Saturday 6 June 2015


Text: Genesis 30:25-27

Uncommon means usual, something that takes you out of the ordinary. Uncommon means exceptional. Uncommon means in excess of what is normal. It means peculiar.
Grace is unmerited favour. Getting what you do not really deserve. God showing you kindness. Laboring little and reaping much. Other words for grace are: kindness, favour, mercy etc.
Uncommon grace, means unusual grace, extraordinary grace, abnormal grace, atypical grace,  especial grace, exceeding grace, exceptional grace, peculiar grace, rare grace, unique grace.
Jacob served Laban for 14 years for his wives. He was in servitude for 14 years until his breakthrough came.
I don't know if you have been in that situation for a long time.
Elizabeth was barren for a purpose. There is a purpose to your situation. God allowed Jacob to go through this situation so that he can amass wealth for the setting up of the nation of Israel.
After 14 years Laban came to acknowledge the uncommon grace that was upon the life of Jacob.
Now, how do you explain the employee becoming richer than the employer if that is not uncommon and unusual? 
How you explain someone whose wages have been reviewed downwards 10 times now shooting up to become a major shareholder in just a  year if that is not exceptional.
After the 14th year certain things happened to Jacob.

1. His taskmaster came to negotiate with him. Gen. 30:27-30.  This month, all those who despised you and glossed over you, will come to negotiate with you. He recognized that Jacob carried uncommon grace.
This year, those who insulted you will come back and kneel before you.
Jacob was not the only person living with Laban. He had grown up children and even other slaves. But grace singled out Jacob.
Your hands will be so blessed that even your enemy will come begging for you.

2. Jacob now dictated the terms. Gen 30:31-33.
He fixed his salary. He was handed a blank cheque.
This month you will dictate the terms. You will determine what you want. Life will not throw you anything and anyhow but you will determine what you get out of life in every situation.

3. Jacob received divine revelation. Gen 31:11-12.
This very month, God will open your eyes.
You will receive angelic intervention in your affairs.
Jacob was working in the same place for 14 years without much result. After the revelation, his bondage was over.
Jacob was still in the same occupation, the same town, the same employer and the same country. He did not change his location.
What you need is revelation. Revelation gives you insight into what to do, revelation provides a way of escape. The widow that met Elisha had oil, when she got the revelation, her situation changed.
One prayer point you need to pray: Lord open my eyes.
This month will be a season of discovery for you. Inventions are just discoveries. They have been here all along.
One single revelation cancelled 14 years of misery for Jacob. One single revelation is enough.

4. There was wealth transfer. Gen. 31:7-9
Get ready for wealth transfer. Isaiah 60:5; Isaiah 60:11; Isaiah 61:6; 66:12.
ILL. 1. God gave the Israelites wealth transfer when they were living Egypt.
(2) God made wise men to come from the East to give generously to Jesus.
The transfer was for Jacob to have a seed for the beginning of a new nation.

5. The enemy got weaker and Jacob got stronger. Gen 30:41-42.
This month you will begin to grow stronger and stronger. They wanted to chase you out but they will flee before your face now,
The strength of your enemy will diminish. They underestimated you but they will soon regret.

6. God will fight for you. Gen. 31:20-24.
Laban caught up with Jacob on Mount Gilead.  God will fight for you this year.
Before you have been fighting for yourself but it is time to hold your peace because God will fight for you.
Laban pursued Jacob with the intention to do him harm, but God had other plans.
God will fight for you when you are awake. He will fight for you when you sleep. He will fight for you when ou know it and when you don't even know it.
When God fights for a man, He makes his enemies come to sign a peace treaty with him.
God is called Jehovah, the Man of War. He is called The Lord of Hosts. He has never lost any battle before and will never lose any battle. When he fights for you, victory is sure.

(I)  He can trouble your enemy. Exodus 14:24-25
May God trouble your enemies and overthrow your stubborn pursuer this year. God will give your enemies flat tyre and empty their fuel tanks.

(II) God can send His angel to fight your enemy. 2 Sam 5:24.
ILL. he used an angel of death in Exodus to kill the first born of the Egyptians to make pharaoh set the Israelites free.

(III) He will cause your enemy to hear a terrifying noise. 2 Kings 7:5-7
The Syrians fled when the lepers approach them.
Every enemy of your progress will hear a terrifying noise and leave you alone this year.

(IV) He can cause your enemies to have a terrifying dream, judges 7:13-14.

(V) God can cause your enemies to destroy each other, 2 Chronicles 20:23-24.
Those who hate you will cancel themselves out. Your enemies will make mistakes that will lead to your victory,

Laban caught up with Jacob on Mount Gilead. Gilead means hill of testimonies. After battle, you have testimonies.

Gen 31:12-13.
Lets look at the vow: Gen. 28:20-21.

A personal relationship with The Lord. Some of us have to re-dedicate ourselves to God. You cannot be living in sin and expect grace to abound.  How is your commitment to God and the things of God? Do you serve Him with all our heart or do so when it is only convenient for you.
Do you serve God because of the blessings or do you love Him?   Commit a righteous walk with God from today.

Before that incident, he treated the stone in a very shabby manner. To him it was an ordinary stone. But when he slept God opened his eyes.  Many of us treat church shabbily, whatever you don't value can never add value to your life. Don't let anything keep you away from God's house.
How can you stay away from God's house for more than 2 weeks consecutively? Having personal devotion is not the same as coming to church.  There is a corporate anointing that is present when we gather together.

He connected to uncommon grace through giving.
He did something unusual in those days. This is the second time tithe would be mentioned in scriptures. Th first time was when Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek.
When you give an uncommon offering, you will receive an uncommon miracle. To get uncommon grace, practice uncommon giving.h 

1. All I have struggled to get, Oh Lord, give me with ease this month.
2. I must sit on my throne of celebration in Jesus name.
3. O God of Joseph, give me my Manasseh - that I forget all my toils.
4. O God of Joseph, give me my Ephraim - that I will testify that God cause me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.
5. What stopped my father will not stop me.
6. I shall not stop where my father stopped in the name of Jesus.
7. Every barrier to my miracle, scatter in the name of Jesus.
8. Psalm 9:6 Father destroy the foundation of wickedness permanently in my life.
9. In 2014, let my hands be so blessed that the whole world will come looking for my services.
10. Lord open my eyes this year. Grant me revelation and the spirit of wisdom to give an answer to every question that comes my way.
11. Father fight for me this year. Every case the enemy may want to reopen in my life, close it permanently.
12. I receive the spirit of uncommon grace. Let your grace distinguish me this year.
 This session is titled: Power For Restoration
1.     Lord, open doors of opportunity to me through this prayer, in the name of Jesus.
2.      I recover all the ground that I had lost to the enemy, in Jesus’ name
3.      I command all doors of good things, closed against me by the enemy to be opened, in the name of Jesus.
4.      I reject the spirit of impossibility, I claim open doors, in the name of Jesus.
5.      I decree restoration seven fold in . . . areas of my life, in the name of Jesus.
6.      I posses the power to pursue, overtake and recover my goods from spiritual Egyptians, in Jesus name.
8.   Lord, make my life a miracle and be glorified in every area of it, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Let all hidden potentials and gifts that will make me great, stolen from me, be restored 21 fold, in Jesus name.

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