Friday, 31 January 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 11:38-44
"Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days." – John 11:39

Supporting Texts: Mark 16:3-4, Isaiah 43:19, Luke 1:37, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Psalms 30:5

The story of Lazarus in John 11 is one of the greatest demonstrations of Jesus’ power over death. However, before Lazarus could come out of the grave, Jesus commanded that the stone be rolled away. The stone represents barriers, limitations, and obstructions that hinder resurrection, restoration, and breakthroughs. Today, God is saying to you: “Roll away the stone,” because new life is about to manifest in your situation.

The stone symbolizes obstacles that prevent the full manifestation of God’s power.

a) The Stone of Unbelief
Doubt and lack of faith hinder miracles (Mark 6:5-6).

b) The Stone of Fear
Fear prevents people from stepping into God’s promises (2 Timothy 1:7).

c) The Stone of Sin
Sin separates man from God’s intervention (Isaiah 59:2).

d) The Stone of Negative Words
Speaking doubt and fear can block breakthroughs (Proverbs 18:21).

e) Biblical Example:
The Israelites’ unbelief kept them from entering the Promised Land (Numbers 14:27-30).

Until the stone is removed, Lazarus cannot come forth.

a) It Allows Divine Intervention
Jesus did not remove the stone Himself; He asked the people to do it (John 11:39).

b) It Demonstrates Our Obedience
Obedience activates miracles (Isaiah 1:19).

c) It Reveals God’s Glory
Jesus said if they believed, they would see the glory of God (John 11:40).

d) It Breaks Every Hindrance to Life
Death and stagnation must give way when the stone is removed (John 11:43-44).

e) Biblical Example:
When the stone of doubt was removed, the woman with the issue of blood received her healing (Mark 5:25-34).

The process of removing the stone requires spiritual action.

a) Speak the Word of Faith
Declare God’s promises over your situation (Mark 11:23).

b) Engage in Prayer and Fasting
Some breakthroughs require deep intercession (Matthew 17:21).

c) Repent and Surrender to God
Sin must be removed to access divine power (Acts 3:19).

d) Act in Obedience
Faith without works is dead (James 2:17).

e) Biblical Example:
The walls of Jericho fell when the Israelites obeyed God’s instruction (Joshua 6:20).

Once the stone is removed, divine manifestations follow.

a) Dead Things Come to Life
Lazarus came forth at the voice of Jesus (John 11:43).

b) Testimonies Will Abound
Many believed in Jesus because of this miracle (John 11:45).

c) Destiny is Restored
Lazarus’ life was extended beyond the grave (John 12:1-2).

d) Barriers Are Permanently Broken
Jesus showed His power over every limitation (Romans 8:11).

e) Biblical Example:
The grave could not hold Jesus back; He arose victoriously (Matthew 28:5-6).

It is important to maintain the victory after the stone is removed.

a) Stay in God’s Presence
Lazarus sat with Jesus after his resurrection (John 12:2).

b) Guard Against Doubt and Fear
Hold on to your faith even after the miracle (Hebrews 10:23).

c) Remain in Prayer and Worship
Thanksgiving preserves blessings (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

d) Walk in Obedience to God’s Word
Disobedience can bring back previous struggles (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

e) Biblical Example:
The healed leper who returned to give thanks received wholeness (Luke 17:17-19).

The stone must be rolled away before resurrection and restoration can take place. Whatever is blocking your destiny, your miracle, or your breakthrough must be removed. As you take steps of faith today, every spiritual and physical limitation shall be broken in Jesus' name.

1. Father, every stone blocking my breakthrough, roll it away now!

2. I reject the spirit of doubt and unbelief in Jesus' name.

3. Every satanic limitation over my destiny, be removed by fire!

4. Father, call forth my buried blessings and opportunities.

5. Every grave holding my finances, career, or ministry, release them now!

6. Lord, restore everything that has been lost or delayed in my life.

7. I receive strength to walk in obedience to divine instructions.

8. Every voice speaking death over my life, be silenced permanently.

9. Father, let my testimony bring many to Christ.

10. I declare that no power can hinder my rising again!

1. Every stone covering your breakthrough is rolled away now!

2. Whatever has been buried in your life shall come alive again.

3. You will not be hindered by any obstacle in Jesus' name.

4. Your testimony shall cause others to believe in God’s power.

5. Every dead situation in your life shall hear the voice of God and rise again.

6. No power will stop your divine manifestation.

7. You are walking out of every grave of limitation and delay.

8. Your life shall be a living proof of resurrection power.

9. Doors that were shut against you shall be opened speedily.

10. From today, you will walk in divine freedom and victory!

May the Lord remove every stone blocking your testimony and give you total victory in Jesus’ name! Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Galatians 6:14
"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 53:5, 1 Corinthians 1:18, Colossians 2:14, Philippians 2:8, 1 Peter 2:24

The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. It represents the greatest sacrifice ever made—Jesus Christ laying down His life for the salvation of mankind. The cross was a place of suffering, yet it became the source of our victory. The old rugged cross is not just a relic of history; it carries deep spiritual significance for every believer today.


Jesus endured the cross for our redemption.

a) A Symbol of Humiliation
Crucifixion was the most disgraceful form of execution (Philippians 2:8).

b) The Weight of Sin Was Upon Him
Jesus carried the burden of our sins (Isaiah 53:5).

c) He Was Forsaken for Our Sake
Jesus cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:46).

d) He Bore Our Sickness and Pain
The stripes on His body brought healing (1 Peter 2:24).

e) Biblical Example:
The two thieves crucified alongside Jesus, yet only one received salvation (Luke 23:39-43).

At the cross, our sins were erased, and our debt was paid.

a) The Blood of Jesus Cleanses All Sin
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22).

b) The Cross Brought Reconciliation
Jesus reconciled us to God (Colossians 1:20).

c) The Veil Was Torn in Two
The barrier between God and man was removed (Matthew 27:51).

d) The Curse of the Law Was Broken
Jesus became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13).

e) Biblical Example:
The Roman centurion who witnessed the crucifixion declared, "Truly this was the Son of God!" (Matthew 27:54).


What seemed like defeat became the greatest victory.

a) The Cross Defeated Satan's Power
Jesus made a public spectacle of principalities and powers (Colossians 2:15).

b) Death Lost Its Sting
Through His death, Jesus conquered the power of the grave (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

c) We Have Access to Resurrection Power
Just as Jesus rose, we will also rise (Romans 8:11).

d) The Cross is the Wisdom and Power of God
What seemed like foolishness is divine wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:18).

e) Biblical Example:
The disciples were scattered at the crucifixion, but after the resurrection, they boldly preached Christ (Acts 4:33).

To follow Christ, we must embrace the cross.

a) We Must Deny Ourselves
Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow Me" (Luke 9:23).

b) We Must Die to the World
The cross separates us from worldly desires (Galatians 6:14).

c) The Cross is a Mark of True Discipleship
Those who suffer with Him will reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12).

d) We Must Preach the Message of the Cross
The gospel is incomplete without the cross (1 Corinthians 2:2).

e) Biblical Example:
Paul counted all things as loss for the sake of Christ (Philippians 3:7-8).

Through the cross, we have the promise of eternal life.

a) Jesus' Death Opened the Door to Heaven
He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

b) The Cross is the Guarantee of Our Salvation
We are saved by faith in His sacrifice (Ephesians 2:8-9).

c) We Will Share in His Glory
If we suffer with Him, we will be glorified with Him (Romans 8:17).

d) Our Names Are Written in the Book of Life
Those who trust in the cross will never be lost (Revelation 3:5).

e) Biblical Example:
The thief on the cross was promised paradise with Christ (Luke 23:43).

The old rugged cross is more than a symbol—it is the foundation of our faith. It reminds us of the price Jesus paid, the power we have through His sacrifice, and the eternal hope we possess. Never take the cross for granted! Hold onto it, preach it, and live by its power.

1. Father, thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

2. Lord, let the power of the cross manifest in my life.

3. Every sin in my life, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.

4. I receive total victory over sin, sickness, and satanic attacks.

5. Lord, help me to take up my cross and follow You daily.

6. Every curse over my life is broken by the cross of Christ.

7. Lord, let my life reflect the message of the cross.

8. I declare that I am crucified with Christ, and I live for Him.

9. Let the message of the cross be preached through my life.

10. Thank You, Lord, for the hope of eternal life through the cross.

1. The cross of Christ will work mightily in your life!

2. You will walk in the victory that Jesus purchased for you!

3. Every sin and guilt is washed away by the blood of Jesus!

4. You will experience the power of resurrection in every area of your life!

5. The cross has broken every curse over your life!

6. No weapon formed against you shall prosper because of the cross!

7. The cross will open new doors of blessings for you!

8. Your faith in the cross will bring supernatural breakthroughs!

9. You will reign with Christ because of His sacrifice!

10. Your life will be a testimony of the power of the cross!

In Jesus' Name, Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 61:7

Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 2:30, Psalm 89:17, Proverbs 3:35, Zechariah 9:12, 2 Samuel 2:6

February, the second month of the year, represents a season of multiplication, restoration, and divine favour. As we reflect on the theme of double honour, we are reminded that God honours His faithful servants by lifting them up, restoring their dignity, and granting them greater visibility. Double honour is a promise from God for those who have faced shame, rejection, or dishonour. This month, God is releasing a double portion of honour to His children, elevating them to places of recognition, blessing, and divine favour.


a) Honour as Esteem and Value (1 Samuel 2:30)
Honour is the recognition of a person’s worth and value. God promises to exalt those who honour Him.

b) Honour as Reward for Faithfulness (Proverbs 3:35)
Faithfulness to God attracts honour and glory.

c) Honour as Restoration (Isaiah 61:7)
God promises that for every shame, He will give double honour, restoring dignity and respect.

d) Honour as Divine Elevation (Psalm 89:17)
Those who walk in God’s favour experience divine elevation and promotion.

e) Biblical Example: Esther’s Honour (Esther 2:17)
Esther was elevated from obscurity to royalty, receiving double honour from the king.


a) To Reward Faithfulness (1 Samuel 2:30)
God honours those who have remained faithful to Him, even when it is difficult.

b) To Repay for Suffering (Romans 8:18)
God compensates His people for their past suffering and pain with an abundant reward.

c) To Show Favour in the Time of Need (Zechariah 9:12)
Double honour comes as a result of God’s favour, especially when His people are in need.

d) To Demonstrate His Glory (Psalm 21:5)
Honour reveals God’s glory and magnifies His goodness in the lives of His children.

e) Biblical Example: Job’s Restoration (Job 42:10)
After enduring severe trials, Job was restored to double what he had lost, demonstrating God’s honour for his perseverance.


a) By Remaining Faithful to God’s Calling (Matthew 25:21)
Faithfulness in serving God will lead to divine recognition and double honour.

b) By Overcoming Trials with Integrity (James 1:12)
Those who endure trials with integrity and faithfulness are promised a crown of life and honour.

c) By Walking in God’s Righteousness (Psalm 112:6-9)
Living a righteous life attracts honour and favour from God.

d) By Serving Others with a Pure Heart (Mark 10:43-45)
Serving others with humility leads to receiving honour from both God and men.

e) Biblical Example: Joseph’s Elevation (Genesis 41:41-43)
Joseph’s faithfulness and integrity, even in the face of adversity, led to his elevation and double honour in Egypt.


a) Humility Precedes Honour (Proverbs 15:33)
God elevates the humble but resists the proud. Humility positions us for honour.

b) God’s Honour Is Not Given to the Proud (James 4:6)
Humble servants of God will experience His exaltation in due time.

c) Humility Attracts Divine Favour (Psalm 147:6)
The Lord honours the humble by extending His favour and grace.

d) Humility Unlocks God’s Promises (Matthew 23:12)
Those who humble themselves will be exalted by God and receive His honour.

e) Biblical Example: David’s Humility (1 Samuel 16:13)
David’s humility as a shepherd boy led to his anointing as king, and he was honoured before Israel.


a) Seek God’s Glory Above All (John 12:26)
Pursue God’s glory above personal recognition, and He will honour you.

b) Live a Life of Integrity (Proverbs 10:9)
Walking in integrity ensures that you are honoured both by God and by people.

c) Honour God in All Things (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Honour God with your life, and He will grant you honour in return.

d) Trust in God’s Timing (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Honour comes at the right time, according to God’s perfect will.

e) Biblical Example: Daniel’s Honour (Daniel 6:3)
Daniel was honoured because he distinguished himself through a life of excellence, integrity, and commitment to God.

As we enter the Month of Double Honour, we can be assured that God is releasing an overflow of honour, favour, and promotion to those who remain faithful to Him. This is a season of restoration, elevation, and divine recognition. By walking in humility, integrity, and faithfulness, we position ourselves to receive the double honour that God has promised.

1. Father, I receive double honour in every area of my life this month!

2. Lord, restore to me everything that was lost and replace it with double honour!

3. I pray for favour with God and man, that I may be recognised and honoured.

4. Father, elevate me and bring me into a place of prominence for Your glory!

5. Lord, may my life reflect Your glory and honour in everything I do.

6. I renounce all shame and declare double honour over my life!

7. Father, give me the grace to remain faithful to You, that I may receive my reward of honour.

8. Lord, let my enemies see Your glory as You exalt me in this season.

9. I pray for divine recognition and promotion in my career, ministry, and personal life.

10. Thank You, Lord, for the double honour You are releasing over my life this month!

1. This month, you shall receive double honour from the Lord!

2. Every shame in your life is being replaced with double honour!

3. The favour of God is distinguishing you and causing you to be honoured in your generation!

4. Your faithfulness is attracting divine elevation and promotion!

5. God is opening doors of honour and recognition for you!

6. This is a season of supernatural favour and divine positioning for you!

7. You will experience a shift from obscurity to prominence in this month of honour!

8. God is turning your trials into triumphs, and you shall be honoured before all!

9. The Lord will crown you with glory and honour, and your life will be a testimony!

10. This February, God will reward your labour with double honour in every area of your life!

May this Month of Double Honour bring you supernatural favour, elevation, and divine recognition in Jesus' name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 2:9-10

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:7, Job 42:10, Zechariah 9:12, Deuteronomy 21:17, Joel 2:23-25

A double portion represents an increase, an overflow, and a divine inheritance from God. It signifies receiving more than enough, experiencing greater glory, and stepping into higher dimensions of favour and anointing. February, being the second month, symbolises multiplication, restoration, and divine compensation. In this season, God is releasing a double portion of blessings, anointing, and breakthroughs to His children who are ready to receive it by faith.


a) The Double Portion as an Inheritance (Deuteronomy 21:17)
In biblical times, the firstborn received a double portion of the inheritance, symbolising honour and responsibility.

b) The Double Portion as a Reward (Isaiah 61:7)
God promises to give double honour for every shame and disgrace experienced.

c) The Double Portion as a Restoration (Job 42:10)
After Job’s trials, God restored to him twice as much as he had lost.

d) The Double Portion as Supernatural Provision (Zechariah 9:12)
God declares that He will restore double to His people, ensuring abundant blessings.

e) Biblical Example: Elisha and Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-10)
Elisha desired and received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing, enabling him to perform greater works.


a) The Need for a Fresh Anointing (Acts 1:8)
The Holy Spirit empowers believers for greater exploits when we seek Him.

b) The Power to Do Greater Works (John 14:12)
Jesus promised that those who believe in Him would do greater works than He did.

c) The Anointing for Supernatural Victory (1 Samuel 16:13)
David was anointed, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily.

d) The Overflow of the Spirit (Psalm 92:10)
When God anoints us with a fresh oil, we operate in divine strength.

e) Biblical Example: Peter’s Transformation (Acts 2:1-4, Acts 5:15)
Peter, who once denied Jesus, received a double portion of boldness and power after Pentecost.


a) Restoration of Lost Years (Joel 2:23-25)
God promises to restore the wasted years with abundance.

b) Restoring What the Enemy Stole (Exodus 22:7)
When the enemy steals, God’s law demands restoration—sometimes double!

c) Restoration of Destiny and Purpose (Jeremiah 29:11)
God has a plan to bring His children into a future of hope and greatness.

d) Restoring Financial Blessings (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Grace abounds in all areas, leading to financial increase and stability.

e) Biblical Example: Naomi’s Restoration (Ruth 4:14-17)
Naomi, who once lost everything, received a double portion of joy through her grandson Obed, the grandfather of King David.


a) Favour That Elevates (Esther 2:17)
The favour of God makes a person stand out among many.

b) Honour in Place of Shame (Isaiah 61:7)
Instead of disgrace, God will cause His people to be honoured.

c) Divine Recognition and Promotion (Psalm 75:6-7)
Promotion does not come from man but from the Lord.

d) Supernatural Breakthroughs (Luke 5:6-7)
The disciples caught a double portion of fish when they obeyed Jesus’ command.

e) Biblical Example: Mordecai’s Promotion (Esther 6:10-11)
Mordecai, once forgotten, was honoured publicly with a double portion of recognition.


a) Desire and Ask for It (2 Kings 2:9-10)
Elisha desired a double portion and boldly asked for it.

b) Live a Life of Faithfulness (Matthew 25:21)
Faithfulness in small things qualifies us for greater blessings.

c) Engage in Kingdom Service (Exodus 23:25)
Serving God wholeheartedly attracts divine increase.

d) Walk in Obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1-2)
Obedience to God’s word ensures blessings in double measure.

e) Biblical Example: Hannah’s Double Portion (1 Samuel 1:5-20)
Hannah, though initially barren, received a double portion from her husband and later birthed Samuel, a great prophet.

The double portion is a divine inheritance, restoration, and empowerment that God has prepared for His children. This month, God is releasing an overflow of blessings, favour, power, and breakthroughs. As we align ourselves with His purpose, we will walk in the fullness of His double portion for our lives.

1. Father, I receive my double portion of anointing and grace this month!

2. Lord, restore to me everything the enemy has stolen in double measure!

3. I declare supernatural favour and honour upon my life this month.

4. By divine power, I break every limitation standing against my increase.

5. Father, release a fresh anointing upon me for greater exploits.

6. I receive a double portion of joy, peace, and breakthroughs!

7. Lord, let my financial doors open, and let me walk in abundance.

8. I reject every form of delay; my blessings shall manifest speedily!

9. Father, let my testimony be double this month!

10. Thank You, Lord, for releasing a double portion of Your blessings upon my life!

1. This month, you shall walk in a double portion of God’s blessings!

2. Every shame in your life is turning into double honour!

3. The anointing for exploits and breakthroughs is coming upon you now!

4. Whatever you have lost, God is restoring to you in double measure!

5. You will enjoy supernatural favour that will distinguish you!

6. Your destiny helpers will locate you, and your season of promotion is here!

7. The power of God will multiply your efforts and bring great results!

8. The doors of financial abundance and prosperity are opening for you!

9. You shall testify of a double portion of testimonies this month!

10. This February, you will move from glory to greater glory in Jesus' name!

May this Month of Double Portion bring you divine increase, restoration, and elevation in Jesus’ name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Zechariah 4:7

Supporting Texts: 2 Corinthians 12:9, Ephesians 2:8, Isaiah 61:7, Genesis 41:51-52

Grace is the unmerited favour of God that enables us to achieve what we cannot accomplish by our strength. Double grace signifies an overflow of God’s mercy, power, and favour upon our lives. February, being the second month, symbolises a season of multiplication and divine assistance. This month, God is releasing a double portion of His grace to empower, uplift, and establish us in victory.


a) The Meaning of Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
Grace is God’s gift of salvation and divine help, given freely to those who believe.

b) The Power of Double Grace (Zechariah 4:7)
When grace is multiplied, mountains become plains, and impossibilities turn into testimonies.

c) Grace for Salvation and Empowerment (Titus 2:11-12)
Grace not only saves but also teaches and empowers us to live a righteous life.

d) The Sufficiency of God’s Grace (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Even in weakness, God’s grace is sufficient to sustain and uplift us.

e) Biblical Example: Joseph’s Promotion (Genesis 41:51-52)
Joseph experienced double grace—one to endure trials and another to rise to prominence.


a) Grace to Overcome Challenges (Romans 5:20)
Where sin or difficulties abound, God’s grace abounds even more, leading to victory.

b) Grace for Open Doors (Revelation 3:8)
God’s grace grants access to doors that no man can shut.

c) Grace for Speed and Acceleration (1 Kings 18:46)
Elijah outran Ahab by divine grace, showing how grace empowers us to exceed limitations.

d) Grace to Break Limitations (Zechariah 4:6-7)
Not by power nor by might, but by God’s Spirit and grace, mountains are removed.

e) Biblical Example: Esther’s Favour (Esther 2:17)
Esther received favour (grace) that made her stand out and brought deliverance to her people.


a) Grace for Double Honour (Isaiah 61:7)
Instead of shame, God releases grace for a double portion of honour.

b) Grace for Enlargement (1 Chronicles 4:10)
Jabez prayed, and grace enlarged his territory. Grace brings supernatural expansion.

c) Grace for Fruitfulness (Genesis 26:12-13)
Isaac sowed in famine and received a hundredfold because of divine grace.

d) Grace for Financial Overflow (2 Corinthians 9:8)
God’s grace makes all sufficiency available, ensuring financial prosperity.

e) Biblical Example: The Widow’s Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7)
Through God’s grace, her little oil multiplied to settle her debts and secure her future.


a) Grace to Grow in Knowledge (2 Peter 3:18)
Spiritual maturity comes by increasing in the knowledge of God’s grace.

b) Grace to Overcome Sin (Romans 6:14)
Sin will not have dominion over us because we are under grace, not law.

c) Grace to Walk in Righteousness (Titus 2:12)
Grace empowers us to live holy and godly lives.

d) Grace for Divine Enablement (Philippians 4:13)
Grace strengthens us to do all things through Christ.

e) Biblical Example: Paul’s Transformation (1 Corinthians 15:10)
Paul, formerly a persecutor, became a mighty apostle by God’s abundant grace.


a) Seek God’s Presence Daily (Hebrews 4:16)
Approach the throne of grace boldly to receive help in times of need.

b) Walk in Humility (James 4:6)
God gives more grace to the humble but resists the proud.

c) Stay in the Word of Grace (Acts 20:32)
God’s Word builds us up and releases our inheritance through grace.

d) Be a Giver (2 Corinthians 9:8-10)
Grace multiplies in the lives of those who give generously and cheerfully.

e) Biblical Example: The Macedonian Church (2 Corinthians 8:1-2)
Despite their poverty, they walked in abundant grace through their generosity.

Double grace is a divine empowerment that makes us achieve supernatural results beyond our efforts. This month, God is releasing an overflow of grace to bring breakthroughs, multiplication, and supernatural acceleration in every area of our lives. As we align with Him, we will walk in the fullness of double grace!

1. Lord, I receive the grace to walk in divine favour this month.

2. Father, release upon me a double portion of Your grace for breakthroughs.

3. Every obstacle in my life, be removed by the power of grace!

4. Lord, let Your grace open doors of promotion and increase for me.

5. I reject every form of stagnation; I move forward by grace!

6. Let the grace for multiplication and fruitfulness rest upon my life.

7. Father, empower me to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Your Word.

8. I receive the grace to overcome every limitation in my life.

9. Lord, let Your grace cause my helpers to locate me this month.

10. Thank You, Lord, for the abundance of double grace upon my life!

1. This month, you shall experience double grace in every area of your life!

2. The grace to break barriers and achieve the impossible is upon you!

3. Your efforts shall be multiplied by divine grace, bringing you supernatural results!

4. I decree that grace will locate you for divine promotion and honour!

5. Every delay in your life is cancelled by the power of God’s grace!

6. Grace will make you stand out for favour and divine elevation!

7. Your prayers shall be answered speedily by the abundance of grace!

8. You will enjoy supernatural acceleration—what takes years will happen in months!

9. The doors of greatness will open for you by God’s double grace!

10. This month, you shall testify of the power of divine grace in Jesus' name!

May this February truly be your Month of Double Grace in Jesus' name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Exodus 14:15

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward."

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 43:19, Philippians 3:13-14, Deuteronomy 1:6-7, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 4:18

Supernatural advancement is moving forward by divine empowerment. It is when God takes you beyond human limitations and causes you to progress in ways that defy natural explanations. February shall be your month of supernatural advancement! Just as God commanded the Israelites to go forward despite the Red Sea before them, so also will God empower you to break barriers and step into new realms of glory.


You are not designed to remain in one place—God’s plan for you is continuous progress.

a) Stagnation is Not God's Will
God instructed the Israelites to move forward, not to remain at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:15).

b) Divine Advancement Requires Obedience
Progress happens when we obey God’s instructions (Deuteronomy 1:6-7).

c) There is a Higher Level for You
No matter your current position, God has more in store (Proverbs 4:18).

d) Fear Must Not Hold You Back
The Israelites were afraid, but God assured them of victory (Isaiah 41:10).

e) Biblical Example:
Abraham obeyed God's command to leave his country, and God made him great (Genesis 12:1-3).


Challenges cannot stop divine progress.

a) Every Red Sea Will Part Before You
What seems like an obstacle will become your testimony (Exodus 14:21).

b) Your Enemies Will Not Prevail Against You
No adversary can hinder God's plan (Isaiah 54:17).

c) God Will Make a Way Where There is None
Even in impossible situations, He will create a path (Isaiah 43:19).

d) Divine Favour Will Speed Up Your Advancement
Promotion comes from God alone (Psalm 75:6-7).

Biblical Example:
Joseph was opposed by his brothers but still became a ruler in Egypt (Genesis 41:40-41).


To move forward, you must heed divine direction.

a) Progress is in Obedience to God’s Word
When Peter obeyed Jesus, he caught a great harvest (Luke 5:5-6).

b) The Right Company Influences Your Advancement
Walk with those who push you toward destiny (Proverbs 13:20).

c) Faith and Action Must Go Together
You must step out in faith to experience divine progress (James 2:17).

d) Keep Pressing Toward Your God-given Goal
Don't settle—aim higher (Philippians 3:13-14).

e) Biblical Example:
Isaac obeyed God's command to stay in Gerar and prospered greatly (Genesis 26:12-13).


What would take years will happen speedily.

a) Divine Speed is Released for You
God can make things happen faster than expected (Amos 9:13).

b) Delayed Promises Shall Manifest Suddenly
What has been slow will come quickly (Habakkuk 2:3).

c) The Power of the Holy Spirit Will Move You Forward
The Spirit of God causes supernatural progress (Zechariah 4:6).

d) Restoration Will Push You Ahead
What you lost will be restored and multiplied (Joel 2:25).

e) Biblical Example:
Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot by divine speed (1 Kings 18:46).


Your progress is for God's glory and kingdom expansion.

a) Your Success Will Be a Testimony
People will see God's hand in your life (Matthew 5:16).

b) Your Advancement Will Bless Others
Your breakthrough will impact generations (Genesis 22:18).

c) Your Enemies Will Be Silenced
God will prove them wrong by lifting you (Psalm 23:5).

d) You Will Walk in Kingdom Purpose
Your advancement will align with God's plan (Romans 8:28).

e) Biblical Example:
Esther's elevation saved an entire nation (Esther 4:14).

February shall be your month of supernatural advancement! No Red Sea, no opposition, no delay, and no barrier will stop you. As you step into this new month, be expectant of divine speed, breakthroughs, and supernatural lifting. The God who told the Israelites to go forward will move you into your destiny in Jesus' name!

1. Father, I declare that February shall be my month of supernatural advancement.

2. Lord, part every Red Sea before me and make a way where there is none.

3. I reject every spirit of stagnation and delay in my life.

4. Father, release divine speed for my progress this month.

5. Lord, silence every opposition to my advancement.

6. By divine favour, I receive uncommon breakthroughs this month.

7. Every evil force trying to hinder my progress is destroyed.

8. Lord, let every delayed promise manifest speedily in my life.

9. Father, I receive divine wisdom and direction for my next level.

10. Lord, I declare that this month shall bring testimonies of divine lifting.

1. This month, you will experience supernatural advancement!

2. Every obstacle before you will turn into a stepping stone!

3. Your progress will be unstoppable in Jesus' name!

4. Divine favour will open doors for you this month!

5. God will move you from the back to the front!

6. You will go higher and farther than you ever imagined!

7. No delay will hold you back—your destiny is advancing!

8. God will give you divine speed that will shock your enemies!

9. Everything that has been stagnant in your life shall begin to move!

10. February shall be your month of testimonies and breakthroughs!

In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Thursday, 30 January 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 29:31-35
"When the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren." – Genesis 29:31

Supporting Texts: Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:31, Psalm 23:5, Isaiah 41:10, Proverbs 16:7

Hatred and rejection can be painful, but they do not have the power to stop God’s blessings. Leah, though unloved by Jacob, was blessed by God with children, while Rachel remained barren for a time. When men reject you, God can still elevate you. Divine blessings are not determined by human approval but by God’s favour. This message reminds us that no matter who despises you, God's purpose for your life will stand.

Leah was hated, but God compensated her with fruitfulness.

a) God Sees and Acts on Injustice
The Lord noticed Leah’s pain and responded with blessings (Genesis 29:31).

b) God’s Love is Greater than Man’s Rejection
When men turn away, God remains faithful (Isaiah 49:15).

c) God Opens Doors No Man Can Shut
Leah’s fruitfulness was divinely orchestrated, despite Jacob’s preference (Revelation 3:7-8).

d) God Elevates the Lowly
The stone the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone (Psalm 118:22).

e) Biblical Example:
Jephthah was rejected by his brothers but later became their leader (Judges 11:1-11).

No amount of hatred can block divine destiny.

a) Man’s Plans Cannot Override God’s Will
Joseph’s brothers plotted against him, but God’s purpose prevailed (Genesis 50:20).

b) God Uses Opposition to Advance His People
Leah’s rejection led to the birth of Judah, the ancestor of Jesus (Genesis 49:10).

c) Hatred Becomes a Setup for Promotion
What was meant for evil turns into an opportunity for elevation (Romans 8:28).

d) God Fights for the Rejected
No weapon formed against the chosen will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

e) Biblical Example:
Mordecai was hated by Haman, but he was promoted instead (Esther 6:10-11).

Leah moved from sorrow to praise with Judah’s birth.

a) Leah Shifted Her Focus to God
Instead of craving Jacob’s love, she turned to God in gratitude (Genesis 29:35).

b) Praise Opens the Door for Greater Blessings
God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).

c) Thanksgiving Changes Your Perspective
Instead of feeling rejected, Leah found her worth in God’s blessings (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

d) Praise Births Purpose
Judah became the lineage of kings, including Jesus Christ (Revelation 5:5).

e) Biblical Example:
Paul and Silas praised God in prison, and their chains were broken (Acts 16:25-26).

Divine blessings cannot be reversed.

a) God’s Blessing is Irrevocable
Balaam could not curse whom God had blessed (Numbers 23:20).

b) Your Enemies Will Witness Your Elevation
God prepares a table before you in the presence of your foes (Psalm 23:5).

c) Those Who Oppose You Will See God’s Hand on You
Even Rachel saw that Leah was blessed (Genesis 30:1).

d) Divine Favour Surpasses Human Approval
When God promotes you, no one can demote you (Psalm 75:6-7).

e) Biblical Example:
Isaac was envied by the Philistines, but he prospered regardless (Genesis 26:12-14).

Leah’s rejection led to the birth of a significant lineage.

a) Your Painful Experiences are Part of God’s Plan
God uses hardships to shape destiny (Jeremiah 29:11).

b) Delay is Not Denial
God’s timing is perfect, and He rewards faithfulness (Habakkuk 2:3).

c) Hidden Blessings are Revealed Through Struggles
Leah’s trials led to a divine lineage (Matthew 1:1-2).

d) God’s Plan is Bigger Than People’s Opinions
Man’s rejection does not cancel divine election (Romans 9:16).

e) Biblical Example:
David was despised by his family but was chosen by God as king (1 Samuel 16:11-13).

Leah’s story is proof that no amount of hatred can stop God’s blessing. When men reject you, God embraces you. When they plot against you, He elevates you. Your focus should not be on human approval but on divine purpose. Like Leah, shift from seeking validation to praising God, and watch how He turns rejection into rejoicing.

1. Father, turn every rejection in my life into divine promotion.

2. Lord, let no man’s hatred hinder my destiny.

3. Every opposition to my breakthrough, be scattered in Jesus’ name!

4. Father, bless me beyond the expectations of my enemies.

5. Lord, open doors that no one can shut in my life.

6. I reject every spirit of discouragement and self-pity.

7. O God, make me fruitful in every area of my life.

8. Let my haters see Your mighty hand upon me.

9. Lord, give me a heart of gratitude in all situations.

10. I declare that my destiny will manifest in Jesus’ name!

1. Every hatred against you shall turn to your testimony!

2. Where men have rejected you, God will honour you.

3. The blessings of God upon your life cannot be reversed.

4. No opposition will stop your destiny from shining.

5. God will lift you above those who despise you.

6. You will be celebrated in the presence of your enemies.

7. The favour of God will overshadow every form of rejection.

8. Your tears of pain will turn into songs of praise.

9. Every delay in your life is turning into divine speed.

10. You are stepping into unstoppable breakthroughs!

May the hatred of men never hinder the blessings of God in your life. Your testimony will speak louder than your opposition in Jesus’ name! Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 29:31-35
"When the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren." – Genesis 29:31

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 49:15, Romans 8:31, Psalm 27:10, Deuteronomy 28:3-6, 1 Samuel 2:8

Human rejection does not stop divine blessings. Leah, though unloved by Jacob, was favoured by God. She bore four sons—each with a name that reflected her journey from pain to praise. Leah’s story teaches us that God’s love and blessings outweigh human affection and approval.

God does not ignore the pain of those who are unloved.

a) God Noticed Leah’s Pain
"When the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb..." (Genesis 29:31).

b) God’s Love is Greater than Man’s Rejection
Even if people abandon you, God remains faithful (Isaiah 49:15).

c) God Takes Special Care of the Rejected
"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." (Psalm 27:10).

d) God Lifts the Lowly and Oppressed
He raises the poor from the dust and makes them sit among princes (1 Samuel 2:8).

e) Biblical Example:
Joseph was rejected by his brothers but elevated by God (Genesis 50:20).

Leah named her first son Reuben, meaning "Behold, a son!"

a) God Opened Leah’s Womb First
While Rachel remained barren, Leah was the first to have a child (Genesis 29:32).

b) God Sees Our Pain and Acts
Leah said, "Because the Lord hath looked upon my affliction..." (Genesis 29:32).

c) God’s Blessing is Not Limited by Human Approval
Jacob may have favoured Rachel, but God chose to bless Leah.

d) Leah Thought This Would Earn Jacob’s Love
She hoped Jacob would now love her (Genesis 29:32).

e) Biblical Example:
Hagar was despised but God saw her and blessed Ishmael (Genesis 16:11-13).

Leah named her second son Simeon, meaning "God has heard."

a) God Hears the Cry of the Afflicted
Leah said, "Because the Lord hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also." (Genesis 29:33).

b) Our Tears are Not in Vain
God hears the cries of the oppressed (Psalm 34:17).

c) God Rewards Those Who Depend on Him
Leah relied on God, and He answered her prayers.

d) Leah Still Longed for Love
She hoped Jacob would finally accept her (Genesis 29:33).

e) Biblical Example:
Hannah cried to God, and He gave her Samuel (1 Samuel 1:10-20).

Leah named her third son Levi, meaning "Attached" or "Joined."

a) She Hoped Jacob Would Finally Love Her
She said, "Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons." (Genesis 29:34).

b) God’s Blessing is Beyond Human Relationship
Leah sought Jacob’s love, but her true connection was with God.

c) Levi’s Descendants Became the Priests of Israel
The tribe of Levi became God’s chosen priests (Numbers 3:6-12).

d) God Uses the Rejected for His Glory
Leah’s third son led to a great spiritual heritage.

e) Biblical Example:
Moses, Aaron, and the priesthood came from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1-10).

Leah named her fourth son Judah, meaning "Praise."

a) Leah Shifted from Seeking Love to Worship
She declared, "Now will I praise the Lord." (Genesis 29:35).

b) Praise Unlocks Greater Blessings
Judah’s descendants included King David and Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1-3).

c) When You Praise, God Fights for You
The battle is won in the place of worship (2 Chronicles 20:22).

d) The Power of Praise Changes Circumstances
Leah moved from sorrow to victory through praise.

e) Biblical Example:
Paul and Silas praised in prison, and their chains were broken (Acts 16:25-26).

Leah’s story shows that God’s blessings do not depend on human love or approval. She was unloved by Jacob but favoured by God. She gave birth to four sons—each with a prophetic significance. Eventually, she realised that true fulfilment comes from praising God, not seeking validation from man. Like Leah, we must shift our focus from seeking human acceptance to embracing God’s abundant blessings.

1. Lord, turn every rejection in my life into divine elevation.

2. Father, let my enemies witness Your blessings upon me.

3. Every delay in my life, turn it into a testimony.

4. Lord, bless me in ways that man cannot understand.

5. Let my sorrow turn to praise like Leah’s.

6. Father, connect me to my divine purpose.

7. Lord, let my enemies see that You are with me.

8. Every spirit of discouragement, be broken in Jesus’ name!

9. I receive the grace to focus on God and not man.

10. Lord, open my eyes to see Your love in my life.

1. Though men may reject you, God’s favour will lift you up!

2. You will be fruitful in all areas of your life!

3. Every spirit of rejection is broken in Jesus’ name!

4. God will bless you beyond human expectations!

5. You will no longer seek man’s approval but God’s purpose!

6. The Lord will turn your pain into praise!

7. Your enemies will see you rise and glorify God!

8. You shall be connected to divine blessings!

9. Every sorrow in your life will end in joy!

10. Your testimony will inspire generations to come!

May the Lord cause you to rise above rejection and walk in divine favour. In Jesus' name, Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 91:1-2
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 60:1-2, John 1:5, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Romans 8:37, Psalm 23:4

Shadows are often a metaphor for the difficulties, fears, and challenges that loom over our lives. While shadows may represent trials, they should not be mistaken for darkness. As believers, we are called to rise above these shadows and walk in the light of God's glory. Just as a shadow cannot exist without light, our challenges cannot exist without the ever-present power of God. It is time to rise above the shadows of fear, doubt, and discouragement and step into the victory and light that God has prepared for us.

Before we can rise above, we must understand the nature of shadows.

a) Shadows Are Real But Temporary
Shadows are a by-product of light; they are present, but they do not last forever.

b) Shadows Do Not Have Substance
A shadow is merely a reflection; it has no power over us unless we allow it.

c) Shadows Can Represent Fear
Many are bound by the shadows of fear, but fear has no place in the life of a believer.

d) Shadows Can Be a Sign of Growth
The larger the light, the greater the shadow. Our challenges can point to areas where God is working in us.

e) Biblical Example:
The Israelites in the wilderness faced shadows of uncertainty, but God’s presence went with them (Exodus 13:21-22).

The light of God’s presence drives away all shadows.

a) God is Light, and in Him, There Is No Darkness
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5).

b) God’s Presence Disperses All Shadows
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27:1).

c) The Light of God Gives Us Clarity and Direction
When we walk in God’s light, we are led by His wisdom and grace (Psalm 119:105).

d) Walking in God’s Light Leads to Victory
Even when darkness surrounds, we can rise above it because of the light within us (2 Corinthians 4:6).

e) Biblical Example:
Jesus is the Light of the world, dispelling the darkness of sin and death (John 8:12).

Faith empowers us to rise above the shadows of doubt and fear.

a) Faith Transforms Our Perception of the Shadow
The shadow becomes smaller when we focus on the greatness of our God.

b) Faith Connects Us to God’s Unfailing Power
When we walk by faith, we are aligned with God’s will, and nothing can hinder us (Romans 8:37).

c) Faith Declares Victory Over the Shadow
"We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:37).

d) Faith Looks Beyond the Shadow to the Promise
Shadows may appear large, but faith allows us to see the promises of God that are greater.

e) Biblical Example:
David overcame the shadow of Goliath through faith, declaring victory in the name of the Lord (1 Samuel 17:45-50).

Prayer is our weapon to rise above the shadows.

a) Prayer Invites God’s Light into Our Circumstances
When we pray, we invite the presence of God to shine on our situation.

b) Prayer Strengthens Us to Overcome
Prayer brings supernatural strength to confront and overcome challenges.

c) Prayer Brings Us Peace in the Midst of Shadows
Even in the most difficult moments, prayer brings God’s peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).

d) Prayer Shifts Our Focus from the Problem to the Solution
Through prayer, we acknowledge that God is bigger than any shadow we may face.

e) Biblical Example:
Daniel prayed in the lion’s den, and God delivered him (Daniel 6:10-23).

To rise above the shadows, we must live in the light of God’s Word.

a) God’s Promises are Sure and Unshakable
"For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen." (2 Corinthians 1:20).

b) God’s Promises Bring Hope in the Darkness
His promises shine like a beacon, guiding us through any storm or shadow.

c) The Word of God is a Lamp to Our Feet
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105).

d) Trusting in God’s Promises Brings Freedom from Fear
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7).

e) Biblical Example:
The three Hebrew boys, despite the shadow of the fiery furnace, stood firm on God’s promises and were delivered (Daniel 3:16-30).

Though we may face shadows in our lives, they cannot overpower the light of God’s presence. By walking in His light, embracing faith, and standing on His promises, we can rise above the shadows of fear, doubt, and discouragement. Let us walk confidently, knowing that the light of God shines brighter than any darkness that comes against us.

1. Lord, let Your light shine in every dark area of my life.

2. I break free from every shadow of fear and doubt in Jesus' name!

3. Father, empower me to rise above the shadows that seek to overwhelm me.

4. Let Your promises bring light and hope into my situation.

5. I receive divine strength to overcome every shadow in my life.

6. Father, let Your peace surround me in the midst of my challenges.

7. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

8. Lord, increase my faith to see beyond the shadows.

9. Every shadow of discouragement, I command you to leave in Jesus' name!

10. Father, let Your glory shine in every area of my life!

1. Every shadow in your life will be dispelled by the light of God’s glory.

2. You are rising above the limitations that have held you back.

3. The darkness of fear and discouragement will not prevail over your life.

4. You shall walk in the light of God’s promises and experience His victory.

5. The Lord will direct your path and bring clarity in every situation.

6. Every shadow of confusion and doubt is being replaced with peace and understanding.

7. You are anointed to shine brightly, even in the darkest places.

8. God will lift you up above every shadow of opposition.

9. You shall experience God’s divine favour in every area of your life.

10. You are more than a conqueror, and no shadow can defeat you.

May you rise above every shadow and walk in the glorious light of God’s presence. In Jesus' name, Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10

"And He said to me, ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ So I answered, ‘O Lord God, You know.’"

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:3, Acts 2:17-21, John 11:25-26, Psalm 85:6

In Ezekiel 37, the prophet Ezekiel is taken to a valley filled with dry bones, symbolising the hopelessness and despair of the people of Israel. God asked Ezekiel a profound question: "Can these bones live?" The dry bones in the valley were not just a physical manifestation of death but a representation of spiritual desolation. However, God, in His infinite power, breathed life into them, bringing them back to life as a great army. This passage is a prophetic reminder that no situation is too dead or hopeless for God to revive. Whether it is in our personal lives, communities, or churches, God's revival power can breathe life into any dry place, and He is calling us to prophesy His breath into the dry bones of our generation.


Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones reveals the spiritual condition of the people of Israel, and by extension, the world.

a) A Vision of Hopelessness
The bones were very dry, indicating a state of complete desolation, where life has long since passed.

b) The Bones Were Scattered
The bones were not in one place; they were scattered, symbolising how sin and disobedience can lead to fragmentation and disorder.

c) The People Were Spiritually Dead
God used this vision to show Ezekiel that the people of Israel were in a state of spiritual death, far from God’s will.

d) A Desperate Need for Restoration
The dry bones were a metaphor for the desperate need of revival in the hearts of the people, who had lost their spiritual vitality.

e) Biblical Example:
In Judges 6, Israel was oppressed by the Midianites and seemed to have no hope until God raised up Gideon to lead them to victory. Just as the dry bones were revived, God can bring revival to even the most hopeless situations.

God's question to Ezekiel was not about His own knowledge but about Ezekiel's faith in God's ability to restore.

a) A Question of Faith
God was testing Ezekiel’s faith, asking if he believed that the dry bones could live again.

b) The Possibility of Revival
The bones symbolised hopelessness, yet God was asking Ezekiel to see beyond the physical and believe in divine restoration.

c) God's Ability to Revive
The question calls us to reflect on our own lives. Are we willing to believe that God can revive the dead areas of our hearts, families, and churches?

d) A Call to Trust God's Power
No matter how dry or dead a situation seems, God is more than able to breathe life into it.

e) Biblical Example:
Jesus asked Martha, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40). Even though Lazarus was dead for four days, Jesus brought him back to life.

Ezekiel was instructed to prophesy to the bones, and his obedience brought the start of revival.

a) The Power of Prophetic Declaration
Ezekiel did not simply pray or wish for the bones to come to life; he spoke God’s word over the dry bones, and they began to move.

b) A Call for Action in Faith
When we see dry bones in our lives or in the lives of others, we must speak the Word of God over them, declaring life and restoration.

c) The Word of God as a Tool for Revival
Ezekiel's prophetic declaration was God's command, showing that revival starts with a declaration of God's truth, not just human effort.

d) A Response of Obedience
Ezekiel’s obedience in speaking the Word allowed the bones to begin to come together. Revival begins when we speak and act in obedience to God’s will.

e) Biblical Example:
In Acts 2, Peter prophesied to the people of Jerusalem, and the Holy Spirit fell upon them, leading to the revival of the early church.

The revival of the dry bones didn’t happen through Ezekiel’s words alone; it was God’s breath that brought them to life.

a) The Importance of God’s Breath
It was only when God commanded the breath to enter the bones that they became alive and stood on their feet. This is a reminder that revival is not by our might, but by God’s Spirit.

b) The Holy Spirit as the Breath of Life
The Holy Spirit is the one who breathes life into our dry places, bringing transformation and renewal. Without the Spirit, there is no true revival.

c) God's Power in the Restoration
God’s breath signifies His sovereign power to transform and revive even the most hopeless situations.

d) The Need for Spiritual Awakening
Without the breath of God, all efforts toward revival are in vain. We must pray for the Holy Spirit to breathe into us again, reviving our hearts and our churches.

e) Biblical Example:
In John 20:22, Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." This breath brought the disciples into new life and equipped them for their mission.

After the bones were revived, they stood up as a vast army, signifying that revival brings strength, unity, and purpose.

a) From Death to Strength
What was once a valley of dry bones became a mighty army. God’s revival restores us to strength and purpose, transforming the hopeless into the victorious.

b) The Restoration of Purpose
The revived bones were no longer dead but had a new purpose: to be part of God's army. Revival always brings renewed purpose and vision.

c) Unity in Revival
The bones came together, symbolising the unity that God desires to bring in the body of Christ. Revival brings a sense of community, unity, and collective purpose.

d) Equipped for Battle
A revived army is equipped for action, prepared to fight against the forces of darkness and advance God's kingdom.

e) Biblical Example:
In Acts 2, after the Holy Spirit filled the disciples, they were transformed from a scattered, fearful group into a powerful, unified church that spread the gospel with boldness.

Just as Ezekiel witnessed God’s breath bring life to dry bones, we too can experience revival in our own lives and in our communities. No situation, no matter how dead or hopeless, is beyond God’s ability to revive. We must not only trust in His power but also actively speak life into the dry places, rely on the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into us, and recognise that God is raising up a mighty army for His glory. Let us be part of the revival that God is bringing to the earth today.

1. Lord, breathe life into every dry and hopeless area of my life.

2. I declare that every area of spiritual dryness in my life is being revived right now.

3. Father, release Your Holy Spirit to bring revival to my heart and soul.

4. I speak life and restoration to every dead situation in my family.

5. Lord, help me to be obedient to Your voice and to speak life over every dry bone.

6. I pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit upon the church for a global revival.

7. Father, bring unity and strength to Your people as You revive us.

8. I declare that I am part of the mighty army that You are raising up in these last days.

9. I pray that Your breath of life will awaken the church to fulfill its purpose.

10. Lord, use me to declare life and revival to the nations.

1. You are entering a season of divine revival where every dry place in your life will be restored.

2. God is breathing life into your circumstances, turning them from hopeless to victorious.

3. The Spirit of God is bringing unity and strength to the body of Christ in this season.

4. God is raising you up to be part of a great army that will advance His kingdom.

5. Every dead situation in your life is receiving the breath of life right now.

6. The power of God’s Holy Spirit is igniting a revival fire in your heart.

7. You will see the impossible come to life as God breathes new life into your dreams and vision.

8. A new purpose is being revealed to you as God revives and restores your calling.

9. The glory of God will manifest in your life as you experience personal and spiritual revival.

10. You are marked for revival, and the breath of God is stirring you to greater heights in His Kingdom.

May the breath of God revive every dead area in your life, bringing you into His purposes for this season. In Jesus' name, Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Judges 11:1-11
"Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah." (Judges 11:1)

Supporting Texts: Ecclesiastes 3:1, Isaiah 60:22, Romans 8:28, Psalm 75:6-7, 1 Samuel 16:7

The story of Jephthah is a powerful reminder that the process of time can transform a person’s life in unexpected ways. Born as the son of a harlot and rejected by his own family, Jephthah faced great adversity. Yet, in the process of time, he became a mighty man of valour—an unlikely hero who was sought out by the very people who had once driven him away. This story teaches us that regardless of our beginnings or current circumstances, God’s purpose for us will come to pass in His perfect timing. Through time, perseverance, and faith, we can rise above our challenges and walk into the destiny God has prepared for us.

Jephthah’s journey begins in a place of rejection and shame, yet God had a plan for him.

a) Born of Rejection
Jephthah was the son of a harlot, and as a result, he was not welcomed by his legitimate siblings.

b) Driven Out by His Own Family
When Jephthah’s father died, his brothers drove him out, claiming there was no inheritance for him.

c) The Stigma of His Birth
The stigma of being born out of wedlock was a constant reminder of his lowly status in society.

d) A Rejected Man Becomes a Fighter
Though rejected, Jephthah did not remain idle. He became a man of strength, and his character was formed through adversity.

e) Biblical Example:
Jesus was also rejected by those closest to Him, yet He became the Savior of the world (Matthew 13:57).

In the process of time, God orchestrates events for His purpose.

a) God’s Timing is Always Perfect
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that "To everything there is a season," and God's timing is flawless.

b) God's Purpose Is Bigger Than Our Past
Jephthah’s past did not determine his future. God's purpose transcends our beginnings and history.

c) The Process of Time Develops Character
Through time, Jephthah was able to develop into a strong leader. His adversity built his character and leadership abilities.

d) God's Plan Unfolds in His Time
In the right season, God brought Jephthah into the position He had purposed for him.

e) Biblical Example:
Joseph was also rejected and thrown into prison, but in the process of time, he became the second in command in Egypt (Genesis 41:46).

Jephthah’s rejection became the catalyst for his elevation.

a) A Time of Preparation
Before Jephthah was called to lead, he was a warrior in the land of Tob, gaining experience and followers.

b) The Cry for a Leader
When the Ammonites came to fight against Gilead, the elders of Gilead remembered Jephthah and sought him out to be their leader.

c) The Power of God's Elevation
Jephthah did not have to seek leadership; God brought it to him in His timing.

d) God Uses Rejection as Preparation for Promotion
The rejection Jephthah faced led him to a position where he could prove his worth as a leader.

e) Biblical Example:
David, once a shepherd boy, was anointed king by Samuel, even though his brothers were initially overlooked (1 Samuel 16:11-13).

The process of time leads to divine promotion.

a) Trust the Process
Even in difficult times, we must trust that God is at work, shaping us for His purpose.

b) Be Prepared for the Opportunity
Jephthah did not waste time during his rejection; he prepared for the moment when God would call him to lead.

c) Humility Precedes Promotion
When Jephthah was called, he did not boast or take offense. He humbly accepted his role as leader.

d) God’s Promotion is Greater than Man’s Recognition
The elders of Gilead came to Jephthah, not based on his family status but because of his proven abilities.

e) Biblical Example:
Esther’s time of preparation, though difficult, led to her elevation as queen and the deliverance of her people (Esther 4:14).

Jephthah’s story illustrates how God can redeem our past to fulfill His purposes.

a) God Redeems Our Rejection
Jephthah’s past rejection did not disqualify him from God’s purpose. Instead, God used it as a stepping stone to his destiny.

b) God Can Turn Your Pain Into Purpose
The difficulties Jephthah faced became the very things that qualified him to lead in his time of destiny.

c) God’s Timing Brings Restoration
God restored Jephthah’s reputation, allowing him to lead the very people who once rejected him.

d) God Uses All Things for Our Good
Romans 8:28 assures us that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

e) Biblical Example:
Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, was redeemed by God and became one of the most influential apostles (Acts 9:15-16).

Jephthah’s story teaches us that in the process of time, God can transform any situation, no matter how dire, into an opportunity for His glory. What others may reject, God can use for His divine purpose. No matter where you find yourself today—rejected, overlooked, or forgotten—remember that in the process of time, God can turn things around for your good. Keep trusting Him, keep preparing, and when the right time comes, He will elevate you beyond your wildest expectations.

1. Lord, help me trust in Your perfect timing in every area of my life.

2. I declare that my past rejection will not hinder my future promotion.

3. Father, help me to prepare during times of adversity, knowing You are working behind the scenes.

4. I renounce every limitation and declare that God’s purpose for me shall prevail.

5. Lord, give me the grace to embrace the process that leads to my elevation.

6. I declare that every door that has been shut will open at the appointed time.

7. Father, turn my pain into purpose for Your kingdom.

8. I receive the strength to rise above every challenge and fulfill my divine destiny.

9. Lord, redeem every area of my life for Your glory.

10. Father, I trust You to use my story for Your purpose and to bring restoration in my life.

1. Every rejection in your life is being turned into a platform for divine promotion.

2. You are stepping into your season of elevation, and nothing will hinder your rise.

3. God is using your past struggles to build your future victories.

4. Your time of preparation is not in vain; God is setting you up for greatness.

5. The very people who rejected you will seek your help in this season of your life.

6. You will rise above every obstacle that has tried to hold you back.

7. God is redeeming your past for His glory and your good.

8. You are moving into a season of divine restoration and favour.

9. Your destiny is unfolding, and no one can stop what God has ordained for you.

10. In the process of time, you will see God’s perfect plan unfold in your life.

May God grant you the grace to trust the process and to rise into the fullness of your purpose in His time. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Wednesday, 29 January 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Kings 17:4-6

"And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there." (1 Kings 17:4)

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 55:8-9, Psalm 147:9, Luke 12:24, Matthew 6:26, 1 Corinthians 1:27

In times of great need and uncertainty, God often chooses to provide help in the most unexpected and unusual ways. During a period of famine in Israel, God instructed the prophet Elijah to go to a brook, where He would provide water, and He sent ravens to feed Elijah. Ravens, known for their selfishness, are an unlikely source of provision. This miraculous provision reminds us that God's help can come from places we least expect. When we trust in His sovereignty, we learn that God can use even the most unlikely sources to meet our needs.

The context of Elijah’s situation reveals how God’s provision is often most evident when needs are greatest.

a) A Time of Famine
Israel was experiencing a severe drought and famine because of King Ahab's wickedness and the worship of Baal.

b) Elijah’s Position
Elijah was in a place of isolation, away from human settlements, relying completely on God's provision.

c) A Total Dependence on God
God’s command for Elijah to go to the brook meant that Elijah had to fully depend on God for his daily needs.

d) The Absence of Human Help
There were no other obvious sources of help, as the entire nation was suffering.

e) Biblical Example:
In the wilderness, the Israelites had no food, but God sent manna from heaven to feed them (Exodus 16:4-5).

God’s ability to provide through unexpected means shows that He is not limited by our expectations.

a) The Ravens' Role
Ravens are typically scavengers, not known for caring for others, yet God commanded them to provide food for Elijah.

b) God’s Sovereignty Over Creation
Even the creatures of the earth obey God’s command when He wills it.

c) God Uses the Unlikely
Just as God used ravens, He can use people, places, and situations that we wouldn’t expect to bring help into our lives.

d) Trusting God’s Plan, Even When It’s Unpredictable
The way God chooses to deliver His provision may not align with our logic, but His methods are always best.

e) Biblical Example:
Jesus used a coin found in the mouth of a fish to pay taxes (Matthew 17:27), showing how God can provide through the most unexpected means.

God’s provision is always timely, even when it seems delayed or improbable.

a) God’s Provision is Always On Time
Elijah did not need food until God had instructed the ravens to deliver it. God’s timing is never too early or too late.

b) The Assurance of Divine Supply
Elijah trusted that God’s provision would come at the right moment, even when there was no sign of it beforehand.

c) Waiting on God’s Timing
There may be a waiting period where we cannot see how God will provide, but it is in this waiting that our faith is strengthened.

d) God’s Provision is Constant
The ravens fed Elijah morning and evening, demonstrating God’s consistency in His care.

e) Biblical Example:
The widow of Zarephath, also during the famine, received provision from God at the precise time she needed it (1 Kings 17:10-16).

The story of Elijah encourages us to expand our expectations of how and where help can come from.

a) Breaking Limiting Beliefs
Sometimes we limit God by expecting help only from familiar or expected sources, but God’s provision is not confined to our understanding.

b) Expecting God to Move Outside of Our Comfort Zones
Just as Elijah had to step out of his comfort zone to trust God’s unusual provision, we must be open to God using unconventional methods.

c) The Role of Faith in the Unexpected
Faith is required to believe that God can use unexpected sources for provision, especially when we see no other way.

d) God's Help is Never Limited by Our Circumstances
Even when all seems hopeless, God can provide in ways that we would not have thought possible.

e) Biblical Example:
God used the small lunch of a boy (five loaves and two fish) to feed 5,000 people (John 6:9-13), showing that God can provide abundantly through seemingly insufficient means.

God’s provision through unlikely sources often serves a greater purpose than just meeting our immediate needs.

a) Building Trust in God
By providing through ravens, God taught Elijah to rely on Him fully and trust His ability to provide in all situations.

b) Teaching Humility
Elijah’s reliance on the ravens showed that he could not depend on his own strength or wisdom; he had to humble himself to receive provision.

c) Testifying to God's Glory
The miraculous feeding by ravens would testify to God’s power and provision, even in the most unlikely ways.

d) God’s Purpose Beyond Our Needs
When God provides, it often serves a greater purpose than simply meeting our needs; it is part of His plan to glorify Himself.

e) Biblical Example:
The provision of manna to the Israelites was not just about their immediate need for food; it was also about teaching them to rely on God daily (Exodus 16:4-5).

The story of Elijah and the ravens reminds us that God is not limited by our understanding of how help should come. His provision often arrives from the most unexpected places, and it is in those moments that our faith is deepened. Whether through ravens, a fish, or a boy’s lunch, God can and will provide for us in ways we never imagined. The key is trusting in His sovereignty, knowing that His help will always come at the right time, and from the right place, even if it seems unlikely to us.

1. Lord, help me to trust You for provision, even when I don’t see a way.

2. I declare that I will not limit God’s provision to my understanding or expectations.

3. Father, open my eyes to see Your help in the unexpected places.

4. I receive the grace to wait on Your perfect timing for provision.

5. Lord, use every circumstance, however unlikely, to bring glory to Your name.

6. I pray for increased faith to believe in Your ability to provide from unexpected sources.

7. Father, help me to be humble in receiving help from unexpected sources.

8. I declare that I will not worry, for You will supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.

9. Lord, teach me to trust You fully, even when the provision seems impossible.

10. I thank You, Lord, for Your constant and faithful provision in my life.

1. Help will come to you from places and people you least expect.

2. God is opening doors of provision where you have seen none before.

3. Divine help will arrive at the perfect moment, right when you need it.

4. Your faith in God’s provision will be strengthened as He provides in unexpected ways.

5. God is breaking limitations and showing you new ways of receiving His provision.

6. Every need you have will be met, even from the most unlikely sources.

7. You will see God’s miraculous provision in your life, and it will testify to His greatness.

8. Expect God to move in ways that will leave you in awe and amazement.

9. God is using your current situation to prepare you for greater provision in the future.

10. From this day forward, you will experience supernatural help from unexpected places.

May you always trust that God's help will come from unlikely places, and may you never miss the provision He sends. In Jesus' name, Amen!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 5:1-14

"Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy." (2 Kings 5:1)

Supporting Texts: Romans 8:31, John 8:36, Philippians 4:13, Luke 4:27, Matthew 17:20

In life, many people experience situations where they are doing well in one area, yet there is something that hinders their progress—something that holds them back from fully experiencing God's blessings. This hindrance often comes in the form of a "but." The story of Naaman, a mighty man of valor, serves as a powerful illustration of this. He was a successful military commander, respected, and highly regarded, but he had leprosy. His "but" was a condition that overshadowed all his achievements. However, through God’s intervention, that "but" was rolled away, and he experienced healing and restoration. Today, God is ready to roll away your "but," removing the barriers in your life and bringing you into a new season of victory and wholeness.


Naaman's life was marked by success, but his condition—leprosy—was a constant reminder of his limitations. Despite all his achievements, this “but” kept him from being truly whole.

a) A Great Warrior with a Hidden Struggle
Naaman was a respected leader, but he had a condition that was unseen by many. Sometimes, we may appear successful on the outside, but we carry hidden struggles that hinder us. "But I have this secret issue..."

b) The Public and Private Disconnect
Naaman's external accomplishments did not match his internal struggle. Many people wear masks of success, but internally they battle with fear, shame, or unresolved issues. "But I am not truly at peace."

c) A Legacy of Success with a Dark Side
Despite his victories, Naaman's life was marred by leprosy, an incurable disease. This is a powerful reminder that even the most successful can face challenges that appear insurmountable.

d) The Reality of Our Weaknesses
We all have "buts" that stand in the way of our fullest potential. It is essential to acknowledge these areas and allow God to heal them.

e) Biblical Example:
In Mark 5:25-34, the woman with the issue of blood had lived for years in secret suffering. She was known for her wealth or status, but her “but” of illness made her struggle invisible. When she encountered Jesus, He removed her “but” and healed her.

In Naaman's case, his solution came from an unexpected place—through a young Israelite servant girl. The key to Naaman's healing was his willingness to humble himself and seek help despite his pride.

a) Naaman’s Reluctance to Accept God's Method
Initially, Naaman struggled to accept the prophet’s instructions because they seemed too simple and humiliating. The act of dipping in the Jordan River seven times seemed beneath his dignity. Similarly, many people struggle with God’s methods because they don’t align with their expectations.

b) The "But" of Pride
Naaman’s pride stood in the way of his healing. "But I am a great man; how can I humble myself?" Pride often stands in the way of the blessings that God has for us.

c) Letting Go of Personal Expectations
Often, our “buts” are tied to how we expect things to be done. We may resist God’s plan because it doesn’t meet our standards. However, God's ways are higher than our ways, and we must trust Him to lead us.

d) Obeying God’s Simple Instructions
Naaman’s healing came when he finally obeyed the simple command to dip in the Jordan. Sometimes, God's healing and restoration come in simple obedience to His Word, even when we don’t fully understand it.

e) Biblical Example:
In Matthew 14:28-31, Peter was able to walk on water when he obeyed Jesus' simple call, "Come." Despite the storm and his own fear, Peter took the step of faith, and Jesus removed his "but" of doubt.

When Naaman followed Elisha's instructions and dipped in the Jordan River seven times, his leprosy was healed, and his “but” was rolled away. His obedience led to his breakthrough.

a) The Power of Obedience
Naaman's healing wasn't just about dipping in the river—it was about obedience to God's command. Obedience activates God's power in our lives and removes every “but” standing in the way of our victory.

b) The Role of Faith in Obedience
Faith is the key to unlocking the promises of God. Naaman’s faith in God’s word, though initially reluctant, led to his healing. God rewards those who obey His commands in faith.

c) Breaking the Chains of "But" Through Action
The “but” of Naaman’s leprosy was removed through his action. In the same way, we must act on God’s Word to see transformation in our lives.

d) Overcoming Disbelief
Just as Naaman’s disbelief initially hindered his healing, our doubt can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God’s promises. When we choose to believe, every “but” is rolled away.

e) Biblical Example:
In John 9:1-7, Jesus healed a blind man by telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man’s obedience resulted in his sight being restored, proving that obedience removes every barrier.

Naaman’s healing was a demonstration of God’s grace. He did not deserve to be healed, but God’s grace was sufficient to remove his "but" of leprosy and restore him to wholeness.

a) God's Grace Is Sufficient
Naaman's healing was a gift of grace. Similarly, no matter how unworthy we feel, God's grace is sufficient to overcome our limitations.

b) The Ultimate Healing Comes from God
Naaman’s healing was not from the Jordan River itself but from God, who chose to use that simple action as a means of restoration. In the same way, our healing and breakthroughs come from God, who uses various means to roll away our “buts.”

c) God Does Not Look at Our Qualifications
Naaman was a leper and an outsider to the covenant of Israel, but God chose to heal him anyway. Similarly, God's grace is available to all, regardless of our past or present circumstances.

d) Experiencing Full Restoration
Naaman’s life was restored when he obeyed God’s instructions. God desires to restore every area of your life that has been impacted by the “but” of limitation.

e) Biblical Example:
In Luke 7:36-50, Jesus forgave the sinful woman who anointed His feet with her tears. Her “but” of sin and shame was rolled away by Jesus’ grace, and she was restored to wholeness.

After his healing, Naaman was no longer known as the mighty warrior with leprosy but as a man healed by God’s grace. He walked in freedom, no longer hindered by his “but.”

a) New Identity in Christ
After his healing, Naaman’s identity was transformed. In the same way, God wants to transform your identity—no longer defined by your past failures, weaknesses, or limitations.

b) Walking in Wholeness
Once Naaman’s “but” was removed, he walked in wholeness and health. Similarly, God desires for you to walk in complete restoration and healing.

c) A Testimony of God’s Power
Naaman’s healing was a testimony of God's power. When God removes your “but,” you become a living testimony of His grace and ability to transform lives.

d) Boldness to Step into God’s Promises
With his “but” removed, Naaman stepped boldly into the fullness of God’s promises for his life. Similarly, when we allow God to remove our “buts,” we step confidently into the future He has prepared for us.

e) Biblical Example:
In John 4:28-30, the Samaritan woman left her water jar after encountering Jesus, realizing that her “but” of shame and rejection had been removed. She went to testify to others about Jesus, and many believed in Him.

God is ready to roll away every "but" in your life, just as He did for Naaman. No matter the struggles, limitations, or barriers you may be facing, His grace and power are greater. Just like Naaman, you can experience the transformation that comes when you humble yourself, obey His Word, and trust in His ability to bring healing, restoration, and freedom. Every "but" that has held you back from walking in your full potential can be removed today. As you step into obedience and faith, you will walk in the victory God has already prepared for you.

1. Lord, roll away every “but” in my life that hinders my progress.

2. Father, I receive the grace to obey Your instructions, no matter how simple or challenging they seem.

3. I break every barrier of pride and self-sufficiency that prevents me from experiencing Your healing power.

4. Father, help me to surrender every hidden struggle to You so that You can heal me completely.

5. Lord, grant me the faith to believe that You can remove every obstacle in my life.

6. I declare that every “but” of illness, shame, and limitation in my life is rolled away in Jesus' name.

7. Lord, let Your grace make a way for me where there seems to be no way.

8. I pray for the strength to act on Your Word in obedience and receive my breakthrough.

9. Lord, let Your power be made perfect in my weaknesses, and roll away every limitation.

10. Father, I receive full restoration and wholeness in every area of my life—spirit, soul, and body.

1. I prophesy that every "but" of limitation in your life shall be rolled away by the hand of God.

2. I declare that your healing, restoration, and breakthrough are manifesting right now in the name of Jesus.

3. I decree that the grace to obey God's instructions, no matter how simple, is being released to you today.

4. I speak to every mountain in your life and declare it is being moved as you walk in obedience and faith.

5. The Lord is removing every hindrance to your breakthrough, and you will walk in total freedom.

6. Every struggle that has held you back will no longer define you, for the Lord has rolled it away.

7. I declare that your new season of wholeness, peace, and victory has begun.

8. Every hidden struggle will be exposed, healed, and completely removed by God's power.

9. Your identity is being transformed, and you will no longer be known by your past limitations.

10. I declare that God’s power to restore and heal is at work in your life, and you are stepping into the fullness of His promises.

In Jesus' name, Amen.