Wednesday 17 August 2016


TEXT:    Jeremiah 29:11; Jeremiah 1:4-7; Romans 12:2

What is Destiny?
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Jeremiah 1:4-7
4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

Romans 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

What is destiny?
In simple terms, destiny is the purpose of God for your life. It is your appointed or ordained future. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will. Destiny is what you were born to be. Destiny is what God Has written in His book concerning your life.
Your destiny is what God had in mind before He created you and asked you to come into this world. It is God’s pre-ordained plan for your life. Destiny is your assignment, in simple terms; it is the original plan of God for you; a predetermined future. Destiny is a divine decree, lot, portion or future. Everybody has a destiny.

Destiny is the most important question of life. Once you have answered this question then you will be at rest. Destiny begins with the question, WHO AM I?

Destiny is first and foremost the original intention of God for your life, and it includes the purpose, place and program for your life. Destiny is taken from the word destination, WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR AND WHERE YOU ARE GOING.

Let me explain this very clearly, there are aspects of life which includes the business angle, political angle, the entertainment angle, career or professional sector; we also have the ministry angle.

God spoke to Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter 1 vs. 5 saying, before I formed thee I knew thee, and before you were born I ordained thee to be a prophet. Every one has been ordained unto something from birth. Yes it’s so important for you to know that you did not appear here by chance, you are not a product of biology, I mean to say that you are not a biological accident you are a creature of destiny. And until your destiny is discovered life might remain a frustration. You can be rich and still be unfulfilled, for example look at some secular stars, they have money but still unfulfilled, that is why you can see them opening different NGOS and FOUNDATIONS to help people. Something inside them tells them that they were created for something. So they look for how to make impact.

Your destiny is a destiny of impact, but you must understand it so as to be intact and impactful.

Your destiny is so glorious that is why you are on earth. You are here for something and until that thing is discovered you remain covered. You are not just here to go to school come out and work for somebody all your life, after that marry, give birth to children, and train them till they get married also and repeat the same cycle.

At age 12 Jesus knew who He was, remember in Luke 2 vs. 49 during His earthly ministry, when confronted by his earthly parents on why he left them sorrowing in search of Him, Jesus said that He was ABOUT HIS FATHERS BUSINESS. IF at 20 you don’t know who you are then there is a problem but thank God because its never too late to be right. Abraham discovered his destiny at 75 and still fulfilled it no wonder we are called children of  Abraham.

The only way to discover who you are is to search the-for-what He is assigned you for in scriptures. God is your creator and as your MANUFACTURER, He has a manual and that manual is the BIBLE. Why is it that people can employ every other means in discovering themselves other than the bible? But the discovery of your destiny is rooted in the word. 
The word is the surest word of prophecy, people that don’t mind the scriptures don’t mind their future.

Destiny can be broadly categorized into two groups. 

A. General Destiny
The first category is the general destiny which is an expression of God’s thought for all of mankind (Jer. 29:11; John 3:16; 2Peter 3:9).  Every believer is to be His ambassador (2Corinthians 5:20-21) and to prosper spiritually and physically (3John 2).

B. Specific Destiny
God, however, has specific destinies for some individuals; this is a divine assignment/purpose for which such people have been created (Acts 26:15-18; Jeremiah 1:5).

Jesus was destined to be the savior of mankind. (Matthew 1:21; John 18:37)
God destined Abraham for Greatness (Genesis 18:17-18)
Samson’s divine purpose was to deliver Israel from the philistines but he did not achieve his destiny (Judges 13:5; Judges 16:30).


Your destiny is essentially God's will for your life. But God has three wills.

Romans  12:2

And be not conformed to this world , but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that GOOD, AND ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD.

The three wills of God are the three kinds of DESTINY

1.   THE GOOD KIND OF DESTINY; this is the kind of destiny you see most people fulfilling. It is not Gods perfect will but it is a good will. Somebody can decide to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, politician or most of the time business person. It is wonderful and appreciable but it is an ambition, It is a good plan but it might not be Gods master plan for your life. You might desire to build a duplex but end up building a flat; it is still very good but cannot be compared to building your desired duplex. So in the same vein it is not every body that should go into business, but business will still be profitable. But the difference is the fulfillment from the impact. For example look at peter one of Jesus disciples. He was a fisherman but that was not Gods perfect will for Him, but it was a good will as working is one of the will of God, but working in the area God wants you to work is equally another thing. Destiny is essentially doing what you have been designed by God to do. This is what destiny is. There is a right person for you to marry, there is a right vocation for you to practice, and even twins have separate destinies. You are not like everybody else you have a special task you have been sent to actualize. You can start at the good destiny but don’t end there seek the perfect destiny. Paul in the bible one of the most profound apostles that wrote two third of the new testament, was a lawyer but that was not His destiny no wonder He was beating about the bush of life like an enraged dog persecuting Christians He was sent to build up. You will not miss Gods master plan for your life.

2.   THE ACCEPTABLE KIND OF DESTINY; according to Romans 12 vs.2 this acceptable kind of destiny is the acceptable will of God. It is different from the good kind of destiny because in this kind of destiny, it becomes rather too late to fulfill Gods perfect will for your life. Because every phase of destiny is time tagged, that is there is where you must be at a particular point in time. There are specific assignment to be actualized and times and seasons are allotted. A footballer starts playing early. A forty year old man cannot desire to train for football. He is already missing the time. Remember that Ecclesiastes chapter three says there is time for every thing. So if a man has been destined by God to cause some certain changes in the world as a lawyer, but did not go to school that destiny becomes impossible to be fulfilled optimally. But when that man although not schooled as a lawyer decides to fight for the right of people as an activist later on in life, this is also fulfilling His destiny acceptably not perfectly. And it happens in all fields, as a business man there is a particular product you must sell, that means a specific line of business you must embark upon. You don’t just do things you will only shine where God has designed you for. For instance the ceiling fan cannot act as a television set. It is not possible, it will be a mirage to expect that your TV set will cool you as an air conditioner, No, it will only entertain you. Do not just be a banker, be the banker, do not just be a doctor, be the doctor, do not just be a business man be the business man, do not just be a teacher, be the teacher, do not just be a pastor be the pastor, do not just be a writer be the writer. There are some books that some men have been destined by God to write so as to ease life circumstances by addressing some issues but they failed, you shall not fail your generation in the name of Jesus.

3.   THE PERFECT KIND OF DESTINY; this is however the ultimate but have very few people walking in it. Everybody has a glorious destiny but not everybody will fulfill it because not everybody is ready to pay the price required.

It is essential to discover what your destiny is, so as to fulfill it before time runs out.  (Ephesians 5:16).  Discovery of Destiny could be by the following means:
1. Through prayerful enquiry from the Lord (Ephesians 1:17-21; Matthew 7:7-9)
2. Through revelation by the Holy Spirit and inward witness (Acts 13:1-4; Romans 8:14; Acts 7:22-25)
3. Through angelic visitation (Judges 6:11-14; 13:2-5)
4. Through revelation in dreams from God (Genesis 37:5-10)
5. Through observation of trends, patterns, passions or interest (Genesis 37:11; Luke 1:66, 2:19).

The price required to be paid in order to fulfill Gods master plan for your life.

a.   You must be born again; you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. Paul had to accept Christ for His destiny to change. And you must get ready to walk diligently with God. Because you cannot determine your destiny you only discover it.
b.   You must have the desire to find out what God has called you to do, and you can only find out by searching Gods word diligently.
c.   You must be a reader of the right kind of books, Daniel said in Daniel chapter 2 vs. 9 that He understands by books. Paul too was a reader. All the great men that have caused drastic changes were readers so they became leaders, in this life you will rule in your respective field.
d.   You must get the required the facts for your field; the book of proverbs says every enterprise is built by wise planning and getting the right facts. You must know the ingredients of music before you can be an effective musician.
e.   You must search, yes search the right materials you are seeking to uncover as every valuable information opens up with a diligent, persistent search
f.   Get wisdom and understanding, you must operate wisely, your destiny is great and glorious but there are phases and chapters, so you must program and plan accordingly, what I mean is this, set short term and long term goals.
g.   You must be spiritual, because spirituality is the booster of destiny, live a Holy, fraud free life, study the word, pray and fast so as to build enough capacity to defeat the oppositions because the enemy is envious of your destiny
h.   You must value time, David said in psalms 90 vs. 12; Oh lord teach us to number our days so that we can apply our heart to wisdom. You must live each day as if it is the last day so avoid procrastination.
i.   You must be involved in charity in whatever level it gives you speed as you approach your desired goal. This also means you must think of others and not just yourself.
j.   You must be proud of what you have been called to do, don’t envy others
k.   You must have mentors and role models in that same field you have chosen.

Generally speaking, any of the following can happen to a destiny.

A. It can be abandon. This happen when a venture, relationship, project, pursuit, project are left mid - way.

B. It can be stopped. There are destinies that are stopped or killed before fulfillment.

C. It can be miscarried. Miscarriage is a product of negative forces which terminate good things before manifestation. It is majorly a witchcraft work. It could be pregnancy, relationship, employment, opportunity etc.

D. It can be exchange. This happen when one's destiny is substituted with another man's destiny like the case of Ephraim and manasseh, the sons of Joseph when there grandfather Jacob was blessing them. ( Gen 48: 13- 20)

E. It can be stolen. There are cases where destiny are completely stolen. In this case the destiny owner is left with nothing.

F. It can be realized. This is one which becomes fulfilled and materialized. Realizing your destiny is the best of all mentioned. Take note, there are destiny killers who will want to stop and kill your destiny before they are realized, you must be prepared to fight them and pray them out of your life. They are the Samballats and Tobiahs of life and destiny.

You must know that God has opened before you a great door but there are many adversaries, 1st Corinthians 16 vs.9. So oppositions will show up, it did for Joseph, David and even Jesus, but you must realize that every set back is only a stepping back for a higher jump. You shall jump higher in the name of Jesus. A lot of things might come to make you give up but hold on, that stumbling block shall become a stepping stone.

1. SIN. A man who is living in sin cannot fulfill his destiny or attain eternal destination which God has promised – 1John 3:4; Rom. 6:16-18; Rom. 6:2.
2. PRAYERLESSNESS. Many Christians do not pray enough. They despise vigils and prayer meeting but Jesus enjoins us to pray like He did to avoid becoming a prey to the enemy – Luke 18:1, Luke 6:12-13. John 6:15; Luke 22:41-44; Matthew 26:38-42.
3. PRIDE. Pride is excessive self-esteem and it is dangerous because God resists the proud – Romans 9:15-16; Psalm 138:6, Jas. 4:6. Pride is a sin. It leads to loss – Daniel 4:28-33, Prov. 21:4; 16:18; 2Chron,26:16; Proverbs 29:23.
4. LACK OF FAITH. Lack of faith is also a destiny destroyer – Heb. 4:2; 1 Tim.1:19. If we have faith, we will take the right steps and possess divine promises – Heb.11:1; Isaiah 28:16; James 2:18; Luke 17:12-14. Joshua 14:12; 1Sam.17:37; Hebrews 11:33-38. Unbelief ends in failure and destruction – Num.14:22-24; Matthew 17:19-20 
5. LAZINESS. Being lazy, idle or averse to labour is a destroyer of destiny – Jn.5:17; John 9:4. Jesus even defiled hunger to fulfill an assignment, John 4:31-34. Proverb 18:9, 16, 22:29; Titus 2:14; Romans 12:11.

Seek the face of God, lift up your faith unto God and run with the vision which the Lord will give to you.  God will always be there to back you up.

I have not said all I needed to say but I have said something, you might have started late but you can still be the latest. I pray for Guidance and direction from God for you, from today your steps shall be ordered by the lord. Be blessed. 

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