Tuesday 15 October 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:
Psalm 118:17 - "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord."

Supporting Texts:
Psalm 102:20
Psalm 79:11
Psalm 91:16
1 Samuel 31:2
2 Samuel 1:26
Hosea 13:14
Isaiah 28:18

Accidental death or premature death has plagued many families, but as believers, we stand on God's promises for protection and long life. The Bible makes it clear that God desires to preserve our lives so that we may fulfil His purpose on earth. Death by mistake, whether through accidents, illnesses, or the plots of enemies, is not our portion as God's children. We must rise in faith and declare our divine immunity over any untimely or mistaken death.

This sermon will explore how we can reject death by mistake, claim divine protection, and live to declare God's works in our generation.


God has promised His children long life and protection, and we must stand on these promises to reject any form of premature death.

a) God’s Covenant of Life:
God assures us of a full life and deliverance from death (Psalm 91:16).

b) Rescue from Death: The Lord redeems our life from destruction and crowns us with loving kindness (Psalm 103:4).

c) Divine Preservation: God keeps His people safe from premature death, protecting them from harm (Psalm 121:7).

d) Deliverance from the Grave: God is our salvation, delivering us from the power of the grave (Hosea 13:14).

e) Breaking the Agreement with Death: In Christ, our covenant with death is broken, and we are set free (Isaiah 28:18).

Biblical Example:
In 2 Samuel 1:26, Jonathan died prematurely in battle, but David was spared by God's providence. Jonathan was caught in the wrong battle, but David lived on to fulfil God's purpose.


The enemy often tries to bring death and destruction upon God's people, but God has given us the authority to cancel every plot of the enemy.

a) The Enemy’s Desire to Kill: Just like Saul pursued David's life, the enemy seeks to take our lives prematurely (1 Samuel 31:2).
b) Spiritual Warfare Against Death: We must engage in spiritual warfare to cancel any plan of death against us (Ephesians 6:12).

c) God’s Intervention: God frustrates the plans of the wicked, turning their evil plots into nothing (Job 5:12).

d) God is Our Refuge: In times of danger, God hides us in His presence, shielding us from harm (Psalm 27:5).

e) The Power of Prayer: Through prayer, we cancel every plan of death and declare life in abundance (James 5:16).

Biblical Example:
In Acts 12:1-11, Peter was imprisoned and set for execution, but through the prayers of the church, an angel of the Lord delivered him, and his death was averted.


As believers, our words have power, and we must declare God's promises of life over every situation that tries to bring death into our lives.

a) The Power of the Tongue: Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and we must speak life (Proverbs 18:21).

b) Confessing Life: When faced with threats of death, we must confess, "I shall not die, but live" (Psalm 118:17).

c) Authority over Death: In Christ, we have authority over death and the grave (Revelation 1:18).

d) Living to Declare God’s Works: Our life is preserved so that we can fulfil God's purposes and declare His goodness (Psalm 118:17).

e) Standing in Faith: We must have unwavering faith that God will deliver us from every threat of death (Hebrews 11:6).

Biblical Example:
In John 11:4, Jesus declared that Lazarus’ sickness would not lead to death, but to the glory of God. Though Lazarus died, Jesus raised him from the dead to demonstrate God’s power over death.


The fear of death can cripple our faith, but as believers, we are called to overcome fear and live in the assurance of God's protection.

a) Fear Not: God repeatedly tells His children not to fear because He is with them (Isaiah 41:10).

b) Perfect Love Casts Out Fear: God's love for us drives out every fear of death (1 John 4:18).

c) Confidence in God's Protection: We can trust that God will protect us from every danger and deliver us from premature death (Psalm 91:5-6).

d) God’s Presence Brings Security: When God is with us, we are secure, and death has no power over us (Psalm 23:4).

e) Victory over the Fear of Death: Jesus has defeated death, and we can live without fear of it (Hebrews 2:14-15).

Biblical Example:
Paul (Acts 27:22-24) was shipwrecked but did not fear death because an angel of the Lord assured him of his safety. Paul stood firm, and all lives on the ship were saved.


God grants wisdom and protection to avoid death by mistakes, accidents, and calamities. We must live with spiritual alertness.

a) Divine Guidance: God leads and directs our steps to keep us from the traps of the enemy (Proverbs 3:5-6).

b) Avoiding the Paths of Death: Wisdom teaches us to avoid situations that can lead to death (Proverbs 14:12).

c) Seeking God’s Counsel: In every decision, we must seek God's direction to avoid dangerous mistakes (Proverbs 16:9).

d) Protection from Calamity: God protects us from accidents and calamities as we commit our ways to Him (Psalm 91:10-11).

e) Angelic Protection: God has given His angels charge over us to protect us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11).

Biblical Example:
In Acts 27, Paul was shipwrecked, but God spared his life and the lives of others because Paul listened to God's guidance.

As believers, we reject death by mistake through faith in God's promises of life, divine protection, and His plan for our lives. We must continually declare life, cancel every plot of the enemy, and walk in the assurance that God will preserve us from premature death. With the power of the Word of God and prayer, we stand against every scheme of death and destruction and proclaim that we shall live to declare the works of the Lord.


1. I declare that I shall not die, but live to declare the works of the Lord.

2. Father, expose and destroy every plot of the enemy against my life.

3. Lord, cancel every agreement with death over my life and family.

4. I declare divine protection over myself and my loved ones in Jesus’ name.

5. Holy Spirit, guide me away from every danger and mistake that leads to death.

6. Father, cover me with Your presence, and hide me from the attacks of the enemy.

7. I speak life into every area of my life that the enemy seeks to destroy.

8. Lord, deliver me from the fear of death and fill me with confidence in Your protection.

9. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

10. Father, let Your angels protect me from every danger and accident in Jesus’ name.


1. I declare that you shall live and not die, and every plot of death against you is cancelled.

2. Every agreement with death over your life is broken in the name of Jesus.

3. I decree that you will escape every mistake, accident, or calamity designed to take your life.

4. The Lord will expose and destroy every enemy monitoring your life for harm.

5. I declare that God’s protection surrounds you, and no evil will befall you.

6. You are preserved by the blood of Jesus from every form of untimely death.

7. The angel of the Lord will guide your steps and keep you from danger.

8. I decree that death by mistake is not your portion, in the name of Jesus.

9. You will live a full life, fulfilling God’s purpose and destiny for you.

10. I declare that you are hidden in the shadow of the Almighty, safe from every danger.