Thursday 17 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:38-46
"And David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand...' " (1 Samuel 17:45-46)

Supporting Texts:
Isaiah 54:17
Psalm 27:1-3
Romans 8:31
Matthew 10:28
2 Samuel 22:3-4

There are battles in life where human strength and strategies are insufficient. But as believers, we understand that no human, no matter how powerful, can take the life of a child of God unless the Lord permits it. David stood before Goliath, a giant man with weapons of war, and boldly declared that his life was not in the hands of man but in the hands of God. In this sermon, we will learn how to declare divine protection and victory in the face of threats, knowing that our lives are preserved by God.


As children of God, we are under divine covering and protection.

a) God Is Our Shield:
God Himself is our defender and protector against any form of attack (Psalm 18:2).

b) No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper:
No matter what weapon or scheme the enemy uses, it will not succeed against a believer who trusts in God (Isaiah 54:17).

c) God's Authority Supersedes Human Power:
David understood that Goliath’s weapons were powerless against the name of the Lord, which carries ultimate authority (1 Samuel 17:45).

d) Confidence in God's Protection:
We must have confidence that our lives are safe in God’s hands and no human being can take it prematurely (Psalm 27:1).

e) Divine Covering in the Blood of Jesus:
Our lives are covered by the blood of Jesus, which speaks better things than any human threat (Hebrews 12:24).

Biblical Example:
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were threatened with death in the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar, yet they declared their faith in God's power to save. They were divinely protected, and not even the flames could harm them (Daniel 3:16-27).


God has ordained your destiny, and no man can alter it.

a) Your Times Are in God's Hands:
The times and seasons of your life are under God's control, not man's (Psalm 31:15).

b) The Enemy Cannot Change God’s Plan for You:
No one can frustrate or cut short the plans that God has for your life (Jeremiah 29:11).

c) Fear Not the Threats of Man:
We should not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Matthew 10:28).

d) You Are Destined to Fulfil God’s Purpose:
As long as you walk in God’s purpose, no force of darkness can terminate your life prematurely (Romans 8:31).

e) God's Covenant of Life Is Upon You:
God has made a covenant to give you life, and His word stands above every human agenda (Psalm 91:16).

Biblical Example:
The prophet Elijah was hunted by King Ahab and Jezebel, but despite their attempts to kill him, God preserved his life until he fulfilled his divine assignment (1 Kings 19:1-5).


In the face of threats, we must boldly declare God’s protection and victory.

a) Declare God’s Word Over Your Life:
Speak the promises of God over your life, declaring that no harm will come near you (Psalm 91:7-10).

b) Speak Against the Enemy's Plans:
Just as David declared that Goliath would be defeated, we must declare that the plans of those seeking our lives will fail (1 Samuel 17:46).

c) Invoke God's Judgment on Your Enemies:
We can pray that those who are on an assignment to take our lives will face God’s judgment (Psalm 7:11-13).

d) Trust in God’s Angelic Protection:
God sends His angels to guard and protect His children, ensuring that no harm befalls them (Psalm 91:11).

e) Remain Fearless in the Face of Threats:
Fear paralyzes faith, but when we trust in God’s protection, we can remain fearless like David before Goliath (Psalm 27:1-3).

Biblical Example:
Daniel’s enemies plotted to take his life by throwing him into the lion's den. However, God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions, and Daniel was unharmed (Daniel 6:16-22).


Those who seek to harm you will face divine consequences.

a) God Will Expose and Defeat Your Enemies:
God exposes the plots of the enemy and defeats them before they can carry out their evil plans (Job 5:12).

b) The Wicked Will Be Caught in Their Own Traps:
Those who dig pits for the righteous will fall into their own traps (Psalm 7:15-16).

c) God’s Vengeance Will Be Upon Your Enemies:
God will avenge the blood of His children, ensuring that those who seek their harm are dealt with (Romans 12:19).

d) The Righteous Will Be Delivered:
While the wicked face judgment, God ensures the deliverance of the righteous (Psalm 34:17-19).

e) No Man Can Stand Against the Anointed:
Touching God’s anointed comes with serious consequences, and God will deal with those who seek to harm His chosen ones (Psalm 105:15).

Biblical Example:
Haman sought to destroy Mordecai and all the Jews, but God turned the plot around, and Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai (Esther 7:9-10).

As believers, our lives are in the hands of God, not man. No human being, no matter how powerful, can take our lives unless God permits it. We must have faith like David, knowing that our strength comes from God, and He will defeat every Goliath that stands against us. We declare today that no man can take our life, for we are hidden in Christ and protected by the Most High.


1. Father, I thank You because my life is in Your hands and not in the hands of man.

2. Lord, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

3. Father, expose and defeat every plot of the enemy against my life.

4. Lord, I reject every spirit of fear; I trust in Your protection over my life.

5. Father, protect me from every man or woman on assignment to take my life.

6. Lord, send Your angels to surround me and keep me safe from every harm.

7. Father, let those who seek my life fall into their own traps.

8. Lord, let every plot to terminate my life be reversed in Jesus' name.

9. I declare that my life is secure in Christ, and no harm will come near me.

10. Father, fight my battles and give me victory over every enemy seeking my life.


1. I declare that no man can take your life, for you are covered by the blood of Jesus.

2. Every plot against your life will be exposed and defeated in Jesus’ name.

3. I speak divine protection over you; the Lord will shield you from every attack.

4. Your enemies will fall into their own traps; they will not succeed in their evil plans.

5. You will walk in divine safety, and no harm shall come near you.

6. The Lord will arise and fight for you; every Goliath in your life will be brought down

7. Every weapon formed against you is destroyed now in Jesus' name.

8. Your life is preserved; no evil hand will touch you.

9. The Lord will give you victory over every human or spiritual enemy seeking your life.

10. You will live to declare the goodness of God; no man will cut your life short.