By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Psalm 121:1-2 – “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 41:10, Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 46:1, 2 Chronicles 20:12, Acts 26:22
Every human being, at some point in life, needs help. No one can succeed alone, and even the strongest individuals have moments of weakness. While men may offer help, there are limitations to what human assistance can achieve. True and lasting help comes from God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
God’s help is supernatural, timely, and unfailing. Unlike human helpers who may change their minds or be limited by circumstances, God never fails. When He steps in to help, He makes the impossible possible. In this teaching, we will explore various dimensions of God’s help and how you can position yourself to receive it.
God is never absent in the lives of His children.
a) He is a Refuge in Times of Trouble
The Lord is a stronghold in times of distress (Psalm 46:1). No matter what you are facing, you are not alone—God is with you.
b) He Strengthens the Weak
When you feel weary and helpless, He renews your strength (Isaiah 40:29-31). His help comes when human strength fails.
c) He Guides the Confused
When you don’t know what to do, He directs your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). His help brings clarity and direction.
d) He is an Everlasting Helper
Unlike human help that can be temporary, God’s help is forever (Hebrews 13:6). He will never leave you stranded.
e) Biblical Example: The Israelites at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13-14)
When Pharaoh pursued them, they were trapped, but God helped them by parting the Red Sea. That same God will make a way for you.
God often raises men and women to help fulfil His purpose in our lives.
a) He Sent Destiny Helpers to Joseph
Pharaoh’s butler recommended Joseph, leading to his promotion (Genesis 41:9-14). God can use people to connect you to your breakthrough.
b) He Sent Ruth to Naomi
Naomi thought her life was over, but Ruth became a source of help and restoration (Ruth 4:13-17). God will send the right people to help you.
c) He Used Mordecai to Help Esther
Mordecai guided Esther into her destiny, positioning her to save Israel (Esther 2:7, 4:14). Divine helpers will locate you.
d) He Provided a Helper for David in Jonathan
Jonathan risked his life to support David’s destiny (1 Samuel 18:3-4). God will place the right people in your life.
e) Biblical Example: The Good Samaritan Helped the Wounded Man (Luke 10:30-35)
While others ignored the wounded man, the Good Samaritan helped him. God will not let you be abandoned.
There are situations where only divine help can bring deliverance.
a) He Rescued the Three Hebrew Boys from Fire
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the furnace, but God’s help preserved them (Daniel 3:24-25).
b) He Delivered Daniel from the Lions’ Den
No harm came to Daniel because God shut the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:22).
c) He Helped Elijah During Famine
When there was no food, God sent ravens to feed Elijah (1 Kings 17:6).
d) He Sent an Angel to Help Peter in Prison
While Peter was bound in chains, an angel came and set him free (Acts 12:7-10).
e) Biblical Example: Paul Was Rescued from a Shipwreck (Acts 27:22-24)
Despite the storm, God’s help ensured no life was lost. The same God will help you in your crisis.
Divine help is available, but you must ask and trust in Him.
a) He Helped Jabez Through Prayer
Jabez cried to God for a change, and God granted his request (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).
b) He Heard the Cry of Bartimaeus
Blind Bartimaeus received his sight because he called on Jesus (Mark 10:46-52).
c) He Helped Hezekiah Through Prayer
When Hezekiah was told he would die, he prayed, and God added 15 years to his life (2 Kings 20:5-6).
d) He Delivered Jehoshaphat Through Praise
Jehoshaphat and his people praised God, and their enemies were defeated (2 Chronicles 20:22).
e) Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood Received Help Through Faith (Mark 5:25-34)
She touched Jesus in faith and was instantly healed. Faith is key to receiving divine help.
Unlike human help, which is unreliable, God’s help is certain.
a) Human Help is Limited
Men can fail, but God never fails (Jeremiah 17:5-7).
b) God is a Present Help
Even in the darkest moments, He is with you (Isaiah 41:10).
c) He Helps in Unexpected Ways
His help may not come the way you expect, but it will come (2 Kings 7:6-7).
d) He Finishes What He Starts
God will complete the good work He began in your life (Philippians 1:6).
e) Biblical Example: God Never Failed Israel (Joshua 21:45)
Every promise God made to Israel came to pass. The same God will fulfil His promises to you.
No matter the situation you are in, God’s help is available. The key is to trust in Him, seek Him in prayer, and believe that He is your ever-present help in times of trouble. Stop looking to men for what only God can do. When you lift your eyes to Him, you will experience supernatural intervention.
God has helped people in the past, and He will help you today. His help is timely, sufficient, and unfailing. As you put your trust in Him, expect divine assistance in every area of your life.
- Lord, I lift my eyes to You—send me divine help.
- Father, raise destiny helpers for my life and ministry.
- Lord, intervene in every difficult situation I am facing.
- My help will not be delayed or diverted in Jesus' name.
- Father, surround me with people who will uplift and not destroy me.
- I reject every spirit of self-sufficiency; I depend on You, Lord.
- Father, deliver me from every trap set by the enemy.
- I declare that I will not be stranded in life.
- Lord, let my testimony of divine help be evident to all.
- My life shall be a testimony of God’s unfailing help.
- You shall never lack divine help in Jesus’ name!
- Every delay in your life is over—help is coming your way!
- God will send you the right people at the right time!
- You will not be stranded in the journey of life!
- Where others fail, divine help will lift you up!
- You will testify of supernatural assistance!
- The favour of God will position you for elevation!
- Your help will not be delayed or diverted!
- God will fight for you and give you victory!
- You are walking into a season of divine help and abundance!
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