Saturday, 1 March 2025



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”

Supporting Texts: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 46:1, Jeremiah 32:27, Matthew 19:26


The consistency of God’s power, mercy, and faithfulness is one of the greatest anchors of our faith. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. No matter how great the challenges you are facing, the same God who delivered His people in the past is still available to deliver, provide, and fight for you.

In this fifth part of "That Same God," we will examine even more proofs of His unchanging power. If He healed the sick, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead in the past, then He can do it again. If He made a way in the wilderness, then He will make a way for you. As you go through this teaching, let your faith be strengthened in the reliability of our unchanging God.


God has the power to restore what was stolen, lost, or destroyed.

a) He Restored Job’s Lost Fortune
Job lost everything—his wealth, children, and health. But in the end, God restored double of all that he lost (Job 42:10). No matter what you have lost, God can restore it beyond your imagination.

b) He Restored Naomi from Bitterness to Joy
Naomi lost her husband and sons, and she returned to Bethlehem in sorrow. But God restored her through Ruth, and she became part of the lineage of Christ (Ruth 4:14-17). God can turn your pain into testimony.

c) He Restored Peter After His Denial
Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him and made him a pillar of the early Church (John 21:15-17). Your failures do not disqualify you from divine restoration.

d) He Restored Israel After Their Captivity
After years in Babylonian captivity, God brought His people back to their land (Jeremiah 29:10-11). No matter how long you have been in a tough situation, God can restore you.

e) Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34)
She lost her health, her wealth, and was rejected by society, but one touch from Jesus restored everything. That same God will restore your wasted years.


God does not forget His promises or His people.

a) He Remembered Noah and Ended the Flood
Noah and his family were in the ark for many months, but God remembered them and caused the waters to dry up (Genesis 8:1). No matter how long your storm lasts, God will remember you.

b) He Remembered Rachel and Opened Her Womb
Rachel was barren and suffered humiliation, but God remembered her and gave her a child (Genesis 30:22-24). When God remembers you, your story will change.

c) He Remembered the Israelites in Egypt
After 430 years of slavery, God remembered His covenant with Abraham and sent Moses to deliver them (Exodus 2:24-25). Your season of deliverance is coming!

d) He Remembered Cornelius and Sent Peter to Him
Cornelius was a Gentile who feared God, and one day, God remembered him and sent salvation to his household (Acts 10:4-5). Your prayers and faithfulness will not be forgotten.

e) Biblical Example: Mordecai Was Remembered for Honour (Esther 6:1-11)
Mordecai had done a good deed that was forgotten for years, but in due time, God caused the king to remember him. Your reward is coming!


Promotion does not come from men but from God.

a) He Promoted Joseph from the Pit to the Palace
Joseph’s journey began with rejection, but in the end, God lifted him to rule over Egypt (Genesis 41:41-44). No human opposition can stop divine promotion.

b) He Promoted Daniel Despite Conspiracies
Enemies plotted against Daniel, but God’s favour lifted him to greater heights (Daniel 6:1-3). When God promotes you, no one can demote you.

c) He Promoted David from a Shepherd to a King
David was the least among his brothers, but God anointed him and made him king (1 Samuel 16:11-13). God sees beyond human limitations.

d) He Promoted Esther from an Orphan to a Queen
Esther had no royal background, yet God lifted her to the throne (Esther 2:17). Your background does not determine your future.

e) Biblical Example: Jesus Was Exalted Above All (Philippians 2:9-11)
Jesus humbled Himself, and God highly exalted Him. The same God will lift you up in due season.


God is still in the business of healing the sick and brokenhearted.

a) He Healed King Hezekiah and Extended His Life
Hezekiah was at the point of death, but when he prayed, God added 15 years to his life (2 Kings 20:5-6). Prayer can change your health situation.

b) He Healed Naaman from Leprosy
Naaman was a great warrior but suffered from leprosy, yet one act of obedience brought him total healing (2 Kings 5:14). Humility and faith activate healing.

c) He Healed Blind Bartimaeus
Bartimaeus was a blind beggar, but when he cried out to Jesus, his sight was restored (Mark 10:46-52). God still opens blind eyes today.

d) He Healed the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda
A man who had been sick for 38 years was healed instantly when Jesus spoke (John 5:8-9). No sickness is beyond God’s power.

e) Biblical Example: The Ten Lepers Cleansed by Jesus (Luke 17:12-19)
Ten lepers were healed by Jesus, but only one returned to give thanks. The same God who healed them will heal you too.


God's track record is flawless. The same God who worked miracles in the past is still active today. Whether it is restoration, remembrance, promotion, or healing, He is able to do it again in your life.

Trust in Him completely, for He never fails. If He did it for others, He will do it for you. No situation is beyond His power, and no promise He has made will fail. Stay in faith and expect that same God to move in your life again.


1.  Father, restore every lost blessing in my life.

2.  Lord, remember me for favour and breakthrough.

3.  Father, lift me to the place of divine promotion.

4.  Lord, heal me of every physical and emotional wound.

5.  God of restoration, bring back everything I have lost.

6.  Father, let my name be remembered for good in high places.

7.  Lord, lift me up to where I belong in destiny.

8.  Every sickness in my body, disappear in Jesus' name!

9.  Lord, I believe You will do it again in my life.

10.  Father, let my testimony be unstoppable!


1.  I declare that your season of restoration has come!

2.  You shall be remembered for divine favour!

3.  Your promotion is coming, and no one can stop it!

4.  Every sickness in your life is terminated now!

5.  The God who never fails will show up for you!

6.  You will rise and never fall!

7.  You shall be celebrated this season!

8.  Doors of promotion are opening for you!

9.  Every delay in your life is over!

10. That same God will give you a testimony!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”

Supporting Texts: Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 34:19, Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, 2 Chronicles 20:15

One of the greatest assurances we have as believers is that God never changes. His power, love, and faithfulness remain the same from generation to generation. The God who performed miracles in the Bible is the same God we serve today. He has not lost His power, nor has He grown weary. He is still delivering, saving, and lifting His children.

This message, "That Same God – Part 4," is a reminder that the God of Abraham, Moses, David, and Paul is still at work in our lives. No matter the situation you are facing, remember that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think. Your past victories are proof that God will come through for you again. This teaching will help strengthen your faith in the unchanging nature of God.


God specialises in lifting the humble and placing them in positions of honour.

a) He Lifted Joseph from the Prison to the Palace
Joseph was forgotten and abandoned in prison, but in one day, God elevated him to become the Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:41). No matter how long you have been in obscurity, God will lift you suddenly.

b) He Lifted Mordecai from the Gate to the Palace
Mordecai was a gatekeeper, but God orchestrated events that led to his promotion and honour in the kingdom (Esther 6:11). When it is your time, no one can stop your lifting.

c) He Lifted David from the Wilderness to the Throne
David was a shepherd boy, overlooked by his own family, but God anointed him as king (1 Samuel 16:11-13). God specialises in turning nobodies into great people.

d) He Lifted Mephibosheth from Lodebar to the King’s Table
Mephibosheth was crippled and living in obscurity, but God used King David to restore his inheritance and give him a place of honour (2 Samuel 9:7). Your background does not determine your future when God is involved.

e) Biblical Example: Hannah from Barrenness to Fruitfulness (1 Samuel 2:5-8)
Hannah was ridiculed for being barren, but God lifted her and gave her a son who became a great prophet. The same God will take away your shame and give you a testimony.


God specialises in making a way where there seems to be none.

a) He Made a Way for the Israelites at the Red Sea
When Pharaoh’s army pursued Israel, God miraculously parted the Red Sea, creating a way of escape (Exodus 14:21-22). No situation is too difficult for God to handle.

b) He Made a Way for the Widow in Zarephath
The widow had nothing left to eat, but God provided supernaturally through the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:14-16). God is never late in providing for His children.

c) He Made a Way for Paul and Silas in Prison
Even in a locked prison, God caused an earthquake that set Paul and Silas free (Acts 16:25-26). No prison door can keep you bound when God decides to open it.

d) He Made a Way for the Israelites in the Wilderness
Despite being in a barren desert, God provided manna, water, and protection (Exodus 16:35). The same God will meet all your needs.

e) Biblical Example: Peter’s Miraculous Escape from Prison (Acts 12:7-10)
Peter was chained and guarded by soldiers, but an angel of the Lord led him out miraculously. When God says it’s your time to be free, no force can stop it.


God is a warrior, and He never loses a battle.

a) He Fought for Israel Against Amalek
When Amalek attacked Israel, God gave them victory through Moses, Aaron, and Hur (Exodus 17:11-13). God is fighting for you even when you don’t see it.

b) He Fought for Jehoshaphat Without a Battle
Jehoshaphat and his army did not need to fight; God caused their enemies to destroy themselves (2 Chronicles 20:22-24). Sometimes, all you need to do is stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

c) He Fought for Daniel in the Lion’s Den
Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, but God shut the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:22). No enemy can harm you when God is on your side.

d) He Fought for Esther and the Jews
Haman planned to destroy the Jews, but God turned the situation around, and Haman was hanged on the gallows he built (Esther 7:10). Every trap set for you shall backfire.

e) Biblical Example: God Fought for Paul Against Shipwreck (Acts 27:22-24)
Paul was caught in a terrible storm, but God assured him that no life would be lost. Even in the worst storms of life, God will fight for you.

The same God who lifted the lowly, made a way where there was none, and fought battles for His people is still at work today. He does not change, and He is still in control of your situation. What He has done before, He will do again.

Do not allow fear, doubt, or discouragement to make you forget the power of God. Instead, hold on to your faith, knowing that that same God who performed great wonders in the past is still the same today. No matter what you are facing, trust in His unchanging power, and He will come through for you.


1.  Lord, lift me up to my place of honour and destiny.

2.  Father, make a way for me where there seems to be no way.

3.  Lord, fight every battle in my life and grant me victory.

4.  God of miracles, let my Red Sea part before me.

5.  Father, every closed door in my life, open it in Jesus' name.

6.  Lord, turn every impossible situation in my favour.

7.  Father, let divine acceleration locate me.

8.  Every trap of the enemy against me, turn it around for my good.

9.  Lord, let my faith remain strong in times of trials.

10.  Father, do a new thing in my life that will glorify Your name.


1.  I declare that the same God who lifted Joseph will lift you!

2.  Your days of stagnation are over—supernatural lifting is coming!

3.  Every obstacle in your path shall become a stepping stone!

4.  The same God who made a way in the Red Sea will make a way for you!

5.  You shall not be stranded—the Lord will provide for you!

6.  Your enemies shall be confused, and their plans shall fail!

7.  God’s hand of favour is resting upon you!

8.  You will not go down—God is lifting you up!

9.  Every delay in your life is turning into divine acceleration!

10.  You will testify of God’s faithfulness in this season!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”

Supporting Texts: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 46:1

God’s faithfulness is consistent throughout history. What He did before, He is still able to do today. Many times, people forget past victories and focus only on present challenges, but the same God who delivered, provided, and made a way before is still at work. The testimony of David reminds us that our confidence should not be in circumstances but in the unchanging power of God.

This message brings a fresh perspective on the theme "That Same God." It is not just about remembering what God did in the past but also about positioning ourselves to experience His faithfulness in our lives today. Our journey of faith is sustained by trusting in the consistency of God's character. As we explore this further, may your faith be strengthened to believe that what God has done before, He will do again for you.


God is incapable of failure. No matter the situation, He remains victorious.

a) He Never Failed Noah
Noah trusted God’s warning about the flood, and despite the mockery of others, he built the ark. When the rain came, God preserved him and his family (Genesis 7:1). That same God will honour your obedience.

b) He Never Failed Joshua at Jericho
The walls of Jericho seemed impossible to conquer, but through divine instruction, Joshua and the Israelites saw a supernatural victory (Joshua 6:20). When you follow divine strategies, you will always win.

c) He Never Failed Ruth
Ruth, a Moabite woman, chose to follow the God of Israel despite her uncertain future. God rewarded her faithfulness by making her an ancestor of Jesus (Ruth 4:13-17). Your faithfulness to God will not be in vain.

d) He Never Failed Peter in the Storm
When Peter began to sink while walking on water, Jesus immediately stretched out His hand to save him (Matthew 14:30-31). Even in moments of doubt, God will not let you fall.

e) Biblical Example: The Three of Hebrew Boys (Daniel 3:24-25)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to an idol and were thrown into the fire, but God was with them in the flames. That same God will stand with you in your trials.


God is a restorer of lost time, lost opportunities, and lost destinies.

a) He Restored Job’s Fortune
Job lost everything—his wealth, health, and children. But in the end, God restored double for all he had lost (Job 42:10). No matter what you have lost, restoration is coming.

b) He Restored Joseph’s Position
Joseph was betrayed, sold, and imprisoned. Yet, in one day, he moved from the prison to the palace as Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:41). That same God can change your story suddenly.

c) He Restored the Widow’s Son
The widow of Nain lost her only son, but when Jesus saw her, He had compassion and raised the boy back to life (Luke 7:14-15). What you thought was dead in your life will live again.

d) He Restored Peter After Failure
Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him and gave him a great assignment (John 21:15-17). Even after mistakes, God’s plan for your life still stands.

e) Biblical Example: Naomi’s Bitterness Turned to Joy (Ruth 4:14-16)
Naomi lost her husband and sons and thought her life was over. But God gave her a new family through Ruth’s marriage to Boaz. Your latter days will be greater than your former.


God is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. His power to heal is still active today.

a) He Healed the Woman with the Issue of Blood
After 12 years of suffering and spending all her money on doctors, she touched Jesus and was instantly healed (Mark 5:25-29). One touch from Jesus can change everything.

b) He Healed Naaman from Leprosy
Naaman, a great general, had an incurable disease, but after obeying the prophet’s instructions, he was completely healed (2 Kings 5:14). Obedience to God’s word brings healing.

c) He Healed the Blind Man at Bethsaida
Jesus led a blind man out of the village and restored his sight (Mark 8:23-25). Sometimes, God takes us away from familiar places to perform our miracle.

d) He Healed the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate
Peter and John encountered a man who had been lame from birth. With just a word, he was healed and began to walk (Acts 3:6-8). God is still in the business of sudden miracles.

e) Biblical Example: King Hezekiah’s Life Was Extended (2 Kings 20:5-6)
Hezekiah was given a death sentence, but after praying, God added 15 more years to his life. Your prayers can change even the worst medical reports.

God’s track record is perfect. He never fails, He restores, and He heals. When you understand that the same God who worked miracles in the past is still working today, your faith will rise to new levels. Instead of worrying about your current struggles, remind yourself of what God has done before.

No matter what you are facing, remember that That Same God is still on the throne. He is still fighting battles, answering prayers, providing, restoring, and healing. Trust Him, stand firm in your faith, and expect great things.


1.  Father, let Your unchanging power manifest in my life.

2.  Lord, arise and fight my battles as You did for Israel.

3.  My God, restore everything I have lost in Jesus' name.

4.  Lord, turn my pain into joy, just as You did for Naomi.

5.  Father, let my faith remain unshaken in times of trials.

6.  Lord, let my past failures be stepping stones to greater glory.

7.  God of restoration, revive every dead area of my life.

8.  Lord, let divine healing flow in my body, soul, and spirit.

9.  Father, give me a testimony that will amaze my generation.

10. Lord, do something new in my life that will glorify Your name.


1.  I declare that the same God who never failed before will not fail you!

2.  Every battle in your life is turning into victory!

3.  Your story of shame is becoming a testimony of restoration!

4.  Whatever the enemy has stolen from you shall be returned sevenfold!

5.  Every sickness in your body is healed in Jesus' name!

6.  Your prayers will not go unanswered—God is moving on your behalf!

7. Divine provision is locating you right now!

8.  You shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!

9.  Your faith is increasing, and your testimony is at hand!

10.  You will not end in shame—your destiny shall be fulfilled in Jesus’ name!


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”

Supporting Texts: Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6, Psalm 46:1

God's power is unchanging. The same God who performed miracles in the past is still at work today. Many times, believers become overwhelmed by their challenges and forget that the God they serve is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is not a respecter of persons; what He did for others, He can do for you.

Throughout Scripture, we see God stepping into situations that seemed impossible and turning them around for His people. He parted the Red Sea, brought down the walls of Jericho, healed the sick, and raised the dead. These acts were not just historical events but demonstrations of His unchanging nature.

This message is a continuation of "That Same God" and focuses on how He still fights battles, answers prayers, and provides for His people today.


God has always been a warrior for His children, ensuring their victory over the enemy.

a) He Fought for Israel Against Pharaoh
When Israel was trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army, God parted the waters for His people but drowned their enemies (Exodus 14:27-28). If He could deliver them miraculously, He will fight for you too.

b) He Defeated the Enemies of Jehoshaphat
Surrounded by multiple armies, Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah sought the Lord. Instead of engaging in battle, they worshipped, and God set an ambush against their enemies, causing them to destroy each other (2 Chronicles 20:22). Your enemies will fight themselves when God arises for you.

c) He Destroyed Haman’s Evil Plans
Haman plotted to wipe out the Jews, but God turned his evil plan against him. The gallows he built for Mordecai became his place of execution (Esther 7:10). No evil plan against your life will succeed because the same God who defended Mordecai will defend you.

d) He Protected Paul from Assassination
A group of men conspired to kill Paul, but God exposed their plan. Through divine intervention, Paul was safely taken to Caesarea under heavy Roman guard (Acts 23:12-13). The same God will expose every hidden danger around you.

e) Biblical Example: Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6:22-23)
Daniel was thrown into a den of hungry lions for his faith, but God shut the mouths of the lions, and he came out unharmed. That same God will preserve you from every danger and deliver you from those who rise against you.


God still hears and answers the cries of His people.

a) He Answered Elijah by Fire
On Mount Carmel, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. When he prayed, fire fell from heaven, proving that the Lord is the true God (1 Kings 18:38). That same God will prove Himself in your life.

b) He Answered Hannah’s Cry for a Child
Hannah was barren and mocked by her rival, but she poured out her heart before God. In response, He gave her Samuel, a great prophet of Israel (1 Samuel 1:20). God still turns sorrow into joy today.

c) He Heard Paul and Silas in Prison
Bound in chains, beaten, and locked in prison, Paul and Silas chose to praise God. At midnight, an earthquake shook the prison, and their chains fell off (Acts 16:25-26). Your midnight prayers will unlock supernatural breakthroughs.

d) He Granted Solomon Wisdom
Solomon asked for wisdom, and God not only granted his request but also added wealth and honour (1 Kings 3:12-13). When you ask in faith, God gives abundantly beyond what you can imagine.

e) Biblical Example: Blind Bartimaeus Received Sight (Mark 10:46-52)
Blind Bartimaeus cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Despite opposition, he persisted, and Jesus restored his sight. That same God will answer your persistent prayers today.


God is Jehovah Jireh, the great provider. He has always supplied the needs of His children and will continue to do so.

a) He Provided Manna for Israel
For 40 years in the wilderness, God fed the Israelites with manna from heaven (Exodus 16:35). That same God will sustain you in difficult times.

b) He Multiplied the Widow’s Oil
A widow in Zarephath was preparing her last meal when God sent Elijah to her. Miraculously, her oil and flour never ran dry (1 Kings 17:14-16). God can stretch your little and make it enough.

c) He Fed the Five Thousand
With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed over five thousand people (Matthew 14:19-21). He is still the same miracle-working God who can provide supernaturally.

d) He Supplied Peter’s Tax Money
When tax was due, Jesus instructed Peter to catch a fish, and in its mouth was the exact amount needed (Matthew 17:27). Your needs are not hidden from God; He will provide in unexpected ways.

e) Biblical Example: Abraham and the Ram (Genesis 22:13-14)
Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac when God provided a ram in the thicket. That same God will always provide what you need at the right time.

God's faithfulness is unchanging. What He did for others, He can do for you. He fought for Israel, answered the prayers of the faithful, and provided for those in need. If He did it before, He will surely do it again.

You may be facing battles, unanswered prayers, or financial struggles, but do not be discouraged. The same God who made a way for His people in the past will come through for you. Hold on to His promises, trust Him completely, and watch Him move in your life.

1. Father, arise and fight my battles, just as You fought for Israel.

2.  Lord, let every evil plot against me be overturned like Haman’s.

3.  My Father, answer me by fire and prove Yourself in my life.

4.  Lord, provide for all my needs according to Your riches in glory.

5.  Father, release supernatural breakthroughs into my life.

6.  Lord, just as You delivered Paul and Silas, set me free from every bondage.

7.  Father, let the Red Sea before me be parted in Jesus' name.

8.  Lord, let divine provision locate me in every area of my life.

9.  My Father, give me wisdom like Solomon to navigate life’s challenges.

10.  Lord, turn every disappointment into a testimony.


1.  I declare that the God who fought for Israel will fight for you!

2.  The same God who answered Elijah will answer your prayers!

3.  Every Red Sea in your life is parting now in Jesus' name!

4.   Divine provision will locate you wherever you go!

5.  Just as God rescued Paul, every evil conspiracy against you is destroyed!

6.  Your enemies will fall into their own trap like Haman!

7.  Whatever has been stolen from you is restored in Jesus’ name!

8.  Supernatural doors of provision are opening for you now!

9.  You shall not lack because Jehovah Jireh is your provider!

10. Your testimony shall be the next in Jesus' name!



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37
"David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the Lord be with thee."

Supporting Texts: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Isaiah 46:4, Psalm 34:19, 2 Timothy 4:17


Life is filled with battles, uncertainties, and challenges that often make people feel overwhelmed. Many times, believers find themselves in situations where they question whether God will come through for them. It is in such moments that we must remind ourselves of God's faithfulness in times past. The same God who fought for His people, provided for them, and rescued them in the past is still the same today. He does not change, and He does not fail.

David's encounter with Goliath was not his first battle, but his confidence came from what he had already experienced. He had faced a lion and a bear while tending his father’s sheep, and God had given him victory. When he saw Goliath, he declared, "That same God" who had delivered him before would deliver him again. David’s confidence was not in his strength but in God’s unchanging nature. Just as God came through for him, He will come through for us.

The Bible reminds us in Hebrews 13:8 that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." This means that the miracles, provisions, and victories God performed in the past are not just history but a testimony that He is still working today. No matter what you are facing, you must trust that "That Same God" who delivered in the past will show up for you again.


God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His power, love, and faithfulness are constant, and He remains dependable in every generation.

a) God’s Nature is Unchanging
Unlike man who changes with circumstances, God remains the same forever. He is not affected by time, situations, or human failures. Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." His unchanging nature is the foundation of our faith.

b) God’s Promises are Sure
Every promise that God has made is certain to be fulfilled. Numbers 23:19 reminds us that "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" If He has spoken a word over your life, He will surely bring it to pass.

c) God’s Power is Unfailing
God’s ability to save, heal, and deliver has not diminished. The same God who parted the Red Sea and raised the dead still has the same power today. Isaiah 46:4 says, "Even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you."

d) God’s Mercy is Enduring
No matter how far a person has fallen, God’s mercy remains available. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." His mercy never runs out.

e) Biblical Example: Abraham’s Faithfulness (Genesis 22:13-14)
When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, he obeyed, trusting in God’s faithfulness. At the last moment, God provided a ram, proving that He is always reliable.


God is a mighty deliverer, and He never abandons His people in times of trouble.

a) He Delivered Israel from Egypt
For 430 years, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, but God demonstrated His power by sending plagues, parting the Red Sea, and leading them to freedom (Exodus 14:21-22). If He could deliver an entire nation, He can surely deliver you from any bondage.

b) He Rescued Daniel from the Lions’ Den
Despite being thrown into a den of hungry lions for his faithfulness to God, Daniel was not harmed. God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:22). No enemy can destroy you when God is your defender.

c) He Saved the Three Hebrew Boys from Fire
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace, yet they came out without even the smell of smoke. Jesus Himself appeared in the fire with them (Daniel 3:25). When you walk through the fire, God will be with you.

d) He Healed and Raised the Dead
Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and even raised the dead. If He did it before, He can still do it today (Mark 5:34).

e) Biblical Example: Paul’s Deliverance from Death (2 Timothy 4:17)
Paul faced many dangers, but God delivered him from every trial.


God is still Jehovah Jireh, our provider.

a) He Provided Manna in the Wilderness
For 40 years, God fed the Israelites with heavenly bread (Exodus 16:35). He can provide for you in unexpected ways.

b) He Multiplied the Widow’s Oil
Elisha instructed a widow to pour her last jar of oil, and God multiplied it supernaturally (2 Kings 4:6).

c) He Fed the Five Thousand
With just five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed a multitude (Matthew 14:20-21).

d) He Supplied the Needs of the Early Church
God ensured that none in the early church lacked (Acts 4:34).

e) Biblical Example: Elijah and the Ravens (1 Kings 17:6)
God used ravens to feed Elijah during a famine, proving that He provides in miraculous ways.


No matter what situation you find yourself in, remember that God has not changed. The same God who delivered, provided, and fought battles in the past is still working today. He is faithful, and His promises are sure. Even when circumstances seem difficult, trust in Him, because He has done it before, and He will do it again.

If you ever feel discouraged, remember the words of David: “That same God” who has been faithful in your past will show up for you again. Hold on to your faith and watch Him move in ways beyond your expectations.


  1. Father, thank You for being the unchanging God in my life.
  2. O Lord, deliver me from every battle, just as You delivered David.
  3. Every giant in my life, fall in Jesus' name!
  4. Father, let Your divine provision locate me this season.
  5. Every enemy plotting against me, be exposed and destroyed.
  6. Lord, answer my prayers just as You answered Elijah.
  7. I receive divine strength to overcome every challenge.
  8. O God, fight for me and give me victory over my adversaries.
  9. I declare that my testimony shall manifest speedily.
  10. Thank You, Lord, for proving that You are still the same God today!


  1. The same God who delivered David will deliver you from every battle!
  2. Just as He provided for Elijah, you shall never lack in Jesus’ name!
  3. The Lord who answered Hannah will answer your prayers speedily!
  4. Every giant in your life shall fall like Goliath!
  5. You shall experience supernatural breakthroughs this season!
  6. The God of restoration will restore everything you have lost!
  7. Every plan of the enemy against you shall fail!
  8. Your testimony shall be heard far and wide!
  9. Divine help will locate you where you least expect!
  10. That same God who did it before will do it again in your life!