Saturday 31 October 2015


Month of Notable Miracles

 Acts 4:13-20

Praise the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am confident that it is well with you and that you have continued to see the faithfulness of God in every area of your life. He continues to greatly surprise us with His goodness. All in all, we are well and are grateful for your friendship and your prayers.

God has placed in my heart that this month shall be a Month of Notable Miracles.
Two verses to ponder on are:-
1.       Is anything too hard for the Lord?  Genesis 18:14
2.       I Am the Lord thy God, Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27


Meditate on these three responses:-

1.       …I know that You can do all things…  Job 42: 1-2

2.       For nothing is impossible with God  Luke 1:37

3.       With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible  Matthew 19:26

Dear friend, this month, get ready for that which men said is impossible to be eliminated in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. 

We serve a miracle working God, He still does miracles and He specializes in that which the surgeons of this world have given up on. He is on time for that which men have declared impossible and given up on. I do not know your specific situation but God sees everything. Get ready for a surprise in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

How does one define a miracle?

A miracle is an event which the forces of nature—including the natural powers of man—cannot of themselves produce, and which must, therefore, be referred to a supernatural agency.

A miracle is a divine operation that transcends what is normally perceived as natural law; it cannot be explained upon any natural basis.

A Miracle is defined as an effect or an extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause. This month, get ready for those who wrote you off to gasp at the wonders that God will write through you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Get ready for uncommon happenings, impossible things being made possible. You will be left declaring like the Psalmist “This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes

I define miracle as God's supernatural intervention in the affairs of men.

The miracles recorded in the Bible fall into several categories. The following examples are illustrative, though certainly not exhaustive:

First, there are supernatural acts of creation. Certain creation activities were accomplished by the word of God (Hebrews 11:3); he merely spoke, and it was done (Psalm 33:9). Obviously, this type of divine action is not being duplicated today since the creation process of the material universe was concluded at the end of the initial week of earth’s history (Genesis 2:1-2).

Second, there were miracles which involved a temporary and localized suspension of laws regulating nature. Jesus calmed a ferocious storm on the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 8:23-27), and, on another occasion, he walked upon the waters of the lake (John 6:16-21).

Third, there were signs which involved the healing of man’s physical body. The blind were made to see (John 9:1-7), and the lame to walk (Acts 3:1-10).

Fourth, there were signs demonstrating divine power over death. Lazarus, dead four days, was raised (John 11:43-44), and, of course, the resurrection of Christ is the very foundation of the Christian system (1 Corinthians 15:16-19).

Fifth, some of the wonders of the New Testament age had to do with the expulsion of demons that had entered into human bodies (Matthew 12:22ff). This was evidence of the fact that the Savior’s power was superior to that of Satan.

Sixth, the exhibition of divine authority was seen in the manipulation of certain material things. Christ turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), and multiplied a lad’s loaves and fishes, so that thousands were fed (John 6:1-14).

Seventh, miraculous power was demonstrated in both the plant and animal kingdoms. Balaam’s donkey spoke with a man’s voice (Numbers 22:28), and the Lord Jesus, in an object lesson relative to the impending destruction of Jerusalem, destroyed a fig tree with but a word from his mouth (Matthew 21:19). 

Acts 4:13-20.

Peter and john were unlearned but spoke with boldness. The people realized that a notable miracle was performed.

They warned them not to speak in the name of Jesus but rather the news spread further.

Eleventh Hour miracles for the eleventh month.

1. Jesus turned water to wine at the eleventh hour when their wine was exhausted.

2. Shedrach and friends were delivered at the eleventh hour.

3. Peter was delivered from prison from the hand of Herod at the eleventh hour.

4. The widow at Zarephath received a miracle of provision at the eleventh  hour.

The enemy may have put some road blocks your way in a given area of your life; this month, expect a miracle. This month’s miracles will begin to unfold in your life like you have never experienced before because the Lord Himself will arise on your behalf. In this season, God will showcase you. God will lift you up. God will preserve you, God will cause His face to shine on you and He will grant you uncommon peace. Get ready, the miracles are in motion.

In this season of unfolding of miracles, every curse over your life will be erased and rendered powerless in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.  Every power or principality contending with your increase, prosperity or enlargement, God Himself will bring shame to their works. Job said of God, “He frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success” (Job 5:12)

Friend, may God daily load you with uncommon miracles that will cause this month to be memorable all the days of your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Have a miraculous month.

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