Tuesday, 7 January 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."

Supporting Texts: Genesis 1:28, Psalm 1:3, Galatians 5:22-23, Colossians 1:10, Matthew 7:16-20

Divine fruitfulness is God's design for every believer. It is not merely about material success or productivity, but about bearing fruit in every aspect of life—spiritual, relational, and even material—according to God’s will. Jesus calls us to be fruitful by abiding in Him, and through His strength, we can achieve lasting and meaningful fruit. This sermon explores the meaning, importance, and how to experience divine fruitfulness in our lives.


a) The Meaning of Fruitfulness:
Divine fruitfulness refers to the productive result of a life surrendered to God, manifesting His glory through good works, character, and blessings (John 15:16).

b) Fruitfulness as a Sign of Abiding in Christ:
True fruitfulness flows from our relationship with Christ. As branches depend on the vine for life, so do we depend on Him for spiritual vitality (John 15:5).

c) The Scope of Fruitfulness:
Fruitfulness includes personal growth, impactful service, the spreading of the gospel, and godly influence in the world (Matthew 5:16).

d) The Promise of Fruitfulness:
God promises that those who remain in Him will bear much fruit. It is not just a possibility but a divine guarantee (John 15:7-8).

e) Biblical Example: The life of Joseph, who bore fruit in every area despite facing adversity, showing that fruitfulness is a result of divine favor (Genesis 41:46).


a) Spiritual Fruitfulness:
Spiritual fruitfulness is the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer’s life. It manifests in the fruit of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

b) Relational Fruitfulness:
A fruitful life impacts others positively, fostering strong, loving relationships and bringing people closer to Christ through our example (Matthew 7:16-17).

c) Material Fruitfulness:
God also desires to bless us materially so that we can be a blessing to others. This includes prosperity in our work, health, and resources (Deuteronomy 8:18).

d) The Purpose of Fruitfulness:
Fruitfulness is not for self-glorification, but for God's glory. It is through our fruitfulness that God’s name is honored and the kingdom of God is advanced (John 15:8).

e) Biblical Example: The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), where the faithful servant's fruitfulness was a result of using God’s resources for His glory.


a) Abiding in Christ:
The foundation of fruitfulness is a deep and consistent relationship with Jesus. Only when we remain in Him can we bear fruit (John 15:4-5).

b) The Work of the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit enables us to bear fruit by empowering us to live a life that aligns with God’s will (Romans 8:9-11).

c) Obedience to God’s Word:
Fruitfulness comes from obeying God’s commands. His Word is the seed that produces fruit when it is nurtured in our hearts (Psalm 119:11).

d) Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer and Worship:
Prayer and worship keep us connected to God, fueling our desire to bear fruit for His kingdom (Matthew 7:7, Philippians 4:6-7).

e) Biblical Example: The life of Ruth, whose obedience to God's leading and faithfulness to Naomi led to her fruitful life in Boaz's household (Ruth 2:11-12).


a) Spiritual Fruit:
The first and most important kind of fruit that God desires is spiritual fruit—being conformed to the image of Christ and growing in holiness (Romans 8:29).

b) Fruit of Repentance:
God desires fruits of repentance, which reflect a heart that is truly turned towards Him in sincerity (Matthew 3:8).

c) Fruit in Our Service to Others:
Serving others with a heart of compassion is a key aspect of bearing fruit. Jesus called us to serve, and through our service, we glorify God (Matthew 25:40).

d) Fruit of Multiplication:
God’s design for fruitfulness is also multiplication. It’s not just about our own growth, but about multiplying others through discipleship and evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20).

e) Biblical Example: The apostle Paul’s life, which was filled with spiritual fruit, including planting churches and mentoring believers (Philippians 1:22-24).


a) Sin and Disobedience:
Unrepentant sin hinders fruitfulness, as it disrupts our connection with God and grieves the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 59:2).

b) Lack of Faith:
Doubt and lack of faith can prevent us from believing that we can bear fruit, especially when faced with obstacles (Mark 11:22-24).

c) Spiritual Apathy:
A lack of zeal for God and His Word can cause a believer to become spiritually barren and unproductive (Revelation 3:15-16).

d) Distractions and Worldliness:
The cares of this life, wealth, and the pursuit of worldly pleasures can choke the fruitfulness in a believer's life (Matthew 13:22).

e) Biblical Example: The parable of the sower, where some seeds fell among thorns and were choked by cares of life, preventing them from bearing fruit (Matthew 13:7-8).

Divine fruitfulness is the natural result of abiding in Christ. It brings glory to God and advances His kingdom on earth. When we live in constant relationship with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and committed to following His Word, we will bear much fruit. Let us, therefore, strive to remain connected to the true vine and bear fruit that will last for His glory.

1. Lord, help me to remain in You, that I may bear much fruit.

2. Father, cultivate a spirit of obedience in me so I can bear the fruit You desire.

3. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will empower me to live a fruitful life in all areas.

4. Lord, grant me the grace to serve others selflessly and bear fruit in my relationships.

5. Father, remove any obstacles hindering my spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

6. I declare that I will experience spiritual fruitfulness in my life.

7. Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities to share Your love and bear fruit for Your kingdom.

8. Help me, Lord, to grow in the fruit of the Spirit and reflect Christ in all I do.

9. I pray that my life will be a witness to others, leading them to You.

10. Father, empower me to bear fruit that will remain for Your glory.

1. You will experience an overflow of divine fruitfulness in every area of your life

2. Every area of your life that has been barren will begin to flourish and bear fruit.

3. Your spiritual life will bear much fruit, reflecting the character of Christ.

4. As you serve others, you will bear fruit that multiplies and impacts generations.

5. Your faithfulness to God will result in visible fruit that glorifies Him.

6. God will grant you divine opportunities for growth, favor, and multiplication.

7. You will experience spiritual breakthrough, and your efforts will bear lasting fruit.

8. The Spirit of God will guide you to fruitful endeavors, bringing glory to His name.

9. God will remove every hindrance to your spiritual fruitfulness, making your path clear.

10. Your life will be marked by continual growth and fruitfulness in Christ.

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