By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”
Supporting Texts: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 46:1, Jeremiah 32:27, Matthew 19:26
The consistency of God’s power, mercy, and faithfulness is one of the greatest anchors of our faith. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. No matter how great the challenges you are facing, the same God who delivered His people in the past is still available to deliver, provide, and fight for you.
In this fifth part of "That Same God," we will examine even more proofs of His unchanging power. If He healed the sick, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead in the past, then He can do it again. If He made a way in the wilderness, then He will make a way for you. As you go through this teaching, let your faith be strengthened in the reliability of our unchanging God.
God has the power to restore what was stolen, lost, or destroyed.
a) He Restored Job’s Lost Fortune
Job lost everything—his wealth, children, and health. But in the end, God restored double of all that he lost (Job 42:10). No matter what you have lost, God can restore it beyond your imagination.
b) He Restored Naomi from Bitterness to Joy
Naomi lost her husband and sons, and she returned to Bethlehem in sorrow. But God restored her through Ruth, and she became part of the lineage of Christ (Ruth 4:14-17). God can turn your pain into testimony.
c) He Restored Peter After His Denial
Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him and made him a pillar of the early Church (John 21:15-17). Your failures do not disqualify you from divine restoration.
d) He Restored Israel After Their Captivity
After years in Babylonian captivity, God brought His people back to their land (Jeremiah 29:10-11). No matter how long you have been in a tough situation, God can restore you.
e) Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34)
She lost her health, her wealth, and was rejected by society, but one touch from Jesus restored everything. That same God will restore your wasted years.
God does not forget His promises or His people.
a) He Remembered Noah and Ended the Flood
Noah and his family were in the ark for many months, but God remembered them and caused the waters to dry up (Genesis 8:1). No matter how long your storm lasts, God will remember you.
b) He Remembered Rachel and Opened Her Womb
Rachel was barren and suffered humiliation, but God remembered her and gave her a child (Genesis 30:22-24). When God remembers you, your story will change.
c) He Remembered the Israelites in Egypt
After 430 years of slavery, God remembered His covenant with Abraham and sent Moses to deliver them (Exodus 2:24-25). Your season of deliverance is coming!
d) He Remembered Cornelius and Sent Peter to Him
Cornelius was a Gentile who feared God, and one day, God remembered him and sent salvation to his household (Acts 10:4-5). Your prayers and faithfulness will not be forgotten.
e) Biblical Example: Mordecai Was Remembered for Honour (Esther 6:1-11)
Mordecai had done a good deed that was forgotten for years, but in due time, God caused the king to remember him. Your reward is coming!
Promotion does not come from men but from God.
a) He Promoted Joseph from the Pit to the Palace
Joseph’s journey began with rejection, but in the end, God lifted him to rule over Egypt (Genesis 41:41-44). No human opposition can stop divine promotion.
b) He Promoted Daniel Despite Conspiracies
Enemies plotted against Daniel, but God’s favour lifted him to greater heights (Daniel 6:1-3). When God promotes you, no one can demote you.
c) He Promoted David from a Shepherd to a King
David was the least among his brothers, but God anointed him and made him king (1 Samuel 16:11-13). God sees beyond human limitations.
d) He Promoted Esther from an Orphan to a Queen
Esther had no royal background, yet God lifted her to the throne (Esther 2:17). Your background does not determine your future.
e) Biblical Example: Jesus Was Exalted Above All (Philippians 2:9-11)
Jesus humbled Himself, and God highly exalted Him. The same God will lift you up in due season.
God is still in the business of healing the sick and brokenhearted.
a) He Healed King Hezekiah and Extended His Life
Hezekiah was at the point of death, but when he prayed, God added 15 years to his life (2 Kings 20:5-6). Prayer can change your health situation.
b) He Healed Naaman from Leprosy
Naaman was a great warrior but suffered from leprosy, yet one act of obedience brought him total healing (2 Kings 5:14). Humility and faith activate healing.
c) He Healed Blind Bartimaeus
Bartimaeus was a blind beggar, but when he cried out to Jesus, his sight was restored (Mark 10:46-52). God still opens blind eyes today.
d) He Healed the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda
A man who had been sick for 38 years was healed instantly when Jesus spoke (John 5:8-9). No sickness is beyond God’s power.
e) Biblical Example: The Ten Lepers Cleansed by Jesus (Luke 17:12-19)
Ten lepers were healed by Jesus, but only one returned to give thanks. The same God who healed them will heal you too.
God's track record is flawless. The same God who worked miracles in the past is still active today. Whether it is restoration, remembrance, promotion, or healing, He is able to do it again in your life.
Trust in Him completely, for He never fails. If He did it for others, He will do it for you. No situation is beyond His power, and no promise He has made will fail. Stay in faith and expect that same God to move in your life again.
1. Father, restore every lost blessing in my life.
2. Lord, remember me for favour and breakthrough.
3. Father, lift me to the place of divine promotion.
4. Lord, heal me of every physical and emotional wound.
5. God of restoration, bring back everything I have lost.
6. Father, let my name be remembered for good in high places.
7. Lord, lift me up to where I belong in destiny.
8. Every sickness in my body, disappear in Jesus' name!
9. Lord, I believe You will do it again in my life.
10. Father, let my testimony be unstoppable!
1. I declare that your season of restoration has come!
2. You shall be remembered for divine favour!
3. Your promotion is coming, and no one can stop it!
4. Every sickness in your life is terminated now!
5. The God who never fails will show up for you!
6. You will rise and never fall!
7. You shall be celebrated this season!
8. Doors of promotion are opening for you!
9. Every delay in your life is over!
10. That same God will give you a testimony!