1Samuel 17:23-27
1. Every problem that has converted itself to giant in my life be slain, in the name of Jesus.
2. I release myself from the bondage of spiritual giants, in the name of Jesus.
3. Be specific and command any spiritual giants in your life to be slain, in the name of Jesus.
4. I release myself from the bondage of household enemies, in the name of Jesus.
5. I command every evil family tree to be uprooted, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every evil consumption from household wickedness, depart, in the name of Jesus.
7. All my benefits that have been captured by household enemies be released now, in the name of Jesus.
8. All the evil masquerades harassing my life, begin to fight yourselves, in the name of Jesus.
David was called a man after God's heart. Only him is referred to that it the scriptures.
David was called servant of God 9 times in the scriptures meaning that he was important to God.
1. To get back your throne. Leadership.
2. Wealth transfer.
3. Connection to state house.
4. Total freedom.
David saw this four things that was why he decided to fight Goliath. He inquired from the soldiers what will be done to the man who kills Goliath. He was told the same four things.
1. Goliath said, if you kill me, my people shall become your slaves. If I kill you, you will become our slaves. It talks about leadership. Whoever defeats the opponent will become a leader.
2. Saul will make anyone who kills Goliath rich together with his family - wealth transfer.
3. Saul will give his daughter hand in marriage to anyone who kills Goliath. This I call Connection to State house,
4. Saul will except the family of the individual from paying taxes in Israel. This is what I call total freedom.
These four things were in the mind of David as he decided to confront Goliath.
These four things are what you need to slay your giant for, if not, you will never get to your throne, get wealth etc.
Jesus for the joy he had seen, endured the suffering of the cross. Jesus saw the joy ahead and that was what encouraged him to face the cross.
David also saw these things and that was why he was ready to face Goliath.
David has many challenges that would have made him to change his mind.
1. He was not enlisted in the army of Saul because he was a boy of about 17.
In Israel you are not a man until you get to the age of 30. Ish is the Hebrew word for a man and Isha is the Hebrew word for a woman.
Even if you get to 30 and you are not married, you are not considered a man.
Even if you are 30 and above and married, without having children, you are not yet considered to be a man. You will not be allowed to go for war.
If a man dies without having a child, the brother will raise a seed who will bear the man's name.
David was not yet an Ish. He was not qualified to be a soldier in the army of Saul. No wonder his brother asked him to return to the bush.
2. David came from a family background that caused him pains. Brother, thank God for your pains, it will be the manure for your miracle.
How come the father of David, Jesse was poor with only a handful of cattle?
Boaz was very rich and married Ruth and the had Obed. Obed had landed properties and was very wealthy. Jesse also inherited the wealth and by a mistake he impregnated a girl after having seven children with his wife. The girl's family took the wealth of Jesse together with all landed properties and left him dry for defiling their daughter. That was the price Jesse paid and so everyone in the family hated David and saw him as bad luck. He was then asked to take care of the handful of sheep in the bush and asked never to return till night. No wonder David was never invited when Samuel came to anoint him as the future King.
Are you from a family that hates you and everyone is against you, God is about to give you a life changing testimony.
Despite the disadvantages, David kept those four things in view that he would gain if he defeats Goliath.
Another advantage David had was that he had credential.
I. He killed a lion
2. He killed a bear
3. He had a relationship with God.
Saul lost his relationship with God. The worst that can happen to a christian is to follow a pastor that has no relationship with God.
David remembered his pains, his shame, the mockery and insults he received and he looked forward to four things he would gain, he decided to confront his giant.
Many would have been married but giants have hindered them.
Some are supposed to be landlords but are still tenants.
Some are overdue for promotion,
Your mates are having 4 or more children and you are still unmarried.
You have a sickness running in your family, it is a giant.
You work like elephant and eat like ant.
You have become an object of ridicule, scorn and shame, that giant will die today by fire.
You are intelligent yet unable to pass your examinations.
You are having good results yet no job.
You are happily married but no fruit of the womb.
No matter how hard you try, you cannot make success.
There is a giant, that Goliath must die by fire.
Pain in David's heart made him to advance. Ask gold, it passes through severe fire that can melt brass for it to become the shining gold. Pain brings out the best in us.
David held fast to God in faith and went against Goliath and God gave him the victory.
Every giant that has been a hindrance to your success and miracle, will die the death of Goliath.
You will destroy every giant from your mother's house and your father's house who are challenging your success and progress in life.
1. Every problem that has converted itself to giant in my life be slain, in the name of Jesus.
2. I release myself from the bondage of spiritual giants, in the name of Jesus.
3. Be specific and command any spiritual giants in your life to be slain, in the name of Jesus.
4. I release myself from the bondage of household enemies, in the name of Jesus.
5. I command every evil family tree to be uprooted, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every evil consumption from household wickedness, depart, in the name of Jesus.
7. All my benefits that have been captured by household enemies be released now, in the name of Jesus.
8. All the evil masquerades harassing my life, begin to fight yourselves, in the name of Jesus.