) Biblical Example: The fiery furnace experience of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:19-30).


a) It Defies Human Logic and Understanding
God’s deliverance often comes in ways that don’t make sense to the natural mind, demonstrating His power beyond our comprehension (Daniel 3:25).

b) It Demonstrates God’s Unfailing Presence
Just as God was present with the three Hebrew boys in the fire, His presence ensures our deliverance, even in the most critical moments (Psalm 46:1).

c) It Results in Complete Restoration
God’s deliverance is not partial. When He delivers, He does it fully and completely (Daniel 3:30).

d) It Brings Glory to God Alone
When God delivers us at the last moment, all the glory goes to Him, and His power is made evident to the world (Daniel 3:28-29).

e) Biblical Example: The Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt, especially the parting of the Red Sea at the last moment (Exodus 14:21-22).


a) He Intervenes When We Are About to Give Up
God often waits until we are at the end of our strength before He intervenes, so that His power can be fully displayed (Isaiah 59:19).

b) He Uses Impossible Circumstances for His Glory
God delights in using situations that are beyond human help to showcase His supernatural power (Daniel 3:27).

c) He Sends Unexpected Help
In the midst of the fiery furnace, the presence of the fourth man was unexpected, yet it marked the divine intervention at the last moment (Daniel 3:25).

d) He Brings about the Impossible in a Split Second
Just as God parted the Red Sea in a moment, He can intervene at the last minute, transforming impossible situations into miracles (Exodus 14:21-22).

e) Biblical Example: Peter’s miraculous escape from prison (Acts 12:5-10).


a) Our Faith Is Strengthened
When God delivers us at the last minute, our faith in His ability to intervene is increased, and we grow spiritually (Romans 10:17).

b) Our Testimony Becomes a Source of Encouragement
Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s testimony encouraged others, our deliverance can serve as a beacon of hope for others (Psalm 34:6).

c) It Opens Doors for Further Blessings
After God delivered the three Hebrew boys, they were promoted to higher positions in the kingdom (Daniel 3:30).

d) It Demonstrates God’s Sovereignty Over All
The miraculous deliverance reveals that no matter the power of the enemy, God is greater and able to deliver His people (Psalm 47:2).

e) Biblical Example: Joseph’s rise to power after his deliverance from prison (Genesis 41:14-44).


a) Stand Firm in Your Faith
Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refuse to bow to pressure and stand firm in your faith, trusting that God will deliver (Daniel 3:18).

b) Keep Praying and Calling on God
Prayer is an essential part of positioning yourself for divine intervention (Jeremiah 33:3).

c) Believe in God’s Timing
Trust that God's timing is perfect, even when it seems like it's too late (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

d) Praise God Even Before the Deliverance Comes
Praise and worship can bring God's presence into your situation and invite His intervention (Acts 16:25-26).

e) Biblical Example: Paul and Silas praying and singing in prison before their miraculous release (Acts 16:25-26).

God is never late. He is the God who delivers at the last minute, and His supernatural power knows no bounds. Whether we are in the fiery furnace, at the Red Sea, or facing any trial, we can trust that God is with us and that He will deliver us at the perfect moment. Let us have faith, stand firm, and wait expectantly for God’s intervention, knowing that He will come through in the final hour.

1. Father, I trust in Your timing and believe that You will deliver me at the last moment.

2. Lord, help me to stand firm in faith, no matter how impossible my situation may seem.

3. Father, I declare that You will show up in my life and bring supernatural deliverance at the right time.

4. Lord, I thank You for Your presence, which ensures my deliverance in the critical moments of my life.

5. Father, I ask for the strength to keep believing and trusting You, even when things seem impossible.

6. Lord, I pray that my testimony of deliverance will encourage others to trust in Your power.

7. Father, release Your supernatural help in my situation, and let Your glory be revealed.

8. Lord, I declare that every bondage and stronghold in my life is broken in the name of Jesus.

9. Father, I believe that You are able to do the impossible in my life, and I surrender to Your will.

10. Lord, thank You for delivering me, and I give You all the praise and honor for Your faithfulness.

1. Every situation in your life that seems beyond hope will experience supernatural deliverance in the final hour.

2. The power of God will intervene in your life in ways that defy human understanding.

3. God is sending unexpected help to you, and your deliverance will come at the perfect time.

4. You will testify of God's faithfulness as He delivers you from every trial and test.

5. The enemy will not have the final say in your life; God will bring you victory at the last moment.

6. You will experience a breakthrough that will bring glory to God and open new doors of blessing.

7. Your faith will be strengthened as you witness God's supernatural deliverance in your life.

8. God will demonstrate His sovereignty over every situation in your life, and you will know that He is the Almighty.

9. Your victory will become a source of encouragement for others who are trusting in God for their own deliverance.

10. The breakthrough you are waiting for is coming, and it will be greater than you ever imagined.

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