Saturday 23 July 2022




For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I AM THE LORD” (Exodus 12:12 KJV).

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.” (Acts 16:25 – 26 KJV).

One of the most powerful spiritual tools that God has given, but grossly neglected by Christians, is the midnight prayer. Midnight prayer (or vigil) is the prayer done about 12am. 
From the Bible and through ages, the prayers done around this particular time have always brought tremendous and unprecedented results. As a Christian, it is imperative that you live a life of vigil. There are levels you can never attain in the spirit without mastering the act of praying in the midnight.

 There are levels of revelations you cannot get without prolonged midnight prayers. And there are also satanic entities, thrones and chains you can never dismantle unless through prolonged midnight battles. The aim of this message is to awaken the church (Christians) to this great spiritual weapon made available to us by God. I believe  that any Christian that masters the act of praying in the midnight will ultimately control what happens in the day.


1. The midnight hour spiritually controls what happens in the day.

2. The midnight hour spiritually controls the destinies of people.

3. The midnight hour is full of demonic activities

4. The midnight hour is full of angelic activities.

5. Most spiritual manifestation of answerd prayers come to us at midnight and manifest physically during the day.

6. Life's greatest battles are fought at midnight.

7. At midnight, you come face to face with the enemies of your destiny.

8. The midnight hour can either make or mar your destiny.

9. The best time to wage warfare against the enemy and be victorious, is at midnight.

10. At midnight, God often listens with rapt attention to the prayers of His children and responds very quickly.

11. At midnight, God opens the windows of heaven and releases much spiritual blessings; this is why warfare is usually very hot at this time.

12. The foundations , chains and strongholds of the enemy in one's life can be uprooted and broken at midnight.

13. You can prayerfully disappoint and disrupt the plans of your enemies at midnight.

14. The midnight hour is full of angelic and demonic visitations. Angels visit with blessings, demons with curses.

15. Many people fail in life because they were defeated spiritually at midnight.

16. Most very successful people stay awake at midnight to prayerfully take charge of their destinies.

17. Failing to pray at midnight is falling prey to the enemies of your destiny.

18. If you fail to prayerfully control your destiny at midnight, your enemies will control it.

19. At midnight, your spirit comes under severe attack; spiritual strength and fortification is very important at midnight.

20. At midnight when people are asleep, their enemies hold meetings against them, taking terrible decisions against their destinies.

21. Spiritual activities can be very powerful and rewarding at midnight: bible reading, bible confessions, praise, worship, prayer, fasting, etc.

22. Constant midnight prayers requires much spiritual strength and stamina; its not for the spiritual sluggish and lazy.

23. Even our Lord Jesus on earth, understood the spiritual power of midnight, and often prayed long hours to 3am.

24. Unfortunately many of our spiritual blessings are stolen and exchanged at midnight. Why? We aren't spiritually alert.

25. Staying awake daily to pray at midnight, can be very challenging; but its spiritual blessings can outlast us to our children's children.


From 12am-4am the christian should be vigilant in Prayer.

How different is the prayer at midnight ~~ from prayer at anytime in the day?

✍During this period the body immune system is at its lowest.

✍Thats the time when a lot of patients die in hospitals and this is the time when witchcraft is at its peak. 

✍Demonic creatures roam about with much anger during this time also the agents of darkness make their patrols.

✍ This is the time deliverance in a Christian's time should be utilised. 

✍The same hour we should be strong in prayer. 

Psalms 119:62 David said ,

"At midnight i will rise to give thanks unto thee....". As a prophet David knew the importance of Midnight prayer.

✍After 430 years of enslaving the Sons of Israel , Pharaoh remained adamant to let the Israelites go , until the day God delivered the Midnight judgement as seen in Exodus 12:29.

✍See this, the angel of the Lord smote the 1st born at midnight.

✍If you forward the night to almost 2500 years later we see Paul and Silas in jail due to persecution.

But at midnight ,..." Paul and Silas prayed and sung hymns of praise unto the Lord:....." Acts 16:25 and an angel of the Lord freed them. 

✍There is saving power at midnight bethren.

✍Our cases are discussed by our enemies at night when we are relaxed, as seen by 2Kings 6:13-14 The Syrian king wanted to capture Elisha the prophet at night. Why because at night forces of darkness rule.

✍2kings 19:35-37 King Sennacherib lost 185000 men to the angel of the Lord in one night.

✍I declare may the armies of the devil lose hold tonight when you shall pray.

✍Utilize the night to break the backbone of the enemy.

✍I want you tonight to imitate Samson who in Judges 16:3 ".....lay until midnight and rose and uprooted the doors of the gates of the city...". 

✍Uproot the kingdom of the devil with prayer. 

✍Remember the bridegroom shall come at midnight Mathew 25:6 and we should be found in control of the situation.

✍pray at midnight tonight.

Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. You will notice that dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come by this time, especially when you are sleeping. And the reason is simple: Human beings are easily overwhelmed while asleep. Naturally, the body is always weak at this time. And this makes it susceptible to any spiritual manipulation. For one to be powerful in the spirit world, the person’s human spirit must be guided and led by a higher Spirit, which in the case of a Christian is the Holy Spirit. Let’s not go farther with this explanation. All I want to say is that midnight is always a period of intense spiritual activities both by the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.
If you must control the activities around you and dismantle Satanic ordinances in your life, then you must learn to wake up at midnight to fight against the powers of darkness. 

For example, look at the activities of the witches and wizards. These are agents of darkness possessed by the spirit of witchcraft. This spirit is known to be one of the most wicked spirits in the kingdom of darkness. It revels in causing harm and sometimes totally destroying human beings. The witches don’t have the word mercy in their dictionary. That is why a person, even a relation that is possessed with this wicked spirit, can go ahead and destroy the closest person to him/her. And these set of agents of darkness mostly operate in the midnight.
Their mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows (attacks) while their victim is asleep. And by the time the person wakes up, he/she will see everything going wrong. They can attack businesses, ministries, marriages and relationships, health, etc. Sometimes, destinies of the victims are taken to their Covens (where they meet) and tied. Or the victim is killed outrightly. God knew how terrible these wicked agents of Satan are, consequently He commanded Israel not to allow them (witches) to stay alive.
Now, our interest here is that for you to battle and defeat these agents of darkness that mostly operate in the midnight, you must also be awake at the same time of their operation. You must wake up to render their evil arrows, enchantments, curses and incantations against you ineffective. And not just that, you can at the same cause serious and perpetual havoc on them. All these can only be possible through powerful and sustained midnight prayers.
Not just the witches. We are also aware that the most dangerous satanic sacrifices and wicked ordinances are usually done in the middle of the night. If God opens our eyes to see what goes on in our society or even around us at midnight, we will be shocked. So many people you see looking innocent, honourable and decent in the day get involved in some satanic and devilish activities in the night. This does not stop them from coming to church, donating money to religious bodies and charity. Some are actually moving ‘satanic altars’.

 It’s only by engaging in very dynamic, prolonged prayers, especially in the middle of the night.
Now, the Bible does not keep us ignorant of the activities that go on in the night hours. Job said: “Do not long for the cover of night, for that is when people will be destroyed (people are cut off in their place)” Job 36:20. The Psalmist calls it “the terrors of the night” (Psalms 91:5). Then Jesus said that night is the time when the enemy comes to sow tares (Matthew 13:25).
You may not believe it, most of the problems we’re going through today were first shot into our lives by demonic forces while we were sleeping. Do you know that almost everything about this life is decided in the spirit realm before they manifest physically? This explains why some of us will always see things (including blessings) in our dreams or visions before we receive them physically. Does it happen to you? The same is with satanic arrows. They are first shot in the spirit realm before they manifest physically.
Nothing happens just like that. There is always a cause in the spirit realm, then the effect in the physical. We must wake up and begin to control our midnights. This is where we have the battlefield. And our exploits here will determine how great, powerful, prosperous and healthy we will become in the daytime.
In the Bible there are examples of great men and women (including Jesus), who won their midnight battles and consequently controlled the day.


First, Set one or two days every week to wake up and pray seriously with members of your household. Pray seriously against the operations of demons against your family and the Church you attend. Note, when you start praying fervently in the midnight, God will begin to reveal to you the secret plans of your enemies and how to dismantle them by fire. 

Pray for about 2 or 3 hours in the night and you will begin to see revelations and visions of what is happening in the spiritual realm! God will show you the secret of your life when you start praying this way. Just make prayer your habit and praying in the midnight your way of life or a habit and you see good things begin to happen in your life and family. You don’t need to go and meet any prophet to see vision for you. Rather you will see vision for yourself and your family. This is the original Truth! 

If you like, believe this sermon or not. The Lord Jehovah says “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and Mighty things which thou knowest not” Jeremiah 33:3.

 Look, if you heed this advice, and start praying in the midnight hours in the right ways, most of the stubborn problems that have bedeviled you for many years will vanish away mysteriously, if not gradually/

CAUTION – In order to balance this message, I need to caution you on praying in the midnight. That is, if you really want to pray powerfully and effectively in the midnight, you need to stay away from sins! The Bible says if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me! Ps 66:18. If I don’t tell you this and you jump into praying in the midnight, you will begin to receive serious attacks that you never imagine in your life. Even as a truly born again Christian, you need to begin your prayers with confession of your menial sins, the sins of omission and commission, deep yourself in the blood of Jesus against counter attacks from the kingdom of darkness. 

If you live in sins and you are binding the devil in the night, you are invoking terrible problems upon yourself! and you will be wasting your time. You need to repent thoroughly and forsake all evil ways if you must pray in the midnight. The reason why we are saying all these things it is because night is a very dangerous period full of evil meetings. That is why if a Christian has no spiritual stamina and begins to pray in the midnight, he or she will begin to have serious problems with powers of darkness. But if you follow the divine advice I gave you above, you will pray powerfully without receiving any attack. You see, knowledge is power. May God give all Christians who are heavenly minded power to wake up and pray in the midnight to dislodge all demonic forces against their families in Jesus Mighty Name.


1. O Lord, give me fresh power and grace to wake up and pray in the midnight from this moment forward in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen!!

CONFESSION: Psalm 25:12; “Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.”


1. O God shock my enemies tonight, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every wicked power using the period of the night to attack, backfire, in Jesus name
3. Every environmental witches against my prayers, receive fire, in Jesus name
4. O Lord, let my midnight prayers carry fire and anger against all enemies of my progress, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every arrow of witchcraft sent into my life while I was asleep, tonight, I challenge, you in the name of Jesus, go back and destroy your sender in Jesus name
6. Every evil bird flying around because of my prayers, fall down and die, in Jesus name.
7. O God arise and revive my prayer life, in the name of Jesus.
8. Fire of Elijah, possess me by fire, in Jesus name
9. Any power assigned to kill me this year, you shall kill yourself, in Jesus name
10. Tonight, any wicked power on any evil altar to stop me, you will come alive, in the name of Jesus.
11. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I shall fight my good fight of faith, in Jesus name
12. Arise O Lord, and protect me from every arresting powers of the night, in Jesus name
13. Hear my voice , O Lord, preserve me from the fear of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
14. Every strange powers attacking me in strange ways, be destroyed, by the blood of Jesus.
15.Night raiders, my life is not your candidate, scatter by fire, in Jesus name
16. Every agent of darkness working against me in the night hours, be exposed by the power of God, in Jesus name
17. O Lord, send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in Jesus name
18. Every stubborn evil priest, drink your blood in Jesus name
19. I withdraw my blessings from evil altar, in Jesus name
20. I withdraw my names from evil altar, in the name of Jesus.
21. Anything planted in the air of this environment because of me, scatter by fire, in Jesus name


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